Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 333 A king should be wild

Chapter 333 A king should be wild

There was a sound coming from a very far away place. Sophia tried hard to keep her eyes open and hear what was being said, but she could not see the face clearly. It was like pouring low-quality oil paint into water and then stirring it wildly with a wooden stick. Twisted, spiraled.



She vomited, spitting out a large mouthful of blood. She couldn't even feel the unwillingness to rise in her mind, nor could she notice the defeat.

The brain that suffered a strong impact could not judge anything. It just watched the colorful picture suddenly disappear in front of the eyes, and everything returned to darkness.

It was like a person lying in a room with no lights on late at night, and the surroundings were extremely quiet.

Sophia stared into the darkness, and suddenly found that the dark environment turned into colorful scenes, and the past flashed by like a revolving lantern.

She recalled that when she was a child, she often hid in places where no one was around, imagining a happy kingdom that belonged only to herself.

The Granovskaya family was not a very wealthy family at first. It just happened that at that time, her parents followed the right path and made the right bet. Then with the tacit approval of the president, they killed the old oligarchs and became the new oligarchs.

Even a pig can make a lot of money as long as he can monopolize a certain business.

Her sudden wealth gave her nine mothers, ten brothers, four sisters, two sisters, and three brothers.

The youngest brother is still in the sixth grade of elementary school.

The increasing number of family members did not bring a warm scene. The age difference between each other was too big, and there were property disputes. On the surface, everyone was in harmony, but privately they were quarrelsome.

In short, the environment and atmosphere in Granovskaya's house were very bad. Sofia didn't like the atmosphere where smiles were hidden, so she took another path since she was a child, which was to practice martial arts.

She constantly fights with others and uses her fists to build her own kingdom in Moscow.

Knowing Japanese is because the father wanted to pretend to be an upper-class family and required his children to be proficient in several languages. This showed that their family was a culturally rich Tsarist Russian aristocracy, not an upstart oligarch who only had money.

Even Sophia, a little transparent daughter, must master two languages ​​besides her native language.

English is a must.

Between Chinese and Japanese for the remaining languages, Sophia decisively chose Japanese.

Because Japanese is easier to learn than Chinese.

This also led to her being sent by her father to study abroad in Japan.

The memory was swallowed up by darkness in a certain scene, and Sophia's consciousness seemed to return to her body. With a flick of her eyelashes, she opened her eyes and saw the pure white ceiling.

Beep, beep, there was some instrument sounding next to her, and Sophia wanted to hold herself up.

A familiar Russian voice sounded next to him.

“Auntie, I think it’s best for you not to get up.

The doctor said that you have eight broken bones in your chest, each of which slightly damaged your internal organs. You will need to be hospitalized for at least a week to see if the condition worsens. "

Sophia blinked and then remembered that she came to fight with Tetsuji Hojo and was punched like this by the guy.

"Are you still angry?"

The last words she heard before losing consciousness were obviously those of the black-haired boy.

He was right, Hojo Tetsuji was really a monster.

Reluctant emotions arose in Sophia's heart and she growled: "Damn it!"

She was invincible throughout Moscow.

I thought I could continue my dominance in Tokyo, but I didn't expect that my dream of establishing a kingdom would be shattered during the first battle.

"Auntie, who beat you up like this?"

Sophia came back to her senses and glanced sideways at the sturdy young man standing at the head of the bed.

This is her eldest brother's son. He is one month younger than her, but he is her nephew.

He has excellent academic performance and is versatile in sports. It can be said that the position of the eldest brother has not been abolished by his father. He has such an outstanding son and pleases his father.

In the eyes of everyone, he is very sensible. Only in front of his aunt who is similar in age will he release some of his youthful nature.

"To be able to beat such a powerful aunt like a gorilla, that guy must be very strong, and I want to fight him too."

"Peter, that guy is my opponent, don't mess around!"

"Auntie, you've been beaten like this, so it's better not to be harsh and have a good rest."

Peter stood up and said, "I won't stay with you here if I have something else to do. If you have anything else, tell the maid."

"Don't take action against my prey!"

Sophia warned her behind her back that she didn't want her nephew to be sent to the hospital, and she was embarrassed to say that she would be killed instantly by the other party.

Peter waved his hand without answering and stepped out of the ward.

The corridor outside the ICP single ward was deserted. There were four tall and sturdy men in suits guarding the door. The bulging waists proved that they had guns.

There were two people dressed as maid and butler standing there.

"Auntie, she's awake. Go in and take care of her."

"Yes, Master Peter."

The maid nodded and entered the ward.


Peter walked down the aisle.

The silver-haired old man did not stay at the door of the ward, but followed him behind.

