Chapter 259 Unsettled Night
The definition of late at night varies from person to person. Some people think that one or two o'clock is not considered late at night.

For Emily, ten o'clock is already late at night.

She stayed in the morgue outside Ito Otome's dissecting room, looking at the corpses placed on the table waiting for dissection.

Ordinary corpses are naturally not worthy of personal dissection by the task force.

The problem is that these people died in a very specific way.

"The Boxing Demon Akucha is from Thailand. His fists and kicks are so fierce that he can break a two-meter-high stone into powder. He is so cruel and brutal that he was hired by the Sumitomo Foundation for a large sum of money. He committed many crimes in Tokyo without being touched."

Catalina introduced the people she knew to Emily. She stared at the fist demon's hands. The hands that could break stones into powder had been roasted into dried meat, exuding a smell of burnt meat.

This is what happens when a martial artist encounters a person with super powers.

She continued to walk to the next person and said: "Ogre Reed, two meters and three tall, has not learned any fighting style.

The well-known black boxing organization used 30 people and 23 tranquilizer guns to capture the savages from the uninhabited island at the cost of [-] deaths.

After learning the basic common sense of the human world, I am still keen on eating raw food.

It can also eat people.

The Mitsui Group paid a large sum of money to hire him to go to Tokyo. When he was killed, he wanted to eat a ten-year-old girl. "

The ogre Reed was frozen into an ice sculpture, his body covered with cold hoarfrost, his eyes widened, his mouth wide open, revealing two sharp tiger teeth. At this moment, his ferocious cheeks actually revealed the helplessness and helplessness of a puppy. Horrified.

Excluding these people, the number of corpses present reached an astonishing 42.

Forty of them belong to South Korea's Yakuza organization, the Seven Star Gang.

Their power in Tokyo was completely destroyed.

The signs of death vary.

According to some eyewitness information, the height of the murderer matched the general outline of Dior.

Emily was not surprised by this result, and her morning suspicion became more and more confirmed.

Dio failed to advance to heaven, so he was so angry that he killed these people to vent his anger.


Emily burst into laughter, feeling particularly happy when she thought of the shriveled look.

I was also thinking in my mind, what kind of ceremony would Dio have to go through in order for Dio to be promoted to heaven?

If the patterns can be found, predicting Dior's actions will become very simple.

Emily sighed softly in her heart and walked outside instead of staying in the morgue.

The corridor was brightly lit and there was no one around. Emily was not afraid because Catalina was following her behind her.

Alone... She was still a little scared, God knew if evil spirits would appear.

Thinking of this, Emily suddenly felt a chill in her forearms and quickly quickened her pace.


The two walked to the lobby of Okubo Police Station.

Someone stood up from their chair.

He is 1.8 meters tall, has a slicked back hair, and is wearing black short-sleeves and black casual pants.

The man strode up to them, showed his ID and said, "Hello, I am Hayata Masao from the Public Security General Affairs Division. Can I spare you a little time?"

Emily stopped, a look of curiosity flashed on her face: "What's the matter with you?"

"Actually, it's about a suspect we arrested for interrogation."

Hayata Masao explained: "Takeda Eijiro has always been a criminal we focus on monitoring, but he is very cunning and has never revealed any flaws.

We want to use this opportunity to prevent him from escaping sanctions, and I hope you can hand over his case to me. "

He stated his request truthfully.

Emily remembers that Eijiro Takeda is the important suspect being interrogated by Taketa Okayama.

Regardless of whether the result came out or not, it was impossible for her to transfer the case to the Public Security General Affairs Division.

"It's impossible. If you want to start with other cases, I don't care. But this case is not under your jurisdiction, so you shouldn't explore it."

Hayata Masao frowned slightly.

He didn't know exactly what this task force was doing, but it obviously involved a big case.

However, his case is also very important.

Eijiro Takeda has become a dangerous person and must be killed as soon as possible.

Previously, social accounts on Twitter could ban him, but Douyin's account has allowed Eijiro Takeda to accumulate 460 fans.

Although there were more than 200 navy trumpets from the Public Security General Affairs Section mixed in.

But there are still more than 200 people who really listen to the content of Eijiro Takeda’s short video.

This is a red flag.

He needed to get rid of Takeda as soon as possible, and he couldn't use that kind of unfounded accusation. At least there had to be a reason.

Before the danger level reaches the level considered above, the Public Security General Affairs Section needs to abide by the laws of the country.

"We will not be involved in your case, we just want to gain access to Takeda."

"You want me to be an accomplice in an unjust, false or wrong case? Go away!"

Emily waved her hand with disgust on her face.

If the Public Security General Affairs Division had great power, Emily might still consider not seeing it. She is not the kind of person who insists on justice.

However, the power of the Public Security General Affairs Section is not as powerful as that of the task force. It is impossible for her to do things against her conscience.

