Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 194 Tokyo becomes the eye of the storm

Chapter 194 Tokyo becomes the eye of the storm
No matter how powerful the knife is, it can't beat a bullet?

This doubt flashed through Takashi Suunaga's mind. He knew that a master of Iai had used Iai's sword-drawing technique to fight a BB bullet with a speed of 330 kilometers per hour, and split the BB bullet with one sword.

It's not impossible to chop bullets with a knife.

The biggest obstacle is the inability of ordinary people to capture and react to the speed of bullets.

According to him, there should be no problems with his body and vision.

The reason why he said it should be is that he himself was not 100% sure, and there was always a slight gap between the fantasy in his mind and reality.

He didn't confront the gunman head-on, so he couldn't guarantee that he could split the bullet.

It is also uncertain what the material of the real knife is. If you want to split a bullet, the material of the knife must be very good to cut the bullet without the blade breaking.

Takashi Suunaga was thinking about those things.

Yokoo Ruriko next to him patted him on the shoulder and said: "Takashi, you are not thinking about dangerous things, are you?"


Takashi Sunaga did not reveal his inner thoughts, and telling Ruriko some things would only make him verbose.

"You must not imitate Hazama. That guy was just too arrogant and that's why he was killed."

Yokoo Ruriko said with disdain: "What age are you still running around with a knife and doing dangerous things like killing people?"


Takashi Sunaga responded.

Yokoo Ruriko's expression showed a trace of doubt again: "A person died in Tokyo, and there was no report. Or did I miss the relevant news reports?"

Having said this, she took out her phone and searched for news about Hazama.

That is, at such a moment.

Like a butterfly landing on a spider's web, the search for Hazama's name on his phone was quickly targeted by the CIA.

The next second, the technician retrieved all the selfies and chat history on the girl’s phone.

Find out why she is searching for the name Hazama, which has been sealed.

Because the person who killed Hazama was Dio, the person who searched for this name may also be Dio who wanted to see the social reaction after committing the crime.

The relevant report was quickly delivered to Jack's desk.

"Minister Jack, at 31:45:[-] this afternoon, a female high school student named Yokoo Ruriko searched for Hazama's name.

The school she attends is Kamiya High School, and her hometown is in Ota Ward.

My parents are mainly engaged in foreign trade business, and the main sales network is..."

In a short period of time, Robert found out about Yokoo Ruriko's life and family situation, made a report and gave it to Jack, and began to report.

If it had been before, Jack would have sighed in his heart about how outstanding his assistant was.

Now, he would only feel a kind of fear coming over him.

The reason is simple. He has already said that some things do not need to go through Robert.

But his orders are of no use in this department.

As before, all the information was put into Robert's hands first, and then handed over to him for him to fully understand.

I was essentially emptied out from below.

The man who actually leads this department is Robert.

He didn't know if this idea was what Commander John meant, or if even Commander John couldn't realize it.

But he knew very well that he was not willing to be ignored.

He had to find a way to take the power back from Robert.

This was something Jack wouldn't have thought about before.

But once a person sits in such a position, it is difficult for him to become mediocre.

He wants to hold on to the power he deserves.

"Robert, what do you think of this?"

Jack kept the look of disgust off his face and tried to appear calm.

"I think it's necessary to check it out. An ordinary female high school student suddenly searches for this name. Something must have happened to arouse her interest."

"Then send someone to investigate."

"it is good."

Robert nodded, turned and left from here.

Jack suddenly said: "Robert, I heard that the higher-ups seem to have rejected your poison gas plan."

Robert paused, turned back and smiled: "Yes, but I believe that the higher-ups will eventually recognize the reality and agree to this plan.

You have nothing else to do, I have to go down and do some work. "

"Go down."

Jack waved and watched this person leave. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. Working with a guy like Robert who was gentle on the surface but extreme on the inside made him very stressed.

Of course, if you don't pursue power, having a subordinate like Robert is actually a good thing.

The one who always does all the work that needs to be done.

But Jack didn't like it.

He removed the report about Yokoo and picked up the information at the bottom, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The information shows that Suzuki Yuzuki, who was under surveillance recently, found a new employer.

This is not a strange thing. When people lose their jobs, they have to find jobs again.

The key is that the identity of the employer is Curtis Linerath, an Interpol officer from ICPO.

According to what Millers called Suzuki Yuzuki before, Jack had to wonder whether there was any close relationship between Curtis and Millers.

As for why people from Interpol arrived in Tokyo, it can only be said to be related to Dior.

Jack didn't know the specific reason. At his level, he couldn't know too much information above.

All we know is that Russia issued a red notice for Dior and sent the corresponding Interpol police to investigate the Dior case.

Is there a KGB secretly behind this?

That's hard to say.

Jack rubbed his chin.Yuzuki Suzuko is one of the few people who knows that Dio has super powers.

The CIA has not relaxed its surveillance on her to prevent her from spreading the news that Dio is a superpower.

Whether at home or outside, everything about Yuzuki Suzuko is controlled by the CIA.

