Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 291 The Lion and the Swastika Club

Chapter 291 The Lion and the Swastika Club
Wednesday, June 28.

Chiyo Morimoto locked the door and left Ayase Apartment and headed to Ayase Station. She successfully entered the women's compartment and found a seat to sit down.

Although she wants to sit in the same seat every day, the women's compartment is not a private box, so her position changes from time to time.

Get off at Okubo Station.

She walked towards Hisamatsu's apartment.

The morning sun is shining brightly, and it seems that the rainy season has passed, but the weather forecast tells everyone that this is all a false illusion.

Carrying an umbrella is essential when going out.

However, some students clearly don't take that kind of thing to heart.

Chiyo Morimoto observed that many international students on the roadside had empty hands. Some energetic young people even struck up a conversation with her, asking which school they were from, or who was a senior in their senior year.

She can still be regarded as a college student several years after graduation, which is also due to her own beauty.

Chiyo Morimoto would never expose those people's words, but smiled and said that it was not convenient for him to disclose it.

Away from the neighborhood where most international students live, she came to Jiusong Apartment, walked up the stairs to the second floor, and knocked on the door.

"Come on!"

Someone was approaching quickly inside.

The door opened, and Taketa Okayama said with a smile on his face: "Good morning, Morimoto."

"Good morning, Okayama."

She replied simply and walked into the room.

Except for her, the rest of the task force members have arrived.

Ito Otome, who was sitting on the sofa, snorted coldly and said: "You are really not conscious at all. You are the last to arrive every day."

"I came here according to the legal working hours of civil servants. You are the one with the problem."

Chiyo Morimoto replied, "Those who are like you are easily stabbed in the back by your colleagues in the workplace."

After saying that, she sat on the sofa.

Catalina placed a cup of black tea in front of her. The mellow aroma of the tea brought a smile to Chiyo Morimoto's face, and the depression about going to work seemed to dissipate a lot.

When Emily saw everyone gathered, she began to host this morning's meeting and said: "Based on the manpower reports we have arranged in major hospitals.

There was no large-scale recovery of patients in Tokyo last night, but there were more strange patients.

He had no medical history and suddenly became paralyzed.

There was no fire, but 90.00% of the skin on the body showed burns.

There are also late-stage diabetes, late-stage cancer, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, ALS, and more.

There are 26 people in total, all with different identities, suffering from diseases that they should not have.

But judging from the fact that most people were committing crimes before they became ill, it was probably Dio who committed the crime.

That superpower can not only extract diseases from people, but also give the extracted diseases to others.

And it can also confer multiple diseases on one person at the same time. "

Hearing this, Chiyo Morimoto couldn't help but complain: "Looking at it this way, this super power is quite scientific. It does not simply eliminate the disease, but transfers the disease to another person."

Emily did not answer, but continued: "I didn't use it before, but I used it last night. I suspect that the disease that the super power can extract has an upper limit. Judging from the number of people who have been cured, it is exactly five hundred.

It is not ruled out that the word "five hundred" has a special meaning. It depends on whether any patient will be miraculously cured today. "

Morimoto Chiyo shrugged and said: "Today's work is to find those patients? Or continue to find the master to learn the way to heaven?"


Emily shook her head, took out a few copied photos from her pocket, and placed them in the center of the table. "Our mission today is to find Muharrad, the Yemeni lion."

Chiyo Morimoto picked up the photo. The man on it had disheveled hair, a big beard, and was wearing a hat that gave the impression of being very wealthy.

"Is this guy related to Dior?"

"No, but he wants to kill Jack. We can't let Jack die. We must kill him first."

Emily picked up the black tea, took a sip to moisten her throat, and continued: "Muharrad is a person who often causes terror. He is a staunch Shia and hates pagans, especially the United States.

He repeatedly uttered wild words about burning all of God's chosen people to death.

He has strong personal force. He attacked the US military base more than once and tried to physically eliminate the president several times. The assassination failed and he was not arrested.

Counterattack the CIA agents who were hunting him. "

"Hey, that's really awesome."

Chiyo Morimoto put down the black tea, raised her head and said, "Katerina, didn't you say that you had been active in the Middle East for a period of time? Have you met Muharrad?"

Catalina shook her head and said: "No, I heard someone mention his name. Among the Shias, he is the most extreme person. He once destroyed three Sunni villages, regardless of men, women, old and young. Burned alive.

Among the numerous organizations, the four words Muharrad have a magical power.

Everyone who mentioned him had fear on their faces. "

"Is there any grudge between Muharrad and Jack?"

Bei Zhiwu said with an indifferent expression: "If Jack has done something immoral in Yemen before, I think this kind of thing can be dealt with by themselves."

