Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 203 The task force’s honey trap

Chapter 203 The task force’s honey trap

The previous bugs were installed anywhere in Hisamong's apartment where communication was possible, such as the sofa, kitchen, bedroom, etc.

Now the CIA people removed all those devices.

Chiyo Morimoto stretched out, sat directly on the sofa, crossed her legs and said, "It feels particularly comfortable. I'm not happy with this deal, but I finally removed those annoying monitors."

Originally, the task force should not have encountered various monitoring equipment, but the CIA just put the shackles of monitoring on them, so that they had to pay benefits in exchange.

This is also the void card-making that the United States is good at.

Obviously nothing happens according to normal procedures, but the United States deliberately creates troubles and difficulties, and then uses the elimination of those troubles and difficulties as a bargaining chip.

Gain benefits without having to pay any benefits to yourself.

Some people who are not smart enough should probably thank them for their generosity.

Chiyo Morimoto is naturally not the kind of person who is not smart, so she has no gratitude to the CIA, only full of disgust.

"Don't complain about that. It's rare for relations with the CIA to ease. We need to talk to each other in the future."

"Hi, hi, I just want to eat now."

Chiyo Morimoto leaned forward and took her lunch box from Catalina.

There are four dishes and one soup inside, including stir-fried beef, stir-fried lamb with green onions, mapo tofu, scrambled eggs with chives, and a bowl of dragon bone soup.

Today's lunch is Chinese food.

Here in Okubo, you can see many Chinese-owned stores, as well as Korean ones.

The task force's lunch changes every day, and they eat dishes from various countries in rotation, and rarely stick to dishes from a certain country.

Chiyo Morimoto first drank a sip of dragon bone soup to moisten her throat, and then began to eat rice, meat, leeks and tofu to fill her hungry stomach.

She put down her empty lunch box, burped contentedly, and took out a tissue to wipe her oily lips.

Emily swallowed the food in her mouth and complained: "Do you burp like this at home?"

Chiyo Morimoto leaned back lazily and said slowly: "Of course it's impossible. I need to take care of my image at home and stay elegant.

You can do whatever you want here.

It's good for your health for people to release their natural instincts once in a while. "

Erlang's legs were raised again. She always had to maintain a good image in front of Qingze.

Because she is ten years older than Qingze, adults should act like adults.

And in front of this group of people who are almost the same age, some are even more than ten years older than her.

Naturally, she doesn't need to pretend, and she doesn't have to think about whether there will be any noise when eating. She can burp comfortably even after eating hard. She can even unscrew orange juice afterwards and drink most of the bottle in one gulp.

As for cola, Chiyo Morimoto doesn't like the pungent taste, or in other words, any carbonated drinks. She doesn't feel comfortable with it after just one sip.

Carbonated drinks are the enemy of women.

No woman she knew liked drinking Coke.

Emily became more and more certain that this guy was definitely interested in the kid raised at home, and asked curiously: "How long have you been raising Qingze?"

"ten years."

"You are such a terrible woman."

Emily complained that if she remembered correctly, Chiyo Morimoto was 26 years old.

Ten years means that you are already raising your future husband at the age of 16.

Even though she was very good-looking, Emily still glanced at Chiyo Morimoto with contemptuous eyes.

"You do not understand."

Morimoto Chiyo shrugged and did not explain the relationship between Qingze and himself. At first, he just watched the kid walking alone on the street, and then he was also alone, and wanted to make his home more lively.

She was raised as a younger brother, but the relationship with him soured, causing her to change as well.

This is impossible.

"You guys eat quickly. After eating, we will discuss things about Dior. Then, I will take a nap."


After everyone in the task force finished eating, the lunch box on the table was taken away by Katarina.

Different from her rough appearance, in life, she can be said to be quite feminine.

After cleaning up, she poured a cup of black tea for everyone present.

"Thank you, Katerina. I really hope I can always drink the black tea you make."

"Of course, Catalina's black tea is the best."

Emily replied happily.

When Catalina is praised for her black tea, she always feels a little shy. Unlike her strength, these girlish skills always make her feel that they don't match her.

"You didn't make it." Chiyo Morimoto rolled her eyes at this person, picked up the black tea and took a sip. The temperature was just right and the sweetness was moderate.

Even after swallowing it into the abdomen, the mellow taste still lingers between the lips and teeth.

Chiyo Morimoto is not an expert in evaluating black tea, but he also understands that such skills can be called a black tea master.

Emily happily put down the black tea, picked up the pen and said: "Now we have to add another super power.

Blowing people and objects into pieces is called an explosion.

