Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 391 Life and death are in my hands

Chapter 391 Life and death are in my hands

Some people say that the DuPont family is a piece of American history.

They witnessed with their own eyes the rise of the United States from weakness to hegemony. They were once submerged in the torrent of history, and then were made bigger and stronger by the genius of their family.

If there is anything that has not changed over the years, it is probably to ensure the birth of geniuses.

The custom of marrying close relatives remains within the family.

The Dupont family is different from ordinary people. They have enough capital to bet on whether the children they give birth to are geniuses, mediocrities, or deformities.

George married his cousin and gave birth to six children. Five of them were deformed, and only Hill was the most normal.

That was his third son, whom he was proud of. He inherited the family's fine genes, had good academic performance since childhood, and had a flexible mind. He regarded him as his future successor.

For the other five children, he had not seen them for a long time and just kept them alive out of sight.

"Your son was killed by me. If you want revenge, follow the phone's location and come here."

It was a familiar number, but the voice that came was not a familiar voice.

George was sitting on the sofa, his expression slightly stunned, and his hand holding the phone slightly harder. Before he could get angry and say harsh words, the call had been hung up.


When such a voice fell in his ears, he immediately became furious and kicked the woman in front of him with his foot.

The face that was sought after by countless men did not dare to show any resentment. He just swallowed silently and sat there on his knees like a loyal dog.

The collar around her neck also identifies her.

The so-called famous actresses are just characters packaged by capital.

George still felt upset, grabbed the wine bottle on the table, hit the woman hard, and roared: "Asshole, I want him to die!

Brad, you immediately gather my guards and search the location of Hill's mobile phone. I will cut the person who killed Hill into pieces! "

Having said this, George's anger gradually dissipated and his heart became calm.

He remembered that Hill accepted the invitation from Venomous Bee and went there to discuss business.

George had already heard about Hill's private sales network, but it was different from the reaction of normal people when they heard their son did that kind of thing. He thought that his son was a genius for doing that kind of thing.

Hill actually built such a huge sales network without relying on family strength.

Therefore, he has never done anything to control his son's behavior.

He believed in Hill's ability and there would never be any surprises.

Why did this happen suddenly?

George began to think in his mind, could someone want to imitate the Rockefeller family?

When the White House changed, the DuPont family was able to survive. It was not as the CIA guessed. It was simply a cunning rabbit who got the news in advance.

The DuPont family deliberately used false addresses to confuse others.

In fact, if the Rockefeller family was given more time, it would be possible to find their real settlement.

This has also led to the current DuPont family living in scattered places to avoid being lumped together.

Someone wanted to use Hill's death to lure him out.

George knew this, but did not want to escape. He had confidence in the strength of the guard he had formed.

But he still called his father to explain the current situation.

"Okay, go ahead."

Not surprisingly, George got the answer.

The DuPont family has never been afraid of explicit threats. As long as they know which family is targeting them, they can respond.

Especially now.

The original eleven consortiums have become six major consortiums.

The wealth that the DuPont family can monopolize has increased, and their connections in politics and the military have also increased simultaneously.

George knew that he had become a pawn in his father's eyes.

But he didn't care much. As long as the vanguard did well, he would also be rewarded.


Hill's cell phone location cannot be found by outsiders, but as Hill's father, George naturally has a way to know the location of his son's cell phone so that he can quickly find his whereabouts when necessary.

In these years, this was the first time that George used the positioning function, but he did not expect that it was for this kind of thing.

He was sitting inside a bulletproof vehicle, holding a shotgun in his hand, wearing a bulletproof vest, helmet, ground panoramic night vision device, noise-cancelling headphones, etc.

There are flash bombs, shock bombs, and grenades in the bag on his waist.

Although George is a businessman, he is secretly a military enthusiast and often goes out hunting in full gear.

The small Latin American countries are his hunting ground.

The members of the guard he formed were all retired SEAL elites, with a total of thirty people.

George paid them to retire early and instead serve himself.

"Mr. George, we have seen the location of the mobile phone."

The captain's voice came from the headphones.

George replied: "Very well, boys, let us hunt the enemy!"

The bulletproof car stopped.

Rumbling sounds came from the sky, and a military helicopter was descending from high altitude.

The searchlight scanned the building located by the mobile phone.

This is an unfinished office building with nine floors in total.

Judging from the outside appearance, it seems to be almost completed.

Doors and windows have not yet been installed, only the eighth and ninth floors are equipped with glass curtain walls, and exterior wall scaffolding covers the front.

It was surrounded by iron sheets, and the door showed obvious signs of being violently torn open.

George opened the door without showing his head, hiding behind the bulletproof door, and said: "The first team will go first to see the situation.

