Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 338 Dai: I am already very generous

Chapter 338 Chiyo: I am already generous
  It's too late, it's too soon.

When a sound shook the guzheng section, Yanagi Machi Natsuka didn't react and saw blood spurting out of her wrist.

It took her sluggish brain a second to suddenly issue an instruction, which was quickly executed by her body.


Ultra-high decibel screams jumped out from Yanagi Machi Natsuka's mouth, like a terrifying sonic weapon that directly destroyed Hojo Shinoko's ears.

"Xia Hua, you are too noisy."

"Ah! My comic manuscript!"

Hojo Tetsuji also collapsed, holding his head and shouting.

The comic manuscript he worked so hard to draw was actually sprayed with blood. Don't let him dirty the key scenes.

Natsuka Yanamachi stopped screaming and couldn't help but complain: "Hey, your brother and sister's reactions are too strange. He is bleeding! He is bleeding!"

"It's ok."

There was no expression of pain on Peter's face. Instead, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry for scaring you. It's because I'm not as strong as Hojo that I ended up like this."

"Ah, am I the strange person?"

Yanagi Machi Natsuka looked around and found that among the people present, she was the only one who seemed to behave the strangest.

Hojo Shinoko nodded and said, "You screamed really exaggeratedly, and I had the urge to cover my ears."

"My original manuscript!"

Tetsuji Hojo unfolded the comic and felt like crying without tears. He found that the area covered by blood was actually the scene with the most details.

You know, in order to make Sayuri more beautiful, he specially copied the clothes designs from the covers of fashion magazines.

The details are so detailed that even the texture of the clothes is drawn.

As a result, it was stained red with blood and completely scrapped.

"Damn it, get out of here!"

If Hojo Tetsuji hadn't promised the eldest lady not to seriously injure someone, he would have let this guy lie down and go out.

Peter stood up and said, "I seem to have caused trouble to you, and the [-] million check will be used as compensation for you."

"They say I don't need it."

Tetsuji Hojo tore the check into pieces, twisted it into a ball, and threw it into Peter's trouser pocket.

"I must get an outstanding talent like you!"

Peter has always wanted to find someone who has no vulgar desire for money and has real dreams.

Only that kind of person can open up a new era and empire with him.

"I won't give up easily, bye."

Peter didn't stay long, his right arm was completely fractured and he continued to bleed. The situation was still not good.

The power gap between the two sides is really huge.

However, if skills were added to the fight, Peter didn't think he would lose, but he just said it was a contest of strength, so he didn't use skills.

This is the outcome of a simple brute force collision.

"Guanghui High School is really full of talents."

Not only was there the eldest daughter of the Phoenix-in family, but there was also Hojo Tetsuji, who was an expert in swordsmanship and seduction with unimaginable skills, and whose strength surpassed him.

Peter felt that he really came to the right school, where he wanted to fill his wings as a king.


In the evening, light rain fell from the sky.

Qingze ended all conversations with them, swiped the door card and entered the courtyard.

He opened the door and shouted into the empty entrance: "I'm back, Chiyo."

No response.

A house that is too big is really not good.

Qingze complained in his heart, closed the door, took off his shoes and put them in the shoe cabinet.

He walked toward the living room.

The food delivery window was closed, and there was not a single dish placed outside.

Qingze took the initiative to open the window and asked: "Chiyo, is the food ready?"

"No, there is also a fried fish dish. You should take out the three prepared dishes first."

Chiyo Morimoto's voice was soft, and the rich aroma of the dishes came to his face. He took out the dishes by the window and put them on the table.

The waiting time was short, but boring.

He turned the defensive force field into a hand and stretched out, left the villa, rushed straight into the sky, and then extended a tentacle at will to fall into the distance.

Since the defensive force field was combined with catalytic induction, he likes to use this method to peek into the distant scenery. He will not pay special attention to any place, but will randomly select locations like opening a blind box.

Sometimes it's mountains and rivers, sometimes it's cities. If you happen to see the filth under the glamor, you will clean it up.

He liked the feeling of not knowing what was coming into his mind, and the power of being able to do whatever he wanted at home.

Coupled with the mentality of using catalytic induction, it gave him the experience of becoming a god.

"How are you feeling today?"

Questions floated from the window.

While staring at the forest in the distance, Qingze replied: "Not bad, Mei Ji said she would never accept Peter.

It's just that she, like Qiuyue, wants one-on-one time, and there is no way to accept you and Caiyu yet. "

"It's a matter of course."

Chiyo Morimoto replied and complained: "If she can accept it easily, I will find it strange that you will cry on my chest in the future."

"Chiyo, I will only vomit in your chest." Aozawa replied, remembering the camping incident again, "Iroha, Miki, Tetsuji and others went to Okutama Town Glacier Valley to camp on Saturday afternoon. If we don't come back in the evening, you won't Need to cook my dinner.”


