Chapter 190: Dreams for Boys

In the teaching building, next to the vending machine, orange juice, Coke, and juice collided together.

Kenta Ishigami's face was full of excitement. He drank most of the Coke in one breath, then exhaled heavily and said, "It feels so good!"

This sentence contains a double meaning.

On the one hand, it is the feeling of pleasure brought by Coke, on the other hand, it is the feeling of pleasure brought by Aozawa defeating Yutaro Shitori.

Their defeat was a long-established fact.

If you lose, you will at most be upset at the time, and you will quickly regain your mood afterwards.

Because they are all used to failure, and they are also used to being calm after failure.

But this time, they didn't fail.

The purpose of Aohanafuji's friendly match is to let Shitori Yutaro and Aozawa compete against each other, and then use Aozawa as a stepping stone to get closer to Takashi Sunaga.

But their general was defeated by Qingze.

Thinking of this, Kenta Ishigami felt particularly excited and shouted, "When did your kid grow up to this point?"

"He has his talent, and I also have my talent. It can only be said that my talent is far above his."

Qingze has no humility.

Superpowers are also a type of talent.


Kenta Ishigami laughed, bought a few packs of slightly spicy senbei from the vending machine and said, "You're welcome, I'll treat you to some."

Opening the senbei, Qingze took a piece and chewed it.

Others also looked excited and put their hands into the senbei packaging bags, making a rattling sound.

The five of them were chatting next to the vending machine.

Sometimes, boys' happiness is as simple as gathering together, eating some snacks, and talking about things in the north, south, east, west, etc. to pass the time.

"Oops, it's almost noon, I have to go back to eat, otherwise I will be beaten by my mother."

"Hey, you're already in high school, are you still so bad?"

"I am still a primary school student in front of my mother."


Qingze and the others laughed.

Kenta Ishigami put away his smile and said, "Indeed, let's go back to eat. I can't afford a lunch."

"Yeah, I also have a date with a girl."

"You really deserve to die!"

Qingze's words immediately attracted criticism from others.

During the chase and fight, they arrived at the school gate.

Kenta Ishigami looked at the blazing sunshine falling on his body and sighed: "Qing Ze, you are really a powerful guy."

"Minister, you are so slow that you didn't realize it until today."

"I'm not kidding, you are really awesome."

Kenta Ishigami smiled, with a serious expression on his face.

In every school, there will be a guy who is extremely famous and lives a different life than ordinary people.

He was very sure that Qingze was that person from Guanghui High School.

"Do you think we can win the Jade Dragon Flag championship?"

The smiles on other people's faces also faded.

They want to know the answer too.

Before today, they thought the Jade Dragon Banner was just an unattainable dream.

Now, the strength shown by Qingze seems to allow them to reach that unattainable dream.

"Of course, Minister Ishigami, let me fulfill the promise I made to you last year and win this Jade Dragon Flag championship."

"Haha, if you really win the championship, I will definitely treat everyone in the kendo club to a meal!"

Kenta Ishigami patted his chest in assurance.

Looking back on his past life, there was nothing worth celebrating and no glory.


It's not that he dislikes such a life and there's nothing wrong with it.

A mediocre person must have a mediocre consciousness, just like a toad cannot expect to fly in the sky.

But he wanted to experience the feeling of being illuminated by glory, which he couldn't do. At least he could stay with the champion and show off to someone in the future.

I used to win the Jade Dragon Flag championship with so-and-so.

For him, that's enough.

"Minister, I won't be polite. I will make you bankrupt."

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it even if I sell my kidney."

Kenta Ishigami smiled, waved goodbye and said, "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Qingze replied and turned around to head to Shinjuku.


Shinjuku, theme cafe.

Today's theme is bunny girls.

Looking at the words on the sign, Qingze knew that he was in the right place today.

He quickly opened the door.

A blast of air-conditioning greeted us, and bunny girls walked in the store one after another.

Not the kind of bunny girls with cool summer breeze, no stockings visible on their legs, but the kind of bunny girls dressed in winter dolls.

Each one is as heavy as a pig.

Only one face is exposed.

Fortunately, the air conditioner was on inside. If the air conditioner was not on, I would have been dressed like this and would have been so hot that I would sweat all over and even be sent to the hospital for heat stroke.

"Welcome, Senior Qingze."

Shinoko Hojo is inside the rabbit doll. Her delicate face combined with the fluffy rabbit suit makes her look clumsy and cute.

"I still have some time before I get off work. Please sit there for a while and I'll make you a cup of coffee. It's free of charge."

She said, turning and walking towards the front desk.

Qingze sat in the seat designated by her and was not in a hurry.Just now, Ishigami Kenta and the others had eaten so many snacks, and their stomachs were still full. If he hadn't wanted to treat Hojo Shinoko to dinner, he wouldn't have come at this point.

Don't tell me to wait for a while, it's okay to wait for another half hour.

