Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 26 It doesn’t matter if you are proficient in some things

Chapter 26 It doesn’t matter if you are proficient in some things

After finishing the nutritionally balanced dinner, Qingze put down his bowls and chopsticks and said, "I'm going for a night run."

"Don't come back too late after playing."

Chiyo Morimoto warned, stood up, opened the dishwasher on the bar next to her, and started to put the empty plates and cutlery on the table.

"rest assured."

Qingze replied, strode out of the house, entered the apartment elevator, and set an alarm for one hour on his phone.

He stared at his reflection in the elevator and used his hypnotic ability to say, "I can run [-] kilometers an hour."

Ding~ The elevator door opened and he ran out.

I haven't gone out for a night run for a week.

He ran again at night and did not feel very tired.

He has not let up in his physical training last week, will not improve, and will not allow himself to regress.

An hour later, Qingze gasped for air and inserted coins into the vending machine to buy a bottle of mineral water.

Gululu, he took a big sip and leaned against the side of the vending machine, with the street lights shining on the empty street.

The bustling vitality of Tokyo is concentrated in well-known places, such as Shinjuku, Ginza, Ikebukuro, etc.

In the case of Adachi Ward, that would be Kitasenju.

Apart from this, other places basically look deserted at night.

There is no surveillance in remote places, turning them into breeding grounds for evil.Like a ghost.

Qingze drank up the mineral water in one breath and threw it into the trash can for recycling bottles nearby.

After replenishing the water lost in his body, he put his hands in his pockets and began to look for the target.

He was lucky today. Soon, he found a lone bully on the roadside.



Yoshinogawa kicked the wall in anger.

Why does he always lose when he plays pachinko?
What a fire!

She stole the money hidden by Keiko and lost it all. When she got back, she had to make Keiko nag her, saying that it was her hard-earned money and she couldn't just take it.

Yoshinogawa's mood became worse and worse.

That woman thought she could be arrogant to him by working in a convenience store, but she didn't even think about it, he used to be an Adachi Tiger!

Although he was sent to prison for two years because he severely injured an old man and a child, after he was released from prison, he let his former younger brother take his place.

As a result, he was reduced to a mere commander without his former glory.

But that glory never left his mind.

Every night when he closes his eyes, he can think of his past life in the wine pond and meat forest, and that boy Tokugawa is the dog next to him!

A weak woman like Keiko was not even qualified to plucking him in the past.

Yoshinogawa was unwilling to pull out such a thing and had to start all over again.

It is impossible to accumulate funds through normal means. Only by relying on Pachinko's gamble can he make a comeback.

Keiko didn't understand his ambition. He was only thinking about petty profits. 30 yen was nothing.

As long as he can regain his former status, 30 yen is not even an hour's pocket money.

The more Yoshinogawa thought about it, the angrier he became, and he found a kid staring at him in front of him, and said angrily: "What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"Don't yell, just follow me to the park."

The black-haired boy's words seemed to have magical power, calming the anger in Yoshinogawa's heart and making him nod: "Okay."

The grumpy man found a long-lost peace at this moment, just like when he first joined the Daejeon group, he didn't think about anything and just followed behind the boss.

Without saying a word, he disappeared down the street with the young man.


The wind is a bit cold in the park at night.

The poorly connected street lights flickered, making the atmosphere at the scene seem even more gloomy.

The quiet stream flows across the small bridge.

Qingze stopped, turned around and said, "Strangle yourself to death."

Hearing these words, Yoshinogawa's inner peace was broken and he became furious: "What are you talking about, you brat!"

There was no unexpected expression on Qingze's face, and his hypnotic ability was indeed weakened not only in terms of time.Even the power has weakened.

He couldn't let others die with just one word like before.

"Then please take off all your clothes and do leap frog while calling me a fool."

There was a trace of struggle on Yoshino River's face, but he still said: "Okay."

He quickly took off all his clothes, followed Qingze's order and jumped in, calling me a fool.

Seeing this, Qingze thought of various insulting hypnotic commands and came to a conclusion.

As long as the most important thing in Yoshinogawa's heart is not endangered, hypnosis is still very effective.

If it was too radical, he couldn't do it in one sentence. He said again for the second time: "Strangle yourself to death."

"you wanna die!"

"Strangle yourself."

Qingze ordered Yoshinogawa again. When he saw that the other party did not reply angrily, there was some struggle on his face, as if he wanted to curse, "You."

"Strangle yourself."

The flickering street lights illuminated Qingze's face in and out. His voice was very soft, but had an irresistible magic power, as if Satan, the king of hell, was giving orders to his subordinates.

The struggle on Yoshinogawa's face disappeared and he said numbly: "Okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, he grabbed his neck with both hands, making it impossible to breathe.

Aozawa looked at Yoshinogawa and saw the bulging veins on the back of his hand, which proved that he had worked hard.

Poof, Yoshinogawa's body fell on the bridge, his hands still holding his neck, his eyes widened like a frog.

Radical hypnosis ability can still be achieved as long as it is spoken a few times.

It's become more troublesome than before.

Qingze murmured in his heart, watching Yoshinogawa's body suddenly twitching several times and losing control of his urine.

Then he tilted his head and stopped breathing completely.

Qingze used telekinesis to pry his arms away from his neck and spread them to both sides.

Turn around and leave the scene.

The invisible force of thought swept away his footprints behind his back.

Qingze did not want to leave footprints at the murder scene.


Through the test, Qingze obtained the upper limit of his current hypnotic ability.

He was very satisfied.

The power and time of hypnosis weaken, but it still has enough power to kill people.

He did not continue to look for the target test.

Even if he is that kind of gangster, killing too many people will attract the attention of the Ayase Police Station.

Aozawa saw that the time had not yet reached the gate agreed by Chiyo Morimoto, and he appeared at the Senju Honmachi shopping street near Kita-Senju Station.

The gorgeous neon signs are flashing and the people are noisy. It is not as silent as other places, showing the prosperity of Tokyo.

Qingze used his powerful clairvoyance ability and first looked down at his internal organs. The color looked very healthy.

Then he looked up at the crowd in front of him.

The once bustling commercial street suddenly turned into a terrifying city. Passers-by turned into mannequins in the medical classroom, with their internal organs and living hearts beating in their chests.

There is bright red blood flowing in the veins.

He found that many people had something wrong with their bodies, and the colors of normal organs and diseased organs were also different.

For example, the lungs of smokers and non-smokers have obviously different colors.

Ugh, it makes me want to vomit.

Qingze quickly ended the powerful fluoroscopy and felt his abdomen rolling. It was a picture of hell.

He stopped lingering and turned back to Morimoto's house, intending to give Chiyo a free physical examination to check on that person's physical condition.

 PS: It will be recommended tomorrow. I beg you to read it, vote for it, and support me for the new book. I bow.


(End of this chapter)

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