Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 255: Put Dio on the head in case of emergency

Chapter 255: Put Dio on the head in case of emergency
Learning from the initial lesson, when Qingze made another exchange, he did not jump out directly from the gas stove, but stayed there quietly, like an ordinary flame, burning the bottom of the pressure cooker with its own heat.

This is a very clean kitchen. The housewife is humming a song and cutting vegetables with a knife.

He continued to jump to other red dots in his mind.

While constantly jumping, Qingze figured out one thing.

That's when he jumps into the red dot in his head.

If the previously replaced flame disappears, he cannot change back to its original position.

You can only keep jumping in the flames, or peel away from the jumping flames.

Qingze jumped to a kitchen where the chef could not be seen, and escaped from the fire of the gas stove, without expanding to the height of his body.

In the form of flames, his body can be big or small without any discomfort.

He even suspected that he could let knives, bullets, etc. pass through his body without feeling any pain, just like the elementalization in One Piece.

However, there is no domineering force in this world that can restrain him.

Qingze landed on the table and quickly transformed the fire element into the wind element. The flames on his body disappeared and were replaced by wind.

The wind is invisible.

Therefore, Qingze's body is also equivalent to being invisible.

Don't talk about others, even when he lowers his head, he can't see his own body. He can only notice the movement of lowering his head, and raising his hands and feet. The body in the middle doesn't seem to exist.

Qingze found this experience very interesting. He jumped up gently and would not land on the ground, but would float directly in the air.

He flew out the window.

The wind cannot pass through the glass, but the window only needs to have a small gap that is not closed tightly, and the wind can get out along that small gap.

Flying outside, Qingze did not choose to go down, but continued to go up, and continued to draw the power of the wind from all around.

When he rose high into the sky, he felt that his size had become very large.

A simple movement can make a rumbling wind sound.

He can also control the direction of the wind, either circling like a tornado or spiraling forward like a powered drill.

The white clouds floating in the sky were instantly shattered into spiral shapes, and in an instant Qingze shaped them into heart shapes, and then circles.

These are experiences that Schrödinger's cat cannot bring. Entering that state, Qingze can appear high in the sky, but cannot affect the outside world.

Now, his hand is holding the cloud.

Qingze guessed that his current body size had expanded to hundreds of meters, so he could pinch clouds into various shapes with his hands.

The invisible hands were also given shape by the white clouds.

Seeing this, an idea came to Qingze's mind. He gave up on shaping the shape and began to wrap up the clouds and rush in one direction.

If someone looks up at the sky at this time, they can see that white clouds are gathering rapidly.

Like making a snowball.

He piled up the white clouds in the Tokyo sky, revealing a blue sky.

The white clouds were rolling, and such a terrifying sight naturally attracted the attention of some people.


"what is that?"

Shinjuku, Special Intelligence Investigator Office, Center Building.

Jack holds a square wine glass containing whiskey and ice.

Finding reasons to reward himself with a drink during work hours has become Jack's daily routine.

As long as it doesn't interfere with work.

He looked at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling window with astonishment on his face.

The white clouds in the sky are like soldiers who heard the king's order and rushed to the battlefield.

It's like a huge avalanche on Mount Everest.

Jack stared blankly at this scene, and couldn't help but sigh at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

This strange scenery cannot be explained by the miraculous workmanship of nature, it is very much like a man-made thing.

Is it related to Dior?

Jack stood up immediately and put down his glass.

He is not a smart person, nor does he think too much about things. He defaults to the fact that all superpower events are related to Dio.

Unless there is evidence that it was not Dio.

He picked up the phone, dialed Emily from the task force, and shouted: "Hey, Emily, look at the sky in Tokyo quickly. The shape of the clouds is very strange. Is it because of Dior?

Send someone to take a look. Dio may be hiding under the clouds. "

"it is good!"

Emily agreed immediately, hung up the phone, quickly poked her head out of the apartment and looked up.

She couldn't see a single cloud here, and the sky was as blue as an expensive gem.

But Emily understood that this was affected by the buildings on both sides, which prevented her from seeing the whole sky.

Jack, who stayed on the upper floors of the Shinjuku Center Building, was obviously not affected by that sight.

Emily hung up the phone and shouted: "Iwaki, you immediately send out the drone to check the scenery over Tokyo and look for the landing point of the white clouds."

"it is good."

Iwaki Sosuke agreed immediately.

Emily quickly picked up the communicator and shouted: "Okayama, Morimoto, you guys take action immediately, follow the movements of the clouds in the sky, and see if you can locate Dio's whereabouts."

Today is Monday, and in Emily's opinion, this is the day when Dior is most likely to take action.

She listed the task force's priority as responding to Dio's appearance, and specifically asked Okayama Taketa and Morimoto Chiyo to stay on the military helicopter, ready for action at any time.