"Sulak, please go through the transfer procedures for me. I want to transfer to Guanghui High School 2-C."

Without looking back, Peter explained his request to him.

The expression on Surak's face did not change, and he lowered his eyebrows and said, "Master Peter, I won't be happy if you suddenly transfer from a famous school to an unknown school."

After a pause, he reminded tactfully: "I spent a lot of money to allow you to transfer to the high school affiliated with Dongda University."

"Of course I know what my father is thinking. He wants me to get to know more people there, make friends with those people, and form my own circle, so as to increase his leverage in inheriting the Granovskaya family's business." Peter laughed. He smiled, paused, turned around and said, "But do you know why we are here?"

Surak shook his head and said, "This is a confidential matter. I don't know. Do you know?"

"I do not know either."

Peter spread his hands and said with a smile on his face: "But I know that something important must have happened up there to cause such a wave of studying abroad to start.

Not only Russia, but all countries have taken the same action.

In such turbulent times, networking is important.

What's more important is to improve your own strength.

You also know your aunt's strength very well. She is about the same age as me, but in Moscow, no one of my age can suppress her except me.

An ordinary high school student from Wuming High School beat her like this. I don’t need to tell you what talent that person has. You know it in your heart.

If I train him systematically, I will gain a very powerful subordinate. "

"I understand, I'll arrange it for you."

"Okay, I'll go to Guanghui High School to take a look first."

Peter said and jumped out of the sixth floor window.

"Ah, someone jumped off the building!"

The patient's family members downstairs exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Surak upstairs slapped his forehead with his hand. Peter was often very polite when around elders, giving the impression that he was an excellent and obedient child.

But once he is freed from the shackles of his elders, the adventurous and disobedient wildness in his heart will emerge.

Of course, this is not a disadvantage.

Since ancient times, people who can achieve great things often have extraordinary wildness in some aspects.

To him, Peter was that kind of person.


After school.

The teacher left the classroom. Tetsuji Hojo, who was sitting in his seat, did not sleep. He quickly stood up and said: "Aozawa, let's go to the hospital quickly to take a look at that woman."

Qingze hasn't answered yet.

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy who was sitting in front of her turned her head and said, "You see what's the use now.

Tetsuji, I'm not talking about you, in today's civilized society, do you need to be so harsh on the kind of woman who can win 100% of the time?
Beat the person directly until he vomits blood and is seriously injured. "

Hearing the eldest lady's complaints, Hojo Tetsuji scratched his head and said weakly: "I didn't know that hitting someone was illegal.

I have been playing since I was a child and never encountered anything. "

Phoenix Academy Meiji was surprised by his answer and complained: "What kind of beastly life have you lived in the past?"

"Miss, you don't understand. I think that woman is also a bad person. She shouldn't want to call the police."

Hojo Tetsuji tried to convince himself not to worry about breaking the law. It was only this afternoon that he learned from Phoenix Academy Meiji that he had broken the law.

It turns out that if you beat someone seriously, you might be caught by the police.

Strange, it was obviously the other party who came to the door, but he was forced to fight back and beat the other party half to death. Is this wrong?

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy said expressionlessly: "That woman is not an ordinary person, she is from the Granovskaya family. If I really want to sue you, you will definitely go to jail.

After coming out, Sayuri's children are all in elementary school. "


Hojo Tetsuji yelled immediately, then quickly thought of a solution, clapped his hands and said: "Right, it's better to make her unable to speak forever, then no one will know that I beat her to death."

"You are so smart!"

Qingze gave a thumbs up and praised.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji clenched her fists, as if fighting spirit was overflowing from her body.

Gudong, both of them swallowed.

Qingze spread his hands and said, "I'm just kidding, I strongly condemn this behavior."


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji exhaled and glared: "Qingze, don't fan the flames on the side. If you do, even I won't be able to cover up the matter easily.

Be careful in the future and try not to seriously injure people. "

"If the injury is minor, they will come to me again later to provoke me. It will be really troublesome."

Hojo Tetsuji muttered.

Phoenix Academy Meiji said expressionlessly: "While you are in prison, who will Sayuri have children with in the future?"

"I know, I will never beat anyone seriously in the future."

Hojo Tetsuji quickly changed his tune.

Coming out of jail and seeing the woman you love running around with a pregnant belly or a baby is a picture of hell.

He didn't want to see that kind of future.

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy glared at Qingze again and said, "Zhe Er is not a superpower. Don't just make a fuss. What will he do seriously?"

"Yes, miss."

Qingze smiled, stuffed the book into his bag, picked it up, and headed to the Kendo Club to practice.

(End of this chapter)
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