Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 381 The winner is the one who survives until the end

Chapter 381 The winner is the one who survives until the end

The morning sun was already a bit hot. Takahashi Saeko successfully returned to the three of them with a black card. She said with a smile on her face: "Iroha, please remember to treat me to milk tea."

Qiuyue Caiyu wiped the sweat from her forehead with her hand, her expression full of shock.

She no longer knows how to express her inner thoughts. Is it because Saeko is too charming?

Or is Peter too rich?

Two billion, you can easily come up with it in less than a minute of conversation.

When can I be so cool?

Qiuyue Caiyu fantasized about that scene in her mind, but found that she could imagine the most heroic scene, that is, taking Qingze to the most luxurious restaurant to eat casually, but she didn't know how to spend two billion.

Poverty limited her imagination.

“Damn it, when will I become rich?”

"Just make a decision."

Mihara Kaoru put his hands on Akizuki Iroha's shoulders and said with a smile: "You can get a lot of property if you take a brave step."

Qiuyue Caiyu said angrily: "I don't do anything illegal."

"It's not illegal at all."

"What shall we do then?"

Akizuki Iroha couldn't help but feel a little curious when she heard that she could get a lot of money without breaking the law.


Mihara Kaoru smiled and did not rush to say it. It was not the time to say it yet.

Takahashi Saeko patted Akizuki Iroha on the shoulder and said, "Don't chat here and buy tickets quickly to avoid them being sold out."

"Are there so many rich people in Tokyo?"

Qiuyue Caiyu once again felt that she and those people lived in a different world.

She walked forward quickly, leaving the venue where people were eating melons, and entered the VIP channel where tickets were purchased.

There is a blogger in front.

"My heart aches, brothers. Five hundred million yen for a ticket. If you really want me to take advantage of you, then I have no choice but to give it a try."

Hearing what this blogger said, Qiuyue Caiyu suddenly realized that she was indeed a fashion blogger.

When it comes to raking in traffic like this, fashion bloggers don’t seem to care.

"Zezi, can I live broadcast?"

"No problem, I don't mind being on camera."

Saeko Takahashi shrugged.

Qiuyue Caiyu thought for a while, then shook her head and said: "Forget it."

She doesn't like to show her face on live broadcasts, and she won't want to let them show their face to gain traffic.

It would be bad if it caused unnecessary trouble.

"Iroha, you don't have to think so much."

Madoka Doma pinched her cheek.

Takahashi Saeko took out her black card and swiped it, bought four tickets, and successfully entered the Tokyo Budokan.

Qiuyue Caiyu's attention was attracted inside again, and she said excitedly: "This is my first time here."

Tsuchima Yuan smiled and said: "It's not my first time. I think I was here with someone last time. I remember his name was..."

After thinking for a while, Madoka Doma did not remember who the man was, and shrugged: "Forget it, I completely forgot about him."

"Wow, what a tactful speech."

Qiuyue Caiyu praised, then glanced at the people entering the venue, and whispered: "There are many foreigners."


Saeko Takahashi nodded, and he could probably guess the identities of those foreigners, who were all diplomatic ambassadors.

If such a competition is officially launched in Tokyo, it will easily attract the attention of other countries and want to find out what Japan wants to do.

They entered the main venue on the ground floor.

Rows of seats surround the main venue, divided into upper and lower floors. The octagonal dome makes the space look particularly empty.

Bright lights.

Qiuyue Caiyu sat down with the tickets and found that the auditorium opposite was different from this one.

"It's strange, why are the people sitting across from me so neat?"

"Those should be exclusive seats for the super rich. Look, those of us who bought tickets are all sitting on the east side."

After hearing Takahashi Saeko's explanation, Akizuki Iroha looked around and found that she was right.

Scattered people sat in the east seats.

Outside, there seemed to be a lot of people buying tickets, but when we sat down, we found that there were still only a few people who could afford 500 million yen to buy tickets.

The east side alone cannot be filled, let alone the other three sides.

Qiuyue Caiyu looked forward. Almost all the people sitting there were wearing suits and sunglasses. It seemed that only one person was wearing casual clothes and had blond hair.


Hey, Qiuyue Caiyu blinked, and she suddenly found that the other person was a bit familiar, "Look, does that person look familiar?"

Takahashi Saeko followed the direction she pointed, stared at the blond hair on the opposite side, looked at it carefully for a while and said, "That is Phoenix Academy Princess."

"Hey, so she is really the eldest lady?"

Qiuyue Caiyu's face was full of shock.

She was in the class before and thought that the girl just had a temperament similar to that of a young lady and her family had some money.

Unexpectedly, the other party left school and entered the society as a young lady.

The distance from her seemed even further than the classroom. She was like a virtual big shot living on TV.

Wait, let's put it this way, the police chief is also a great person.

Oops, after such a round of comparison, Qiuyue Caiyu found that she was really the worst.