"it is good."

Okayama Taketa replied and shouted forward: "Take off immediately and chase the direction of the clouds."

Chiyo Morimoto, who was sitting in the cabin, was a little confused and asked: "Did something happen?"

Okayama Taketa shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but Emily said that it is possible to find Dior's whereabouts by chasing the clouds." Chiyo Morimoto's eyes flashed with doubts, and she looked outside the glass window.

The helicopter rose with the sound of roaring propellers.

The building that could originally block the view became smaller and smaller, rising to an altitude of tens of meters. Chiyo Morimoto had already seen the strange clouds in the west.

Abnormally thick clouds gather and roll over in the sky, sometimes spiraling and sometimes vortexing.

The first thought in Chiyo Morimoto's mind was that Dior was going to heaven.

In the history of various countries, any strange celestial phenomenon that occurs either represents auspiciousness or disaster.

Morimoto Chiyo's expression became extremely serious.

Okayama Taketa also realized the seriousness of the matter and frowned: "Could this scene be Dio ascending to heaven?"

"Hopefully not."

Chiyo Morimoto suppressed a trace of panic in her heart.

No one knows what Dior's so-called eternal happiness will bring to the world.

The definition of happiness itself varies from person to person.

Some people can make themselves feel happy by helping others, while some people can make themselves feel happy by oppressing and exploiting others.

There is also that kind of dark happiness, which is seeing others more unlucky and poorer than yourself, and then you will feel a sense of joy and satisfaction in your heart.

Dior's eternal happiness is only for Dior.

For the rest of the world, that may not be eternal happiness, but probably eternal hell.

Chiyo Morimoto took out her gun, knowing that the gun might not be effective, but she still needed to use it to give herself peace of mind.

Military helicopters chase the clouds.


Qingze piled up the white clouds with great interest. As he piled up the clouds, he found that the noise was too loud and attracted some people's attention.

Several helicopters hung in the distance.

At this time, Qingze's size had reached thousands of meters, and the thick clouds gathering were his body.

Various messy spiral patterns appeared in the air, spinning and swallowing.

Who makes him have no fixed body now?

For example, his index finger can be turned into a twist shape, and the middle finger next to it can be turned into a twist shape in the opposite direction.

The wind is invisible.

Therefore, he can transform himself into any shape and continuously absorb the surrounding wind to become a part of his body.

However, there is still a limit to this absorption, and Qingze has already felt the limit.

It cannot continue to grow.

If he continues to absorb the surrounding wind into his body, the peripheral wind will be beyond his control.

Of course, nothing will happen to him, but the people and buildings on the ground will suffer.

The most terrifying typhoon in human history is about to come here.

Taking that into consideration, Qingze did not continue to expand, nor did he continue to pile up white clouds.

With a thought in his mind, the direction of the wind changed, and the white clouds that had gathered originally rushed to all directions.


The terrifying wind exploded.

White clouds hit the outside of the helicopter like big waves in an instant. The helicopter swayed in the strong wind, and the window was completely white. Chiyo Morimoto immediately shouted: "What happened?"

The driver at the controls said with panic on his face: "No, it's not clear?!"

The terrifying wind pushed the helicopter backwards.

Drop drop!
A piercing siren echoed in the cabin. Chiyo Morimoto bit her lip. The panic in her heart flashed past, but she quickly suppressed it.

If it doesn't work out, she still has the option of jumping on another plane.

Don't panic.

Morimoto Chiyo pursed her lips and observed what was going on outside the window.

The white landscape gradually became thinner, the clouds continued to rise upward, and the shaking helicopter became stable.

Chiyo Morimoto looked ahead. The thick white clouds gathered there disappeared, not even one, and the center looked particularly blue.

There were white clouds floating around, and everything returned to normal.

Morimoto Chiyo's heart finally fell into place.

Even she can't guarantee that she can stay calm when encountering things that are beyond her own capabilities.

As long as a person wants to continue living, he will have a fear of death.

This is something that no one can avoid.

Chiyo Morimoto exhaled and asked with a confused look on her face: "Does the clouds disperse, indicating that Dio's promotion to heaven has failed?"

"Probably so."

Okayama Taketa's face was solemn, and he felt a sense of joy in his heart when he thought of the clouds gathering at an accelerated pace and the clouds spreading like an explosion.

Emily's urging voice came again.

"Quick! Go to the center of the cloud explosion and take a look. You may be able to find Dio who is unable to move for some reason!

Or some kind of ritual pattern! "

The voice was urgent. It was the first time for Okayama Taketa to hear such anxious voice from Emily, but he could understand it.

If Dior fails to be promoted to heaven, there will most likely be some clues left at the scene.


Okayama Taketa shouted: "Quick, go to the center of the cloud explosion!"

(End of this chapter)
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