Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 214 Defeat the Great Demon King

Chapter 214 Defeat the Great Demon King Chiyo
Time passed slowly.

Akizuki Iroha kept holding on to her energy and did not show any signs of fatigue in front of Saeko and the others.

This disguise lasted until the end of the bedroom at home. She threw herself directly on the bed and let out a long sigh.

The wheat-colored cheeks were full of helplessness.

How did things develop like this?

It’s completely different from what I thought when I went out in the morning.

She turned over and stared blankly at the ceiling above.

The air conditioner was not turned on, which made the room feel a bit stuffy. There were still cicadas chirping outside, and the sound was different from the usual sweet sound.

Now she just finds the chirping of the cicadas particularly annoying and too noisy.

The current opinion of Saeko and others is to break off the relationship.

This opinion was different from what she had in mind.

What can you do if you don't accept it?

She scratched her head. It was obviously impossible for her sister to discuss such a matter.

When the person learned that she was hesitant, he might as well just pick up the rolling pin and beat her hard.

Akizuki Iroha doesn't want to be hospitalized yet.

Who should I consult with?

She was lost in thought.

Maybe she should seek help online.

When Qiuyue Caiyu thought of this, she stood up like a carp and stood up with difficulty. The weight on her chest affected her agility.

She picked up the remote control of the air conditioner and first turned on the air conditioner to lower the indoor temperature.

Then she took out her phone, pondered for a while, and decided to ask her fans for help.

The other party leaves encouraging messages under each of her videos.

She interacted with that person several times and felt that Chu Xia was a very mature and intellectual big sister.

Maybe you can come up with a good idea for yourself.

Qiuyue Caiyu sent her a private message.

"Sister Chuxia, there is something I want to ask your opinion on. Is it inconvenient for you right now?"

Send with one fingertip.

Qiuyue Caiyu turned over again, looked at the ceiling above, and fell into deep thought.

It’s so confusing.


Ayase Apartment, Morimoto's house.

Chiyo Morimoto had cut all the vegetables and was about to put them into the pot when her phone vibrated.

There is news, is it a task force?
Her eyes sank. The task force sent her a message at this time, which meant that something serious had happened.

Chiyo Morimoto wiped her hands on her apron, took out her phone and unlocked it, and found that it was a message from a YouTube account.

who is it?

She was confused, so she clicked on it and found that it was the lovely blogger asking for help.

"I'm very convenient. If you have anything to say, please tell me."

She sent it at one o'clock, put her phone next to the induction cooker, turned on the induction cooker, and prepared to make braised chicken feet.

Notification of message coming from mobile phone.

Chiyo Morimoto was cooking while reading messages from bloggers.

"Sister Chuxia, the truth is, I confessed to the person I like, but that person has serious issues with his outlook on life.

More philanthropic.

But he didn't hide it from me. He told me truthfully and clearly that he liked me.

But my friends all told me to separate from him.

I don’t really want to break up. What should I do? "

After reading these messages, Chiyo Morimoto showed a look of contemplation on her face.

She can basically conclude that the so-called philanthropy is just love.

Do you tell your girlfriend about your previous girlfriends?
YouTube is really exciting, there are all kinds of people.

With this thought running through Chiyo Morimoto's mind, she was sure that this blogger couldn't bear to part with that philanthropic boy.

She was cooking and typing a reply.

"I understand what's going on in your mind.

If you don't want to give up, then try to accept it, but not to tolerate him being with other girls, but to use your charm to change his mind.

Let him slowly realize that love cannot be shared with others. "

"Can I do it?"

"Of course, you have to believe in your own charm. His willingness to speak so frankly shows that he cherishes you very much, so he doesn't want to lie to you about this kind of thing."

"Yes, I think so too."

Qiuyue Caiyu almost jumped up on the bed, her expression was full of excitement, finally someone understood what she was thinking.

There is certainly nothing wrong with Madoka and Saeko's ideas.

But people have different personalities, which leads to different views on things.

Akizuki Iroha's perspective on the problem is different from theirs.

They only focus on two things.

What Qiuyue Caiyu cares about is that Qingze is honest. If he is really greedy, he should lie.

"Sister Chuxia, thank you, I know what to do."

Qiuyue Caiyu's face was filled with excitement.

Qingze's idea was wrong. She should correct his idea instead of staying away from him.

It was definitely the woman named Chiyo Morimoto who was at fault. She must have instilled in Qingze such unreliable ideas in order to monopolize Qingze.

What a sinister intention.

She must save Prince Qingze from the clutches of the big devil.

Akizuki Iroha thought so, and a sense of mission of a brave man emerged in her heart.

Just wait for me, Mr. Qingze, I will definitely save you!
Ding dong, another message was sent, Qiuyue Caiyu took a quick look at it.

“As long as you understand, come on.

