Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 308: Leave the group, don’t want waste in the East Asian Monster Room

Chapter 308: Leave the group, don’t want waste in the East Asian Monster Room

The Prime Minister's official residence is rectangular in shape, with five floors above ground and one underground floor.

The Prime Minister's office is usually on the fifth floor, but during meetings, An Daoxiong will go to the conference room on the fourth floor to hold cabinet meetings.

For example, today, An Daoxiong San held a cabinet meeting to discuss the removal of the Police Director and the candidate for the next Police Director.

This is just a discussion, and the result does not mean it will be implemented immediately.

The cabinet never emphasizes efficiency in its work, but emphasizes the process of doing things.

To quickly remove a police chief who has made no major mistakes requires strong support from the prime minister and cabinet ministers.

The problem now is that An Daoxiong San is a little hesitant to remove the police chief.

In his opinion, there was nothing wrong with what the police chief did.

The overall incompetence of the Metropolitan Police Department, how can it be forced on the head of the Police Director.

This kind of protection is definitely not because An Daoxiong San and the police chief belong to the same faction and are familiar with each other. It is simply out of public concern.

"Matsunaga must be dismissed. He is too incompetent. When he was the police chief, the security in Tokyo was in such chaos.

Murders, exterminations, robberies, etc. abound. "

The Minister of Justice is the first to speak out. On this occasion, people with lower status often rush to the front to fight for the big boss behind the scenes.

The Minister of State, one of the few people in the cabinet who knew the details, shook his head and said: "This matter cannot be blamed on Matsunaga. It is normal for the economic decline and the dissatisfaction of the people to cause some chaos.

We cannot remove a loyal and dedicated Police Chief over this trivial matter. "

The Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare said with a sneer: “Can Matsunaga be called conscientious?
I remember that he set up a task force and did not report to the cabinet what exactly it was responsible for. However, relevant funds were continuously injected into it.

In just over a month, the task force has consumed 46 billion yen.

The government is still approving budgets. Is such a large expenditure reasonable for a task force and a few people? "

An Daoxiong San watched the ministers arguing below and understood.

Rather than saying that they wanted to remove Matsunaga as police chief, they wanted to know why the task force invested so much money.

Where did the recent chaos in Tokyo come from?

Cabinet ministers feel they have a right to know.

The fact is they don't.

The CIA did not allow An Daoxiong San to be disclosed to anyone other than the Minister of State.

People at the top always hold on to the information they receive and do not share it equally.

"You will naturally know about the task force after everything has settled."

An Daoxiong San had no choice but to speak up for the Minister of State, pressing down the topic and saying: "What we are discussing now is whether to remove the Police Director.

It has nothing to do with the task force. "


The Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare who made the accusation quickly changed his tune and appeared to be well-behaved.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened.

A tall woman broke into the conference room carrying a knife.

An Daoxiongsan frowned slightly and glanced at the ministers present. He thought this woman was the lover of one of them, but it was a bit outrageous to directly enter the conference room with a knife.

What are the guards outside doing?
This thought flashed through An Daoxiong's mind and he said, "Miss, who do you want to find?"

"I'm just looking for you. Listen, An Daoxiong San, you have been held hostage by me. If you don't want to die, just listen to me!"

Rumi Yoshizawa pointed the knife at An Ina Kumazo, and a group of young people rushed out from behind.

Everyone held watermelon knives and surrounded the people present.

Such a turn of events made An Daoxiong San a little confused. He blinked and his face turned gloomy: "Who is making such a joke?"

He stared at the Chief Cabinet Secretary with sharp eyes.

The other person's face was also confused.

Yoshizawa Rumi didn't like nonsense, strode forward, slapped him in the face, and then kicked him off the stool.

"You pig! Can't you understand human language?"

Yoshizawa Rumi slapped the table with the knife and said fiercely: "Hurry up and notify the people from the TV station to come over, and then give up your position to Mr. Dio in front of the TV station!

Trash like you doesn't deserve to be in this position! "

After saying that, Rumi Yoshizawa squatted down and roughly unbuttoned Anami Kumazo's shirt. She patted the fat mass with a knife and mocked her face: "A pig that only knows how to eat doesn't even have an abdominal muscle." No.

If you don't want to die, just cooperate with me. "

An Daoxiong was stunned and stared at the woman blankly.

Even before he became prime minister, Ada Kumazo's family allowed him to enjoy the respect of others everywhere.

It was almost impossible to be humiliated like this, and it made him realize clearly that this was no joke.

Was it the CIA's acquiescence to hand over the country to Dior?
An Daoxiong's mind was spinning rapidly, and there was no look of anger on his face. He smiled and said, "No problem, I will fully cooperate with you."

Rumi Yoshizawa was deeply disgusted by his cooperative attitude and said: "I'm not wrong when I say you are a pig. Call me quickly."

"Hi, hi."