It wasn't the first time she had such thoughts, but it was the first time she intuitively felt how big the gap between their identities was.

It’s not the difference of more words and fewer words, it’s the real difference. As soon as Saeko Takahashi looked at her expression, he knew he had been hit by the other party. He raised his hand and touched his head and said: "Okay, it's not the first day you know about this. Come on.

Moreover, the great disparity in status can sometimes become your chance to win. Think about it, how could Meiji's mother in the Phoenix Institute allow Qingze to have a few different careers?

The police chief will probably not really allow it. As long as you persist, you will win. "

"It doesn't matter if you give up."

Madoka Tsuchima added.

Qiuyue Caiyu clenched her hands into fists and said with fighting spirit on her face: "No, Saeko is right, I want to become Sima Yi!"

After being analyzed in this way by Saezi, she found that she had a great advantage, just like Sima Yi in the Three Kingdoms, who could not compare with Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang.

But as long as you make it to the end, you are the winner.


West, on the second level of seating.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji is reading the information related to the competition.

The organization of this strongest fighting competition on the surface was very hasty, but the people above were very concerned about it. When deciding who would be the coordinator, Hu Die recommended her to play.

This is trust in my daughter.

Phoenix Academy Meiji didn't want to betray her mother's trust, so she arranged the layout of the venue, competition rules, medical equipment, etc. in the shortest possible time without any accidents.

Even she felt tired.

Anyone with management experience knows that trying to manage more than a dozen people can make people anxious and want them all to die.

Not to mention, Phoenix Academy Mei Ji manages not a dozen people, but tens of thousands of people.

Especially with so many melon-eating people gathered outside, security work must not be sloppy and they must not be allowed to disperse.

Reputation is also what attracts martial artists to participate. Champions need people's cheers.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji exhaled and used her mobile phone to browse the battle list uploaded below.

If you want to organize a competition quickly, you naturally cannot use the previous method, otherwise it will be too time-consuming.

There are a total of 182 martial arts masters who signed up this time.

Such a large number of people, not only martial arts masters, but also agents from various countries, probably want to figure out the significance of Japan hosting this most powerful martial arts event on the planet.

The competition is divided into eight divisions from A to H.

Considering the time, the top eight players will be decided directly today. People from each division will continue to compete against each other. The last one standing will advance to tomorrow's competition.

In other words, one hundred and seventy-four people will be eliminated from now on.

Although the game allows killing people without much restriction, there are still rules to determine the outcome.

One is abstaining, and the other is the opponent falling to the ground.

Not everyone will be killed, and the relevant medical teams must also be prepared.

"Has the medical equipment arrived?"

"Miss, we are already in place."

"Very well, let's start the first round."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji announced that she found a familiar name from the list.

Her originally mature and steady expression showed a hint of shock.

"Miss, is there any accident?"

"No, nothing."

Phoenix Academy Meiji shook her head, wondering in her heart, why did Hojo Tetsuji appear here?

Isn't that idiot worried about how to draw comics?

She was a little worried and said: "Milun, I still don't trust medical equipment. You go and supervise it to make sure there are no mistakes."

"Hi." Miwa Ichimu nodded. He knew very well that this event would not be easy to host. There were too many deaths and it would be easy for the outside world to question it.

He turned to supervise.

Without the butler by her side, Phoenix Academy Meiji quit the group and found Tetsuji Hojo's friend, "Tetsuji, why did you participate in the competition?"


Players in each district have a dedicated large lounge.

In the lounge of Area C, Tetsuji Hojo was sitting on a chair thinking about the upcoming comic plot. When he heard his cell phone ringing, he picked it up, looked at it, and replied: "Miss, how did you know that I participated in the competition?"

"Nonsense, I'm right there, what are you doing?"

“A man’s inspiration comes from his blood and sweat.”

"You are really stupid. Forget it. If you can't stand it, give up. Don't be brave. If you die, Sayuri will marry someone else and have children."

"Don't say such sad things!"

Hojo Tetsuji quickly replied, feeling that he had been underestimated. When it came to fighting, he had never been afraid of anyone.

"Amat dos Santos and Komatsu Toda, go to exits C1 and C2 to prepare for the second game."

The staff shouted with the list.


Like an earthquake, the lounge trembled. Hojo Tetsuji looked up and found that the sound came from one person.

Amat is over two meters tall and his waistline looks about the same as a bathtub, but it doesn't make people think he is very fat, it just makes him look strong.

A necklace of animal teeth hung around his neck. The top of his head was shaved, but there were golden dreadlocks around him, and the corners of his mouth were full of stubble.

His big palm is enough to crush a person's head like a tomato.

Even Komatsu Toda looks a bit small under his tall and strong build.

Gudong, the casual expression of the staff suddenly turned into fear, and he realized that the people in the big lounge were all a group of monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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