Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 383 The boxing champion has wronged you

Chapter 383 The boxing champion has wronged you

The battle is going on fiercely, and aside from the fact that Amat in Area C is a little disgusting, the remaining seven areas are still in a stable style that can make people excited.

The fist-to-fist fight looks exciting.

Qiuyue Caiyu couldn't understand, but she felt that those people were beating hard, and they were like Qingze practicing kendo, so fast that people couldn't see clearly.

Their fists and kicks could knock someone away in just two blows, and she felt like she was watching an action movie, but the time was too short.

"Wow, Saeko, look, that person's legs are so long!"

"Okay, don't be so excited."

Saeko Takahashi was shaken twice, her eyes swept across the field, and she said with a rather surprised expression: "Hey, isn't that Tetsuji Hojo?

It turns out that he is also participating in this game. "

"where is it?"

Akizuki Iroha swept the field and found that Tetsuji Hojo was placed in area C. A trace of worry suddenly appeared on his wheat-colored cheeks, "Are you actually in the same competition area as that pervert?"

"It's really painful to watch someone you know being ravaged by a pervert."

Tsuchima Yuan said this, with an expression on his face that he was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

Akizuki Iroha rolled her eyes at her and said, "Madoka, Hojo is our classmate, you have some sympathy."

"Mainly Qingze's friends."

Madoka Tsuchima directly exposed Akizuki Iroha's lies, spread her hands and said: "The scope of your love house is too big, and I haven't even spoken to Hojo Tetsuji a few words. There is no need to worry about whether his chrysanthemums can be saved."

"Qingze will be sad."

Qiuyue Caiyu shook his head.

A good friend was hospitalized due to that kind of perversion, which may leave a lifelong psychological shadow.

As a friend, how could Qingze remain indifferent.

Akizuki Iroha knows very well that Qing Ze seems to be gentle, but his temper is unexpectedly violent, and he has zero tolerance for things he doesn't like.

Takahashi Saeko patted her shoulder and said: "It doesn't matter, Hojo Tetsuji is not that kind of weak guy.

When we first met, I knew that guy was not easy to mess with. "

"Well, I always thought that Hojo was an uncle who repeated grades all the time. Unexpectedly, he actually turned out to be sixteen after taking off his sunglasses and beard. It's amazing."

Akizuki Iroha changed the topic to the impact of makeup on people, and the others naturally discussed topics that had nothing to do with the competition.

Aosawa, who turned into the breeze, did not continue to listen, but just stared at the field. The voice coming from Tetsuji Hojo was not inferior to Amat at all.

Considering the ages of both parties, Amat is indeed not the strongest martial artist in mankind.

In other words, Tetsuji Hojo's body is too abnormal?

He thought about it and thought the latter was very likely.


While the stage was chattering, Tetsuji Hojo in the audience was thinking about one thing. How should the next comic plot develop?

The urgency of the air, the cry of the contestants being beaten.

It stimulated his brain to a certain extent, but the comic plot that emerged was like a mosaic of pictures.

Yes, there is, but people can’t see it clearly.

He was very irritable.

"I'll start on the count of three."

When the referee sees the player entering the circle, he says, steps back from the circle and starts counting, "One, two, three!"

"What a headache. This is the most powerful martial arts club on the planet. It's not a children's play house. Even a brat like you can participate. The organizers of the competition are really not rigorous at all."

The opponent in front of Tetsuji Hojo was an African-American player with a fluffy afro, dressed like a boxer, with a red vest and red shorts, but no gloves on his hands.

"Ruger Uligi, the world heavyweight boxing champion, was previously invited by the Sumitomo Consortium to play in a friendly match, and then at their request, he participated in this match."

The male assistant introduced the new players and added: "Tetsuji Hojo, sixteen years old. Hey, can you even register such a person?"

The expression on his face was very surprised, and he felt that there was something wrong with the person responsible for registration.

This is the most powerful martial arts event on the planet. It is not a children's play house. If a sixteen-year-old comes up and is beaten to death, it will arouse people's unfavorable public opinion about this competition.

People naturally sympathize with the weak.

When adults fight each other, no one will say anything about the accidents that occur. If an adult beats a child to death, it is something worthy of condemnation.

People have reason to blame the organizers for their management negligence.

"It was indeed ill-considered to allow boxing champions to participate in this match. They are too weak to break the wall."

Phoenix Academy Meiji made a comment, and the male assistant next to her wanted to complain that the heavyweight boxing champion couldn't break a wall with one punch, but it was enough to kill an adult, let alone a teenager.

"Are you scared?"

Seeing that the other party was in a daze, Luger scratched his afro.

Among the heavyweight boxing champions, he has always been known for his violent style, constantly cutting away the vitality of his opponents like a beast.

Even so, he is not a real beast, there is still a trace of humanity in him, shouting: "Hey, kid, you quit now, I don't have to beat you."

My principle is that once you take action, regardless of age or age, you must beat the person until they are hospitalized.

