Chapter 359

There is poisonous gas all around, but there is no pungent smell to remind people to escape from here.

The faint sweetness is like the gentle palm of a lover, making people who are caught in it neglect their precautions.

The FBI, Army, and SWAT officers responsible for peripheral defense fell to the ground in pain, but no one came forward to rescue them.

The sound of gunfire broke the silence of the past, like New Year's firecrackers that kept going off, covering up the wails and screams.

Sometimes, no one on either side of the war can even see them, and a series of bullets are already pouring out without distinction, and they all rely on luck to hit the enemy.

Occasionally, you can still hear the popping sounds of rocket launchers and grenades exploding.

But those will eventually be drowned in the roar of low-altitude fighter planes, and the missiles that followed made the earth-shattering sound explode, impacting the eardrums of both warring parties.

Sometimes a fighter plane or helicopter is shot down by a missile and falls diagonally to the ground from the sky.

Any building that is in the way, whether it is two or three stories, will explode in an instant.

Only death awaits those inside the building.

Human life is the cheapest commodity at this moment.

Vincent stood on top of the Pentagon, using binoculars to observe the battlefield situation across the Potomac River.

There is a river between the White House and the Pentagon, and the straight-line distance does not exceed three kilometers, allowing him to grasp the battle situation in time.

The resistance there was as fierce as imagined. There were more than tens of thousands of guards on the outer and inner perimeters. It was normal for them to be unable to defeat them for a while.

The quick response from Langley Air Force Base was a bit unexpected, but it did not affect the overall situation.

The ground reinforcements have already crossed the bridge and reached the other side, and will eliminate the resistance within the time he expected.

There is no need to worry about problems in the Capitol and the roads outside will be blown up.

Congressmen are turtles running around in a urn.

Vincent thought in his mind, and felt relieved to see that everything was the same as he expected.

He is not as confident as he looks.

I have participated in more than one military exercise before.

But it was the first time in my life to actually command a war.

He has not become a mediocre person on paper, and he is worthy of his usual efforts.

Vincent thinks about how to deal with the Rockefeller family and how to win the huge war sweeping the world.

The flame suddenly rose, and he discovered an unusual sight through the telescope. His tense face showed an expression of shock for the first time, "That's..."

After a pause, Vincent said with a solemn expression: "Superpower person."

This was a completely unexpected variable.


Flames peeled off one building after another and gathered over the White House Plaza like a flock of crows returning to their nest.

Flames swirled in the air.

At this moment, the fierce gunfire came to a standstill.

The two sides in the firefight looked at the flying flames, and the first thought in their minds was, what kind of advanced weapons did the enemy use?
  Is it an enemy or a friendly force?
  They did not shoot into the flames before drawing a conclusion.

The flames first took on the shape of a tornado, and then quickly merged into the appearance of a human being. No facial features could be seen, only the blazing flames, and the head and limbs that could be distinguished, which were a full [-] meters long.

The high-temperature flames made the air hot, and the giant was like a scorching sun hanging in the sky, radiating dazzling light to the surroundings.

"Oh! Is the White House still hiding this secret?"

Bruno stayed in a truck and looked at the flame giant standing there with a shocked expression.

He didn't think it was the effect of naked-eye 3D. He lowered his gaze and saw CIA Director Keith's eyes almost glaring out of shock, and he thought it was the White House.

It couldn't be Vincent either.

Third party?

Thinking of this, Brutt suddenly felt bad and shouted: "Go faster."

"Sir, there's nothing I can do about it. Look at the cars parked on the road. They don't obey any traffic rules at all."

The driver behind the wheel was tall and strong. He poured vodka into his mouth to refresh himself while complaining. Only under such circumstances could he drive as steadily as an old dog.

Bruno frowned and pointed to the sidewalk, "Isn't it very spacious over there?"

"Hey, are you serious?"


Bruno just wants to get away from Washington as quickly as possible. He doesn't care at all how many Americans die.


The driver angrily scolded the officer for being cruel, drank another vodka, and looked at the people running away in panic on the sidewalk.

He pressed the accelerator to the floor, turned the steering wheel, and the truck rushed onto the sidewalk at high speed.


People screamed louder and the speeding truck crashed onto the pavement like a tank.

Anyone in the way was knocked away, and not everyone carries a gun with them when they go out.

Blood splattered on the front windshield. The driver opened a new bottle of vodka and continued to drink it.

The wailing and screaming were all ignored by Bruno. He stared at the flame giant in the distance, thinking about his identity. Is it Dio or another person with super powers?

Silence reigned on this battlefield. No one knew which side of the friendly force the suddenly appearing flame giant was, and no one dared to shoot at will or continue to attack the enemy.

