Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 298 Comparing super powers with martial arts masters

Chapter 298 Comparing super powers with martial arts masters
Unlike the task force that needs transportation to rush to the scene, Qingze only needs a thought to rush to the scene immediately.

Therefore, he had already arrived here, watching Sting's one-sided killing of the Pinewood Group, without any thought of stopping him.

Qingze had no intention of stopping Muharrad's behavior.

The CIA is not a good thing in Qingze's eyes.

With an indifferent attitude, he stayed aside to watch the collision between the two martial arts monsters.

It wasn't until the two sides decided the winner that Qingze decided to show up to finish the match.

"Dior, I finally see you."

Qingze fell silent as he listened to a series of English words burst out from Muharrad's mouth. He never relaxed in learning English. It can be said that he worked very hard and his English scores were also good.

It's just that the English proficiency of high school students is far from reaching the level where it is easy to communicate with foreigners in English.

It can be said that if he separates those English words and reads them slowly, he can still understand them clearly and understand their meaning.

Put them together and speak at this speed.

After thinking for a moment, he gave up thinking about what this person was saying. He raised his right hand and dark mist appeared on his fingertips.

This is the advanced stage of osteoporosis.

"Dio, I have no hostility towards you. On the contrary, we should have the same goals. You must also hate those corrupt people in power.

If we want to change the world, it doesn't matter how many puppets we knock down!
As long as the decadent order at the top does not collapse, there will be no change in this world! "

Muharrad loudly expressed his thoughts to Dior. In his opinion, there was room for cooperation between himself and Dior.

Both sides have a common enemy and there is no need to fight.

"Your appearance and your existence are by no means accidental. Everything is guided by Allah!"

He wanted to convince the other party, but he only saw indifference on Dio's face, and his eyes lacked any emotion that humans should have.

Dark mist sprang out from the white fingertips.

A feeling of danger emerged from his heart. Muharrad stopped talking and quickly moved aside to avoid the black fog.

Unexpectedly, the black mist seemed to be alive and actively chased him.

Muharrad didn't know what the black mist was, but he only knew that it was definitely not a good thing. He thrust his toes down like a knife in tofu, kicking up a large chunk of the ground.

A large amount of soil and grass flew like rain into the black mist, falling to the ground without any pause.

Black mist is really mist and has no substance.

Muharrad caught a glimpse of this scene, stepped back, and shouted: "Dior, are you willing to make a small fuss like this?

With your power, you can obviously subvert the rules of the entire world, why are you willing to stay on this small island?
The wide world is a big stage worthy of your performance.

Answer me, Dio, what do you want? "

Like mud sinking into the sea, his words received no response.

This was the first time in Muharrad's life that impatience arose in his heart. He originally thought he would be able to persuade the other party's bargaining chip.

The other party was dismissive.

It's strange. According to Dior's actions, he should want to change the world.

Or does he think he is too weak to cooperate with him?
Thinking of this, Muharrad's eyes flashed and he did not continue to dodge the black mist.

There was a distance of nine meters from Dio. His eyes widened, and he let out a low roar. He leaped into the air, shrank his body and spread his arms like an eagle flying up. Then, his hands were like eagle claws, and he rushed towards the strongest person in front of him. enemy.

The speed is as fast as riding the wind and waves, and even the black mist behind it cannot catch up.

Qingze only saw the silhouette of the figure flashing, and the other person had already swooped down quickly with the evil wind, really like a peregrine falcon hunting.

The sound of hissing through the air rang in his ears, and Muharrad's hands firmly grasped Qingze's shoulders, with enough force to deform the steel, which was the cause of his defeat.

In the state of Schrödinger's cat, attacks that threaten Qingze's body will disappear.

Suddenly, the fingers disappeared from Muharrad's eyes.


He exclaimed and looked at his hands that had lost ten fingers. The broken fingers looked particularly smooth, as if they had been cleanly chopped off with a guillotine.

The blood rushed out, but under the control of Qingze's mind power, it turned back to Muharrad.

At the same time, the black mist quickly penetrated into Muharrad's body. When his feet landed on the ground, there was a crisp sound. The bones of his calf actually broke, and his whole body fell directly to the ground.

The sound of cracking bones, like potato chips being broken, sounded again, and severe pain quickly spread from below to the brain.

"How is this going?"

Muharrad's face was filled with astonishment that his body had become so fragile.

Qingze raised his hand, and the black mist of advanced diabetes fell from his fingertips onto Muharrad. A feeling of chest tightness suddenly appeared in his heart, followed by deep fatigue.

It was a feeling Muharrad had long forgotten.

He hasn't felt tired since he was five years old.

Even though the man who attempted to assassinate the White House failed and was chased by all forces for more than a month, his heart and body were in a vigorous state, and he never felt tired.

"Dior, what have you done?"