People marked by explosions will have black chrysanthemum patterns on their bodies. From this point of view, I am more inclined to need to touch them with my hands. "

Morimoto Chiyo said: "That's not necessarily true. It's possible that as long as he appears in his sight, he will be marked with a black chrysanthemum pattern. Wasn't Ruriko quickly put to sleep by Dio who appeared.

She couldn't see whether Dio marked Robert and the others with his eyes when he entered. "

"Indeed, that is also a possibility. It is best to be fully armed in the future and not leak anything on the surface.

Judging from the surrounding conditions, it is likely that the explosion will not have an impact on targets outside the mark. "

Having said this, Emily added: "It is tentatively scheduled that Dio will refresh his superpower every Monday, so tonight, Dio is likely to commit another crime.

Okayama, you get the SAT people ready.

Iwaki, your drones and surveillance should be deployed at night, focusing on monitoring the Yakuza organization. "

After hearing Emily's instructions, Miyaji Yosuke couldn't help but said: "I'm sorry, Team Leader Emily, I want to ask, even if we find Dio, how should we deal with such a person?

With all due respect, pistols seem a bit unqualified for this man named Dio.

Missiles are not suitable for use in busy cities. "

Emily smiled and said confidently: "Don't worry, I already know how to catch Dio.

No matter how strong a fortress is, it can easily collapse if something goes wrong internally.

Dior is the same.

His appearance may be very powerful, but once he is approached, it is difficult to tell. Let him drink drugged wine or water to bewitched. "

Chiyo Morimoto did not laugh at this plan. She knew that if Emily dared to say it like this, she would be sure of it.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Several members of the task force turned their attention to Emily, which made her expression become more and more sullen, and she said: "Of course it is a honey trap at times like this. There is an old saying in China that it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty."

As soon as he finished speaking, Morimoto Chiyo immediately shook his head and said: "No need to talk, I won't do that kind of thing."

Ito Otome immediately mocked: "Are you a little too confident?

It's not your turn to use a honey trap.

If I could dissect Dior's body, I would sacrifice it. "

"Haha, just because you smell like disinfectant, Dio must have a brain problem to fall in love with a cold, stinky woman like you."

Chiyo Morimoto curled her lips and said with disdain: "Don't forget, Dio has the super power to order others."

"Morimoto, if you take the initiative to vote for him, you must be suspicious, and you need to pretend to be attracted to him a little bit.

If they have feelings for each other, he would be embarrassed to use his superpower to test the truth and falsehood. "

Emily vowed: “A job that tests my acting skills and ability to adapt to changes must be done by me personally.

Keep chasing your old enemy, gradually recognize your own ideas, and then be willing to work with yourself.

Isn't this kind of thing very romantic?
When Dio starts to trust me, I will put poison in his drink or water to make him lose his mind.

Is this a good plan? "

Blue eyes swept across the team members present.

They look complicated.

Chiyo Morimoto couldn't help but complain: "Old enemy, does he really regard our task force as an old enemy?

I feel like it's just treated casually. "

"Unless Dior is easily attracted to children, he won't have any thoughts about you. In his 20s, he is still the same as a teenager.

As a younger sister, it might be possible. "

Ito Otome rarely stood on the united front with Morimoto Chiyo and denied Emily's plan.

It's not that she attacked Emilie, it's just that Emilie's petite body is not suitable for performing a beauty trap.

Emily clenched her fists when she heard this, and said with a smile: "Did you two forget that I am the leader of the task force?

Have the power to arrange your work! "

The subtle reminder made Morimoto Chiyo realize that if he did not change his words, his rest days would probably be scheduled between Monday and Friday instead of Saturday or Sunday.

"Team Leader Emily, I think it's okay for you to go in."

Ito Otome also nodded, fearing that she would leave the dissection work to others.

Emily snorted and put her hands on her hips. She didn't care whether she used power to achieve her goals.

Anyway, the two of them surrendered.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's make this decision. Ito, please think of some medicine to stun Dio.

Katarina, you can contact Takashi Suunaga who is studying later and ask him to come and gather at six o'clock in the evening.

Morimoto, you are responsible for finding some witches, priests, etc., and getting holy water and divine water to enchant Suyong's knife so that he can participate in the possible arrest of Dio at night.

SAT's helicopters regularly fly over Shinjuku. "

Miyaji Yosuke asked doubtfully: "Didn't you say you wanted to use a honey trap?"

"Only by going all out can I get Dior's attention. I need Dior to appear in front of me."

Emily explained her reasons. She believed that focused people are the most attractive people.

If you want to show your charm, you must show Dior that you are going all out to pursue Dior.

"We must see Dio tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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