Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 341 Romeo and Juliet are only in the story

Chapter 341 Romeo and Juliet are only in the story
  Peter and Tetsuji Hojo went to a nearby store to transport barbecue equipment, leaving Aosawa and Kyouichiro Furuzawa with nothing to do.

Washing meat and vegetables are all done by the girls.

They squatted by the river, washing meat and vegetables in the clear stream, and occasionally scooped up water to play with.

The laughter from the girls was as sweet as silver bells.

Only when you are young can you see this kind of scene, which belongs to the dream time of female high school students.

Qingze couldn't help but sigh: "It's great, the fatigue just now was worth it."

"You didn't do anything at all."

Kyouichiro Furuzawa complained that he completed almost all six tents by himself, and Peter spent more time talking about his past experiences than doing it.

Not to mention Qingze, he already knew the skills of civil servants before he graduated. He could spend a long time on a trivial matter. In the end, he did it himself, while watching the video, he had to endure the noise made by the three people there. .

Thinking of what just happened, Kyouichiro Furuzawa couldn't help but take a sip of the drink. The sweet drink turned bitter when it entered his throat.

"Haha, I believe that the Disciplinary Committee is a responsible person. If you take action, the six tents can be easily solved."

Qingze shrugged and said: "If you want to blame, blame Peter, that guy definitely knew what you would do, so he kept telling the past there.

If you don't do it, he will definitely do it. "

"Someone has to do something." Kyouichiro Furuzawa took a sip of his drink and ended his complaint with these words.

He has experienced this kind of thing since he was a child. His overly serious and responsible character made him take on the hard work that his classmates didn't want to do since he was in elementary school.

"Why don't you all like doing things by the rules?"

“Because most of the rules are used by those above to restrain those below, rather than to restrain themselves.

Why can they not abide by the rules, but the people below must abide by the rules? "

Qingze took a sip, and orange juice and mineral water poured in.

To be honest, the taste is very bland.

But he couldn't drink it separately.

If Miki or Caiyu saw him drinking one of them alone, a war would definitely start.

It is not easy to get even rain and dew.

Kyouichiro Furuzawa glanced at Aozawa and understood the idea of ​​setting up a tent to fish, and asked: "If you don't abide by the rules, how can you straighten your back and correct others?"

"Hey, did you originally have the idea of ​​joining politics?"

"I don't know. The future is still too far away for me. I just want to hit Koshien and get into a good university."

Kyouichiro Furuzawa shook his head.

Qingze smiled and found that it was very similar to his original plan.

He originally wanted to win the Jade Dragon Banner Championship and get admitted to the University of Tokyo.

However, Kyouichiro Furuzawa wants to use Koshien to reverse the future.

"If you follow the promotion rules they set, you won't be able to get ahead in your life.

If you really want to get ahead, you must learn to overtake in corners. "

He patted Kyouichiro Furuzawa on the shoulder, stood up and faced Peter and Tetsuji Hojo.


The sand and gravel on the ground were stained with the brilliance of dusk, and two tall figures were approaching the camp, walking as fast as flying.

"Haha, in terms of speed, I'm still faster."

"You bastard."

Hojo Tetsuji gritted his teeth and did not complain about Peter jumping the gun. After all, he was once a delinquent and he could not ask others to abide by the rules and start honestly.

"The competition is always cruel, Hojo."

Peter's eyes were full of excitement, he placed the barbecue equipment some distance away from the tent, and talked eloquently: "When it comes to barbecue, I am still very experienced.

When I was in the Amazon jungle, I met cannibals and they taught me how to grill meat to make it more delicious. "

"Hey, cannibals?!"

Sayuri Yoshikawa's face was filled with shock.

Qiuyue Caiyu took a step back in fright and said, "Peter, have you ever eaten anyone?"

She quickly turned her head, shook Takahashi Saeko's arm and said: "Saeko, you must not date him, you will be eaten!"

"Hi, hi."

Takahashi Saeko nodded in agreement.

Seeing Qiuyue Caiyu's misunderstanding, Peter waved his hand and said: "Cannibals don't often eat people, they usually eat animals.

Although they wanted to eat me when they first met, they still managed to become friends with me under my guidance.

I've never eaten a human, just roasted wild boar there. "

When he explained what happened, Qiuyue Aiyu's eyes flickered in disbelief, and Yoshikawa Sayuri also didn't believe what he said. They are already cannibals, why don't they eat people?

The two had a tacit understanding of staying away from Peter.

Phoenix Academy Meiji noticed Qiuyue Caiyu's approach to Qingze, and thought that this person was pretending to be frightened in order to win Qingze's favor.

I really can't tell that she is quite scheming despite her empty head.

Know how to use this advantage to inspire men's compassion and protective psychology.

This is something that Phoenix Academy Meiji cannot do.

But as long as Qiuyue Caiyu is close to Qingze, she will also be close.


Tetsuji Hojo was very satisfied that Peter was alienated by Sayuri Yoshikawa, and quickly said: "Leave the barbecue to me."

Qiuyue Caiyu waved her hand and said: "No, just leave this kind of thing to us."

