Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 367 The generation involved in the struggle

Chapter 367 Chiyo involved in the struggle

New York, Long Island.

The bright sunshine is shining outside the hotel, and through the light blue printed door curtain, a faint halo spreads inside the bedroom.

On the large bed, a long and voluptuous snow-white leg was pressed against the quilt. The person turned sideways and looked upward. The slit in his pajamas reached to his waist, and a thin purple belt made a slight mark on the thin waist.


A soft voice echoed in the air. Chiyo Morimoto woke up, glanced at the ceiling, blinked, and let her thoughts return to her mind.

She picked up her phone, unlocked it and saw that the time was already 8:21 am.

She slept too late yesterday, so she overslept today.

Pulling down the message bar with his index finger, the temporary worker hired sent a message to report that Qingze had arrived home on time.

There are also reminder messages for forum posts. She pays special attention to Emilie and will quickly remind herself whenever that person posts.

Chiyo Morimoto pointed her index finger, looked at the post sent by Emily, combined it with the code words, and transformed it into a sentence.

"It's wonderful."

She replied, indicating that she had received news that Dio and Emily were traveling to the Great Blue Hole.

I still encountered alien monsters while traveling, but now the monsters are directly invading this world?

Dio denies that the Fire Giant is himself, and also denies Mirante's statement that there can only be one power.

The new apostle and Dio are suspected of having a bad relationship?

Chiyo Morimoto rubbed her temples, only to feel that the amount of information was too much, and then she became very concerned about the condition that the power does not affect the body.

If it can't affect the body, how did Dior's longevity come about?

Do apostles naturally live longer than humans?

Chiyo Morimoto thought for a while and chose to use her mobile phone to send an email to Jack, convert it directly using CIA password software, and then send it.

This information should help Jack in his bid to become director of the CIA.

She got up and walked to the bathroom, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and took a shower.

The hotel only separates the bathroom and wash basin with a glass door, which is very convenient. The toilet is in another room alone.

Chiyo Morimoto looked at herself in the mirror and had no idea what to do today. The CIA was still in chaos.

Everyone was busy fighting for power, but she was left out of the matter.

It was gratifying to fish, but it was difficult for her to feel at ease when fishing without a clear direction.

Chiyo Morimoto took off her pajamas and put on short jeans and a green large T-shirt to cover up the two guns at her waist.

Even if you don't plan to go out, you still need to carry your gun with you. This is the United States.

Always make sure you have enough ammunition in your waist, and nothing bad will happen.


Chiyo Morimoto had no plans to go out, so she asked the hotel to bring breakfast to her. After eating, she began to take care of her body and skin daily, practicing yoga and fighting skills to ensure that her reflexes would not become sluggish.

People are similar to tools. If you don't exercise regularly, your body's response will gradually become sluggish.

Excessive exercise will lead to hidden dangers for the body, and the degree is difficult to control.

It also took Chiyo Morimoto some time to figure out the limits of her body and ensure scientific exercise methods.

Ding bell~ The doorbell rings.

Chiyo Morimoto glanced sideways and asked, "Who is it?"

“Housekeeping service.”

Hearing the other party's answer, Morimoto Chiyo frowned slightly. If she remembered correctly, the guest room cleaning service was not at this time.

The man quickly squatted down and said, "No need."


After this reply, silence fell outside the door, and Chiyo Morimoto sensed a hint of murderous intent from the silence.

It's a very mysterious feeling, without any evidence, it just feels wrong.

She quickly retreated to the balcony, jumped from here to the next balcony two meters away, opened the door, and entered the room inside.

The balcony of this hotel was connected to the bedroom. She saw two fair-skinned women rolling together, seemingly wanting to engage in some activity.

Seeing Chiyo Morimoto enter the bedroom, the woman below said with an angry expression: "Who is she?"

"Honey, I don't know her."

The woman above answered quickly.

Chiyo Morimoto showed the gun on her waist and said casually: "You don't have to worry about it, just continue."

As she spoke, she left the bedroom, walked to the door, quietly opened the door, and looked outside.

On the corridor of the hotel, three dark-skinned men in black clothes stood at the door of her room. They did not hide the guns in their hands, as if they were waiting for her to approach and then shoot.

Why did this happen to me?

Chiyo Morimoto couldn't think clearly, but she knew what she should do.

She took out her M17 pistol, opened the door quickly, and pulled the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang, the bullet broke through the air. By the time the three heard the sound, it was already too late.

Chiyo Morimoto's marksmanship is not a stroke, he is a very accurate marksman.

Three headshots.

They had no chance to resist at all, just like a supporting character who was hit by the protagonist of a movie, they fell directly.


Two women screamed from inside.

Chiyo Morimoto turned around and said: "Don't worry, I am a good person. If you don't believe it, I will call the FBI now to prove my position."

