Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 400 The Hot Girls Attack

Chapter 400 The Hot Girls Attack

Tokyo Disneyland is located in Maihama, Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture, but it is within the Tokyo metropolitan area, so there is no problem in calling it Tokyo Disneyland.

After the exam in the afternoon, students from Class 2C went to Ayase Station together.

No student in the class could resist the temptation of a free trip to Tokyo Disneyland.

Even the monitor did not choose to work part-time, but took a day off and planned to go to Disneyland.

There is always a Disney princess dream in every girl’s heart.

Even if this dream is the result of Disney’s constant publicity over the years, it is still a romantic place worthy of a woman’s visit.

As the sponsor of the treat, Peter naturally became the focus of the class.

Aozawa and Tetsuji Hojo sit together, mixed in the boys' team, and this division of camps is a silent understanding.

The girls sit in one row and the boys sit in another row.

At this time, even if they are lovers, it is impossible to sit together, as that will attract the attention of the whole class.

Qingze didn't care in his heart, but Akizuki Iroha obviously didn't think so, let alone the eldest lady.

Since getting on the bus, that person has been completely chatting with Sayuri Yoshikawa and Manami Nomura.

Didn't even look at him.

"Damn it, that guy Peter actually used money to attack."

Hojo Tetsuji clenched his hands into fists, he still believed that Peter had ulterior motives for Sayuri.

Everything he did was to attract Sayuri's attention.

The only thing that made him happy was that Sayuri focused on chatting with the eldest lady and Nomura, and didn't pay too much attention to Peter.

Qingze wanted to complain in his heart that this man paid more attention to Peter than Sayuri.

But he didn't say anything, he just handed the potato chips over and asked, "Want to eat?"


Hojo Tetsuji grabbed a large handful and stuffed it into his mouth. He didn't know how to write the word polite at all.

Qingze looked at the few potato chips left in the bag and didn't care. He picked up one and chewed it in his mouth.

The tram moved forward rapidly, and the carriages echoed with the noisy final-term students.


After one hour.

Everyone arrives at Tokyo Disneyland.

What comes into view is a majestic and spectacular Disney Castle, standing in the center of the central square, exuding a strong fairy tale atmosphere, making visitors seem to be at the gate of a dream world.

Around the castle, various recreational facilities are arranged in an orderly manner.

The daily flow of people is quite large.

"Wow! Look, that's really a castle!

It's so beautiful. If I could hold my wedding in the castle, I would be satisfied for the rest of my life! "

Sayuri Yoshikawa held her cheeks in her hands, her expression full of intoxication. She was captured by the gorgeous castle in an instant, and she couldn't help but look forward to the future prince.

She usually sees descriptions about this place on the Internet, but the price of Tokyo Disneyland is still a bit burdensome for students from ordinary families.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji looked at the Disney castle and said with a very calm expression: "Ordinary."

As for the castle, Phoenix House also has one, located on an island in the Pacific.

That island is the private property of the Phoenix House, and there is a beach on the island. Why not hold the stay at the castle?

She thought about it and decided that this was a good choice. Let's not talk about it for now, but give Sayuri a surprise when the time comes.

"Hey, Qingze, how much does it cost to hold a wedding there?"

Hojo Tetsuji poked Aozawa's waist with his elbow and asked impatiently.

Qingze rolled his eyes and said: "I am Qingze, not Wikipedia Qingze.

But don’t worry, as long as you become a well-known cartoonist, your income will be enough for you to hold a wedding there. "

"Then I must become a famous cartoonist!"

Tetsuji Hojo suddenly wanted to draw comics and decided to add this experience into the comics.

However, a lot of people have to be eliminated, only he and Sayuri.

"Okay, everyone can play whatever you want. I'll activate VIP. With the VIP tickets, you can play any item, go to the restaurant to spend money, and you can also use the express lane without waiting in such a long queue."

Peter waved the VIP tickets distributed in the car. He had no plans to play in Tokyo Disneyland with the boys.

This time he invited the whole class to Tokyo Disneyland. His main purpose was to explain his idea of ​​reforming Russia to Sayuri, and then invite her to join the company in the future.