An Daoxiong nodded and bowed three times, his flattering look making it impossible to imagine the expression on his face when he was giving orders just now.

Such changes made the people of the Dior National Salvation Committee express their contempt, believing that the country should not be left to such people.

But the cabinet ministers highly praised such behavior, saying that only a man can take it up and let it go.

The ministers in the cabinet will not be like the young man, who think that it is better to die than to surrender.

They believe that those who endure humiliation are the most worthy of respect.

If the right wing of those days had learned from the German generals, straightened their backs, and acted as if they were not afraid of bullets, there would probably be no right wing forces left in the country today.Only by knowing how to bend down at critical moments and survive and grow can we achieve great things.


After school.

Phoenix Academy Meiji stuffed the textbook into her schoolbag, turned around and said, "Qingze, see you tomorrow."


Qingze nodded in response, his mind drifting to the Dio National Salvation Committee. Between watching the excitement and continuing the kendo practice, he thought about it and decided to continue the kendo practice.

The Dior National Salvation Committee has nothing to do with him.

Qingze just stood up.


Suddenly there was an exclamation in the class, and a boy shouted: "Hey, look at the YouTube, someone is holding An Dao hostage with a knife!"

This sentence made the already noisy classroom even more lively.

"Terao, what are you talking about?"

"Holding An Dao hostage with a knife, what funny short video are you watching?"

"It's not a joke, it's true. Hurry up and turn on your phone to see that An Dao was held hostage with a knife!"

Terao Mikio shouted excitedly on the stage.

Such an excited reaction caused a group of people to laugh, and the classroom was full of joy.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji didn't laugh. She remembered her mother saying that there was indeed an organization called the Dio National Salvation Committee trying to let Dio manage the country.

Is it possible... Phoenix Academy Mei Ji quickly took out her mobile phone and clicked on Douyin. The first video recommended was An Daoxiong San's abdication declaration, and the comment area exploded with tens of thousands of hits.

There is nothing false about the face in the video. He is someone you often see on TV.

The black-haired woman stood next to An Daoxiong San. She had a plump figure and was dressed like an ordinary white-collar woman.

She has a serious expression and resolute eyes, like a woman who would not blink or bend down to pick up hundreds of millions of yen if she dropped them in front of her.

In the video, she holds An Daoxiong San's neck with a watermelon knife.

"...To sum up, based on the series of problems caused by my incompetence, I decided to give up the position of Prime Minister to Dior here."

"It's Master Dio!"

Rumi Yoshizawa slapped him in the face with her backhand and cursed angrily: "You despicable guy, you dare to call Lord Dio with your stinky mouth without brushing your teeth without using the honorific title. You deserve to die!"

"Hey, I will give up my position to Master Dio and let him rule the world."

After An Daoxiong San finished speaking, he subconsciously bowed forward.

There was no thunderous applause from the audience. People from traditional media and new media watched this scene speechlessly.

The comment section exploded.

"Who is Dio?"

"Nani? Is this okay? I learned it. I will buy a plane ticket tomorrow and ask the person in the White House to step down and make way for someone else."

"Who is this woman?"

"Quit the group, there is no such waste in the East Asian Monster Room."

Not only domestic netizens commented, but also foreign netizens began to comment violently.

The impact of this incident was not limited to the country, but directly promoted Dior's name to the world.

The students in the classroom, both male and female, were all shocked by such a big event.

Phoenix Academy Meiji looked away from the screen and turned her head to look at the boy standing behind, "Master Dio~ What do you think?"

This is a pun, and it can be regarded as both a joke and a title.

It depends on what the person involved thinks.

There was a hint of suspicion in Phoenix Academy Meiji's eyes. With Rumi Yoshizawa's big breasts, she had reason to question the ulterior relationship between the other party and Dior.

"How do I know."

Qingze spread his hands. He had no intention of governing at all.

Ordinary people want to be in power because being in power can bring huge power to ordinary people.

Qingze, who possesses superpowers, already possesses the kind of strength and power that transcends any national status.

He doesn't need to get involved in management at all.

No one is trying to make the ant nest run better.


Phoenix Academy Princess made a soft nasal sound, and then sighed: "Tokyo will become more lively now, and even the world will be affected."

"The streets of Tianjie have trampled all the bones of ministers, and the heads of powerful officials are hung all over the camp. Things like subordinates overpowering superiors can be found everywhere in history. It's nothing remarkable."

Qing Ze smiled.

"It's so noisy, what are you talking about?"

Tetsuji Hojo was woken up and yawned, looking sleepy as if he had just woken up.

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy said: "An Daoxiong San was held hostage with a knife and announced that he would abdicate to Dior."

"Is that guy famous?"

Hojo Tetsuji looked confused.

Qingze shrugged and said: "Nothing, he is just the Prime Minister of Japan."

(End of this chapter)
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