Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 200 The Almighty Father Satisfies You

Chapter 200 The Almighty Father Satisfies You

In the empty room, Robert's prayer fell into Qingze's ears. He turned his head and said with a smile in his eyes: "Do you want to become a superpower?"

Robert took a deep breath and said solemnly: "If you can do it, there's no reason why I can't."

"Haha, that's really interesting."

Qingze smiled. After the ability to enlighten all things was weakened, he was also curious about how people would react if they continued to use it.

Since this person so desires to become a superpower, let the "Almighty Father" grant his wish.

A gray filter covers the eyes.

Qingze walked up to Robert and used the ability to enlighten all things with his right hand. He touched Robert's forehead, as if a warm current penetrated the other person's body from his fingertips.

Qingze returned to his original position.

The time stopping ability is released.

Color takes over this room.

Robert still maintained a posture of caution against Dio, but suddenly found some surprising changes happening inside his body.

It was as if there was an extremely hot air current reverberating through the meridians of the body.

Is it difficult? !

His eyes showed surprise and he growled lowly.

"Ah!" The heart was beating louder than ever before.

The blood flow speed increases, and strength continuously emerges from the muscles.

Robert bent over subconsciously, and two huge meat bags bulged out from his back.

Qingze watched the changes in this scene with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

There was a snapping sound, and two big meat bags burst. Robert's gene mutated, and muscle wings full of sarcoma emerged from them, and blood spattered.

Splattered on the wall, the floor, and the girl's sleepy cheek.

Extremely crazy emotions shocked Robert's mind, but he did not show the kind of madness like Suzuki Kojiro.

He suppressed the emotions that wanted to disrupt his brain and focused on the blurry figure in his mind.

Is this the Almighty Father? !


Robert laughed wildly, without the calmness and calmness of the past, directly exposing his inner nature, "Dior, you lost, the Almighty Father heard my voice and gave me strength.

This is the best proof of the residents of the city on the hill!
I am a people of God!Everything you do is righteous!
Impossible to fail! "

Qingze watched him transform into a birdman with a thoughtful look on his face.

After the ability to enlighten all things is weakened, the appearance of the objects being enlightened has obvious signs of roughness.

When it comes to enlightening people, not only the appearance is rough, but also the control becomes unstable.

Before he is weakened, he does not need to speak. As long as the person being enlightened sees him, he will have the idea in his heart to obey his orders.

No one as strong-willed as Miles can escape.

Now, if he doesn't directly control the other party, the other party will not even obey his orders.

The perspective of sharing is also very blurry.

"You should listen carefully to the voice of God."

Qingze spoke slowly, speaking directly into Robert's mind through his ability to enlighten all things.

"Don't recognize your father casually. I don't have a rebellious son like you."

The bewitching tone emanated from the figure he considered an almighty father, and sounded directly in Robert's mind.

Combined with Dio's words in front of him, Robert suddenly realized.

It was not the Almighty Father who caused him to change like this, but Dio in front of him.

"No way, you, you devil!"

Robert hissed.

How happy I was before, how painful I am now.

He thought he had received a gift from God, but in the end it was just a farce arranged by the person in front of him.

"You blasphemous sinner and devil, I will drag you to death together!"

Robert bent down and picked up the silver dagger on the ground, trying to rush towards Qingze.

"Destroy the cross."

"No, I won't do that!"

Robert yelled immediately, dropped the dagger in his hand, and slowly approached the cross around his neck without using his hands.

With his current strength, the silver cross was easily crushed.


Robert screamed in pain, tears streaming down his face. Compared to the severe physical injuries, crushing the cross obviously caused him more pain.

His faith was completely shattered at this moment.

"Don't suffer, I will send you to hell immediately."

Qingze stepped forward and put his hands on his shoulders, and black chrysanthemum patterns instantly appeared on his cheeks.


Robert roared with anger on his face.

The next second, the black chrysanthemum pattern began to crack.

He could feel the heat emerging from the inside of his body, "Asshole, I'm waiting for you in hell!"


Robert's whole body was torn apart, and the pieces of flesh and blood turned into ashes in the air like paper burned by flames, and then dissipated from the ashes into nothingness.

Even the blood that had previously been splashed on the ground disappeared.

The whole room became very clean.

Qingze looked around and found that mark blasting was really an environmentally friendly ability.

He didn't stay here anymore, his body gradually turned translucent and disappeared into the room.


Takashi Suunaga rushed to the place where the cell phone was sent.He let out a breath and looked at the three-story building, wanting to go around it from the side.

But for some reason, he couldn't detect any danger in front of this building.

Very strange.

People who exercise regularly understand that sometimes the body starts to move before the brain gives instructions.