She wanted to feed Qingze the food she baked, which was a way of showing off her cooking skills.

"Yeah, let's do it."

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy agreed and also took over the job of barbecuing. Qingze knew immediately that his stomach was about to face a challenge.

"Hey, does Phoenix Academy know how to barbecue? It doesn't look like it at all."

Akizuki Iroha's face was full of surprise. She thought that the shiny-looking Phoenix Academy Princess was not proficient in cooking at all, and she didn't even understand that food grew from crops.

Phoenix Academy Meiji felt that she had been underestimated and smiled: "Only some people with intellectual problems think that barbecue is difficult.

Barbecuing is easy for anyone of normal intelligence. "

"Hey, it seems so."

Akizuki Iroha smiled, not hearing the sarcasm in Phoenix Academy Meiji's words.

"Haha, if you are willing, I'll trouble you."

Takahashi Saeko understood the sarcasm in the words of Phoenix Academy Princess, and was afraid that Iroha would be ridiculed without realizing it, so she stepped forward to end the conversation.


Since everyone present was a student, they didn’t buy alcohol, just a bunch of drinks.

There is no shortage of meat and vegetables.

These were booked by Peter in advance. For Takahashi Saeko, as long as she could squeeze the boys, she didn't mind letting the boys do everything.

For Peter, he was never stingy when it came to spending money where it was worth it.

"Are things arranged?"

"Don't worry, I've already done some manipulation to get the signatures from the Courage Test Conference."

Takahashi Saeko made an OK gesture and said with a smile: "I promise that you and Qingze will be on a separate team, but do you really think you can succeed?"

"It's man-made."

Peter looked at Qingze, who was standing between two barbecue grills, being fed from left to right. His eyes changed from the previous flying, and he said darkly: "Power, money, status, the better a man is, the more he desires to obtain it." more."

"What if he just wants women?"

"There are some women he just can't get."

Peter shrugged. His idea was to lure Qingze first to see if he could cut off the connection with the Phoenix Academy Princess.

If not, just reveal how illustrious the Phoenix Family's family background is, and it is impossible for an ordinary high school student to become the son-in-law of the Phoenix Family.

Although books have always said that love is equal and can transcend classes, in reality, it is always very cruel.

Class is an unavoidable reality.

"What if Qingze doesn't believe it?"

"Haha, in that case, that's not bad. I like strong opponents."

Peter drank the drink in one go and strode forward, ready to taste the roasted meat.

Takahashi Saeko's eyes flashed with thought. It would be great if Peter could successfully win Aosawa. Iroha's only competitor is Chiyo Morimoto.

This faint glimmer of hope was worth changing her original plan and letting Qingze and Peter go instead of letting Caiyu and Qingze go.

Before Peter even got close, he could hear the sweet voice saying, "Qingze, the leeks are ready."

Another crisp voice said: "The mutton is also roasted."

"Uh, uh."

Qingze nodded. He could hardly keep up with the speed at which the two of them were roasting. He opened his mouth from left to right, his mouth bulging.

Hojo Tetsuji, who witnessed this scene, was very surprised and murmured: "Is Aozawa so hungry?"

"Hojo-kun, you are so slow."

Sayuri Yoshikawa shook her head. She deliberately stayed away because she knew the atmosphere between the three of them was not right.

Hojo Tetsuji couldn't see it.


Hojo Tetsuji blinked and suddenly realized, yes, he actually didn't ask Yoshikawa Sayuri what he was eating.

"Yoshikawa, I have big hands. Whatever you want to eat, I can help you get it."

“Beef skewers, lamb skewers, eggplant.”

"no problem!"

Hojo Tetsuji quickly ran forward.

"Sayuri, you have no right to criticize others."

Nomura Manami complained that his friend still doesn’t understand what Tetsuji Hojo meant by inviting her to draw manga material.

As a master of love, Nomura Manami has dispelled the speculation that Tetsuji Hojo likes Phoenix Academy Princess and confirmed that her purpose has not changed from the beginning to the end.

Sayuri Yoshikawa raised her head and didn't understand why her friend was talking about her like this. It was obvious that Manami kept asking Furuzawa Kyouichiro to help with the barbecue for the sake of convenience.

"Haha, it's so delicious~"

Madoka Toma laughed cheerfully, then pointed at a skewer of mutton and said, "Phoenix-in, please sprinkle a little more cumin on it. I like spicy food."

"it is good."

It was the first time for Phoenix Academy Meiji to do this kind of thing. She was busy, but she didn't make any trouble. She even fed Qingze regularly, ensuring that he would not lack the food he baked.

She would never let Aozawa eat Akizuki Iroha's barbecue alone.

This kind of dispute is too childish.

Helpless, Qiuyue Iroha is that kind of child.

If she didn't fight, Qiuyue Caiyu would unilaterally judge her as a loser.

For this, she must fight.

Qingze felt that he was just a pig, and he couldn't stand the two of them feeding him in such a angry manner.

He decided to cheat.

A gray-white filter directly covers the world.

(End of this chapter)

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