Qingze did not answer, and gave Muharrad the terminal heart disease.

"Cough cough."

Muharrad coughed loudly and covered his heart with his right hand. He found it difficult to breathe, which made the pain of the fracture even more unbearable.

"Ah." He couldn't help but scream in pain, "Dio, why?"

"In my eyes, you are just a mortal."

Qingze understood and answered in English. His body turned into a breeze and blew outside.



A drone was flying in the sky, and its camera captured footage of the courtyard.

Beside rockeries, ponds, and low grass, the giant man who had thrown the drone with stones had fallen to the ground, his throat dug out, and his pupils dilated.Next to the giant man sat a sweaty man.

"I found Muharrad, just behind the wall, and he seemed to be badly injured."

Iwaki Sosuke's voice came from the intercom.

Okayama Butai stepped on the brakes.

The door of the van opened, and Catalina quickly ran out and climbed over the wall in a graceful manner.

Kitano Takeshi and Morimoto Chiyo also turned over.

Emily looked at the wall in front of her and silently closed the door, "Drive."

Damn it, she also wants to climb over the wall in style.

It's a pity that for normal humans, she can only do such outrageous things in her dreams.

Morimoto Chiyo fell down and scanned the scene with his eyes.

Bei Zhiwu next to him shouted: "Did he and that man both lose in the fight?"

"Probably not."

Catalina shook her head. She didn't find any fingers on the ground, and she couldn't feel any danger from Muharrad. This Yemeni lion seemed to have turned into an old man who was 80 or [-] years old.

There is no danger.

"Muharrad, you are under arrest."


Muharrad gasped, with a look of pain on his face, but he endured it and said: "I wasn't knocked down by that guy Sting, it was Dio. I saw Dio."

Hearing this name, Chiyo Morimoto showed a hint of surprise on her face.

Unlike someone who is not good at English, Morimoto Chiyo's English is fully capable of communicating with foreigners.

She thought about it. In the laboratory last time and in Muharrad this time, Dio was ahead of her in solving the opponents that the task force wanted to solve.

The delinquent and evil deeds of the Biological Research Laboratory do meet the conditions that attract Dio to his door.

Is this really a coincidence?

"What did you say to Dio?"

Chiyo Morimoto wants to obtain more information.

Muharrad sneered: "I won't talk to you CIA hawks."

He got nothing from Dio, only a mockery, how could such a thing be said.

"There are some things that we can know even if you don't tell us."

Morimoto Chiyo walked around him, looked at this person's current state, and guessed: "You should be given some kind of disease by Dio.

It's so pitiful that the Yemeni Lion, who is regarded as a formidable enemy by the CIA, is the king of the Middle East.

Being made like this by someone you are pursuing so hard, this is called the road to heaven if you don’t take it, and there is no door to hell but you come to it on your own. "

Muharrad's forehead broke out in cold sweat due to the pain caused by the disease, but his face was expressionless. He was no longer dazed and didn't care about provocation at all.

This indifferent attitude made Morimoto Chiyo roll her eyes and said with a smile: "Why don't we make a deal?

I will reveal the information about Dio to you so that you can understand Dio better before you die.

And Dior’s purpose in staying in Tokyo. "

The last words brought a look of emotion on Muharrad's face.

He really wanted to know, what did the fanatic who regarded him as a mortal and considered himself a god want to do?
In his opinion, only by joining forces with himself can Dior change the world faster.

"It seems that you are very curious about Dio's purpose. Tell us about the situation just now."

"No, unless you tell us about Dio first."

Muharrad relented, but would not disclose his situation in advance.

Chiyo Morimoto shrugged and said: "No, for a person like you, once I tell you all the information, you won't say anything.

You have to tell me first before I can reveal the information about Dio. "

Muharrad thought for a while and said: "Dio refused my invitation, saying that I was just a mortal in his eyes.

He shot out black mist from his fingertips and landed on me, turning me into what I am now. "

"Where are your fingers?"

"It will automatically disappear when it attacks him."

Muharrad answered truthfully, panting tiredly: "It's your turn."

"Disease is really terrible. The male lions in Yemen have weakened their willpower and judgment because of the disease. If you think about it for a moment, how can I tell you the real answer? Just die with doubts."

Chiyo Morimoto spread her hands.

"The devil."

Bei Zhiwu muttered and received a sideways glance from her. He straightened up immediately, as well-behaved as a student seen by the dean.

Chiyo Morimoto looked away with an expression that said you knew what was going on.

Muharrad did not roar. After being fooled, he continued to reprimand the other party for being unethical. It was undoubtedly a very ugly behavior.

"You actually took advantage of my curiosity to trick me, little girl, what's your name?"

"Chiyo Morimoto."


Muharrad closed his eyes and did not intend to say anything else.

He has no suicidal thoughts. A soldier will not give up his life until the last moment.

(End of this chapter)
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