You are so cute, you will definitely change that boy's mind. "

"Hey, thank you sister Chuxia for your encouragement." Qiuyue Caiyu sent the message with one click.

No need to see people, just by seeing the words, Morimoto Chiyo can imagine the blogger's happy expression at this moment.

It's nice to be young!

Chiyo Morimoto raised the corners of her mouth and said casually: "I'm going to cook, so let's not talk for now."

"Okay, sister Chuxia."

The other party replied politely, which made Chiyo Morimoto feel even more happy. She was really a good polite boy.


It's night time.

Colorful signs gradually light up the streets of Shinjuku, especially Kabukicho.

The successive events in the underground world have not affected the prosperity on the surface.

When someone disappears from here, a new person appears to take their place.

Kabukicho is never short of people.

Durant appeared on the streets of Kabukicho wearing a cap and his hands in his pockets.

An interview is being played on the big screen in the mall. It is a program produced by the TV station for the escaped prisoner Durant.

Among the invited guests was a well-known historical expert, who expressed concern that such a vicious prisoner was roaming around.

The right-wing congressmen present believed that the Metropolitan Police Department will do its best to investigate the case, arrest the heinous criminal Durant as soon as possible, and comfort the "heroic spirits" of the past victims.

The program team also invited the deceased's family members, including children of several years old, to appear at the scene to cry and gain sympathy from the public.

Public opinion online is one-sided.

All condemning Durant's inhumanity.

Against this background, Durant remained unfazed, standing leisurely by the streetlight and taking out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

He smoked a cigarette and held it between his teeth.

There was a popping sound, and the lighter lit the cigarette. He took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke from his nose.

Durant isn't worried about being found out.

As an agent of the CIA, he was able to be selected to participate in such an important mission because of his extremely excellent abilities.

Through the use of makeup, he can switch between European and American whites and Africans at any time.

Today's cosmetics are so powerful if you make good use of them.

Durant's only worry is that Dior won't be able to recognize him with his makeup like this?

But if he walked casually on the street without makeup, he was defying the people at the Metropolitan Police Department.

He is also despising the bounty of 5000 million yen.

Such a high reward is enough to make those who are indifferent to the case remember his appearance.

Durant's eyes were lost in thought, and several women from the custom shop wanted to pull him in to sit down and keep him warm.

They were all rejected by him in English.

Looking at the time, Durant frowned, wondering if Diaw could find him.

He continued to stand here. After a long time, more and more people were in front of him.

Durant wanted to wait in a different place when footsteps came from behind.

He was immediately alert and quickly looked behind him in the mirror to see what was going on.

A familiar face was reflected in the mirror.

"Dior, how did you recognize me?"

Durant turned around, a flash of surprise in his eyes. His current appearance was completely different from that in the detention center.

The skin colors are all different races.

"I have my own way."

Qingze did not say how he recognized Durant. He had previously seen the scar on Durant's abdomen with his clairvoyance ability.

If you say this, it will seriously damage your own image.

It's better to pretend to be mysterious.

"follow me."

Qingze turned around and walked into the deserted alley.

Durant's eyes darkened slightly. If he remembered correctly, the information about Diaw should be that he was unorganized.

But looking at this situation, it seems that Dior is hiding an organization or a secret base behind it?
Durant suppressed the excitement in his heart. He didn't expect to receive such important news on the first day, so he followed him obediently.


Entering the alley, prosperity has nothing to do with this place, desertedness is the main theme here.

Qingze stopped, turned around, took out a gun from his pocket, threw it to Durant, and asked, "Can you see if this gun can be used?"

Durant took the gun. He was very familiar with firearms from all over the world, and he immediately recognized that this was a regular weapon for the Japanese SAT troops.


Manufactured by SIG, Germany.

"The gun is great, where did you get such a gun?"

"Don't you think this question is redundant?"

"Indeed, it is not difficult for you as a superpower to get a gun."

Durant put away the gun and asked knowingly: "Why are you helping me?"

"I just thought your idea was interesting."

Qingze smiled and said, "What are you going to do next?"

"Kill Shintaro Sato. He is a right-wing general who is committed to advocating military culture. He is also the descendant of war criminals."

Durant had already discussed with Jack and the others to target those right-wing congressmen in order to assassinate them to gain Dio's trust.

As long as it can gain Dio's trust, the CIA doesn't care at all about sacrificing those people.

Qingze smiled and said: "That's right, then I look forward to good news from you."

Durant held back the thought of asking for contact information and said: "Thank you for your help, giving me the opportunity to fight for justice again."

"You're welcome. When you want guns, feel free to go to Shinjuku at night and I can replenish them for you."

Qingze enters Schrödinger's cat state of non-existence and disappears into the street.

He has his own thing.

Helping Durant is just a matter of convenience.

 PS: Thanks for the unreasonable tip

(End of this chapter)

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