Qingze scanned the surroundings and felt that there were low buildings everywhere. Wherever he looked, it was originally a mess. People running out in a swarm gradually became calmer or were stunned when they saw him.

One by one, they raised their necks like unwinded robots.

He raised his right arm. This simple action quickly touched the hearts of everyone present, including the senior officials who were watching the situation outside the bunker.

Gudong, even Vincent swallowed subconsciously.

He was calm and focused, trying to see who this person wanted to help.

Qingze activated a defensive force field and judged the US military, FBI, SWAT, Army, and Secret Service as enemies.

The defensive force field centered on him and spread to the surroundings in a ring.

The two parties who were still waiting suddenly saw colorful lights flashing in front of their eyes. The next second, their whole figures seemed to be hit by a high-speed train traveling at full speed, and their thoughts went black for an instant.

In Vincent's eyes, he only saw colorful diamond-shaped light shields flashing all over the buildings around the White House.

All houses where the US military, FBI, Secret Service and others were hiding were destroyed without exception, as easily as exploding a watermelon with a grenade.

Countless pieces of houses mixed with flesh and blood were scattered on the outer roofs, crashing like a storm falling suddenly on Washington.

"Ah, Lord! I am your most devout believer, please protect me, Amen!"

There are priests on the street shouting loudly, holding the cross with both hands, and kneeling devoutly.

For those who do not believe in God, they regard the flame giant as gods such as Allah and Fire Sky.

No matter what religion you believe in, when you look at the flame giant, you will feel that it is the incarnation of the god of your religion.

This move makes those who do not believe in God feel confused. Which one should they believe in?
  After thinking about it, some people decided to believe in the most famous God, while others thought that a partial god might be more representative of that person, so they chose to believe in the most partial god whose name they had never even heard of before.


"Destruction of both sides?"

Vincent used a telescope to peer into the distant scene. With the flame giant as the center, the scene became flat.

The mansion that used to be so dignified and shone with power is no exception.

After all, it was just a royal residence for mortals.

In the eyes of superpowers or apostles, it is not worth mentioning.

But this power seems to be different from the information provided by the Rockefeller family. In that record, the ability of colorful light can directly resist space-based weapons at an altitude of [-] meters.

The current scene looked shocking, and compared with the attack distance, it seemed extremely short.

Not the same person?

Vincent thought of this and said expressionlessly: "Order the fighter planes to launch a remote attack test on the flame giant, and then prepare freezing bombs and poison gas bombs!"

Jida who was next to him was shocked and said: "Vincent, that's enough. In this case, we still don't want to provoke that person.

Wouldn't it be better to just wait for him to leave? "

"Jeda, you are so naive."

Vincent shook his head.

To be honest, if Jida hadn't really had a relationship with him and was his friend, if someone else had raised such a question, he would have been killed directly without even bothering to explain.

He doesn't need stupid, talkative subordinates.

But friends are an exception.

"What the Fire Giant pursues is not to destroy any party. He just wants to equally destroy those who dare to cause trouble."

Vincent looked through binoculars, "It's just a deterrent.

If we stop here, we will be surrounded by the White House.

Do you think that as long as I control the Pentagon, I can withstand the counterattack from Congress and the White House?
  Continuing to wait is a dead end. "

He paused and did not reveal the fact that the Rockefeller family was likely to be on the fence.

At this point, he had no way out.

Either succeed or die here as a loser.

"In the middle of the rebellion, you tell the other party that I don't want to rebel anymore. As long as you don't kill me, I will withdraw my troops and return the hostages.

Do you think this is playing house? "

Vincent's tone was strong, "Immediately issue an attack order to the 316th Wing!"

Jida thought for a moment and felt that Vincent was right. The most important thing in doing this kind of thing was to be quick and quick in order to catch the White House off guard.

Otherwise, wait for them to react and use their huge network of connections to encircle and suppress them.

They can only sit and wait for death.

The order was given to the regiment.

The pilot had no objections. In his opinion, the enemy could be destroyed by just moving his finger and pressing the button to launch the missile.

Six Sidewinder missiles streaked across the sky and landed on the flame giant's body.


The violent explosion produced thick smoke, which flooded the flame giant's body like a tide.


The priest shouted, as if he had witnessed his biological father being killed, "How could you do such a disrespectful thing to God?"

The moment he finished speaking, three flaming swords suddenly shot out from the black smoke. This was an attack produced by a defensive force field combined with the fire element.

The fire sword penetrated three missile-launching fighter planes with lightning speed, and gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the blue sky.

Qingze did not suffer any damage, and he was immune to physical damage after being transformed into flames.

Not to mention the Sidewinder missile, even if a nuclear bomb exploded here, he would not die.

But he was not going to stand here stupidly, his eyes falling on the Pentagon.

(End of this chapter)

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