Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 279 It’s time for the US military to come out and clean up the ground

Chapter 279 It’s time for the US military to come out and clean up the ground
U.S. Seventh Fleet Commander Walter May.

Usually at this time, he is in a comfortable room, holding a Japanese girl in her twenties, discussing issues on the philosophy of life.

A phone call today made him leave the beauty in a hurry and rush to the command center of the headquarters.

Fortunately for him, in order to ensure that he would not delay his work while having fun, he did not play with women outside, but directly placed the play area in the office area.

Once something happens, Walter can reach the command center of the headquarters in the shortest time.

Apart from him, the senior officials of the Seventh Fleet gathered on both sides of the rectangular seats.

"Commander Walter."

"No need to say those scene words, just pick up the picture from the satellite."

"it is good."

The originally dark large screen quickly lit up, and the picture taken by the military satellite was transferred directly here.

That's outside Biology Laboratory 47.


A rare hint of shock appeared on Walter's face. He learned from the report that there were people with super powers and also knew about Dio.

But after all, those things were understood on paper and were not as shocking as seeing them in person.

He looked at the huge figure on the screen, feeling like he was watching a large monster disaster movie like Godzilla in the cinema.

"Is this a person with super powers? It's a complete monster!"

Walter complained, his eyes fixed on the picture. The military satellite was far away from the ground, but the picture it provided was very clear.

The luster that shines on the surface is exactly that of a diamond.

The outline of the arms and face can vaguely be seen as a human being.

To be honest, there are a lot of taller buildings in the human world, but those buildings cannot be more shocking than the giant in front of you.

Because this is a human, no, a superpower.

Walter suddenly understood the people above. Apart from immortality, the military combat capabilities of superpowers were also very powerful.

Just grabbing an ordinary stone from the mountain can exert a destructive power that is more terrifying than a cannonball, and the speed absolutely exceeds the speed of sound.

If they can take the lead in mastering superpowers, they will have the strength to launch World War III and wipe out the only two major countries that can compete with them.

Walt wants to leave his name in history.

"Commander Walter, do we need to send a fighter plane over to test it?"

"There is no order from above, we will wait and see what happens."

Walter was also curious about whether the other party could withstand the bombing of fighter planes, but the biggest difference between him and the previous commander was that he strictly abided by the orders of the White House.

Walter will not act without permission without orders from above.

As for those in Biological Laboratory 47, it seems that they are hopeless.

He watched the huge figure like Godzilla approaching Biological Research Laboratory 47, and could only say sorry in his heart.


Qingze took steps forward.

With just one click, he crossed dozens of meters to reach the door. The impact of his foot falling caused the complete road at the door to collapse.

The wall was as fragile as a pile of sand. It collapsed under the impact, setting off waves of air and dust, hoping to destroy the trees.

Qingze carefully moved inside, and all the beautiful trees were broken. The strong wind was like a substantial blow, shattering the window glass of the biological laboratory, causing the researchers inside to scream in surprise.


"God please bless me!"

Some religious people have begun to pray devoutly, hoping that the Almighty Father will save them.

Qingze squatted down, and a violent sonic boom exploded. The remaining unbroken glass quickly shattered, and the window frames made a rattling and twisting sound.

Boom, the strong wind poured into the room through the glassless windows, and the test tubes and other things on the stage were blown to pieces.

Many fell to the ground, some were broken, and some were stronger and did not break into pieces.


Many researchers covered their eardrums with their hands and screamed in pain. The buzzing tinnitus echoed in their heads, making them unable to think.

Qingze found that he was too big like this and might destroy the data storing the Z potion.

He chose another approach, integrating style elements.

The huge, shining giant suddenly disappeared. He began to absorb the power of the wind, and then crawled inside through the broken window.

Rumble, the loud sound of wind echoed in Research Room No. [-], and the people inside didn't even have time to cry out before they were already involved in the howling wind.

Qingze controlled the wind to rotate rapidly, tearing the human body apart at once.

Several people were killed on the spot.

The invisible wind was given the shape of a whirlpool by the blood, and he continued walking outside.


A series of screams were heard, which were short-lived and scared the researchers in the laboratory to hug each other, hoping that this behavior would bring them a sense of security.

"No, Louise, we are all going to die. Let me pull it out quickly. I don't want to die while still a virgin!"

A person in the NO.16 laboratory asked for help from the only woman present, hoping that this woman could fulfill his death wish.

Normally, Louise would definitely reward the other party with a big showdown, but on the line between life and death, she chose to comply with the other party's request.

"Dip some saliva on yourself."

"Thank you!"

The middle-aged man was overjoyed and quickly took off his pants. He didn't want to be a virgin when he died. "Ah, this is the woman!"

In less than ten seconds, he was satisfied and wanted to continue.

