Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 275: Lao Mei never disappoints in terms of being a good person.

Chapter 275: Lao Mei never disappoints in terms of being a good person.

The second day of toothache.

Emily was standing in front of the bathroom mirror. She was standing on tiptoes, looking in the mirror to see if her right cheek was red or swollen.

She touched it with her hands and felt that it was swollen, but when she looked at her cheeks in the mirror, there was no redness or swelling at all, which seemed to be her own psychological illusion.

After watching it repeatedly, she confirmed this fact, looked at the toothpaste and toothbrush again, and couldn't help complaining that she would be brushing her teeth tomorrow.

But there are still cavities, which shows that the toothpaste is of no use at all.

With this thought in her mind, she squeezed out the toothpaste gently, lamenting in her heart that human beings are really fragile.

Any abnormality in any organ of the body will trigger a series of chain reactions.

When a small tooth develops cavities, she feels like she is in terrible pain.

If you are a person with super powers, you should not have such trouble.

Emily used a tooth cup to catch the water. She couldn't imagine Dio not daring to brush his teeth because of toothache.

Speaking of which, does Dior need to brush his teeth?
As the old monster that Griffith said had lived for thousands of years, that person's body structure should be different from that of normal humans. It is likely that he does not need to brush his teeth or eat.

That kind of body is really convenient.

The thoughts in Emily's mind were quickly interrupted by toothache, her brows furrowed, but she brushed it lightly a few times before gargling and spitting it out.

She washed her face again and strode out of the bathroom.

The smell of baking bread wafts through the living room.

Emily took a deep breath, trying to absorb the sugar from the fragrance, then walked to the table and picked up the sandwich with eggs.

She took a slow bite.

Previously, Emily always liked to fill her small mouth with big mouthfuls, causing her cheeks to always bulge, as if a hamster was eating.

Now, she no longer dared to fill her small mouth, but only dared to take a careful bite and chew gently to try to alleviate the pain in her teeth.

Miyaji Yosuke's old father's heart was restless.

Emily looks like she is fourteen or five years old, and she looks very young.

In addition, she has a very good brain and her daily habits are quite casual, like that of a child.

Perhaps it was a quirk of genius, but it reminded him of his unruly daughter at home.

"Emily, I think it's better to see a dentist as soon as possible. If you continue to delay like this, your teeth may hurt so much that your facial nerves will die, and your mouth will become crooked."

Emily swallowed the food in her mouth and retorted: "Miyaji, you are exaggerating for a simple toothache."

"If you don't believe it, you can check it online."

Miyaji Yosuke replied with a serious face.

Emily rolled her eyes and said angrily: "If you go online to see a doctor, even if you don't have any disease, it will be considered a terminal illness."

"Those are not all lies. It's just that through the Internet, doctors can't specifically judge the condition, so they naturally say it's serious. It's good that the person is fine.

If something happens, you can go to the hospital for treatment in time. "

"That's annoying, I just grit my teeth and it'll be fine."

Emily retorted and continued to eat slowly, much slower than usual.

When Okayama Taketa arrived here, she had only eaten half of it.

When Chiyo Morimoto arrived, Emily still had a small piece of sandwich to finish and was eating it leisurely.

Her movements were more elegant than those of ancient princesses.

Seeing this, Chiyo Morimoto strode forward, bent down, and put his right hand around Emily's waist.

"Wait, Morimoto, what do you want to do?"

"Take you to the dentist."

Chiyo Morimoto replied, using her right arm, she directly picked up the petite Emily from her seat and carried her on her shoulders like rice.

"Just let me down!"

Emily protested loudly, and kept hammering her back with her little hands. The force was just like tickling Morimoto Chiyo. She only needed to be careful of Emily's feet and avoid kicking her in the chest.

"Be honest, it's because of your misbehavior that I took you to the dentist in this way."

"Damn it, Katarina! Okayama! Miyaji! Ito..."

Amidst her continuous shouting, the other members of the task force pretended not to hear her.

Emily felt heartbroken and had to accept the reality. Seeing that she was about to step out of the door, she hurriedly said: "Let me down, why don't I go to the dentist?"

It's more respectable to see it yourself than to be carried on someone's shoulders.

She still wants to save face.

After hearing this, Chiyo Morimoto put her down, grabbed her shoulders and said, "Don't even think about running away."

"Asshole, I'm the team leader. Just remember, don't think about taking a break on weekends in the future."

Emily complained, but people still walked outside, feeling sad in their hearts that civilization had once again succumbed to violence.

She is too condensed.


Okubo, Noda Dental Clinic.

Only when Emily got here did she realize that she was not the only one suffering from toothache.

There were two people lined up in front of her, one was African-American and the other was Korean. Her odd number was four, and she was sitting on a chair in the hall waiting for her number to be called.

