Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 216 Dio wants to go to heaven

Chapter 216 Dio wants to go to heaven

A seductive tone came to my ears, very softly.

Saburo Uchino's heart almost stopped in fear. He thought of his subordinates who had just exploded, and his heart was filled with despair.

In the past, he thought about many ways to die, including being assassinated by his enemies, being assassinated by his son to usurp the throne, losing in the competition within the group, etc.

But he never thought about such a way to die, let alone that death would come so quickly.

He is only 43 years old!
Still very young and very promising!
In the morning, I will still be as full of energy as I was when I was a teenager.

"Stop, as long as you can spare my life, I will listen to you in anything. Please, be merciful, Lord Dio!"

Saburo Uchino's face was full of pleading, no longer as unruly as before, like a puppy eager to be touched by its owner.

Qingze smiled and said, "No."

Black chrysanthemum patterns cover Saburo Uchino's cheeks.


He raised his gun to shoot again.

Boom, he watched as his right arm suddenly exploded, bright firelight reflected in his pupils, dark gunpowder smoke rose up, and cracks spread all over his body in an instant, exploding his whole body.

A pistol fell to the table.

No matter how many times he sees it, Qingze always feels that there is a sense of beauty in such explosions, as if he is returning to the feeling of setting off firecrackers in his childhood.

"It's beautiful, don't you think?"

Qingze turned his head and glanced casually. The five burly men almost urinated on the spot.

One person knelt down and said with tears in his eyes: "Have mercy on you! Lord Dio! Everything was forced on us by that bastard Saburo Uchino!"

"We are willing to swear allegiance to you forever!"

The five people no longer had the arrogant attitude they had just now, and all turned into trembling sheep in front of the tiger.


Qingze shook his head, strode forward, and slapped them on the head one by one, causing black chrysanthemum patterns to appear on their cheeks.

The five people kept begging for mercy and did not dare to resist.

The president was dead with a gun, but they couldn't fight with their bare hands.


The thought of explosion flashed through Qingze's mind.


Five explosions converged into one, causing the sound of the explosion to be particularly loud. Fireworks and smoke gathered into a ball, and the gorgeous fireworks were reflected in Talia's pupils.

A trace of panic rose in her heart.

Is this a demon or a god?

Doubts flashed through Talia's mind, and she remembered that the old people in the tribe had said that people must respect the fire and the god of nature.

In the past, Talia thought it was the old men in the tribe who were playing tricks on themselves. It was those old guys who had ignorant ideas that kept that country surrounded by poverty.

Even a bicycle is a very rare means of transportation.

Not to mention the roads, they are basically natural dirt roads.

When it's not raining, the sky is filled with dust.

When it rains, the sky in Gambia is gray, and the ground is so muddy that if you step on it with one foot, it is very likely to sink directly to your knees.

She hates that kind of country, she hates that kind of place.

But now that I think about it, even a country like that makes Talia miss her very much at this moment.

"Sister, are we going to die?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

She hugged her brother tightly and stared at the demon-like blond man in front of her, her eyes full of fear, but she did not beg for mercy.

She doesn't speak Japanese, but she understands it. Begging for mercy obviously cannot move the heart of the person in front of her.

Qingze glanced at the siblings and said nothing, just looking out the window.

There was a bang, and the glass window was broken artificially.

Heavily armed SAT members appeared in the house. They loosened the ropes, held submachine guns in both hands, and wore bulletproof helmets, body armor, etc.

The infrared thermal imaging camera can clearly capture Qingze's figure.

"Dio, don't move, you are already surrounded!"

Okayama Taketa shouted.

He did not shoot immediately, but planned to say a few more words. The opportunity to communicate face-to-face with Dio was rare.

Takashi Sunaga holds the knife in his right hand, his eyes showing a trace of curiosity. Is this the superpower Dio they call?
It doesn't look dangerous at all, there should be no hostility.

He was thinking in his mind, thinking about how he could get closer to the other person as quickly as possible after the conversation was over.

"It's a pity that you came a step too late."

Qingze replied with a smile.

Okayama Taketa felt relieved, it would be nice to be able to communicate.

He shouted: "Dior, what is the purpose of doing these things all this time?
What do you want to create?
Or do you simply want to destroy all order? "

"That's a really good question, so let me tell you."

Qingze didn't leave directly just now because he wanted to make a joke with the people in the task force.

Let them rack their brains thinking about things that don't exist.

Anyway, there are no comics related to JOJO in this world, only Bleach, Naruto, and Pirates.

When he proposed his plan, he was not afraid that someone would be able to identify it and guessed that it was Two-dimensional's Dior plan.