Teams 2 and 3 looked around.

The fourth team is preparing to provide fire support in the air, and the fifth and sixth teams are on standby! "


There was a sound coming from the earphones. George watched the five people in the first team rush into the building quickly, and the second and third teams looked around to check the situation. The helicopter's searchlight swept towards the building, and a heavy machine gun was set up on the door, and the muzzle of the gun adjusted its direction according to the searchlight.

The light from the searchlight made the room somewhat bright.

Qingze judged the location from the light and picked up a two-meter-long steel bar with his right hand. He quickly rushed to the edge of the uninstalled glass curtain wall and threw the steel bar in his hand towards the helicopter.

The searchlight also swept across Qingze's body, and the heavy machine gun immediately let out a crisp roar.

"Enemy found!"

Ta-ta-ta-ta, Qingze kicked his foot back, splashing mud flowers on the ground, like heavy rain falling on the lake.

In just a short moment, no one knows how many bullets poured down.

Qingze watched as a splash of mud scratched his ankle.

Sure enough, physical abilities still have limits and cannot block attacks from sharp weapons.

A slight scratch from the cement piece hit by the bullet caused his skin to break.

However, it is not a serious injury, it is a small wound that can be left alone and will heal on its own later.

A crunching sound came from outside, the steel bars hit the propeller, the helicopter tilted immediately, the searchlight slid upward, and bullets hit the scaffolding and wall surfaces.

"We are under attack!"

The captain of the fourth team shouted quickly.


George didn't need any notification from him. He watched the helicopter fall from the sky to the ground, and then a bright fire broke out in the night, illuminating the littered needles and garbage on the ground.

What kind of weapon is this?

A trace of doubt flashed in George's mind. He didn't even notice what brought down the helicopter, so he said: "Team 6, fire rocket launchers towards the seventh floor to suppress it.

The second and third teams rushed inside immediately and killed everyone they saw! "


The captains' voices came from the headphones.

They are all elites who have experienced bullets and bullets, and they have no sadness or fear at the death of their companions.

In this line of work, one is prepared to die at any time.

Team 6 quickly fired a rocket launcher towards the seventh floor.


Qingze used the ability of the sound of all things to capture the sounds. He did not need to touch these sounds with his right hand, he could extract the sounds by just making a grabbing posture.

Then he turned and ran downstairs.

The second and third teams quickly broke into the office building, wearing night vision devices that allowed them to ignore the darkness.

The red dot swayed with the muzzle of the gun.

Back to back, they moved forward quickly, not rushing to the top, but searching the bottom first.

"There is no abnormality on the east side of the first floor." "There is no abnormality on the west side of the first floor." "Everything is normal on the south side."

"Get ready to go to the second floor."

The captain of the first team just revealed his plan.

There was a roaring explosion above the head, and the reinforced concrete above was penetrated by Qingze's rocket launcher. The sound of the rocket launcher and the strength of his muscles caused pieces of cement fragments to turn into a deadly rainstorm.


The helmet protects the captain's head, but the bulletproof vest's protection against sharp objects is obviously not as good as a stab-proof vest.

His hands and thighs were deeply pierced by cement fragments, and then a large cement board knocked the three people to the ground.

The remaining two team members are very professional.

One person raised the muzzle of the gun, and the other threw the grenade directly upward.

Qingze jumped down, slapped the grenade back with his backhand, and picked up a corpse with his right foot to block it in front of him.

Boom, the grenade exploded.

Hundreds of steel balls immediately scattered, smashing the two people around them into a sieve.

Qingze quickly dodged and rushed into the next room, then jumped out from the glassless window.

There is not enough time, and if you procrastinate any longer, you will have to go to class later.

He decided to end the hunt.


With the gray-white filter covering his eyes, Qingze didn't need a second to run from the side to the front of the building and saw the very thick, bulletproof vehicle like an armored vehicle, and the people standing there commanding.

The improvement in physical fitness makes the stop time seem to become longer, and more things can be done in nine seconds than before.

He exerted force with his legs, and in just two seconds, he rushed in front of George, stepped back, and punched through the heart.

Qingze withdrew his hand, entered the car, broke the man's neck in the driver's seat, and penetrated the body of the man in the back seat.

Point rocket launchers at their men and fire them.

After doing these things, Qingze jumped out of the car.

Time begins to flow.


The screams of the first captain reached George's ears. Just as he was about to ask what happened, he heard another popping sound.

The whole person instantly jumped forward through the car door, flipped over and landed on the ground.


George couldn't even realize the fact of death, and his consciousness returned to darkness.

Qingze's body turned into a breeze, and he used his ability to travel around the world to return to school.

(End of this chapter)

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