Emily glanced at Chiyo Morimoto next to her and said angrily: "Go back to work quickly and don't be lazy here."

Chiyo Morimoto crossed her legs and said slowly: "No, I have to watch you complete all the steps to avoid giving up halfway."

"Damn it, you just want to fish, right?"

Emily clenched her fists.

Chiyo Morimoto smiled, ignored her annoyance, and comforted her: "Don't be nervous, this is not Russia, and no one will forget to give you an anesthetic because they drank too much vodka." Emily was silent.

That incident happened when she was nine years old, and she could never forget it. She was so embarrassed that her tears flowed out in pain, but she still didn't want to scream.

She thought all dentists were like that.

It was not until later that she discovered that the dentist drank too much vodka, which made her experience dental treatment that was different from ordinary children.

She thought it was nothing at the time, but the more she thought about it afterwards, the more frightened she became. She had forgotten the appearance and location of the dentist, but the psychological shadow of the dentist was left in her mind.

Emily didn't want to go to the dentist from the bottom of her heart, her eyes rolled, and she couldn't help praying in her heart, Dio should commit the crime quickly, he could kill anyone, as long as he let her leave from here.

But such an idea is destined to be impossible to realize.

If it’s not a holiday, Dior will basically not take action at nine o’clock in the morning.

Strange, don’t the souls of sinners in the morning have any power?
Emily's mind drifted back to the case. In the recent period, she had worked overtime and often communicated with doctors and scholars to initially understand the reason why Dior committed the crime at noon.

It is said that the Yang Qi is strongest at noon, symbolizing vitality and energy, and may affect the souls of sinners, but the time chosen at night made Emily confused.

While she was thinking, Chiyo Morimoto patted her shoulder and said, "Okay, it's already the third day, so hurry in."


Emily stood up and walked to the dentist's office.


The diagnosis and treatment room is very clean, the area is not very large, and all kinds of instruments are complete.

A dentist who looked to be in his early thirties was standing there, with an honest face, and the name tag on his white coat was Noda Taro.

"Little girl, don't be afraid, sit here."

Bang, Emily closed the door heavily and said angrily: "Doctor, I am already in my 20s, I am not a little girl!"

"Yeah, you look really young."

"Be more careful next time."

Emily said, still sitting there obediently.

Taro Noda smiled and said: "Miss Emily, please rinse your mouth first.

Then he opened his mouth and let me see what was going on. "

Emily finished rinsing her mouth and opened her mouth.

Noda Taro just took a look and understood that the tooth decay was not serious, and the toothache was probably caused by staying up late and getting angry. "Your situation is very serious. You need to extract your teeth and then implant them."

"Is it that serious?!"

"Miss Emily, I am a professional dentist. In your case, you must have your teeth replaced.

Now that we're here, you don't want to continue to feel pain, right? "

Noda Taro had a serious expression on his face.

Emily thought that she had to bite carefully even when eating, but she still felt pain.

It turned out that the tooth was decayed to the point where it could not be replaced without replacement.


"Please wait a moment, I will prepare a local anesthetic for you to avoid pain when you extract the tooth."

Noda Taro did not say the specific price of replacing a tooth.

Emily didn't ask either.

Anyway, it will be reimbursed by the funds of the task force, not her money.

Taro Noto turned around and entered a room inside. The honest expression on his face disappeared, revealing a touch of coldness.

He walked to the drawer, opened it, and took out the syringe. First he drew out the anesthetic, and then he poked the needle into the test tube of the Z medicine, drew a little and mixed it in.

The so-called Z agent is a human evolution drug developed by the 47th Biological Research Laboratory of the US military. Their concept is that superpowers are a kind of poison that forces evolution.

If human beings want to awaken, they must bear that fierce poison.

How to bear it, and which kind of poison the superpower is closer to, are what 47 Biological Research Laboratory needs to figure out.

They chose to open a dental clinic in Okubo because of the large number of foreign residents here.

Such people do not have much influence in the local area, and they cannot cause much trouble if they die of illness or have any problems.

Taro Noda closed the drawer, turned around, and with a sincere expression on his face, he left the small room and said with a smile: "Please don't worry, it won't hurt after the anesthetic.

Please open your mouth. "


Emily opened her mouth.

Taro Noda looked at the location of the cavities, applied anesthetic and said, "If you want to remove one, you only need local anesthesia."

After the beating, he thoughtfully put a blindfold on Emily to prevent her from seeing the cruel scene of picking up iron pliers to pull out teeth.

Under the influence of the anesthetic, Emily did not notice any pain.

"Okay, the tooth has been extracted. If you want to get a dental implant, wait three months before you come here again."


Emily replied dully, still feeling the numbness in the removed area in her mouth.

Taro Noda smiled and said, "Take the order and go to the front desk to pay."


Emily replied and walked outside.

Noda Taro said expressionlessly: "No. [-]."

(End of this chapter)
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