"I'm looking for a way to get to heaven."

This sentence made Okayama Taketa's pupils dilate, and he realized that what Dio said next might be very important.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Do you also believe in God?"

“I don’t believe in any gods, what I mean by heaven is spiritual.

Wherever the spirit flows, the power of the spirit should also evolve, and I mean the end of its evolution. "

Qingze's speech was a bit slow, as if he was remembering something, but in fact he was recalling the lines Dior said.

"I don't think you understand what I mean. To put it simply, people can achieve true happiness when they reach heaven."

After a pause, Qingze continued: "The so-called happiness cannot be obtained even if you have invincible superpowers, huge wealth or standing above everyone.

I already know this.

The true winner is the one who witnesses heaven.

No matter what the sacrifice, I'm going to get there. "


Okayama Taketa looked solemn.

He had a lot on his mind, and all the world's religions had imagined a place.

That is the world after death.

In the descriptions of those books, there are good and bad worlds after death.

Good worlds are called heaven, paradise, etc.

The bad world is the underworld, hell, etc.

"Do people have souls?"

"I will answer this question for you next time we meet."

Qingze did not answer immediately and said with a smile: "Today's conversation should end here."

Thoughts of explosion flashed through his mind.

The ground where Okayama Taketa and others were standing suddenly cracked.

Fireworks shot up from the ground, and Takashi Suenaga jumped up to avoid them, but he found that the fireworks would not hurt him, but would silently turn the ground into nothingness.

Everyone fell directly towards the room below.


Okayama Taketa shouted.

Qingze's body turned from solid to translucent and disappeared into the house.

Mark Explosion can not only completely destroy an object, but he can also control the part that should be destroyed.

For example, if he marks this building, he can choose to destroy any part of this building.

Of course, this also means that after the explosion occurs, he needs to re-mark the building if he wants to explode again.


Jiusong Apartment, 201, where the task force is located.

The light illuminated the living room, and Emily sat there, biting her thumb, "Heaven, where the spirit flows, is the spirit here the soul?"

She felt that her brain was not full. The amount of information this time was too much.

Heaven exists.

If this news spreads, I am afraid even the old man in the Vatican will be alarmed.

That is the best proof that God is in the world.

A place coveted by hundreds of millions of believers.

"Is there really a soul after death?"

Iwaki Sosuke couldn't help but ask.

Ito Otome said expressionlessly: "From the perspective of a medical student, I can responsibly say that it does not exist.

The human body is a high-precision machine. When it dies, the machine is broken. When you look at a broken machine, do you think it has a soul?

That being said, there are people with super powers now.

My concept changed to the possibility that the soul exists. "

"No, I think it's unlikely to be a soul."

Emily shook her head and said seriously: "What Dio said is where the spirit flows.

Spirit, he uses the word, not soul, which already indicates the difference between the two.

The end of the spirit is heaven. Maybe there is a world where only the spirit exists.

Dio killed those people just to observe where their spirits flowed, and he wanted to follow the footsteps of heaven..."

Emily squatted on the sofa, biting her thumb again, her mind lost in thought. She was thinking about why Dior chose Japan?
Dior is obviously a European and American white man, and he can definitely be in places like New York and London.

If they were just simply massacring the Yakuza, there would also be many gangsters, wealthy people, and corrupt politicians in those places.

He chose Japan.

Could it be that the location of this country is somewhat special, and if you want to go to heaven, you can only go to heaven by performing some kind of ritual here?

All kinds of speculations flashed through Emily's mind.

She suddenly jumped up and shouted: "Bring me a map of Tokyo!"

Miyaji Yosuke brought the map and spread it on the table.

Emily used a pencil to connect the locations where Dior committed each crime with lines to see what kind of pattern could be formed.

From Shinjuku to Ikebukuro, to Kyoto, to Saitama.

Emily drew on the map the locations where Dio killed people during each of his actions.

The result is a pattern with no pattern at all.

Emily was lost in thought.

Is this some kind of ritual?
But what are the rules for such a ceremony?
If we figure out this pattern, can we predict where Dior will be next?
Emily frowned and shook her head, thinking that this was unlikely.

According to Dio, he was also looking for a way to get to heaven.

In other words, even he himself doesn't know much about it, he just knows about the existence of heaven.

Then who told him about this paradise, or how did he discover it?

A series of doubts flooded into Emily's mind.

Only Dior himself can probably explain these doubts clearly.

She clenched her little hands tightly, slammed her fist on the table, and exhaled heavily, "Forget it, let's make these into a report for the time being and send it to the CIA."

(End of this chapter)

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