Hojo Shinoko quickly came over with the coffee. The movements of her hands seemed clumsy, and she carefully picked up the coffee and placed it in front of him.

"This doll suit is not convenient for movement."

"No way, it's the store manager's interest. He's a young man who likes all kinds of role-playing."

There was a trace of helplessness in Hojo Shinoko's voice, "Please wait here."

"It's okay, go get busy."

Qingze picked up the coffee, blew on it, and took a slow sip. It tasted good, with a mellow aroma mixed with sweetness.

He picked up his phone again and watched short videos. There was nothing better to pass the time than scrolling through Douyin.

Just move your thumb and time will keep passing by at your fingertips.


Fifteen minutes later, it was time for Shinoko Hojo to get off work.

She took off her bunny costume and put on casual clothes.

Pair a light cyan suspender dress with pink sandals.

She was not wearing stockings, and the original colors of her ten toes were visible to the eye.

The toenails are trimmed very round and look neat and beautiful.

"Senior Qingze, is there something on my feet?"

"No, I'm just a little surprised. It's rare to see girls not wearing stockings now. I'm not used to it."

"I'm really sorry for not wearing clothes that satisfy Qingze-senpai."

A look of apology appeared on Hojo Shinoko's face. In her opinion, since Qingze invited him to dinner, she should try to be as etiquette as possible in her dress.

In other words, make the other person feel good.

"I'll go back and put on my stockings. What color do you like?"

"No, you are exaggerating."

Qingze quickly grabbed her shoulders and unexpectedly discovered that Shinoko Hojo was very petite.

The shoulders seemed to be able to be crushed with just a little force.

Hojo Shinoko stopped and asked doubtfully: "Is it okay?"

"No, have you decided where to eat?"

“I took a leave of absence and had two hours at noon to eat barbecue.

I haven't had barbecue in a long time. "

Shinoko Hojo made her request. She didn't know how to be polite. Since Qingze wanted to treat him, she would definitely give priority to eating the food she liked instead of considering the price.

Of course, if Qingze couldn't afford it, she didn't care.

For things like treating guests, you need to consider your own financial conditions.

If she couldn't afford it, she would eat something else. She thought of ten ways to register, depending on what level Qingze's financial strength was.

"no problem."

Qingze agreed.

Hojo Shinoko nodded and said: "Then let's go to Okubo, where I have a barbecue restaurant that I often go to.

If you want to eat a full meal as a set meal for two, it will cost about [-] yen, is that okay? "

"Don't worry, I have money."

Qingze smiled. He specifically asked Chiyo for [-] yen for today's treat. Adding the money he asked for earlier, there was a total of [-] yen.

Everything was as he expected, fifty thousand yen was enough to satisfy Hojo Shinoko's appetite.


Shinjuku, Okubo Police Station.

Interrogation room.

"Okay, you can go."

Morimoto Chiyo waved impatiently. In front of her, a middle-aged monk was dancing an unknown dance.

The man's hands grasped the air, and he continued to chant the sutra without any intention of stopping.

To be honest, Chiyo Morimoto admired this magic stick a little. It was obviously fake, but his face looked serious, and he seemed to really believe that he had the power bestowed by the Buddha.

This expression and the tone of chanting gave the ridiculous actions a hint of charm, and it seemed to be really effective.

But Chiyo Morimoto could see that this guy was completely fooling people.

It has nothing to do with superpowers.

Chiyo Morimoto glanced at the time on her phone. She was really annoyed by these idiots, so she got up and walked outside.

Let this bald ass continue to dance here.

Opening the door, Chiyo Morimoto walked to the hall and saw Emily, who looked equally tired. She was rubbing her temples and said, "Damn it, they are all a bunch of liars, and they wasted my whole morning again."

"Yes, is it really useful to search like this?

I think it's better to stop. "

Chiyo Morimoto stepped forward and wanted to give up the interrogation to find super powers. It was too tiring. "Or let others do it."

"Don't try to be lazy."

Emily shot a quick glare.

As the team leader, she was doing her best to cross-examine, and the people below had no right to complain.

Morimoto Chiyo shrugged, tilted his head and said, "What are you going to eat today?"

Katarina answered truthfully: "Okayama said it's not good to order takeout all day long, so he wanted to eat in a store.

He had already made a reservation at his usual barbecue restaurant. "

“I don’t object to barbecue, but is it far away?

I didn’t want to walk too far to eat, I just wanted to find a place to lie down quickly. "

Chiyo Morimoto exhaled. Her brain was already very tired from the group of magicians, and her body just wanted her to find a place nearby to eat, and then lie down and sleep.

Catalina replied: "It's right in Okubo. After eating, we can also go back to Hisamatsu Apartment for you to take a nap."

"Well, let's go eat barbecue and drink some wine to help us sleep."

Chiyo Morimoto stretched out, feeling a little expectant.

(End of this chapter)

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