Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 409 The chain reaction of changing destiny

Chapter 409 The chain reaction of changing destiny

The information age allows people to receive massive amounts of information, but too much information can cause people to lose the ability to distinguish between true and false information.

Especially since many people just want traffic, all kinds of rumors and eye-catching topics can be thrown out.

When many people receive information, they cannot guarantee whether the information they receive is true or false.

Therefore, the attitude adopted by most people is the information they want to believe, that is, the true information, and they spread it freely within their own circles.

This makes it increasingly difficult to distinguish between true and false news.

For example, building bridges and paving roads is a great act of kindness.

Most people don't care about the truth at all, they just want to vent their grievances.

The official refutation of the rumor later revealed that the real situation was that of Roadhog. It didn’t matter at all and there would be no traffic. The fact that the comment area could exceed 100 is already impressive.

"Fox"'s street interview was gimmick enough, and it quickly became a hot search topic.

The three-headed dog of hell, an African-American man endowed with divine powers, saves a white mother and daughter who were once trash, but finally abandoned evil and turned to good.

The image of the Lord is white.

If any one of them is pulled out individually, it will have a certain flow rate. When superimposed together, the flow rate will explode.

However, the focus of American netizens is not concentrated on the three-headed hell dog.

In their view, with today's technology, it is too easy to create that fake video.

Those who want to believe will choose to believe that the three-headed dog of hell exists.

People who don't want to believe it just think it's a prank by the show crew to gain traffic. This is not the first time Fox has released fake news.

The discussion of this incident mainly focused on the black and white debate.

Why is God a white man?

Especially when an African-American man says something like this, most African-Americans can't help but think that this is a naked betrayal, and there must be dirty money transactions and discrimination hidden behind it.

White people are also angry.

There is no problem that God is a white man, but why would a white God give divine power to an African-American but not to them?

Even in movies, if God is of African descent, he will give the white male protagonist divine power.

Wouldn’t the God who loves white people give it to white people?

For a time, both sides angrily criticized Fox and the other faction online, even to silent passers-by.

If support is not absolute, then it is absolute non-support.

During this cyber war, the FBI also paid attention to this case and sorted it out as quickly as possible and handed it to Nate's desk.

The old man is having a headache on how to keep his affairs under control as much as possible.

It is not a good idea to admit to the world that there are monsters or other worlds, or to be judged to have Alzheimer's disease.

Of two evils, which is the lesser?

Aides and campaigns are chattering away.

The FBI handed over the report, and Nate took it. There were reports about David and the forensic autopsy results on the three-headed hell dog.

He ignored the quarrels and watched the autopsy results of the hellhound in detail.

The body structure is different from any known creature, and the three heads are truly natural, without any trace of technological grafting.

Computers were used to simulate body muscles to determine the strength of the three-headed hellhound that could kill an elephant.

In addition, the mysterious saliva secreted by the mouth is highly corrosive, almost like strong acid. If you bite it, your flesh and blood will melt.

These characteristics are enough to prove that this three-headed hell dog is a low-level monster. Why can such a low-level monster appear on the streets of New York?

Nate couldn't figure it out, but he knew exactly which side he should choose.

As time went by, more and more monsters came from other worlds, and he couldn't hide it, so he might as well take the initiative to speak out.

He wants to keep the secret of his sometimes not very bright mind, so he has to abandon his car to save his handsome man.

"Jing Jing, fire Karin immediately and arrange for her to work at Citibank One."

As soon as Nate spoke, the room fell into silence, and everyone calmed down to listen to him, "Don't people always speculate that we have a deep state?

That said, Karin is a controller of the deep state, and she is trying to hide information about other worlds and monsters.

But I persisted in thinking about the safety of the American people, resisted the pressure from the deep state, and insisted on informing the public about otherworldly and monster-related matters. "

Saying so many words in one breath, Nate felt his thoughts become clearer and clearer, "Let the three-headed hell dog be our display object to show that monsters really exist.

David, who claims to have met the Lord and is of African descent, asked him to meet me on Air Force One and spread the news.

Tell the current mayor to resign and give up the mayor's position to David.

When I am re-elected, I will fully support him as the next president.

He resigned so that he could take over the project related to Noah's Ark. "

What Nate said made the staff present deep in thought, and they exchanged glances with each other, thinking that such a move could indeed improve Nate's image to a certain extent.

Faced with the crisis of alien monsters, people in the United States prefer political stability.