The reason why she has not silenced her for so long is because the CIA is eager to get clues from Yuzuki Suzuko.

Did Millers leave any clues before his death?

This is something the CIA's top brass wants to figure out.

And Curtis' sudden hiring of Suzuki Yuzuki made Jack have to increase his doubts.

From which channel did that person get the news about Yuzuki Suzuko?And why choose teak bells?
This answer, perhaps, needs to wait for Yuzuki Suzuko to tell him.

At the moment Suzuki Yuzuki was hired as Curtis' assistant, the CIA had already made Suzuki Yuzuki one of its own in advance.

This has nothing to do with her wishes. If she doesn't agree, she will die.

In Japan, even the Prime Minister cannot save the people the CIA wants to kill.


Tokyo Haneda Airport.

Yuzuki Suzuko stayed at the exit, holding an English sign in her hand.

Compared to the colorful letters and smiling faces on the sign, her face was cold.

With her indifferent character, she would inevitably feel a little irritated after being monitored by various forces.

The number of times I go to the toilet every day has to be recorded by different people, which is really not a good experience.

Even if she agrees to join the CIA, the relevant surveillance will not be relaxed.

The reason is very simple. The CIA does not trust her, and it is impossible to relax before gaining the trust of the other party.

She was really involved in very troublesome things by that bastard Miles.

The reason why she scolded Millers was because Yuzuki Suzuko cremated his clothes and hair and discovered that the guy left a lot of inheritance, but he owed even more debt.

Once he wants to inherit that half of the inheritance, he has to repay the huge debt owed by Millers.

After hearing the news, Suzuki Yuzuki wanted to take the ashes of Millers' clothes and hair out of the sea and throw them into the cesspool.

The money spent on her burial at sea was really wasted.

A person can be so cruel as a beast, which can be regarded as transcending the world.

Yuzuki Suzuko still wants to whip Miles to death when she thinks about it.

All her troubles were caused by that bastard, and he even had to dig holes for her inheritance.

Let her die ten thousand times!
Yuzuki Suzuko was thinking about unpleasant things and exuding low pressure, making the tourists next to her choose to avoid it.

A plane lands and a large number of people emerge from the exit.

One of them was a woman with long blond hair, dressed in a Hawaiian style and wearing sandals.

Apply bright red toenail polish to your toenails.

Wearing sunglasses, she looked around the scene, walked to the signboard of Yuzuki Suzuki, and said with a smile: "Hello, Ms. Yuzuki."

Yuzuki Suzuko was a little surprised by her fluent Japanese: "Can you speak Japanese?"

"Of course, as an Interpol police officer, I speak the languages ​​of 36 countries and know the cultural customs of more than [-] countries."

Curtis took off his sunglasses, stared at her with a pair of emerald eyes, and said with a smile: "You must be confused as to why I chose you as my assistant online, right?"

"You are not related to Miles, are you? No, that guy probably doesn't have any relatives!"

When Yuzuki Suzuko looked into those emerald eyes, she always had a very familiar feeling, as if she was being watched by some dead bastard.

"I have cut off the brother-sister relationship with him for a long time, and I no longer regard that bastard Miles as a relative.

I swear I will never forgive him for what he did. "

Curtis explained his relationship with Millers, who were once family members and later evolved into unrepentant enemies, "When you stay around him, you should understand what a hopeless person he is.

When I was 16 years old, I fell in love with a boy named Mike. Within three weeks, Mike disappeared, and it remains an unsolved case in Moscow.

The police determined that he ran away from home, and I knew that it was Millers who killed Mike.

He said he was curious about which part of his body had special genes that attracted me.

What a ridiculous reason to kill. "

"With all due respect, that guy wants to kill someone, so it's impossible for you to find clues."

Yuzuki Suzuko was very disgusted with Miles, but she had to admit that he was a genius with a high IQ.

Curtis shook his head and said: "I don't know what he is thinking.

From that day on, we separated, and I was determined to become a police officer and arrest that inhumane guy.

He left Moscow three years ago and settled in Japan.

I chose to become an Interpol because I thought he would commit a crime sooner or later, so I was very concerned about his news. "

Suzuki Yuzuki wondered: "You hired me, are you trying to find out the cause of Miles' death?"

"No, I'm not interested in that guy's death."

Curtis shook his head and said seriously: "I was sent here to investigate a criminal named Dio.

In March last year, Dior brutally murdered a girl in Moscow and then fled abroad.

When we found out this news, Dio was already active in Tokyo. I was sent here to investigate and extradite him back to the country to face trial. "


Yuzuki Suzuko nodded superficially, knowing in her heart that this was nonsense.

Whether it was about Dior or that she was Miles's estranged sister, it all reeked of lies.

But she didn't expose it. She just felt that Tokyo was turning into a huge whirlpool, attracting people from all over the world.

How long can the CIA keep the secrets it wants to keep secret?

Hope it will be exposed soon.

Make her less important.

(End of this chapter)

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