Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 218 The brave Akizuki Iroha appears

Chapter 218 The brave Akizuki Iroha appears

The morning wind blows.

Akizuki Iroha stood there, motionless like the Hachiko statue in front of Shibuya Station.

She stared at Qingze, her eyes sparkling as if there was light contained in them.

Qingze was silent for a while, scratched his head and said, "Caiyu, what kind of answer do you want to hear from me?"

Qiuyue Caiyu put her hands on her hips and said, "Yes."

"It turns out you can speak English."

"Don't underestimate people. I can still say a few words, such as apple."

Qiuyue Caiyu quickly retorted, but then realized that she was changing the topic. Her eyes widened and she said: "Qingze, don't change the subject. What do you think of me taking a third brand new path?"

Qingze felt a headache.

He knew that Akizuki Iroha usually looked very gentle and easy to handle, and seemed to have no temper.

But at critical moments, Qiuyue Caiyu never lacks courage, and in some aspects, she is even braver than him.

He couldn't say anything about openly trying to improve a person's character.

"Iroha, when you grow up you don't turn back into a child."

"Nothing is impossible in this world. Before today, I couldn't imagine myself kissing you, but now I can imagine it. No, I can do it!"

After Qiuyue Caiyu said this, she grabbed Qingze's shoulders, stood on tiptoes, came forward, and carved her soft lips into Qingze's lips.

The movement is very forceful.

In the past, she was used to hearing descriptions from Saeko and others.

During the actual battle, Qiuyue Caiyu's mind was still blank.

He didn't understand anything, he just pressed it against Qingze's mouth, as if he wanted to force their lips to merge into one.

And found that it couldn't be done.

Then, Qiuyue Caiyu chose to separate and take three steps back.

She looked at Qingze who was standing there, a smile appeared on her wheat-colored cheeks, her hands were in the shape of a loudspeaker and she said: "Qingze, I like you, very, very much.

So I must correct your strange views.

you only belong to me!
Remember, your first kiss is me!Akizuki Iroha! "

After saying that, she turned around and ran towards the teaching building. The blush spread from her cheeks to her earlobes, and even the wind in front of her could not lower the temperature.

This operation was an unexpected event.

According to her idea, she originally wanted to say a few words and end her confession, but due to the atmosphere, she wanted to refute Qingze's impossibility, so she had to use her trump card.

Facts have proved that there are not so many impossible things in the world. As long as you have the courage, things that were previously thought impossible can also happen.

On the morning of June [-]th, when she, Akizuki Iroha, officially lost her first kiss, she also won Aozawa's first kiss... It should be the first kiss, right?
A flicker of doubt flashed through her mind.

Qingze watched Qiuyue Caiyu's back disappear into the teaching building, raised his hand and touched his lips. Iroha didn't feel as mature as Chiyo, but this greenness had a youthful flavor.

Made his heart pound.

He licked his mouth, wanting to do it again.


Not right.

Phoenix Academy Meiji glanced at the back door of the classroom, and Akizuki Iroha ran in alone, her expression full of joy.

It's completely different from the blank expression yesterday. Did something good happen just now?

She thought to herself, looking down at Tetsuji Hojo's manga manuscript, and she couldn't stand it.

It's not that the plot is very bad, but that her heart can no longer be focused on the plot, and she can't help but start to speculate about what good things happened to Akizuki Iroha.

While she was thinking, Qingze walked into the back door of the classroom and walked straight towards it.

Phoenix Academy Meiji turned her head and said, "Take a look, Yi Zheji's comics will be officially serialized next week."

"The day finally came when I had to treat him to a Coke."

Aozawa smiled, looked at Tetsuji Hojo who was lying on the table to catch up on his sleep, pulled out a stool and sat down.

Phoenix Academy Meiji said casually: "Akiyuki Iroha looks very happy today. Did anything interesting happen?"

"If you say there is, there is, but it's just a secret that can't be told."

"Then let's trade secrets for secrets."

"This is not a secret that can be exchanged."

Qingze shook his head. He didn't want to tell Phoenix Academy Meiji that he had just been forcibly kissed by Qiuyue Caiyu.

An expression of disdain flashed across the face of Phoenix Academy Mei Ji, and she whispered: "Looking at the proud look on your face, I know it's not a good secret.

Forget it, I won't argue with you about those things.

Do you believe in the existence of heaven? "

"Before I see heaven, if I hope heaven exists, it will exist. If I don't want heaven to exist, then it won't exist."

Qingze spread his hands.

This concept is exactly the same as that of Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy. A smile as bright as the sun appeared on her face and she said softly: "You are right, then I will tell you a great secret.

Yesterday, according to the news obtained by the Phoenix Institute, Dio, the only known superpower in the world.

He said personally that he wanted to reach heaven, and that only those who reach heaven can achieve true happiness.

Dior wanted to reach heaven, so he caused trouble in Tokyo. "

"Do you believe him?"

A trace of curiosity flashed across Qingze's face.

