Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 357 The Lieyan Plan Begins

Chapter 357 The Lieyan Plan Begins

On the brightly lit corridor, Arakawa Reina kicked her limbs hard, but the gentle face in front of her turned into a ferocious wolf at this moment.

The eyes were glowing green.

He threw her to the ground in one leap and tore her body apart with his sharp teeth.

The pain of flesh and blood penetrates into the soul.

"No, no!"

Arakawa Reina cried, and she suddenly woke up. She looked at the blurred ceiling, and the cool breath floated in the air.

The floor was a tatami, and she was covered with a thin blanket.

The surrounding area was empty, without any furniture.

Arakawa Rena looked at the surrounding situation and reached out to wipe the sweat from her forehead. It turned out to be a dream.

She was so rude that she actually imagined Qingze doing that kind of thing to her. She picked up the black-rimmed glasses with both hands, took out a tissue from her bag and wiped the lenses before putting them on.

The previously blurry vision became clear.

Arakawa Rena let out a heavy breath and noticed something abnormal in her body again.

Her face turned even redder, and she secretly cursed herself for being so shameless. She took out a few more tissues, cleaned herself up, rolled up the paper, stuffed it into her schoolbag, stood up and opened the sliding door.

Qingze's voice floated from the open living room to the corridor outside, as if he was chatting with someone.

Rena Arakawa stood there. She didn't know whether to step forward or leave silently.

The latter's words seemed to have a shameful conscience. It was clear that there was nothing going on between the two parties and they should be more candid.

She couldn't leave without even saying hello, it would be too rude.

Arakawa Rena walked to the living room, and Aozawa was standing at the bar counter of the food delivery window, using a juicer to stir apples, bananas, and mangoes together.

The mobile phone was placed on its side, and a mature voice came from the mobile phone, "Just make such a large amount, can you finish it by yourself?"

"It's ok."

Qingze replied, saw Rena Arakawa standing in the corridor, and waved: "Monitor, you're awake, put water in a cup to rinse your mouth, and then hold the water in your hands to wash your face."

"Are you taking your classmates home?"


Qingze turned his phone around, and the camera turned to Rena Arakawa who stepped forward.

She had just woken up in the morning, her hair was not tied up, it was fluffy and a little curly, and she was wearing big black-rimmed glasses. With her fair complexion and over-nourished figure, her outfit gave her a somewhat lazy and beautiful temperament.

It would be even more beautiful if you wear a top that covers your pants.

Chiyo Morimoto glanced at the girl in front of him with a scrutinizing gaze, and said with a smile: "Hi, my name is Chiyo Morimoto, and I am Qingzawa's guardian."

"Good morning, my name is Reina Arakawa."

She bowed quickly, pushed the frame of the mirror a little awkwardly and said, "You are really beautiful, Miss Morimoto."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Chiyo Morimoto smiled and suddenly asked: "Are you and Qingze dating?"

"Eh, no, no, it's not."

Arakawa Rena waved quickly, her face turned red and said, "Aozawa-kun and I are friends."

"Monitor, you actually think our friendship is just that of ordinary friends?
  I am so sad. "


Arakawa Rena's face turned even redder and she said hurriedly: "Aozawa-kun is not like this. We are very good friends."

"But you didn't say good friends just now, you just said such alienating words as friends. After all, it was my fault."

Qingze covered his heart with his right hand, pretending to be hurt.

Reina Arakawa was so anxious that she wanted to speak with every pore, but she didn't know how to say it, so she just stamped her feet on the spot.

Seeing her like this, Chiyo Morimoto said: "Aozawa, don't make fun of Arakawa-san."

Qingze quickly changed his expression and said with a smile: "Squad leader, I'm sorry, I was joking with you just now."


Reina Arakawa breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm going to wash my face and rinse my mouth first."

"Well, you go."

Qingze waved, and Arakawa Reina turned around and left the living room, sighing in her heart, and it became difficult to say goodbye to her original words.

Qingze watched her leave the living room, turned the camera towards him, and asked curiously: "I brought a girl back to spend the night, why aren't you jealous?"

"If that girl had an affair with you, you wouldn't be so open about it to me."

Chiyo Morimoto rolled her eyes at him, and just as she was about to give him some instructions, a booming sonic boom sounded in the sky, interrupting the rest of the conversation.

Even Qingze could hear it.

"what happened?"

"I don't know."

Chiyo Morimoto replied, turning the camera to the sky. Dozens of helicopters and fighter planes were flying side by side from the distant sky towards here, as if a large-scale air show was being held.

It's also like a large-scale modern war movie shot by Hollywood.

"Wow, it's really spectacular. Are there any events in Washington today?"


Morimoto Chiyo's expression was very solemn, and even his soft voice became heavy.

She didn't think it would be a good thing for helicopters and fighter planes to appear over Washington without any warning.