A mentally retarded guy has been re-elected in that way before.

"Mr. President, you are right, I will make arrangements now."

This sentence received no response, and the people present were used to Nate's behavior. It was like a buggy program that would get stuck from time to time, but it didn't matter.

As long as the program continues to run, no one wants to try to fix the bug. The press conference could be attended by the White House press secretary instead of Nate.

As for the conversation with the mayor of New York, there is no need to worry.

Everyone is their own people, and as long as the interests are sufficient, they can make the mayor of New York resign, and then mobilize the people inside to pass David through the democratic election, directly defeating his opponent in the first round and becoming the new mayor.

Others would do that, and Nate would just have to wait for news.


Qingze discovered that the ability to weave fate is very powerful.

Just because he wrote a plot where David rescued the white mother and daughter from the three-headed hell dog, and then, the Book of Destiny created a three-headed hell dog from scratch.

It was not a pieced together three-headed hell dog like Moonlight Moria. Qingze checked the skin surface in detail, and there were no traces of sewing or patching.

That's a real three-headed hellhound.

Even the mouth contains corrosive liquid like sulfuric acid. This was not written by Qingze. He only wrote about the three-headed hell dog, but did not specify the appearance and abilities of the three-headed hell dog.

Additionally, David becomes mayor of New York City seven days later.

This shows that the Book of Destiny cannot bend certain established rules.

Just like the mayor of New York City, if David wants to be the mayor, there is a specific process. The Book of Destiny can speed up this process, but it cannot circumvent this process.

But these are rules for people, rules for nature, and the Book of Destiny can easily violate them.

In places where there are no earthquakes, he can create earthquakes at any time, and he can also create creatures in the non-existent world like the three-headed hell dog.

What makes Qingze wonder is, after the next week, will the words recorded in the Book of Destiny still be executed correctly?

The current Book of Destiny records the fate of two people.

On the same page, the fates of both the Avengers and David are written.

Zingze didn’t know the name of the Avenger, but he chose to use the title of Avenger when writing the death process of Cordis Dupont.

He couldn't figure it out. The Avenger only appeared after he wrote it?

Or rather, there was already such a person, but the destiny he wrote indirectly pushed that person.

If he wrote the Avengers, that means the Book of Destiny can affect the past of mankind.

There was no past in the past, but a past appeared after he made it up like this.

This is not impossible. The Book of Destiny can create a three-headed hell dog out of thin air, but it may not be unable to create a real past.

Just such questions flashed through his mind, and were quickly thrown away by Qingze. What was Leziren thinking about?

He decided to do something shorter.

After thinking about it, he decided to go back to Tokyo to find Emily.

Unlike Qiuyue and the others, Emily is the kind of "little potato" who Qingze knows and will not be burdened by pranks.


Shinjuku, Kabukicho 1-chome.

The increasingly hot sunlight dimmed the street, which was not as gorgeous as the night.

Above the Big Sheep Bar, Emily was wearing plush pajamas, with two rabbit ears dangling above her head. The 17-degree air conditioner allowed her to maintain this look and still feel cool.

She wasn't wearing stockings, and her bare feet were just pressed underneath her.

Emily sat cross-legged and was flipping through short videos about Nate's speech, mainly reading the comments section.

I have to say that the netizens in the comment section of those videos are all very talented.

There have been ongoing debates about whether monsters exist and whether Nate has Alzheimer's disease.

Then another interview with Fox on the street.

Emily's little face showed contemplation.

Blonde and white, the characteristics fit Dior, but with a loving face?

When Emily imagined Dio's appearance, she could only associate it with coquettishness or danger.

If Dio put on a loving expression, Emily imagined it and immediately laughed, "Haha, it can't be that guy."

After laughing, she shouted: "Katerina, is the black tea ready?"


Catalina came over with black tea and placed it on the table.

Emily reached out to pick up the teacup, and when she raised it to drink, the handle suddenly broke, and the cup of black tea poured directly onto her body.


Emily yelled quickly, stepped on the sofa with her feet, and said angrily: "Damn it, the quality of the tea cup is so bad, have you been cheated by the merchant?"

"No way, I'm fine with this cup. Maybe you're unlucky."

Katarina answered.

Emily rolled her eyes and said, "What are you talking about? The quality of the teacup must be poor.

Damn it, I have to change my clothes and go out to buy a new set of teacups. "


Catalina didn't argue with her, it would be nice to go out for a walk.

(End of this chapter)

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