Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 374 The first confrontation between the eldest lady and Hojo Shinoko

Chapter 374 The first confrontation between the eldest lady and Hojo Shinoko

This is the first time for Phoenix Academy Meiji to distribute flyers.

I thought this was a very easy job. It only took less than a moment to distribute all the flyers in my hand.

But she obviously underestimated the difficulty of this job.

The crowds coming and going had no intention of stopping at all, or maybe their expectations were off.

She handed over the flyer in her hand. The men's expressions were a little excited at first, but after seeing the content of the flyer clearly, they became bored again and left indifferently.

Adults are so realistic.

Phoenix Academy Meiji knew that what they wanted to see from the flyer was not suitable for children.

What a bunch of guys whose minds are full of pornographic waste.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji thought to herself, the expression on her face remained unchanged. In her opinion, it was too cheap to show a false smile and come forward to socialize for such a trivial matter.

In the business world, even hundreds of millions of yen in business can't bring a smile to her face. Only long-term cooperation and tens of billions of profits in business are worthy of the young lady's hypocrisy.

The summer sun was blazing, and Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy walked around the street without sending out any of the flyers in her hands.

Only gained a lot of sweat.

"Would you like some orange juice?"

Qingze handed over a bottle of canned orange juice. Phoenix Academy Meiji chose to sit on the edge of the flower garden, put the flyer next to her, and asked: "How is your distribution?"

"There aren't many left."

"No way?"

Only then did Phoenix Academy Meiji realize that the leaflet in his hand had become very thin, "Qingze, why are you begging others?"

"Don't use words like pleading. Whoever distributes leaflets is just like you, with a straight face, thinking they are paying people's wages, with a condescending expression."

When Qingze said this, he reached out and pinched her tender cheeks, lifted up the corners of her light red mouth and said, "You have to smile so that your leaflets can be sent out."

"Manami is right, it does smell like perfume."

Phoenix Academy Meiji was more concerned about the taste of his fingertips than experiencing the touch of his thumb on her lips.

Qingze retracted his hand and said without changing his expression: "There is no fragrance at all, it's all a mental illusion on your part."

"Why are you so nervous? I'm not your friend and I can't care about your affairs. I just feel sorry for Qiuyue that she actually likes a scumbag like you."

Phoenix Academy Meiji turned her head. She was still very small-minded. She knew that Qingze and Morimoto Chiyo lived together, and it was normal for them to smell of perfume.

But she couldn't pretend not to know about such a thing. If it was revealed, she couldn't pretend not to know.

The jealousy in his heart turned into sharp words and poured out.

Qingze picked up the flyer she placed next to him and said with a smile: "You can't find another responsible man like me in the whole world.

Don't you think this is a difficult and romantic thing to do to make everyone happy? "

"Language is really incredible. If you just change the words, you can speak so righteously even if you have a few feet on the boat."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji complained, and took half of the flyers from his hand, saying: "Keep handing out."

"As you command, my eldest lady."

Qingze pretended to be the princess's guardian knight.



What started out as a cover fundraiser turned into a real fundraiser.

The box was filled with money from passers-by.

Sayuri Yoshikawa said with excitement: "Everyone is so kind-hearted."

Aozawa glanced at Tetsuji Hojo behind him. He took off his sunglasses and beard, and his appearance became youthful and heroic, and his eyes were no longer covered by sunglasses.

He could imagine that when Sayuri Yoshikawa held the donation box and excitedly asked passers-by for help, the passers-by wanted to refuse. Tetsuji Hojo immediately stared at the passers-by and transformed into an angry lion.

I believe most people will be kind-hearted and flee in a hurry.

This isn't a fundraiser at all, it's just collecting protection fees from passers-by at the entrance of a shopping mall.

Qingze complained, but did not tell the truth to disappoint.

Hojo Shinoko was surprised by this result. She held the lunch box and said, "Let's eat."

"Oh, how about showing me Shinoko-chan's bento?"

Sayuri Yoshikawa quickly took it apart and took a look. The exquisite furnishings inside made her exclaim: "It's amazing, better than what my mother made."

"so so."

Hojo Shinoko is very humble.

Sayuri Yoshikawa said with a smile on her face: "This is not an ordinary level, none of us can do it."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji corrected: "Sayuri, you can't, but I can still cook."

"No way?"

Even Nomura Manami was surprised at this time.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji looked at them with ghostly expressions, and said angrily: "Mei Cai and pork, I will make it for you to try next time I have a chance."

"Please let us taste the craftsmanship of the eldest lady."

Nomura Manami clasped his hands together, and a trace of doubt suddenly flashed in his mind: "Why do you want to learn how to braised pork with pickles?"


Meiji from the Phoenix Academy was slightly startled.

It was obviously inappropriate to lie in front of Qingze, and it was also inappropriate to tell everyone that I was doing it for Qingze.

After thinking for a while, Meiji from the Phoenix Academy said in a calm tone: "I was grateful to Qingze for taking care of me earlier. I made braised pork with pickled vegetables to thank him."


Nomura Manami spoke in a long voice and said with a smile: "Qingze, how does the pork with pickled vegetables taste?"

"good to eat."

Qingze nodded. Yanagimachi Natsuka next to her suddenly said: "Aozawa-senpai, how do you like Shinoko's fried pork cutlet?"