What a pity.

She just came to Washington to wait for the Secretary of State to summon her to report Dior's situation face to face.

Why do you feel like you are involved in something terrible?
  It's like witnessing the birth of history.

Chiyo Morimoto doesn’t want to be a passer-by who disappears in a big event.


Go forward a few minutes. At the Pentagon, a body fell to Vincent's residence.

He said solemnly: "Plans must be advanced."

Jida, who was called, looked flustered and said: "Vincent, is this too hasty?"

"The White House has long been aware of our movements, but it has not ordered arrests for a long time, and it has not even stopped the news of downsizing personnel from leaking out. Why is this?
  There is only one answer. In the White House, our names have already been recorded on the death list of the rebels. "

Vincent not only explained to Jida, but also explained the situation to other officers through the special channel of the walkie-talkie, "The White House sent a killer to kill me because the plan I proposed seemed very unsafe for the White House.

They don't want to make too much noise, so they want to kill me and then deal with you slowly.

In this situation, either the White House dies or we die.

Abandon the doubts in your hearts and implement the plan with all your strength. If we are in chaos, the enemy will be even more chaotic. "

"But none of us are ready."

"Don't panic, Your Majesty."

Vincent's cold voice has a wonderful charm at this moment, which can calm people's minds, "Andrews Air Force Base has long been infiltrated by my people.

According to the plan, they will bomb all traffic arteries leaving Washington and cut off communications.

You just need to cross the Potomac River as quickly as possible, rush to the White House and the Capitol, and don't let any target escape control. "

"Vincent, why is Andrews Air Force Base under your control?"

"Your Excellency, General, do you think I go there every week just to check the fighter planes?

The upper level can hold power only with the support of the middle level. Once the middle level changes sides, power will naturally be transferred. "

Vincent has already attracted a group of like-minded people and has a large sponsor for cooperation.

From early on, he had been anticipating how to capture Washington.

He will be prepared for anything and just wait for the right time.

If this opportunity does not come, he will only be able to do nothing for the rest of his life.

Once the time comes, he will leap over the dragon gate.

"Okay, plan ahead!"

General Issam agreed to take action, which also made the officers determined.

Vincent took out two submachine guns from the closet, handed one to Guida, and held the other for himself, "Let's go!"


Jida's expression was a little confused, but she still followed his back and rushed out quickly.

"Hey, why is the power outage?"

"There's no signal, what happened?"

People in the office noticed something was wrong.

Vincent fired a bullet at the wall and yelled: "I just received an order from Admiral Issam that someone has rebelled, and we will rush to the scene to put down the rebellion.

Everyone should stay in the office and don't wander around, otherwise they will be treated as rebels! "

His resolute expression and voice frightened those people, and the Pentagon's downsizing of staff made them panic, but no one wanted to question him and returned obediently.

Vincent led a dozen people and hurried to the second floor, intending to take control of the Golden Hall and use his status as Minister of Defense to issue orders.


The second floor of the Pentagon is called the Gold Hall.

Because there is a golden blanket under the office here.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting is being held in a spacious conference room, chaired by the Secretary of Defense himself. All generals, except for the streamlined Issam, are sitting here.

The matter they discussed was about what the White House calls a personnel reduction plan. This matter has not yet issued a formal order, but it is already something that must be discussed in the Pentagon.

They must come to a conclusion before Thursday about who should be cleared and who should stay.

"Next is the Navy."

A senior staff officer pointed at the screen. Just as he was about to say his next plan, the screen suddenly went black.

The Minister of Defense frowned slightly and said, "Who purchased the equipment?"

The senior staff officer took out his cell phone and looked at it. His expression changed drastically and he said, "Sir, my cell phone has no signal."


The Minister of Defense was shocked. The first thought in his mind was that the downsized officers would take action in advance. No, it was impossible. They didn't have the courage.

The plan should be tomorrow!
  "Vincent is the one doing the trick."

"Is he not dead?"

The Minister of Defense was shocked, where was the super killer he promised?

"Quickly, organize soldiers and prepare to suppress the rebellion!"

"As ordered."

While he was talking, the general sitting next to him drew his gun and shot the Minister of Defense to death.

The sound of gunshots echoed inside the conference room. The Minister of Defense stared at the man in front of him, "You..."

The person slumped on the chair and lost his breath.

"Please don't panic. As long as you stay here, you will be safe. If you disobey me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Hill Adams, you actually participated in the rebellion."

"Don't be so surprised. We can't just streamline the people below. The consortium also needs to be streamlined. Otherwise, the national power cannot be operated in a unified manner."

"Who is behind you?"

"The Rockefellers."

Vincent pushed the door open, and Hill stepped back with a respectful expression: "Welcome, President Vincent."

The Pentagon has since fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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