Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 277 The God of Death comes to deliver lunch

Chapter 277 The God of Death comes to deliver lunch

Perhaps it was due to the impending rain, and darkness spread over Tokyo a little earlier than usual.

In a van speeding on the road, Chiyo Morimoto spread out the topographic map of the 47th Biological Laboratory obtained by Sosuke Iwaki on a small table.

The overall shape is octagonal, with a total of four exits.

At the top is the apron, with three floors and a basement.

The bottom floor is a research room for various organisms, divided by number, from one to thirty.

There is a restaurant and a leisure center on the second floor, where there are fitness equipment, table tennis tables, basketball courts, etc. to ensure the physical and mental health of the internal staff.

The third floor is the dormitory, with a total of sixty rooms.

Potion Z is only one of the potions launched by 47 Biological Research Laboratory, not all of them.

Iwaki Sosuke did not obtain the specific information content. The information was encrypted layer by layer and kept in the most rigorous core.

Iwaki Sosuke used to boast that his network hacking skills were unparalleled. In fact, he was not as powerful as he boasted. He was unable to break into all the systems of 47 Biological Laboratory and could only obtain part of the information.

He couldn't get the most critical core information.

This means that they need to break into the 47th Biological Research Room and copy all the information on Agent Z to a USB flash drive.

"According to the information obtained by Iwaki, the information on Agent Z is located in Research Room 8. We can use high-explosive bombs to blow open the outer wall and break into the courtyard from the west.

Before that, we need to deal with the Sifang sentry tower. The personnel configuration inside is unclear, the firepower is absolutely top-notch, and there may be machine guns.

I suggest using drones to carry explosives for suicide attacks. "

Chiyo Morimoto looked solemn and said: "Then, we must rush to Research Room 8 as quickly as possible to obtain all the information on Potion Z."

The person driving the car was Okayama Taketa, and the people sitting in the car seat listening were Iwaki Sosuke, Miyaji Yosuke, and Kitano Takeshi.

After careful consideration, Miyaji Yosuke decided to participate in this operation.

He couldn't allow such a shocking case to happen right in front of his eyes, but he did nothing.

"When we get to the scene, can we use a drone to investigate the more specific situation first?"

Iwaki Sosuke shook his head and said: "My network attack can only paralyze the system for 15 minutes. If it exceeds this time, it will not prevent the other party from calling for support.

The U.S. troops stationed in Japan in Yokosuka Port will arrive here as soon as possible, and this operation must be fast. "

Yosuke Miyaji frowned slightly and said, "Destroy the enemy and copy the Z potion information within 15 minutes. Time is very tight."

"No matter how tight it is, it must be done. You all saw the message from Ito. The essence of Z-drug is a poison with complex ingredients.

The longer we delay, the more hopeless Emily will be. We must study the antidote while the toxicity is at its weakest. "

When Chiyo Morimoto said this, she raised her head and said: "Okayama, if you feel tired while driving, change someone else. You must ensure your own condition.

The distance from here to Kawasaki City in Saitama Prefecture is not too close by car. "

"it is good."

Okayama Taketa replied and continued driving.

Qingze, who turned into a breeze, got out of the car.

He already knew what Chiyo Morimoto wanted to do, and went to the 47th Biological Research Laboratory to get the so-called Z-drug information, which was related to Emily.

The location was Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture, so he didn't need to worry. He would go back for a meal first, and then put on Dior's vest to help Chiyo solve the problem in advance.


Night falls.

Saitama Prefecture, outside Kawagoe City.

A trail separates from the main road, winds forward, intersperses between the mountains, and ends at the 47th Biological Research Laboratory.

Apart from the octagonal research institute, there is also a wide yard planted with beautiful greenery.

The outside is surrounded by a high wall and the iron gate is very strong.

The electrified barbed wire fence was stretched out on the wall, and there were sentry towers on all sides, each with a machine gun mounted inside.

In order to ensure that there are no surprises in the research results here, a platoon of elite US troops is stationed here.

Harold Rosen was the platoon leader.

He is 1.9 meters and a half tall, with dark complexion and an extremely strong build.

In the summer, Harold's dark green vest made one wonder if he could fight a black bear with his bare hands.

He also likes to wear vests and trousers. Whether in the hot summer or the cold winter, he likes to wear it whenever he can wear it to show off his well-trained strong body.

Because of his excessive energy, the US troops in the platoon are accustomed to calling this guy a chimpanzee.

Of course, they only dare to say this title in private, and never dare to say it in front of this person.

But Harold had long overheard their private nicknames for him, but he wasn't angry at all.

In his opinion, being able to be given such a powerful nickname by the soldiers below undoubtedly proved that his superior was very successful.

A superior who is not criticized by his subordinates is not a good superior.

"Mattick, report the situation at the sentry tower."