When the topic suddenly came up, it was naturally Yanagi Machi Natsuka who wanted to assist Shinoko Hojo.

We can't just let the enemy's wingmen attack unilaterally, our own wingmen must also move, and we must not be silent.

What was originally a very ordinary question suddenly seemed to have a somewhat contrasting flavor after the previous sentence.

Phoenix Academy Meiji pretended not to know what it meant and didn't pay too much attention to the answer, just like the employees who were listening to the leadership meeting.

Let the leader talk freely on it, and it doesn't matter in his heart.

As for whether to agree or criticize, the result will be determined after a meeting.

Hojo Shinoko didn't think about that, she simply looked at Aozawa expectantly, hoping to get a good comment.

Xia Hua, this girl really deserves a beating!

Aozawa will definitely take care of Yanagi Machi Natsuka later, and the atmosphere of what was originally a harmonious lunch changed due to her words.

The fried pork cutlet also tastes like smoke.

"Of course it's delicious."

He did not deny Hojo Shinoko's bento.

Nomura Manami's eyes lit up, and he wanted to make a big move. Which one of the two food is more delicious?

Phoenix Academy Meiji exited the employee status, picked up the meatballs in time and stuffed Nomura Manami's mouth, and said with a smile: "This meatballs are delicious, you have a try."


Nomura Manami chewed the meatballs, and the sauce on the meatballs seeped into his mouth. He nodded and said, "It is indeed delicious."

"Mainami, don't talk when you are eating."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji reminded her very gently, picked up the beef in the lunch box, chewed it, and commented: "It tastes good, but the meat is not too fresh.

In terms of ingredients, you still have to limit your cooking skills. If you want to make chili stir-fried beef, you have to use Angus beef. "

"Hey, I think so too. As expected of a senior, even if he doesn't cook much, he can tell the flaws of my dishes at a glance with his rich experience. It's really amazing."

There was a hint of surprise in Hojo Shinoko's eyes. She usually had no experience in sharing cooking skills with others at home.

This is the first time I have a serious exchange of cooking skills with someone.

...The smile on Phoenix Academy Mei Ji's face is a little frozen. Is this a compliment to her? Or are you mocking the eldest lady who has no fingers in the spring water and only knows how to use her mouth?

The words meant something like that, but looking at this person's expression, it didn't seem like that.

It made Phoenix Academy Princess jump repeatedly between being angry and not being angry.

"Hey, we can't cook it, but we can still eat it."

Sayuri Yoshikawa showed a proud expression.

Qingze noticed that something was obviously wrong in the atmosphere and said with a smile: "Haha, me too, well, spinach is so delicious!

Tetsuji, please use your chopsticks and don't eat slowly. "

"it is good."

Hojo Tetsuji responded, lowering his head and eating hard.

Phoenix Academy Meiji suppressed the thought of opening her mouth and discovered that Hojo Shinoko was also a dangerous person.

Rather, anyone of the opposite sex who has Qingze's contact information will be regarded as an enemy.


The fundraiser continues until 3 p.m.

Shinoko Hojo couldn't play anymore, and Natsuka Yanamachi couldn't hold on, so she decided to go shopping at the Silver Department Store.

Incredibly, Natsuka Yanamachi had enough energy to go shopping in the department store.

Hojo Shinoko was not that strong and chose to rest on the bench on the ground floor of the mall.

Phoenix Academy Meiji also excused herself from going shopping with them because she was too tired. She sat next to them and handed them orange juice.

"Senior Phoenix Academy, I should be the one to invite you."

"It doesn't matter, I can afford a bottle of orange juice."

Phoenix Academy Meiji put the orange juice on her lap, opened her own orange juice tab, took a sip and said, "I heard that you make a bento for Qingze every day at noon."

Hojo Shinoko nodded and said: "This is to repay Senior Qingze for taking care of Oni. Does Phoenix Academy Senior want it?"

"No, I have lunch at home."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji rejected her proposal, her eyes glanced at her fair cheeks, and she fell into deep thought.

What words should be used to dispel this person's good impression of Qingze?

After thinking about it, Phoenix Academy Meiji didn't say anything after all, feeling that such behavior was a bit despicable.

Hojo Shinoko is her friend's sister after all.

"Senior Phoenix Academy, what do you want to say?"


Phoenix Academy Meiji leaned back and stared at the ceiling of the mall.

Hojo Shinoko took a sip of orange juice and said, "Senior Phoenix-in, you are such a gentle girl."

"Hojo, let me tell you something. Don't trust others easily. People who seem nice may have bad intentions."

Phoenix Academy Meiji tilted her head, her long golden hair falling down her shoulders, "I am that kind of person."

"Although Senior Phoenix Academy looks difficult to get along with on the outside, has a sharp personality, and looks down on others, he is still very gentle on the inside. Please have more confidence in yourself!"

Hojo Shinoko encouraged her.

"..." Phoenix Academy Meiji secretly clenched the orange juice can, and said with a smile: "I really thank you."

"You're welcome."

Hojo Shinoko smiled.

The two seem to get along well...

Qingze moved his hand away from the wall and felt relieved. It was great that there was no quarrel.

(End of this chapter)

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