At this moment, there was a banging sound, the door of the research room was knocked open, and a huge wave of blood poured in. Louise recognized who one of the heads was, and the next second, the head was shattered by the wind.

The strong wind quickly swept in the three researchers present, except for the person on the stage.

The rumbling sound of wind rang in his ears, and the tied man on the stage shivered. He found that the wind did not hurt him, but cut off the ropes on his body directly, and then left here.

Tears of joy flowed directly from my eyes.

Although he once gave up hope of living when he was caught, he was still very willing to live if he could.

He quickly got up and ran outside quickly.

Qingze swept all the researchers at the bottom into the strong wind. In the roaring wind, the human body was no harder than paper and was rolled into various strange and weird shapes.

When he got to the back door, he got out from the broken window, spilled all the blood and flesh, and spread a large blood-red carpet in the back courtyard area.

Without the coloring of blood, the wind became invisible and colorless. Qingze slowly dissipated his huge size and became a breeze-like existence again.


"Quick, let's get up there!"

Chiyo Morimoto shouted, she knew that now she had to grab time.

Bei Zhiwu didn't hesitate, immediately started the van and quickly drove into the trail.

After a while, their car could no longer move forward.

The road ahead was broken and broken, like a rugged mountain road that had not been repaired.

Chiyo Morimoto quickly opened the car door and jumped out of the car.

Others followed, including Kitano Takeru, who abandoned his car and ran. Now they had to rush against the US military stationed in Japan. They had to get ahead of them and copy the Z-drug information to the USB flash drive in the name of investigating Dio.

Qingze walked in two steps.

But for Chiyo Morimoto, who is of normal size, this journey is definitely not short, let alone difficult.

The upturned cement fragments include some sharp or round stones. If you are not careful, you can easily get injured on your feet.

Fortunately, she was as agile as a monkey, so there was no problem.

Iwaki Sosuke was not good enough. His physical fitness was below the level of ordinary people. After falling once, he did not dare to continue running and walked slowly instead.

He watched the figures of Morimoto Chiyo and others getting further and further away, and could only console himself in his heart that he had expertise in the art.


Chiyo Morimoto was the first to break into the research room and quickly ran to the room in Biological Research Laboratory No. [-].

The door showed traces of fine cracks and bent to the ground. There was no body on the scene, only broken window glass and some fallen test tubes, but they were not broken.

The instrument seemed to be operating normally. Chiyo Morimoto looked at the lit computer screen and immediately plugged in the USB flash drive. A series of pictures changed on the computer screen, and then it stopped at the interface for downloading data.

Ten percent, twenty percent, and at 80.00%, she heard a rumbling sound from above.

A trace of cold sweat appeared on Chiyo Morimoto's forehead, and she couldn't help but cheer silently in her heart.

Wow, the green light of the USB flash drive lights up, and the computer screen returns to its original state.

Chiyo Morimoto quickly took it off and tucked it into her ponytail.

She exhaled and walked out calmly, thinking about how to deal with the questioning from the US military stationed in Japan later.

Those arrogant guys are not as easy to fool as the police from the Metropolitan Police Department, and even the name of the CIA may not be able to suppress them.

The roaring sound disappeared.

Chiyo Morimoto didn't need to run out to know that the US military was coming here.

She pretended to continue searching for traces of Dio, but in fact there was nothing to find. There was not a drop of blood at the scene.

The body seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. It was probably blown up, she thought, and heard Kitanotake's cry again.

Morimoto Chiyo quickly ran over and asked: "What happened?"


Bei Zhiwu stretched out his hand and pointed outside.

Chiyo Morimoto cast her gaze out the shattered window and saw a sea of ​​blood. The things floating on it were obviously human organs, such as the heart, liver, kidneys, etc.

The distinctive organs were not mashed up.

"It's really a hellish situation."

Morimoto Chiyo murmured, the smell of blood in the air was still so unpleasant.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and a row of U.S. troops carried by transport planes quickly broke in.

They shouted loudly and began to search the scene in batches. A group of people quickly came forward, surrounded the four people at the end of the corridor, and pointed their guns at them.

"Don't move, who are you?"

Chiyo Morimoto tilted her head and said, "We are a task force sent by the CIA to monitor Dior."

"We don't care if you are from the CIA or not, this is a base under our jurisdiction.

I suspect that you have illegally stolen the confidential information here. All of them will be searched! "

The man had a cold look on his face. If any secrets were leaked due to the lack of body search, he would be the one responsible.

"Isn't it a bit rude of you to treat a lady like this?"

"The matter is urgent and there is nothing we can do about it."

The man replied calmly that he didn't like to poke people, he only liked to be poked, so he would not give any preferential treatment to women.

(End of this chapter)
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