Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 312 A real man must cross the Shura field

Chapter 312 A real man must cross the Shura field

In an instant, the air became extremely oppressive and gradually spread to the surroundings.

It was a wonderful feeling.

Qingze could hear that the voices in the class were gradually decreasing, which had nothing to do with the upcoming class.

The classroom never loses its buzz before the bell rings.

But the girl in front of her was in a bad mood.

When Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy has a straight face, those eyes that glance across her face accidentally or intentionally will read a kind of solemnity on her face, and they will think that there should be no loud noises now, resulting in the silence of the moment.

It was as if during the exam, the dean stood behind the window and watched every move of the students.

Qingze swallowed, raised his hand and patted Phoenix Academy Mei Ji's shoulder and said: "Mei Ji, why are you ignoring me?"

Phoenix Academy Meiji turned sideways, the tense expression on her face not relaxing at all: "I'm just afraid that Qiuyue will misunderstand our relationship.

You and her are so close.

If I talk to you, won't it affect the deep relationship between you? "

These words mixed with the smell of gunpowder made Qingze smile bitterly. Apart from showing such a smile, he didn't know what kind of expression he should put on in response.

This is the trouble that must be faced when starting a harem.

"Don't worry, Iroha is not such a stingy person."

"I see, you said that I judge a gentleman with a villain's heart. I am really a narrow-minded villain."

Phoenix Academy Meiji couldn't suppress the jealousy in her heart. Ever since Qingze said he wanted to open a harem, she already knew what kind of path lay in front of her.

Knowing this, after seeing Akizuki Iroha's provocative behavior, Phoenix Academy Miki was still so angry that she couldn't control herself, and in an instant she had the idea of ​​killing the two of them.

She suppressed him afterwards, but it was the first time in her life that she really wanted to kill someone from her heart.

Phoenix Academy Meiji hates that kind of impulse, and even more hates that she can't solve the problem, but she wants to solve the person who raised the problem.

Akizuki Iroha is not wrong, she just wants to catch the person she likes.

Qingze was not wrong either.

Even though what he said about starting a harem was very outrageous, as long as a person takes it seriously, no matter how absurd the dream, others should not laugh at it.

What about her?
Of course it's not wrong, it's just plain incompetent.

At that moment, he felt helpless and furious because he could not monopolize Qingze's heart.

Phoenix Academy Meiji hates her incompetence.

"Of course not, Mei Ji, how can you be so small-minded?"

Naturally, Qingze could not admit what Meiji of the Phoenix Academy said, and said with a serious face: "In my heart, you are a very kind-hearted young lady. Unlike other rotten carnivores, you exude diamond-like brilliance from the inside out.

Consider those things just based on your kindness. "

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji stared into his eyes, those dark eyes were bright, like pebbles scattered in a clear river.

This is what gives Phoenix Academy Princess a headache.

"Really, since you are so flattering, then I won't care about anything."

Phoenix Academy Meiji exhaled, and her tense expression softened, "You are such a scumbag if you don't consider Iroha's heart."

The tender emotion between the girl's brows surged like a tidal wave into Qingze's heart.

It almost made him suffocate, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

"I'm really sorry for being a human being."

Qingze smiled bitterly. There was no excuse for these accusations made by her, and there was no way there could be any excuse.

Of course, this is not his acknowledgment that he is a scumbag who always abandons everything. He defines himself as a passionate boy.

But at this time, correcting this kind of thing is obviously irrational behavior.

His purpose now is not to discuss with Phoenix Academy Princess whether he is a scumbag, but to make this person dissipate the anger in his heart and no longer care about the scene just now.

Qiuyue Caiyu's kiss was not as sweet as her lips, but it was more thrilling than ever before.

He almost saw the flash of swords.

It also made Qingze realize that scenes like this will gradually increase in the future, as long as two or three lines are constantly intertwined.

The whole person will be twisted into a ball by them.

Thinking this way, Qingze still has no idea of ​​giving up. If he can't even overcome that kind of thing, then there is no point in opening a harem to make everyone happy.

A real man must overcome the trials of the Shura field and reach a happy ending where everyone is happy.


The air in the classroom was relieved and no longer as oppressive as before. The mountain-like heaviness disappeared. It had nothing to do with the ringing of the school bell or the arrival of the teacher.

Arakawa Reina knew that the reason for everything came from the girl in the second-to-last row by the window, who did not show that heavy expression on her face.

Why did the other party show such a heavy expression before?

Arakawa Reina knew it very well. She recalled in her mind the scene where Akizuki Iroha bit Aozawa's cheek at the back door of the classroom.

Obviously, Phoenix Academy Meiji also saw such a scene.

The reason for being angry is probably that that person has some thoughts about Qingze.

Chiyo Morimoto, Iroha Akizuki, and now Miki from the Phoenix Academy.

Is Qingze-kun really okay?
Arakawa Reina was thinking in her mind, a little distracted, and she quickly focused her thoughts on the teacher in front of her.

