Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 24 It’s still easy to date people because of your ability.

Chapter 24 It’s still easy to date people because of your ability.
If there was a regret medicine for sale in the world, Iroha Akizuki would definitely want to buy one.

She regretted it.

Why do I want to be quick-tongued and boast about this Haikou?
Strong thoughts of regret arose in her mind. At this moment, she just stood up and took three steps towards Qingze.

Outside the canteen’s floor-to-ceiling windows, the school atrium is full of greenery.

On the bench for people to rest, there were girls sitting on it, laughing.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji's back was turned to her, and her long golden hair shone like the sunshine outside.

It's over. If I go up and invite Qingze to hang out on Saturday, will it be regarded as a provocation by the Phoenix Academy Princess?

Girls' circles are like wild beasts, and those who step in without permission will attract hostility!
Qiuyue Caiyu's heart beat.

But she didn't need to look back, she could see her three friends looking at her back.

Takahashi Saeko and Tsuchima Madoka, two great masters of random killings, cannot be compared.

But her hot girl level must be maintained above the little fan girl Kaoru Mihara. It is sad to be surpassed by latecomers.

At this point, she could only muster up the courage.

Come on!

Akizuki Iroha took a deep breath and tried not to look at Phoenix Academy Princess.

She deliberately took a detour, keeping a hand's distance away from the Phoenix Academy Princess, and said, "Qingze, excuse me."

Qingze just saw Qiuyue Caiyu approaching here, put down the bowl and said: "What do you want?"

"Uh, that's right, I just got two tickets to go to the amusement park on Saturday. Are you interested?"

As soon as Qiuyue Caiyu said those words, she felt very regretful.

Theory and practice are indeed different.

If it were Takahashi Saeko, she should be able to drop the topic more skillfully and invite the other party with a very natural expression and tone.

Rather than stammering like her, it was an unnatural invitation at first glance.

Qingze looked at the hot girl in front of him.

Her eyes looked increasingly hollow, dodging left and right.

I guess I was provoked by a friend.

"As long as you treat me, I don't care."

"No problem, leave all expenses to me."

Akizuki Iroha answered immediately.

Although in the words of Saeko Takahashi, when a girl goes out on a date, the boy must pay the bill.

But her rank is a king-level concept and a bronze-level actual combat, so she has no choice but to pay for this date.

“What time is it Saturday?”

"Let's talk about it then." Qiuyue Caiyu answered vaguely. She didn't know at what time she could buy tickets for the amusement park.

"That's settled then."

"Eat slowly, goodbye."

Qiuyue Caiyu waved, turned and left, feeling relieved, it was better to use money.

The salmon sushi was bitten off by Xuebai Teeth. There was no trace of displeasure on Phoenix Academy Meiji's face, and she said calmly: "You are really greedy for cheap."

Qingze smiled and said: "There is a free amusement park to play in, why not go?"

"Can't you see her true intentions?"

"Phoenix Academy, you have your back to them, so you can't see them. This is a face-saving bet between girls."

Qingze shrugged. He had a beautiful woman to play with and he didn't need to spend any money.

He is very willing to help others.

"That kind of girl who cares about face is so boring."

In Phoenix Academy Miki's mind, her impression of Akizuki Iroha dropped from an unrelated passerby to an annoying girl.

Qingze smiled and said: "As long as it does not harm others, saving face is not a bad thing worthy of criticism."

Phoenix Academy Princess glanced at it, but said nothing. She just took a fierce bite of the salmon sushi and chewed it vigorously.

Huh, boys. …

Qiuyue Caiyu was like an old general on the stage, with flags all over his body, triumphantly triumphant, "It's not as difficult as Saeko said. As soon as I opened my mouth, he immediately agreed to go on a date with me on Saturday."

Takahashi Saeko hid the fact that she could read lips and smiled: "That's really great.

On Saturday, we will dress you up so that you will be in the most perfect appearance for your date with Qingze.

If you can take him down, you will defeat Phoenix Academy Meiji, and I will be impressed by you. "

Qiuyue Caiyu felt a little guilty.

She thought about it and realized that after the date, she could say that the other person was not her type and then refuse.

However, will this affect Qingze's reputation?
She wasn't sure.

I used to be the Void Compiler boyfriend.

Whether it's advantages or disadvantages, she just made it up on the spot, and she didn't need to worry about affecting anyone.

Qingze is a classmate.

After the date, she can't say anything casually, as it may cause bad effects.

What is the better reason to say it is inappropriate?
It would be better to treat her coldly, and then use your own reasons for empathizing with each other to reduce the impact on Qingze.

Akizuki Iroha made up her mind and said with a smile: "Saeko, I don't need to do anything to prove anything.

I made an appointment with Qingze simply because he suited my aesthetics. "

Tsuchima said with a smile on his face: "It would be great if that were the case."

Qiuyue Caiyu's heart skipped a beat and said, "Yuan, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I'm just happy that Caiyu is close to my concept of love. When I see the boy I like, I want to have a taste of him."

Madoka Toma licked her lips, exuding the aura of a carnivorous beast.

Mihara Kaoru clasped his hands together and said with stars in his eyes: "Iroha is indeed very strong! You can easily defeat someone who can't even defeat Saeko."

"Haha, Saeko is too cautious. If she invites me, she will definitely be able to do so smoothly."

Qiuyue Caiyu silently added something in her mind, provided that all the expenses for the date were covered.

Oops, she forgot about the budget.

Towards the end of the month, this month's pocket money could not support the date, so I had to borrow it from my sister.

I hope Qingze won’t be too foody.

Thinking of the budget that was about to be exceeded, Akizuki Iroha smiled on her face and cried silently in her heart.

her money.


In the evening, at the gate of the campus, a group of teenagers said goodbye to each other.

Qingze walked toward home alone, turning on his perspective ability to see the scenery on both sides.

There is a wife who is busy with dinner at home, and an unemployed uncle is doing the salted fish, watching the short video and giggling.

Qingze looked at these people.

They didn't do anything special, it was very ordinary, but it was very enjoyable for him to watch.

Peering into other people's lives when they don't know it can satisfy Qingze's inner desires to a certain extent.

Of course, he didn't intend to blackmail anything with this, he just treated it as watching a wonderful TV series and hiding everything in his heart.

When he walked to Ishimura's house, the pit bull howled at him.

"Shut up, you're a piece of wood that can't move."

Qingze hypnotized the dog, then looked at the time on his phone and calculated how many minutes it would take until the hypnosis effect was over.

He squatted down and pretended to play with the dog, but in fact he used his clairvoyance ability to look into the room, trying to see what Mrs. Ishimura was doing.

Through the door, he saw the scene in the living room.

Qingze immediately became interested, Mrs. Ishimura is so awesome!

He actually won a fight against five!

(End of this chapter)

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