Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 264 The way to heaven is contained in knowledge

Chapter 264 The way to heaven is contained in knowledge
The blazing white street lights fell on the street, and there was a chill in the air. Onofre stood there with his body in a fist-pumping posture, and his body was covered with white frost.

The layers of white frost couldn't hide the pure smile on his face.

It is said that people tend to see beautiful hallucinations when it is extremely cold.

Qingze exhaled cold air, but his body did not disappear.

The sound of roaring propellers echoed in the air, and a dazzling searchlight quickly fell to the ground.

He raised his head, raised his hand to cover the light, and saw a rope hanging directly down.

Two people shared a rope and quickly slid down.

When she was still seven or eight meters above the ground, the tall woman let go of the rope and fell straight from the air.

Bang, his feet crushed the white frost on the ground.

A strong impact surged through her feet, but Catalina's face didn't waver at all. Her face, which was more masculine than a man's, was full of solemnity. She stood up slowly and said, "Dior, we meet again."

"Don't be in such a hurry."

The frost gradually faded away, and Qingze transformed into Dior again and said, "I haven't seen you for a while, but you still look very energetic."

Emily, who was in Katarina's arms, quickly jumped down and stepped on the ground. The chill in the air did not dissipate quickly with Qingze's ability to cancel element replacement, but still remained.

Emily, who was wearing a suspender dress, couldn't help but shake her body, and her blue eyes glanced at the man who was frozen into an ice sculpture.


Emily had already investigated the information about this man. The reason was very simple. When she was monitoring Eijiro Takeda, she naturally discovered that this man had asked Eijiro Takeda to secretly treat Mark from MI[-].

After a little investigation into Onofre's past, Emily immediately understood that such a violent and arrogant guy who had his own way of doing things was very likely to meet Dio. Therefore, the task force had been monitoring Onofre's movements.

This is also the reason why Emily was able to rush to Setagaya District as quickly as possible.

"Dior, you failed to go to heaven yesterday. How do you feel?"

Emily stepped forward without letting the other members of SAT come down. She wanted to chat with Dio as much as possible and get more information.

Qingze blinked and realized in his heart that they were playing with the clouds as a vision of ascending to heaven.

He didn't expose it, and said with a smile on his face: "Failure is the mother of success. It was because of that failure that I understood what conditions should be met to go to heaven."

Emily wanted to ask what the conditions were, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she just talked like usual, "I went to another world and met Griffith.

Heaven, he said, is the island where God lives. "

"Griffith doesn't understand heaven."

Qingze shook his head and said in a very charming voice: "The Ancient Mirante Scripture is just a lie compiled by the rulers to prove the legitimacy of their rule.

Heaven is a place of eternal happiness, but what kind of happiness is there when staying with a person, even a so-called god?

The so-called paradise is not the island of origin that exists in the long river of time. "

Emily agrees with this statement. In her opinion, only those fanatical religious people will feel that staying with God is a kind of happiness.

From the perspective of normal people, when an omnipotent god is by their side, everything about them will be watched, and they will never be able to bear the feeling of oppression.

"What do you want to do when you go to heaven?"

"You will know when the time comes."

Qingze hadn't thought about it at all, so he didn't intend to say it.

Emily's heart sank, and it was completely confirmed that Dio going to heaven would affect all human beings.

She took a deep breath and whispered, "How do you want to get to heaven?"

"Emili, don't act like a little girl to me. If you want to know, go find the answer yourself."

Qingze did not stay here anymore and entered Schrödinger's cat's state of non-existence.

If you stay any longer, you will exceed Chiyo Morimoto's access time.

"Wait a moment!"

Emily took a few steps forward, and the tall figure in front of her disappeared.

She stepped on the thin white frost and said angrily, "Damn it, if I could find him, would I still ask him?"

Having said this, Emily fell into deep thought and bit her thumb subconsciously.

Could it be that the way to heaven is actually hidden in human books?

That's why Dio asked her to find the answer.

If this is the case, that knowledge is most likely hidden in religion or mythological books from ancient times to the present.

However, those books may have different names for heaven.

In Taoism, it means becoming an immortal and ascending to the 33rd heaven. In Buddhism, it should mean becoming a Buddha, a spiritual mountain.

Thinking according to this theory, Emily suddenly realized that she should not have ignored those ancient records before. Perhaps Dio came to this world just to find a way to ascend to heaven from those books.

Such speculation rekindled Emily's desire to read.

Of course, she wouldn't want to actually read it on her own. In that case, it would undoubtedly be a very time-consuming and stupid way.