Chiyo Morimoto turned her head to look at Qingze who was sitting in the living room, and asked curiously: "If they get together, won't they quarrel?"

"Hopefully not."

Qingze is not sure whether the two people getting together is a good thing or a bad thing, but for him, that is an unchangeable fact.


Chiyo Morimoto laughed, rolled her eyes, and couldn't help but have bad thoughts. Do you want to join in the fun?
  After thinking about it, she still didn't join in the fun.

When I first became a leader, I was fishing and giving myself a vacation, which greatly affected the morale of the task force.

Hey, it is not easy for a leader to fish legally.

The people below were staring at her.

"You'd better be careful and try to keep the two of them as far away from the knife as possible to avoid any accidents."

"It shouldn't be that serious, right?"

Qingze was a little unsure. He concluded that Caiyu's attack power was not very strong.

It's hard to say how powerful Meiji's attack is.

When the eldest lady's temper rises, she may do some irrational things.

But accidents cannot happen. There is a defensive force field on the two of them to prevent their relationship from deteriorating further.

Qingze frowned slightly and retracted the defensive force field from a distance, dispelling the ability of catalyst induction.

"Chiyo, do you think I should take the opportunity to improve the relationship between the two of you?"

"Don't ask me about this kind of thing, I'm just waiting for the day when you lie on me and cry."

Chiyo Morimoto refused to advise him on his love affairs.

Qingze looked at the window and said with a smile: "Chiyo, as the main palace, you have to be more generous."

"I am already generous enough. If it had been someone else, I would have slapped you on the face."

Chiyo Morimoto complained and bent down to appear at the square window. She placed the fried fish on the table and glared: "Serve the food."

She doesn't actually need to bend.

However, Chiyo Morimoto knew that bending down like this would easily reveal her beauty. She liked to give Aize a little stimulation, so she chose to deliver the food in this way.


Setagaya District, Phoenix House.

In the restaurant, crystal lamps are hung above, and soft light falls on the table for an exquisite dinner.

Phoenix Academy Meiji sat on a chair, cutting steak with a knife and fork, and listened to Miwa Ichimu's report on today's company situation and the results of various meetings.

Which ones passed and which ones failed? How did the manager solve some unexpected problems encountered? Need further instructions?

Especially the steps to besiege the Takizawa Group. The opponent is not a fool. They stand there and let the five major consortiums and the Phoenix House family encircle and suppress them. Naturally, some counterattack measures must be taken.

Phoenix Academy Meiji is not responsible for leadership-related matters, but her judgment is very important and she can share some company affairs for her mother who is far away in the United States.

After she finished chatting about the company, dessert was served with some fresh fruit.

Phoenix-in Miki stirred the coffee with a silver spoon. What she was thinking about was not about the company, but how she could go camping in Okutama Town without hiding it from Kazuki Miwa and her mother.

After thinking about it, Phoenix Academy Meiji still didn't have the courage to tell her mother about that kind of thing directly, so she decided to take a tactful approach and convey her meaning to her mother through Miwa Ikki.

She stopped stirring the coffee, looked up and said, "Miwa."

"Hi, Miss."

Miwa Kazuki responded respectfully and asked, "Do you have any orders?"

Phoenix Academy Meiji tried her best to use a calm tone and said: "Cancel this weekend's schedule for me, I have other plans."

A trace of surprise flashed across Miwa Kazuki's face and he said: "Miss, this is not something I can decide. What arrangements do you have need Madam's approval."

"My group is going out camping and staying overnight in the Glacier Valley in Okutama Town."

Phoenix Academy Meiji paused and continued: "This is an opportunity to win people's hearts. There is a boy named Hojo Tetsuji in the club. He is very tough.

Even without any training, his strength has surpassed that of most martial artists.

In this period, it is very advantageous to have that kind of person under your command. "

A hint of surprise appeared on Miwa Kazuki's face and he said: "I see, I will convey your message to Madam."


Phoenix Academy Meiji nodded lightly. She picked up the coffee and took a sip. The sweet taste spread from the tip of her tongue to her brain, making her heart slightly relax.

She knew very well the reason she was looking for, and her mother would probably agree. Now is different from before.

Martial arts masters are recognized by everyone as the most likely and closest human beings to superpowers.

Recent human experiments have looked down on ordinary people and turned to those powerful martial artists.

The excuse she used to conquer Tetsuji Hojo was enough to get her mother to agree to her going out.

As for how to explain whether he had conquered Tetsuji Hojo afterwards.

That was an afterthought. Now she just wants to go camping with Aozawa and then respond to Akizuki Iroha.

That woman is getting more and more arrogant.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji thought of the hot girl showing off in front of her that morning, and couldn't contain her anger.

Miwa Kazuki looked at the powerful aura exuding from the eldest lady, and sighed in his heart, she looked more and more like a lady.

With this courage, he must be able to make the boy named Tetsuji Hojo surrender.

 ps: Thanks to Lumierees for the tip

  (End of this chapter)

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