Phoenix Academy Meiji thought for a moment, crossed her arms across her chest, put the weight of her upper body on Qingze's table, and said with a smile: "If Dior is Dior, then what he said is probably the truth.

If Dior was not Dior, then what he said was probably a joke.

Do you think Dior is Dior? "

"Mei Ji, it's really disrespectful that you don't talk about tongue twisters."

Qingze smiled and pretended not to hear the subtext.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji's eyes flickered, but she did not continue the question and said: "My mother believes in Dio's words, and there are also some troubles in the political and business circles.

If heaven exists, then God, Norse gods, etc., may also exist.

Prophecies about the end of the world cannot be concluded to be lies as before.Just because one person said something, the world was in great turmoil.

This is Dior's position.

Qingze, do you want to be that person? "

"If you have the ability, everyone would want to be like that."

Qingze's answer seemed to say it, but it seemed that he didn't say it.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji stared at him, and he stared back calmly.

Ding dong dong, the class bell rang, Phoenix Academy Meiji finally had an excuse to look away. The moment she turned around, her doubts had already been dispelled by her heart beating wildly.

When they looked him face to face, she had no intention of checking whether Qingze was lying, and was immersed in that handsome face.


She muttered in her mind and turned her mind back to her studies.


A class passes quickly, time between classes.

Akizuki Iroha was not in the classroom, but leaning against the window in the corridor.

The wind blows from the window, bringing a little coolness.

She is in a very good mood.

Takahashi Saeko felt relieved and said with a smile: "Iroha, it seems you have finally figured it out."

"Yes, Saeko, I have completely figured it out."


Tsuchima smiled broadly.

Mihara Kaoru smiled and said, "I'll treat you to a drink. What do you want to drink?"

"Orange juice." "Strawberry juice." "Yoghurt."

The three of them each said what they wanted to drink.

"no problem."

Mihara Kaoru trotted towards the vending machine.

Takahashi Saeko patted Akizuki Iroha's shoulder and said happily: "Just think about it, men with three legs are everywhere."

"Zezi, I want to reform Qingze, bring him back to his normal outlook on life, and engage in monogamy."

Qiuyue Caiyu's face was full of fighting spirit and her attitude was very determined: "You have to help me!"

The smiles on their faces immediately froze.

A little bit, Saeko Takahashi couldn't help but complain, "Iroha, you always exceed my expectations, haha."

She smiled, feeling like a fool, worrying all night about Caiyu accepting Qingze's conditions, and even having nightmares about it.

Now it seems that Caiyu is worthy of being Caiyu and can always surprise her.

Akizuki Iroha blinked, not sure why Saeko suddenly laughed. Judging from her expression, she thought it was a compliment to her.

"In short, don't speak ill of Qingze again. It's not what he wanted for him to become like this. It must be Chiyo Morimoto who instilled that idea in him.

If I stay away from him, won't I allow that woman's conspiracy to succeed? "

Madoka Toma shook his head and said, "I don't think so."

"It must be so!"

Akizuki Iroha came directly in front of Madoka Doma. Her cheeks were bulging and she wanted to apply pressure by glaring.

Dojian pouted and wanted to kiss her.

Qiuyue Caiyu hurriedly pulled back her head, blushing and said: "Madoka, what do you want to do?"

"The answer is obvious, just kiss my little baby and get so close. Don't you just want to seduce me?"

Madoka Toma hooked her chin with her index finger, with a bad-girl smile on her face.

Qiuyue Caiyu slapped her hand away and said angrily: "I'm not a man."

"I don't mind what Iroha says~"

Tsuchima smiled broadly.

A murderous aura suddenly struck from behind.

"Yuan, this joke is not very funny."

Mihara Kaoru said with a smile, holding the orange juice in his hand very hard, as if he was going to burst the can, "You should make less jokes like this in the future."

"Xun, I may not be joking, maybe I really have bisexual tendencies."

Doma Madoka tilted his head, big brown waves falling on his shoulders, and a smile as pure as spring water appeared on his face.

“Wow, yogurt!”

Akizuki Iroha quickly inserted herself between the two of them. She didn't know why Mihara Kaoru and Tsuchima Madoka were like that, but when the four of them got along, some conflicts would inevitably occur.

At this time, she needs to make some jokes to dispel the weird atmosphere.

Mihara Kaoru looked away, handed the yogurt to Qiuyue Caiyu and said: "I'll give you my yogurt."

"Thanks for the treat, boss."

Akizuki Iroha bowed, taking this sentence as Kaoru Mihara's reminder of who was treating him.

Saeko Takahashi shook his head.

She didn't support Mihara Kaoru's thoughts before.

But now, between Qingze and Kaoru Mihara, I feel that the latter is better, at least they are single-minded.

But if you think about it carefully, they are not good candidates.

Takahashi Saeko sighed secretly.

It is difficult for outsiders to get involved in emotional matters.

What she can do is help Caiyu realize her wish and successfully correct Qingze's character.

In other words, using yourself as bait to lure Qingze into taking the bait?
She rolled her eyes and thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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