You must concentrate on your studies.

To ensure that she didn't lose focus, she decided to remind Qingze after class.

I asked that person to not appear too close to Akizuki Iroha in front of the Phoenix Academy Princess.Otherwise, Rena Arakawa was really afraid that one day, when Qingze was staying in the kitchen of Qiuyue's house, she was suddenly stabbed with a knife by Miki from the Phoenix Institute who pushed in the door.

Similar love-murder incidents are not uncommon in comics and real-life news.

Especially those yandere with dark psychology, their methods are more cruel.

After finishing the first class, Rena Arakawa did not get up. She carefully took out her mobile phone and quickly sent a message to Aozawa.

"Qingze-kun, do you have some relationship with your classmates from the Phoenix Academy?"

Upon receiving the news, the expression on Qingze's face did not change. He had already set his phone to vibrate mode.

When there is news, he will not make any sound, so that others will not know that he has news.

For example, now, he can take out his cell phone while chatting with Phoenix Academy Meiji and peek at who sent the message.

During this period, his eyes did not move downward, which would make Phoenix Academy Meiji notice that he was multitasking.

Qingze directly used the ability of catalytic induction to turn the desk into his eyes, looking at the message on the phone, and then started typing a reply on the keyboard with his right thumb.

"Monitor, why do you ask that?"

With a click of his hand, Qingze leaned against the wall again and asked Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy: "Is the new police chief American?"

"Well, the eldest son of the American Morgan consortium, Ponte Morgan, naturally has something to do with Dior when he comes here.

His noble status allows him to better integrate the resources of the Metropolitan Police Department and bring the Ministry of Public Security under his jurisdiction. "

After saying this, Mei Ji from the Phoenix Academy leaned on her arms and stared at the young man in front of her. "What do you think of Dio's opinion of the new police chief?"

"I don't know."

"Take a guess based on your state of mind."

"Maybe he doesn't care."

Qingze answered casually, and the phone in his right hand began to vibrate again. There was a message from Reina Arakawa.

"Before class just now, weren't the students from the Phoenix Academy very angry?
I'm worried about any conflicts between you and her. In the future... I think you should try to avoid being too close to Qiuyue in the classroom. "

"Monitor, thank you for the reminder. By the way, do you want to go to Ikebukuro Cafe to work part-time at noon today?"

"Go and go."

Arakawa Reina replied and asked: "Are you coming in the afternoon?"

"I'll go there at noon, and I'll just have lunch there."

Qingze replied that Chiyo Morimoto did not have a day off today.

Although the police chief will only take office tomorrow, there is no guarantee that he will not conduct a spot check on the task force in the afternoon to learn about the situation.

At that time, if someone from the task force is on vacation, it will easily leave the impression in the mind of the new police chief that the task force is lazy.

Therefore, Chiyo Morimoto’s holidays today and tomorrow have been postponed.

Qingze can go out for lunch at noon.

The original plan was to eat Thai hot pot, but a message from Rena Arakawa made him change his mind and decided to go to the maid cafe for something to eat.

By the way, experience the treatment of the owner.

"Eh, okay."

Arakawa Reina was slightly stunned, but still typed a reply, feeling a little flustered.

Doesn't this mean that the two of them will take the train to Ikebukuro together, and then enter the Ikebukuro maid cafe together, and will be misunderstood by their seniors again.

Arakawa Rena was thinking about those things and quietly looked around at the back.

There were marshmallow-like white clouds floating in the sky outside the window, and bright light fell on the bright blond hair.

The girl turned her back and chatted with the boy in the back row.

A flash of doubt flashed through Rena Arakawa's mind.

How on earth did Qingze chat with Phoenix Academy Mei Ji and type a reply to her at the same time?

With such curiosity, Reina Arakawa sent another message.

"Aozawa-kun, to avoid misunderstanding, are we going to Ayase Station separately?

Or should we stay together and go to Ayase Station together later? "

Reina Arakawa sent the message at one o'clock, her eyes fixed on Aozawa.

There was no change in the boy's eyes or expression, and he couldn't tell that he was typing at all.

Just when Rena Arakawa thought it would take a while before she could return, her cell phone suddenly rang.

"That's right. It would be bad if someone misunderstood the squad leader, so let's go to Ayase Station separately."

Rena Arakawa looked at the news and thought that there was no expression on Qingze's face just now.

She sighed in her heart that Mr. Qingze really had the potential to sail on many boats.

This kind of multitasking ability is far beyond what ordinary people can achieve.

Rena Arakawa couldn't understand how a person could type exactly what he wanted to type without looking at the screen.

No wonder Qingzejun wants to open a harem, he still has some abilities.

Arakawa Rena was thinking about it, and a friend next to her said, "Arakawa, this is so rare, are you chatting with your boyfriend?"

"Hey, no, just ordinary friends."

Reina Arakawa smiled quickly and hid her phone.

(End of this chapter)
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