"Bei Zhiwu, don't be too naive. Do you think those who challenge world hegemony are good people?"

Emily knew where his thoughts and remarks came from. She rolled her eyes and said, "Germany, Japan, and Italy formed the alliance to challenge Britain's world hegemony. But you can say that their aggression and massacre are all from Self-righteous?
It is true that Muharrad hates the United States, but he also hates other people. As long as they are not Shia and believe in other sects, in his eyes, they are heretics who need to be burned to death.

Don't be attracted to religious fanatics. "

Bei Zhiwu muttered: "Then you can't deny whether Jack did something to Muharrad in Yemen."

"Do you think Jack can survive if he offends Muharrad?"

Chiyo Morimoto said something that offended Jack, "Muharrad traveled all the way to Japan for one purpose. He came for Dior."

Emily nodded, it was easier to talk to smart people, "Yes, according to my investigation last night, Muharrad should have arrived in Tokyo through the relationship of the Swastika Society."

“What would the swastika be?”

“The Swastika Society is a loose group of far-right organizations spanning three continents, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, any politician who promotes extreme slogans can join this organization.

A member of the Japanese Swastika Society is Haruhiko Okamura. "

Having said this, Emily took out a photo of Okamura Haruhiko and placed it on the table: "We wanted to see that guy last night, but he refused directly and refused to admit that he was a member of the Swastika Society.

I received news from people familiar with the matter that Okamura Haruhiko will attend a TV Asahi program today. If you want to see him, you can wait in the underground parking lot of the TV station. "

"I don't want to do this kind of thing to offend my superiors."

Morimoto Chiyo sighed.

Emily glanced at her and said, "You can't help but let's go!"


Haruhiko Okamura is a high-ranking member of the right wing.

Unlike Sato, a new political star promoted by new media, he is a traditional political veteran and a senior right-winger who often makes extreme remarks on television.

But he never wanted to run for prime minister.

On the one hand, I don't have that idea, and on the other hand, the United States does not agree with making him the prime minister.

The extreme meets the needs of the United States. If it is too extreme, it will be a situation that the United States does not want to see.

They just want Japan to act as a barking dog, rather than a wolf that actually pounces and bites people.

Okamura Haruhiko knew what the United States was thinking and was very dissatisfied, but there was not much he could do.

The situation is stronger than the people. Today's Japan is no longer the Japan that could challenge the United States.

The ambition of the Japanese Empire came to an end when it failed in World War II.

As a remnant, Okamura Haruhiko has not completely lost hope. Times are constantly changing.

The conditions also require people to fight for them.

The Japanese Empire was never established in a day, and the minions that were cut off could be regained little by little.

As long as these right-wingers still occupy high positions in the country, when the world changes drastically, it will be the time when the imperial dream will be revived again.

Okamura Haruhiko believes that he is not far from that day.

He was sitting in a specially made bulletproof car, and three cars of the same color and style were following him around.

Since Durant was unable to catch him, he had to strengthen his security.

Only by living can you continue to accumulate strength.

Once dead, all ambitions are empty talk.

He looked out the window at the scenery.

I listened to the secretary reporting today's schedule, what to do in the morning, what to do in the afternoon, and what to do in the evening.

As a member of parliament, Okamura Haruhiko needs to frequently attend various events to maintain his influence and status in the circle.

Especially TV station interview programs.

"Okamura-sama, this is the speech and some questions that some TV stations will ask later. I hope you can read it again."

Okamura Haruhiko looked away, took the speech from his secretary, and reviewed it again.

He didn't want to have to look down at the manuscript in his hand all the time while attending the show.

That would give people a sense of cowardice and lack of confidence. He prefers to memorize those words and then talk on stage to create a strong and knowledgeable posture.

"Is there no news from Durant yet?"

After he finished reviewing, he started asking for news about Durant as usual. It was not a good experience to have that kind of crazy civilian staring at his life all the time.

There was a hint of apology on the secretary's face and he whispered: "Not yet. The situation in Tokyo has been quite chaotic recently. Several people from the CIA have died. The head of MI[-] has also been hospitalized. The Ninja Institute is still working hard."

"I don't want to listen to those excuses. Tell Kamei that if it doesn't work, I'll replace him."


The secretary replied.

Their vehicle had already driven into the underground parking lot of the TV Asahi Building. Other vehicles stopped first. The bodyguards quickly got out of the car, checked the surrounding security, and then blocked the four people at the car door.

Protect Okamura Haruhiko from the car.

At this time, a cleaner passed by pushing a cleaning truck.

(End of this chapter)
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