Hayata Masao didn't say anything and left with a gloomy face.

Emily didn't care and continued to walk towards the interrogation room.

When she arrived at the door, she found Takeda Okayama opening the door and saying with respect: "Dr. Takeda, you go first.

Sorry to bother you with your precious time. "

"It doesn't matter, this is your duty too."

Eijiro Takeda smiled. He was not a stubborn person, nor did he simply hate everyone in the government.

That kind of diode thinking is not suitable for what he is doing.Export ideas to those who waver in neutrality, and enlighten those who are obviously dissatisfied with society.

What he really needs to be hostile to is those conglomerates and traitors.

"Haha, as long as you understand, I'll take you outside."

During the interrogation, Okayama Taketa had already developed a respect for Dr. Takeda.

He respected most those who stood up for what they believed in.

It's not like him. Although he has ideas in his heart, he is restricted by various conditions and has to choose to give in.

Emily watched him send the person away, blinked, looked up at Catalina and said: "What is that idiot doing?

I asked him to interrogate the suspect. How did he become a hotel owner who entertained guests? "

Although it is very possible that Dio was responsible for the incident, it cannot be completely ruled out that the birth of a new superpower, especially Eijiro Takeda.

The Seven Stars Gang, who was suspected of being hostile to this guy, was wiped out in Tokyo.

Eijiro Takeda is naturally the focus of Emily's questioning.

Since it is a cross-examination, it is obviously inappropriate to treat people like guests.

Emily pursed her lips.

When Okayama Taketa returned, she glared and shouted: "Hey, did you ask anything when you talked to him?"

Okayama Taketa shook his head and said: "No, those people were still alive before Dr. Takeda left.

He had no idea what happened next, but when he walked to the door, the power supply to the high-end club suddenly went off.

But he didn't go in to see why. I guess Dio admired Dr. Takeda's personality and wiped out all the Seven Stars Gang. "

"What is the basis?"

Okayama Taketa said truthfully: "There was 3000 million U.S. dollars at the scene, which was the black money that Jin Yuqiang of the Seven Star Gang wanted to bribe Dr. Takeda.

But he stuck to his moral bottom line, did not accept black money, and wrote the paper without conscience.

Don't such people deserve respect? "

"That's it. No wonder the people from the General Affairs Department want to get rid of him."

Emily mused.

If Dior admires Eijiro Takeda, can he learn the whereabouts of Dior by monitoring Eijiro Takeda's whereabouts?
She touched her chin and said, "Inform Miyaji and ask him to monitor Dr. Takeda."


Eijiro Takeda hurried to the station.

With the money he has now, he can't get home.

He also did not choose to take the trail, fearing that he would accidentally encounter some strong man on the trail and die.

If you can take the high road, take the high road as much as possible, even if it takes a long way, it doesn't matter.

There was no one around on the trail, and Takeda Eijiro was really afraid that some people would attack him without regard for face.

Eijiro Takeda walked to Shinjuku Station.

In the night of feasting and feasting, young people spend their youth wantonly.

To him, this was a very depraved thing to do.

Relying on this kind of paralysis to immerse yourself in illusions instead of reading, thinking, improving yourself, and even fighting against social injustice is undoubtedly a waste of youth.

But he is also very clear.

For most people, learning is a very painful thing. They would rather let the darkness blind them than study.

This is also what those meat eaters want to see.

He sighed inwardly and walked into the bustling Shinjuku Station.


Eijiro Takeda returned to his home in Bunkyo Ward, opened the door, and turned on the light with his right hand.

The family members were not sleeping, and the wife was huddled on the sofa with her daughter and her parents.

An uninvited guest sat carelessly at the dining table.

He was blond and blue-eyed, and his black vest obviously couldn't hide his strong muscles. He was wearing loose kung fu pants underneath.

He was obviously a foreigner, and he was wearing a pair of cloth shoes.

"Good evening, Dr. Takeda."

"who are you?"

Takeda Eijiro's face showed no panic.

The blond man stood up and said with a smile on his face: "My name is Onofre Harrison, from London, England.

The purpose of looking for you is very simple. I want you to help treat a comatose patient. This is the treatment fee I have prepared for you, which is 150 million euros. "

"Treat whom?"

Eijiro Takeda asked.

Onofre said with a smile on his face: "The man from MI[-] is named Mark Zarrow."

"Are you from MI[-]?"

"No, I just want that guy to wake up quickly and ask him something."

Onofre spread his hands and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with politics, I just want to find who injured him.

Don't you think it's very pleasant to fight against a powerful guy? "

"That's it, I promise you."

Eijiro Takeda doesn’t hate money, he just hates money that requires selling one’s own conscience and morality.

Dog eat dog for this man and MI[-].

He didn't care.

(End of this chapter)
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