Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 186 Caiyu is also not honest

Chapter 186 Caiyu is also not honest
Adachi Ward, Takezuka.

Cold street lights shine on the deserted streets. The residential buildings on both sides are two or three stories and don't look high.

Qingze stood in front of a closed iron door with peeling paint.

Behind the iron gate is an abandoned factory with a burnt-black exterior. It has six floors. There are no lights and the surface is covered with a layer of rich darkness.

Creaking, Qiuyue Caiyu reached out to push the door open, and the creepy sound echoed in the silent night.

The iron door was originally locked, but the lock was broken by Takahashi Saeko.

Akizuki Iroha thought it was not good to destroy other people's things at will, but Takahashi Saeko said that she could just buy a lock and lock it again afterwards.

This statement is recognized by Qiuyue Caiyu.

Anyway, there is a good lock on the door, rounding it off is not damaging.

Qiuyue Caiyu opened the door and turned on the flashlight, and a beam of light shone on the grass in the yard.

She turned back and said, "Qingze, are you scared?"


Qingze held her wheat-colored little hand tightly, not afraid in his heart, but he still had many thoughts of sticking to Qiuyue Caiyu in the name of fear.

His body was close to her back, and his nose could smell a faint fragrance.

Judging from the fact that you can smell it when you get close, it seems to be shower gel or natural body fragrance.

Iroha may be one of the few girls with body odor.

"Don't be afraid!"

A smile appeared on Qiuyue Caiyu's face and she said, "If anything happens, I will protect you."

"Iroha, you are so reliable!"

Qing Ze was not stingy in his praise for Akizuki Iroha.

A hint of pity appeared on her face, and she said: "It is said that this fire happened 30 years ago.

At that time, thirteen workers were burned to death inside, and 50 to [-] people suffered varying degrees of injuries and were admitted to the hospital.

The boss bribed investigators to blame the accident on the dead worker's operational errors.

Later, people from the insurance company investigated the truth and revealed this matter. "

Akizuki Iroha introduced the origin of this factory and walked slowly inside.

No one has come in for too long, the yard is very overgrown with weeds, and cracks can be seen on the dark walls.

The doors and windows were dark, proving how serious the fire was.

"After the incident, the boss was so bad that he took away all the money and moved to Canada. This factory has been abandoned by the government until now because too many people died and the demolition price was too expensive."

"Iroha, you know so much."

"This is what Saeko told me. She always knows some unknown information, and I don't know how she collects it."

Qiuyue Caiyu did not take the credit, she shined the flashlight inside and deliberately lowered her tone and said: "It is said that in the middle of the night, nearby residents can hear whining sounds from inside.

They said it was the souls of those who were burned to death who were cursing the boss.

Let's see if it's true tonight. "

Qingze smiled, and the evil idea of ​​teasing Iroha flashed through his mind.

If he enlightens the things in the house, will he be so scared that he wets his pants?

Thinking of that scene, Qingze's evil heart couldn't help but feel restless.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't make such an exaggerated joke.

He and Qiuyue Caiyu walked to the door and stretched out their hands to touch the blackened wall as a habit, using their catalytic sensing abilities.

For a moment, he raised his gaze, and the inside and outside of the factory came to his mind.

In the scenes, he saw three people.

To be precise, it's someone dressed as a ghost.

Takahashi, Toma, Mihara, they were arranged by Iroha, are they scary here?

Qingze was thinking in his mind, and also thinking about how he should crawl into Qiuyue Caiyu's arms to seek comfort after being frightened.


Qiuyue Caiyu took Qingze's hand and stepped into the factory, scanning the surroundings with her flashlight.

This is the west entrance.

There are stairs leading to the second floor and a door to the factory building on the first floor.

Half of the door fell to the ground, but the other half of the door was still there, and the howling night wind blew by.

When you blow on the door, there will be a squeaking sound.

Akizuki Iroha is not afraid of horror movies, but she doesn’t believe there are ghosts in this world.

But being in such an atmosphere still made her feel a little scared.

But the hand she held filled Qiuyue Caiyu's heart with sweetness and a hint of expectation.

She remembered that there was a blood-stained skull painted on the floor of the factory.

Qingze should have screamed in fright when he saw that scene when he walked in, right?
"Let's go inside and have a look." Qiuyue Caiyu imagined that scene and led Qingze towards the quiet factory.

In the darkness, the flashlight light appeared as a circular beam.

Qiuyue Caiyu stepped into the door. She wanted to shine a light on the skull on the ground, but she heard the rolling sound in her ears.

She subconsciously shined the flashlight towards the place where the noise was coming from.

A head came into view.

Horrifying burns covered his cheeks, and his hair seemed to be singed and became very short, exposing the burnt and turned up scalp, and one eyeball popped out of the socket.

He seemed to be still staring at her.

"it hurts."

The head opens.


Akizuki Iroha suddenly screamed, this scene was not in the script!A thought flashed through her mind. Could it be that she had disturbed the ghosts here and made them appear?
Qiuyue Caiyu hurriedly turned around, pulling Qingze and running outside.