These words made the two scream even louder. Can there be any good people in the FBI?

They never trusted the lizardfolk government.

Chiyo Morimoto had to close the bedroom door and use her mobile phone to call the CIA's contact number.

She was surprised that she was attacked for no apparent reason.

She is a small character, who wants to send someone to kill her or capture her?


Soon, the FBI arrived on the scene. “Hello, I’m FBI agent Justo Keys.”

The man showed his ID. He was wearing a suit and leather shoes and looked elegant.

But the professional ability is definitely not bad.

He walked over to the three corpses, looked at the tattoos on their bodies, and explained: “The three of them are all gang members, and the tattoos on their arms should be those of Blood Ax.

They are a bunch of guys who will do anything for money. "

Chiyo Morimoto shrugged and said, "I haven't made any grudges with anyone since I got here."

"That has something to do with the confidential information you carry."

Justo replied casually, "A situation like this is not a vendetta, it is a conflict of interests. The secrets you carry threaten a certain big shot and make him want to eradicate you."

"Rather than threatening someone, the information itself is of great value."

Chiyo Morimoto was thoughtful.

As expected of the United States, those agents have become particularly rampant in their actions, directly hiring people to kidnap people door-to-door.

The CIA's confidentiality work is also very poor. Is there a power struggle involved?

She couldn't deny this fact.

There may be a rivalry between those responsible for covering her tracks and those who don't.

The best way for the latter to attack the former is to make the other party make mistakes in important work, which will have a bad impact on the boss.

As for the losses that the erroneous work will bring, that is not what the latter thinks about.

Getting to the top is what ambitious people should do now.

No wonder she called the CIA, but the person who came was the FBI. It was obvious that the person in charge wanted to take her out.

"In that case, we will escort you to a safe house where you can be protected."


Morimoto Chiyo nodded, now he can only take one step at a time.

Justo stayed to deal with the incident and asked two colleagues to escort Chiyo Morimoto out of here.

As soon as he walked out of the hotel door, Chiyo Morimoto felt something bad.

A motorcycle came from the other side of the road at a very fast speed, and two people were wearing safety helmets.

The person in front is responsible for twisting the throttle to the maximum.

The man in the back seat pulled out a submachine gun.

Morimoto Chiyo reacted quickly and immediately ducked to the side.

Da da da.

A series of gunshots rang out, the two FBI agents were beaten to pieces on the spot, and the hotel door crackled and shattered to the ground.

Motorcycles pass by.

Seeing the opportunity, Chiyo Morimoto rushed out of the hotel, pulled out his M500 revolver, and pulled the trigger with his index finger.


Gunshots sounded like firecrackers, and the bullets directly penetrated the body of the man in the back seat, and then opened a hole in the chest of the man in front.

The motorcycle lost control and swerved on the road, hitting the fence of the nearby yard.

Chiyo Morimoto did not stay here and quickly returned to the hotel.

Justo, who heard gunfire from above, ran down and looked at the broken glass, some panicked guests, and colleagues lying in a pool of blood.

"Did those people from Blood Ax do it?"

"I don't know. I advise you not to go out. It's better to call for reinforcements."

Chiyo Morimoto didn't know how much the Blood Ax would cost, but he knew very well that it was unreliable for three or four people to protect him, so it was safest to call for reinforcements from the brigade.

"you're right."

Justo quickly took out his cell phone and called his colleagues for more reinforcements.

Chiyo Morimoto complained: “It’s not easy to do your job.”


Justo hung up the phone and said with melancholy: "You never know what a person who pretends to surrender will take out of his bag.

It only takes one shot of a gun to take away a life. "

"I advise you not to stand there, it's better to find a place to hide."

Chiyo Morimoto reminded.

Justo suddenly understood, and quickly found a safe place to hide his body, and sighed: "Miss Morimoto, you really know how to deal with a gunfight better than any of us."

"Tokyo cannot be called peaceful."

Chiyo Morimoto answered with a smile, but she began to miss the scenery of Tokyo in her heart. Not long after leaving, she already started to miss Aosawa.

Thinking about it carefully, this was the first time in her life that she had been separated from Qingze for such a long time.

No matter what happens, we can meet face to face within one day.

I don't know if the kid is asleep, but he should be asleep at this time.

I really wanted to make a phone call to wake up Qingze, but I considered that it might wake Qingze and prevent the other party from falling asleep.

She still held on to the urge and chose to let Qingze have a good sleep.

However, Chiyo Morimoto must call Jack's phone number and urge him to quickly find a way to get him back.

There is nothing to do here, and it is easy to get involved in power struggles.

As for the Secretary of State, there must be no time to meet with a little person like her now.

Maybe this is a good opportunity to return to Tokyo.

she mused.

(End of this chapter)

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