Harold began his daily nightly rounds, asking questions over the intercom.

"Return to Platoon Commander Harold! Nothing unusual!"

Mattick replied loudly, cursing in his heart that it has been three years since he was transferred to Biological Laboratory 47, and this place is not far from Yokosu Port.

Who dares to come and cause trouble?

According to the seniors who were transferred earlier, staying in a place like this is a long paid vacation, and you can play in the leisure center as much as you like.

But Harold's character caused the entire platoon of soldiers to maintain stronger military training than the Yokosuka base.That chimpanzee probably has something wrong with his brain.

In other words, he suffers from severe persecution paranoia, so he has only been doing this for three years, never slacking off, and being wary of enemies in the air who don't know when they will attack.

Unfortunately, for people like them, the leisure that the predecessors enjoyed was not enjoyed at all, and they were worried all day long about whether the chimpanzees would conduct surprise inspections.

"Very good, you should keep your spirits up. The enemy may appear at any time. If you see any abnormal situation, report it to me as soon as possible!"

Harold ordered them and shouted: "Locke, remember to send the security situation of our place to the base on time."

"no problem."

Harold asked them one little thing after another and received their responses, but he still didn't feel at ease.

He knows that long-term comfort can easily make the people below relax, which is not a good thing.

He must always keep an eye on what's going on below.

Unlike those ordinary soldiers, he knew that the current 47 Biological Research Laboratory was different from the past and sent more experimental materials than in previous years.

This shows that the funds allocated by the higher authorities are quite sufficient, and it also means that the higher authorities attach great importance to the research results here.

He must be careful, no matter how careful he is, only in this way can he have a chance to get ahead.

Harold was born in a ghetto, but he did not choose that degenerate life like others.

He has set a goal since he was a child. He must stand out and get rid of people's stereotypes about his skin color.

He prioritized patrolling the material library to check whether the people holding the experimental materials were slacking off.


The material library is located in the basement.

There is only one entrance and exit.

When Harold opened the door, the light was already on in the corridor going down.

He went down the stairs.

There is a large prison-like room downstairs, with tables and chairs outside for two American soldiers to sit and rest.

There were people of all colors in the room, 19 people in total.

One of them was muttering in words that Harold couldn't understand, "Damn agent, cheated me of hundreds of thousands, and sent me here to let Lao Mo..."

"Platoon Leader Harold!"

Two American soldiers stood up and performed a military salute.

Harold nodded and said: "You guys, please be careful, they are precious practical materials and you cannot let them die."

"Don't worry, we are always watching."

After hearing his subordinate's answer, Harold scanned the experimental materials of the opposite sex with his eyes and found that their clothes were neat and there was indeed no trace of being tampered with.

It's just a fair-skinned man who can't understand the words in the crowd. His clothes are a bit messy, and his posture is uneasy.

"You two won't do anything with experimental materials, right?"

"No, Platoon Leader Harold, we adhere to your policy and will never have any communication with those experimental materials!"

Harold said nothing, but stared at the soldier who spoke with cold eyes.

After a while, the pressure made the other party sweat on his forehead, and he took the initiative: "I'm very sorry, Platoon Commander Harold, I lied."

"If you have so much energy, just go out and run around the research room twenty times!"


After punishing the soldier, Harold wanted to continue patrolling the next place. Suddenly, a sentry tower report came from the walkie-talkie on his body, "Platoon Leader Harold, a blond man appeared on the highway and was approaching here.

Is anyone from above coming to check today? "

Hearing Mattick's words, Harold realized something was wrong. He had not received any inspection notification from above, considering that those martial artists were so physically powerful that they were abnormal.

Harold immediately said: "Kill him."

“Don’t you need confirmation and expulsion?”

"No need, I didn't receive the notice."

Harold has a very decisive character and believes in his own judgment. As long as he is not the person above, anyone who appears here will only die.

"it is good."

Mattick replied, looking towards the road ahead.

It was dark at night, and the blond man was still approaching here leisurely. He had no idea that he was being targeted by death and his life was counting down.

Mattick thought in his mind and said to his companion next to him: "Platoon Leader Harold's order is to kill him."

"How pitiful."

Say it again.

There was no trace of sympathy on the man's face. He just pointed the machine gun at the blond man dozens of meters away and pulled the trigger with his index finger.

Click, click, click, a series of bullets flew out quickly. When they heard the sound, the figure should fall down, just like the character in the game.

But in their sight, the man was still approaching slowly.

"Hey, your marksmanship is too bad, right?"

Mattick complained, what kind of stroke shooting method is this? It's not like in a fierce war. This guy stayed where he was, aiming at a target, and he was able to miss it. It was simply outrageous.

A trace of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the man who fired the gun, and he said in shock: "No, I have obviously aimed at him, why is he not dead?"

(End of this chapter)
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