If you don't want to be hospitalized, just give up quickly. "

"It's okay, I have the same style."

Hojo Tetsuji came back to his senses, raised his right hand to push his sunglasses, but suddenly realized that his sunglasses had been taken off, so he clenched his sunglasses into a fist and said, "Come here!"

"Since you insist on fighting, I respect your opinion."

Seeing that the boy was unwilling to back down, Luger decided to use his true skills to make him understand how cruel the adult world was.

His body jumped up, and the muscles all over his body gradually relaxed during the beating. Then, to a beat that sounded in his heart, he kicked his feet on the ground, and appeared in front of Tetsuji Hojo in an instant as if he was wearing roller skates.

Luger implements his own style and goes all out when he takes a shot.

He first pretended to throw a left hook, but when Tetsuji Hojo didn't respond, he turned it into reality and hit the boy's chin hard, and then hit the chest with a right straight punch.

Bang bang, the feedback from both punches was that they hit the steel plate. This guy? !

He took a sharp breath and wanted to retreat quickly, but his body had not yet carried out the order in his head.

Tetsuji Hojo punched him in the chest.

Luger experienced the feeling of flying. He leaned back, and the octagonal dome came into view. The shining light illuminated his eyes, and then darkness flooded his sight.

Boom, he fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

"Oh, when inspiration comes, I draw a battle plot. At the end of the summer trip, I really need the enemy to appear and target the heroine."

Hojo Tetsuji retracted his fist and muttered to himself, "What identity should I set as the villain?"

"Victor Hojo Tetsuji!"

The referee reacted and felt that being the referee in area C was not good for his heart. In just a short while, two shocking reversals occurred in succession, which made him hope that the players in the fourth game would be normal.

Hojo Tetsuji turned around and walked towards the entrance, thinking about the plot in his mind.

"Hey, partner, you are indeed here under the guidance of fate."

A man walked out from Area E, with blond hair and a face full of energy, like a proud lion.

Hojo Tetsuji raised his head, a look of confusion flashed across his face and asked, "Who are you?"

"Haha, you are so funny."

Peter laughed.

Hojo Tetsuji looked at the narcissistic smile and recognized this guy as Peter, "Don't call me partner casually, my partner is only Aozawa."

He retorted angrily and continued towards the entrance.

Peter smiled. The more Tetsuji Hojo was unwilling to submit to him, the more he wanted to subdue him.

Only he, who was born in Russia, understands how important this will not be influenced by money and power is.

Whatever your talent is, you can make up for it the day after tomorrow. This firm will is by no means something you can have casually.

Kyouichiro Furusawa and Aosawa are also people with that kind of will.

Peter wanted to win them all.

Even if he and Qingze are love rivals, it does not affect his appreciation of the other person's will not to be shaken by money.

He walked towards the playing field in Area E.

"Come on, Peter!"

Akizuki Iroha and Takahashi stood up, waved, and cheered loudly. The tickets were all sponsored by this person. If you don't shout twice, I'm sorry for the 500 million yen tickets.

Peter gave them an OK gesture and felt very satisfied. Players who had a support team on stage were different from others.


Time passed quickly, and at noon, the players had a free lunch.

The audience in the auditorium also had free lunch, which was not very luxurious, but it was able to fill their stomachs.

Most people choose to order extra money. They are either rich or reimbursed from public funds, so there is no need to suffer the consequences of eating free lunch.

The hot foursome enjoys a free lunch.

While they were eating on stage, the competition in the audience did not stop.

"The schedule is too tight."

Akizuki Iroha complained that the intense pace of the competition made her feel like the organizers wanted to finish all the competitions within an hour.

Takahashi Saeko nodded and said: "Indeed, such an event should be extended as long as possible."

"After all, why is this kind of competition suddenly held?"

Qiuyue Caiyu's eyes flashed with doubt.

Mihara Kaoru thought for a while and said: "Perhaps you want to revitalize the tourism economy?

This is the first time to promote this kind of activity to test the waters. If it is normalized in the future, it may be able to attract many tourists from all over the world. "

"If this is the case, then the time should be more relaxed and not so rushed."

Madoka Toma shook his head and said with a smile on his face: "I am more inclined to the conspiracy theories mentioned on the Internet. There is definitely a conspiracy in this."


Qiuyue Caiyu thought about it and thought that it was superfluous to think about those things.

She took out her phone and took a photo of her lunch.

Takahashi Saeko smiled and said: "Send it to Qingze?"

"Well, let him see what the lunch of 500 million tickets looks like."

Akizuki Iroha replied with a smile.

Qingze looked away from the field. He had already selected the experimental subjects.

Most of these contestants have cruel temperaments, and there are very few who truly have the spirit of martial arts.

There is some suspense about the top eight contestants, that is, Area C. There is not much difference in the voices between Tetsuji Hojo and Amat.

Qingze used Schrödinger's Cat to jump back to the villa and remove the ability to replace elements.

The phone screen on the table lights up.

He unlocked it, started replying to Iroha's message, and then made instant noodles for lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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