Taking basketball as an example, a person reaches out and catches the basketball without seeing it, but relying on the action of the opponent throwing it.

Takashi Suunaga, who has practiced kendo for a long time, also has a similar sixth sense.

When the opponent raises his hand, you can understand where to attack.

This is why he was able to dodge the attacks of two armed men and kill them easily.

They only had to raise their hands to let Takashi Suunaga know where to shoot.

He ducked out of the way before they could fire.

Now, his sixth sense didn't detect anything in the house that could threaten him.

A strange look flashed in Takashi Sunaga's eyes, and he raised his foot and kicked the door open.

It's quiet inside.

It's not like the kind of silence where someone is ambushing the house and full of murderous intent. It's more like the silence where there is no one and it seems very empty.

Takashi Sunaga became more and more confused.

He stepped into it, holding the handle of the knife with his right hand, ensuring that he would strike at any enemy as quickly as possible at any time.

There was no one in the corridor. Takashi Suunaga opened the door and found no one inside.

He searched the ground floor, then the second floor, and finally to the third floor, in the room near the west.

Takashi Sunaga saw Yokoo Ruriko sleeping on a stool.

She had a calm expression, obvious bruises on her face, and signs of being beaten to varying degrees on her hands and feet.


The calmness on Sunaga Takashi's face was instantly broken, and he also lost his keen sixth sense. He thought this person was dead, so he rushed forward and heard the gentle breathing.

A heart that almost jumped out of my chest finally fell back to its original position.

Takashi Sunaga realized that a layer of cold sweat had broken out on his back, "Huh, ha."

He was panting, and in just one second, he was more tired than killing two people.

"Ruriko, are you okay?"

Takashi Sunaga did not dare to push this person hard and patted his shoulder lightly.

The familiar voice made Yoko Ruriko slowly open her eyes and look at the boy in front of her.

The grievances and fears accumulated in Yokoo Ruriko's heart suddenly burst out, "Takashi! You are so slow, you idiot, idiot, idiot!"

She threw herself on Sunaga Takashi's chest and cried loudly, beating her little fists.

Sunaga Takashi patted her head and said warmly: "Sorry, I'm late. Where are the people who kidnapped you?"

His voice was gentle, his eyes were extremely cold, and beneath his calm expression was uncontrollable murderous intent and anger.

Yokoo Ruriko came to her senses and looked to the left and right. She found that the Vulcan machine guns and people placed there had all disappeared.

In other words, they were all killed by Dio.

She thought of the scene before coma and the other party's bewitching voice, swallowed her saliva and said: "Dio killed them all."


A flash of surprise flashed across Sunaga Takashi's face. Looking around, he saw no blood or corpses. When he searched underneath just now, he found no trace of blood.

"Are you sure there's someone here?"

"Of course, a person suddenly exploded without even a drop of blood. Those people must have been killed by Dio using that method.

There used to be a large machine gun here with bullets in it. "

Listening to Yokoo Ruriko's explanation, Takashi Sunaga's eyes flashed with worry. Could those people have done anything to Yokoo Ruriko's brain?

"Let's go to the hospital for a physical check-up."

"Takashi, I'm telling the truth. I saw a man explode, and a man named Dio. He just said a word and made me fall asleep."

Yokoo Ruriko's words became more and more unusual.

"Takashi, you have to believe me."

Sunaga Takashi was silent for a while, looking at the expression on the girl's face that longed for his trust, he said warmly: "Okay, I believe in you, as if you have a Dior who can make people explode.

If such a person really exists, there is no way the Metropolitan Police would not know about it.

Let's try calling the police to see if the police will come. "

"Are you okay with the police? That organization is terrifying."

Yokoo Ruriko was trembling all over because she was able to get the kind of machine gun that could be called a big killer.

She didn't believe that the other party had no official background.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Takashi Sunaga stroked her head to calm her down, knowing in his heart that just searching for the three words "Hasama" would be able to locate them.

It is enough to illustrate the huge power of that organization.

Because of this, he couldn't escape. He had to take the initiative to attract them and not be afraid of fighting in order to have a chance of peace.

Ensure the safety of him, Yokoo Ruriko, and his family.

Takashi Sunaga took out his mobile phone and dialed the police number.

"Hello, this is the Metropolitan Police Department. Is it a case or an accident?"

"Case, Dio killed a group of people in Kabukicho 25-chome 3-[-]."

The address of the building where Taka Sukunaga wrote in his history.

"Okay, please wait a moment, we will send someone over right away!"

The police officer who answered the phone sounded very urgent. Was she simply shocked to hear such a murder?
Or react to the name Dior?

A flash of thought flashed through Sunaga Takashi's eyes, and he realized in his heart that the two of them had been involved in a big trouble.

But he wasn't afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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