Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 348 Dio, how many friends do you have?

Chapter 348 Dio, how many friends do you have?

The moonlight was bleak, and blood spread from under each corpse. The balcony that was bustling before instantly turned into a dining table that made the vultures ecstatic.

The wind also changed from cool to cold wind from hell.

The bright red evening dress couldn't block the coolness at all. Hu Die clamped her legs and tried to control her body to avoid such a rude scene.

She felt a little regretful because she shouldn't have drank so much red wine just now.

Qingze glanced at the future mother-in-law and said warmly: "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to find you."

Boom, boom, my racing heart was relieved at this moment.

Hu Die is not an ordinary person after all. After getting this reply, she couldn't help but ask: "Master Dio, aren't you active in Tokyo?"

"When did you come up with the idea that I can only move around in Tokyo?"

Qingze asked back.

Hu Die couldn't refute, yes, although Dior has been active in Tokyo, Japan, but if you think about it carefully, no one knows when Dior arrived in this world and where he stayed.

From her fluent English just now, she could judge that this person's time living in Europe and America was definitely no shorter than that in Japan.

"How exactly can I help you?"

Hu Die asked about the secret that weighed the most on her heart. She really couldn't figure out why Dior was so special to her.
  Qingze looked at Hu Die's expression, thought for a while and said: "There are six conditions for going to heaven, one of which is that you must have trustworthy friends.

In my opinion, you have the qualifications. "

Hu Die thought a lot in private, but she did not expect such an answer. A trace of surprise appeared on her face, which was quickly covered with ecstasy, and she said warmly: "This is my honor, Mr. Dior."

Her eyes were rippling. After she realized that the other party needed friends, she immediately realized that she couldn't call him "sir", as that would go against Dio's idea of ​​making friends.

"You are indeed very smart."

After Qingze said that, he turned around and the leaves on the ground quickly rolled up again. This was his new method of element replacement. When he turned into the wind, he rolled up something, and it had a visual impact whether he appeared or exited.

Hu Die watched the fallen leaves scatter in all directions, and the surprise on her face gradually faded away.

Her eyes became cold again, and she always had a skeptical attitude toward Dio's trustworthy friend, rather than truly trusting him.

Hu Die knew in her heart that most people in high positions have a common problem, that is, they like to find reasons to beautify ugly purposes.

For example, vigorously promote the jungle law of the jungle, beautify the behavior of exploiting others, and change it to that kind of rule in the world.

Or under the banner of democracy and freedom, the people below are allowed to pursue demonized freedom and individuality, so that they can never unite together and threaten the top-level rule.

Even with such methods, people will still shout that the law of the jungle is the law of the world, long live freedom and democracy!
  Typically, after being sold, you still have to count the money for others with a smile.

That is a sign of ignorance.

Hu Die never thinks of herself as an ignorant person, but she doesn't think she knows everything either.

She really doesn't know anything about superpowers.

She couldn't tell whether Dior's move was truly well-intentioned, or whether it was a layer of goodwill covered with malice to disguise himself.

It's so troublesome that it's likely that Dio needed to trust his soul with all his heart to go to heaven.

For a moment just now, Hu Die felt relieved because Dior's attitude towards herself was different from that towards others.

This is a terrible thing.

Hu Die pressed her plump chest with her hands, secretly warning herself that she could never give her heart to Dio.

She didn’t want to be betrayed by Dior, but she also wanted to sing about how great Dior was with a smile.


Meanwhile, London, Buckingham Palace.

Paul stood at the door, sticking to his post. He wore a tall bearskin hat, a scarlet military uniform jacket and black military trousers.

As a member of the Royal Guard, the gun Paul carries on his shoulder is naturally the L85A1 assault rifle.

Although in the eyes of the outside world, this gun can be said to be extremely bad, for Paul, the meaning of this gun is more for decoration.

He hasn't pulled the trigger since he was a member of the Royal Guard.

The only thing that needs to be done is to stand at your post like a robot, and then leave after changing your shift at a robot-like pace.

It was okay in winter, as the bearskin hat on his head kept him warm.

But during the summer, Paul wished he could work the night shift all summer long.

Wearing a hat like this during the day is nothing short of torture.

Thinking that he was about to switch to the day shift again, Paul couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

As a royal guard, he must show a brave and fearless expression when fishing, and must not let others see that he is fishing.

In fact, everyone knows that he must be distracted.

The Royal Guard has been ridiculed by the public for more than a day or two.


Buckingham Palace in the early morning, except for the drunken people lying on the street, there were no tourists.

The sudden sound made Paul couldn't help but glance around. He didn't notice the drunken man making a noise. The sound seemed to be coming from above?