I wanted to rush out of the factory, but a headless corpse suddenly appeared at the door. His hands were covered with burns, and most of his clothes were burned. His hands kept touching, "Head, where is my head?"


Qiuyue Caiyu screamed, there are really ghosts in this world!
She quickly grabbed Qingze's hand and ran upstairs.

It was impossible to enter the factory. There were heads blocking the place and the door, so she had no choice but to run up.

It was a completely instinctive, unthinking choice.

Akizuki Iroha just wants to avoid the ghosts at the door and in the factory.

Boom, Akizuki Iroha hurriedly ran up the stairs, her hands trembling in panic, causing the flashlight to sway.

The parts of light and darkness change in front of you.

There was a hint of chill in the air.

She ran up to the second floor in one breath, turned around and looked around, and said tremblingly: "It, it's not chasing you, is it?"

"No, Iroha, are you okay?"

"It's nothing. I just used sound waves to repel it." Qiuyue Caiyu showed a smile on his face and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Qingze looked at Qiuyue Caiyu's brave eyes, and suddenly realized in his heart that Takahashi and the others were probably secretly setting up the arrangement here without telling Qiuyue Caiyu.

Although it was interesting to see Iroha panicking, Aozawa felt a little uncomfortable if Takahashi and the others were frightened.

He is the only one who can bully Iroha!
He rolled his eyes, leaned against Qiuyue Caiyu's body like Lin Daiyu, and said in a trembling voice: "Then I can only rely on you.

Iroha, I heard that a person's yang energy can repel ghosts and gods.

I'm naturally a little afraid of this kind of thing. If you don't have enough yang energy, you must be very brave if you have a lot of yang energy.

Maybe your fists can repel ghosts and gods. "

"Where did you hear such a thing?"

“Chinese zombie movie.”

"Hey, this is Japan...let me try."

Qiuyue Caiyu muttered and thought about it, it should be fine.

The two countries are not too far apart.

She looked down at her fist, a sense of mission rising in her heart.

You must protect Qingze!

She brought Qingze here for an adventure, so she must take him out completely.

"You can't walk down there, so let's see if we can escape through the window from the side."

Having said that, it was still a bit hard for Akizuki Iroha to go back down and fight the headless ghost.

In this era that promotes peace, Qiuyue Caiyu wants to separate peacefully in a way that avoids disputes.

She walked towards the open door of the factory on the second floor and shined a flashlight inside.

A burnt corpse suddenly hung upside down from above.

His face was covered with hideous burns, and his two eyeballs were burned into holes, staring at her.

"Roar!" Qiuyue Caiyu roared. Instead of turning around and running away, she punched forward with all her strength.

She found that the ghost's head had been knocked off, leaving only the headless body hanging there.

The thumping heartbeat was beating in Qiuyue Caiyu's chest. She pulled Qingze and hurriedly ran inside. She wanted to pursue the victory, but suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with this head.

She suppressed her nausea and took a look, and found a thread on her neck. She turned around and shined a flashlight above the door.

Sure enough, there was a rope hanging on it.

This is totally a prop.

Qiuyue Caiyu realized this, but did not expose it. Instead, she kicked her head away. She put her arm around Qingze's shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I have exorcised the evil ghost."

"is it?"

Qingze looked up from her shoulder and said with surprise on his face: "Caiyu, you are so amazing."

"Of course, I said I will protect your safety."

Akizuki Iroha answered swornly, feeling very angry with Madoka, Saeko, and Kaoru!
They were told not to come over and cause trouble, but they still arranged these unimaginable things here.

The headless guy below must be one of them pretending to be a ghost.

Damn it, after this time is over, Akizuki Iroha must teach them a lesson.

It's not a good habit to spy on other people's dates, and it made her scream so unsatisfactorily.

However, Qiuyue Caiyu felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart when she looked at Qingze, who was leaning against the bird.

Being able to have Qingze so close to her and rely on her can be regarded as a small role played by Saeko and the others.

After discovering that it was a fake, Akizuki Iroha was not in a hurry to leave the abandoned factory, but became full of curiosity.

She wanted to see what other methods Saeko and the others had.

"Since I can repel ghosts and gods, I will exorcise them one by one to prevent them from harming the world."

"Iroha, you seem to be the master of exorcism in the movie!"

"Now I am the master of exorcism!"

Qiuyue Caiyu said something with beaming eyebrows, and then quickly calmed down her expression. She was smiling so happily that it detracted from the terrifying atmosphere around her.

"Let's go. Don't be careless. You must hold my hand tightly so that I can protect you."

"it is good."

Qingze nodded, as if he would listen to Qiuyue Caiyu's words. Such obedience made Qiuyue Caiyu's mentality expand rapidly, and there was even a flash of impulse in his heart. How about confessing at this time?
Her heart skipped a beat, then quickly suppressed it.

No, Saeko and the others are still watching.

Qiuyue Caiyu took Qingze's hand and walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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