Emily must find relevant scholars and experts to discuss Dio's method of going to heaven.

Thinking of this, Emily walked up to the ice sculpture, looked at the frozen Onofre and said, "Is this guy still alive?"

"It's impossible to live."

Catalina shook her head, pointed out her hand and said, "Look at the redness on the chest. It's not splashed on the outside, but it was born inside.

If I guessed correctly, the ice blade should have pierced his heart, which is why he has this reddish color. "

"That's right." Emily sighed: "The man who is known as the strongest creature in Great Britain is also so fragile in front of Dio."


Katarina sighed. Since the development of thermal weapons, the decline of martial arts has become an inevitable fact.

In terms of destructive power, no matter how powerful a martial artist is, it cannot match missiles and machine guns.

It only takes a few hits for a flesh-and-blood body to fall into sluggishness or even death.

The only advantage is to fight one-on-one with bare hands, but even this advantage has been lost by the martial arts master.

The next era is the era of superpowers.

Emily slapped her forehead with her small hand and said, "I forgot to ask about tritium.

Forget it, the most important thing now is, why did Dio choose to help Hu Die in the Phoenix Academy? "

At this point, she started biting her thumb again. According to Dior's character, he should hate those capitalists.

Is Onofre the reason for looking for Hu Die, or is it because of Hu Die himself?

Emily had previously investigated the deeds of Hu Die in the Phoenix Academy, who was undoubtedly a very wise ruler.

She treats her employees below with high benefits and high salaries, and they are paid at the end of the current month and never until the next month.

This kind of behavior can be said to be the boss that all workers dream of.

But this does not mean that Phoenix Academy Hu Die does not suck blood, but her method of sucking blood is better than other bosses. She likes to wrap a layer of sugar coating on the shells to confuse the world's sight.

Emily doesn't believe that Dior can't see through Hu Die's true face, which is a cold-blooded, rational capitalist.

In other words, what is so special about Hu Die that is worthy of being tolerated by Dior?

"It's useless for me to think about it here. It's better to go to Phoenix Academy's house and communicate with Hu Die directly."

Emily stopped biting her thumb and decided to use the power of the task force to communicate directly with Hu Die face to face to find out why Onofre appeared at the Phoenix Court House and whether there was any communication between her and Dio.


Phoenix Court's house is very big, and the slightest movement in the bedroom cannot affect Phoenix Court's beauty's sleep at all.

Hu Die had no intention of letting anyone inform her daughter.

She took off her nightgown and put on a burgundy dress, with her long and messy hair tied around her head.

"Madam, the people from the task force are outside asking to see you."

"It came so fast."

Hu Die was not surprised by their visit.

She was just surprised by the speed of the task force. Before she reported her matter to the MacArthur family, the task force was already here.

No wonder the task force has not caught Dior's whereabouts so far, but its power is still expanding.

They really clung to Dior's tail, without any perfunctoriness.

"Lead them to the living room and serve them some good tea. I'll be right away."

Hu Die was not in a hurry to meet immediately. She prioritized reporting what she encountered to the MacArthur family, and then walked to the living room.

The housekeeper pushed the door open, and Hu Die said with a smile: "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Emily put down the tea in her hand and looked at this well-known strong woman in the business world. Judging from her clothes and makeup, she seemed very calm and not frightened.

This is also normal.

With this person's ability, panic makes people feel suspicious.

"Mrs. Hu Die, we are visiting late at night just to find out what happened between you, Onofre and Dio?"

Hu Die sat down and said with a smile on his face: "Team Leader Yimi Li, I have heard about your reputation for a long time. You are indeed a quick talker.

Well, I won’t beat around the bush, Onofre sneaked into my room and wanted to do something evil to me.

At this time, Dio appeared. After a brief fight between the two sides, Onofre found that he could not defeat Dio and ran away.

Then, Dio chased after him. "

"Didn't Dio talk to you?"

"No, I was also surprised that he saved me."

Hu Die smiled and replied that she would not tell anyone what Dio said about her being different.

If others knew that Dio said she was different, even as the head of the Phoenix Academy, he would not be able to escape the fate of a guinea pig.

Emily frowned slightly, not because she thought Hu Die was lying, but similar things had happened before. Dio saved people, then killed the assailant and left.

There was no dialogue with the rescued people throughout the process.

But Hu Die's identity was different, and Emily thought there would be a difference.

In other words, there are differences, but they are concealed by this person.

Emily glanced at Hu Die, who was smiling and couldn't see any flaws.

"Well, let's take our leave then."

"Walk slowly without sending."

Hu Die responded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)
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