Rounding things off, Tetsuji Hojo will also join his company to work.

Then there is Nomura Manami. If you get this one, Kyouichiro Furuzawa will basically be in the bag.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji can only be regarded as a secondary target.

He also knew that it was basically hopeless to have a good relationship with this young lady in a short period of time.

Peter's current strategy is to keep his face familiar, and the rest depends on how Qingze performs.     If there is a flaw, he will have a chance.

If there is no flaw, there is nothing we can do about it.

Peter didn't like to engage in that kind of conspiracy. He was used to seeing the intrigues between his father and that man. He believed that Russia could not be saved by conspiracy. He also believed that only by using upright conspiracy to live and do things can we create a truly great cause.

A man must be aboveboard.


Tokyo Disneyland covers a large area. If students from Grade 2 C are thrown into it, it will be like a grain of sand falling into a lake without making any waves.

Most of the popular amusement rides have tourists waiting in queues that are so long that people feel like they are going to suffer from heatstroke.

Fortunately, you can take the fast track with VIP tickets, which greatly reduces the queuing time.

Akizuki Iroha did not rush to drag Qingze to Space Mountain, but started playing with other projects.

From Toy Story to the Indiana Jones Adventures to the Tower of Terror.

After playing until dark, the two used Peter's VIP ticket to choose a restaurant to have an expensive but ordinary dinner, and then headed to Space Mountain.

This is a classic item at Tokyo Disneyland, an indoor roller coaster with a theme of space adventure.

Qingze sat down. He looked at Qiuyue Caiyu's nervous expression, clapped his hands and comforted him: "It's okay. If you're afraid, just hold my hand."


Akizuki Iroha replied, thinking that she was not nervous.

and what comes next, roller coasters are child’s play.

She glanced at Qingze's pants, thinking about the angle and strength.

Qiuyue Caiyu took a deep breath and secretly encouraged herself.

His vision gradually fell into darkness, eventually reaching the point where there was no difference between opening and closing his eyes.

Qingze stared into the darkness without fear at all, but he suddenly felt a slight chill in his abdomen.

The top that was supposed to be covered was lifted up, and then there was a warm touch.

This is? !

He turned his head, his expression of shock submerged in the darkness, his delicate hands as smooth as washed soap.

Qingze's breathing became heavy suddenly, and he could still hear other tourists talking in his ears.

The sound of such exchanges greatly stimulated his heart to beat and his blood flow accelerated.

"It's so dark." "The phone is turned to the brightest, but the video is still dark. It's a shame, no one will watch this kind of video."

"Can I experience fear when I can't even see the road?" "I don't know. People who have been there say it's scary."

The normal voices of tourists became very loud at this time.

Qingze took a deep breath and whispered: "Caiyu, you."

"Shh, don't talk, don't move, just sit there."

Akizuki Iroha's red cheeks were covered by darkness, and her heartbeat was beating very fast.

Thump, thump, mixed with the voices of tourists around him, Qiuyue Caiyu felt that the temperature of his brain was gradually increasing, and he felt like he was stubbornly pursuing to solve unsolvable mathematical problems.

The roller coaster started, and the tourists in front and behind shouted loudly.

You can't see the people or scenery, you can only feel the thrill of the roller coaster from the rumbling sound and the oncoming wind.


Qingze also started shouting.

As we approached the exit of Space Mountain, everything returned to calm.

The bright light fell on the person, and Qingze showed an unfinished expression, turned his head and said: "Caiyu, let's sit down again!"


Qiuyue Caiyu shook her head, her pink lips had a hint of crystal luster.

Qingze's face showed surprise, "Caiyu, you."

"Stop talking."

Qiuyue Caiyu felt that the shame in her heart was about to explode.

"Okay, then let's go play other projects."

Seeing her persistence, Qingze said nothing more and planned to move on to the next project.

There are many things to enjoy at Tokyo Disneyland.

"it is good."

Qiuyue Caiyu nodded and sealed what she had just done at Space Mountain in her memory.

It’s a rare trip to Tokyo Disneyland, so naturally I want to have fun and not waste Peter’s money.

(End of this chapter)

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