He was about to look up.

Bang, a man was smashed into a pulp at the door, blood spattered, and some of it splashed directly on Paul's face. He raised his hand and touched his cheek blankly. The touch of his fingertips was very warm and slightly sticky like jam. Then he looked down at the puddle of meat paste on the ground that looked completely unrecognizable.


Paul made a sound of surprise and quickly looked up.

The night sky was the same as usual, no stars could be seen, and even the moon was hiding behind the clouds.

There was no aircraft navigation light in the sky. Where did this guy get pulled in from?

And why did he fall at the gate of Buckingham Palace?
  Paul couldn't think clearly. He looked at the colleague next to him and decided to report the matter to the captain, who would judge how to handle this kind of thing.

In addition, Paul hopes that the captain can give him a day off so that he can go back and change a pair of pants.

Although the expression on his face is calm, his body is obviously very honest.

These pants are no longer suitable for wearing.


Washington, DC, White House.

Hu Die was summoned by the White House immediately after Yad's death.

The dead Yarde was not an ordinary person, but a four-star general currently serving in the United States.

Under the guidance of the Federal Secret Service, Hu Die came to the outside of an old building. The surface was covered with ivy and the occasional marble looked particularly white.

This was not Hu Die's first time here. She was ushered into the waiting room by someone from the Secret Service, who thoughtfully poured her a cup of coffee. There were magazines next to her for entertainment while she waited.

Hu Die sat on the sofa, thinking about what she should say later, what to hide and what not to hide. These things need to be thought out in advance.

For example, there are six conditions for trustworthy friends and going to heaven. Whether these should be mentioned or not made Hu Die deep in thought. He stared at the surface of the coffee and made a decision in his heart.

It's better to say those words truthfully. Hu Die couldn't confirm whether Dio's friend only mentioned it to himself or if he had said it to others.

Secondly, everyone present was killed by Dio, leaving her alone. Such an abnormal phenomenon is really difficult to explain.

Hu Die waited for a while, and someone from the Secret Service shouted, "Come in."


Hu Die stood up and walked into the Secretary of State's office. The decoration inside was not luxurious, but from the golden stripes on the walls and the color of the wood on the seats, knowledgeable people would understand that everything inside was not cheap.

Hu Die looked at the second-in-command of the empire in front of him. At least until the president died, the vice president was the mascot who had no way of taking over.

The person who is really in charge is the Secretary of State.

"Hello, distinguished Secretary of State."

"Mrs. Hu Die, I deeply regret what happened to General Yade. He is an outstanding talent."

The Secretary of State rubbed his temples. There have been a lot of things happening internationally and domestically recently.

It is obviously impossible to maintain the operation of such a huge empire by relying on a president who occasionally has a glimmer of inspiration.

"It may not be the right time to talk about this now, but I hope you can tell me why Dio didn't attack you?"

The Secretary of State stared at the woman in front of him.

Hu Die's expression remained unchanged and said: "I just learned from Dio that he needs six conditions to go to heaven, one of which is a trustworthy friend.

I don’t know why, but he seemed to regard me as one of his possible friends. "

"Then did he say anything about other conditions for going to heaven?"

The Secretary of State wants to test how much Hu Die knows. Regarding the six conditions for Dio to go to heaven, the CIA has mastered five necessary conditions, leaving only one unknown.

Hu Die shook his head and said: "I don't know. He left after saying this. I don't even know what I have to do to be called a trustworthy friend.

But I will never betray humanity! "

"Dior's actions have always been very secretive. No one can guess his thoughts."

The Secretary of State was very satisfied with Hu Die's last sentence. He still understood that unity is strength.

He was thankful that he had not followed the Pentagon's advice and dropped a Mike hydrogen bomb on Tokyo.

For those fanatical war elements, there is nothing that cannot be destroyed by one hydrogen bomb. If there is, then two or three.

Those crazy people always talk about fighting a doomsday war, but they never think about how easy it is to fight a doomsday war.

The Secretary of State waved his hand and said: "You are frightened tonight. Go back and have a good rest. I will explain some things to the MacArthur family for you."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Hu Die lowered her head, feeling a little disappointed. As expected, Dio's words were not only spoken to her.

He also mentioned to others that the White House must know the conditions for Dior to go to heaven.

Otherwise, the Secretary of State would not have trusted her loyalty so easily.

The Secretary of State watched Hu Die leave, thought for a while, and picked up the phone on the desk.

With Yarde dead, how to proceed with the Pentagon's layoff plan needs to be renegotiated.

The United States today is not what it used to be. All expenditures need to be carefully scrutinized, and we cannot continue to feed the people below.

If you need to kill, you must kill.

(End of this chapter)

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