Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 178 Even the invincible Dio is not good at things

Chapter 178 Even the invincible Dio is not good at things
After washing her face and brushing her teeth, Emily cheered up again.

She spread out the white paper in her hand, picked up the pencil, and bit into the butter bun. Her bulging cheeks looked like a hamster eating.

Little did Emily realize how adorable this way of eating bread was.

She has always believed that eating a lot of bread can show her magnanimity.

“First let’s sort out Dior’s current superpowers.

The first type attacks the human body from the inside and is a close-range skill with a range of two to three meters.

The second type, intelligence search, is expected to be within a radius of 300 meters. This is a judgment drawn from the case of this village group.

In addition, this super power should have restrictions or conditions for use.

If he knew everything within the range, it would be impossible to let Millers' recorder stay. I guess it has something to do with the object.

For example, if you encounter something, you can listen or monitor the information of the corresponding object.

This is why the paper on Masao Yasuda's door was damaged, so Millers hid the recording pen in the middle of the spring to test.

Gee, that's really unpleasant, that guy thinks deeper than me. "

Emily's expression was a little depressed. Aside from his character, she had to admit that Miles was very smart.

She took a bite of the butter bread, letting the sweet butter and soft bread dispel her depression, and continued: "The third type is to control others through words, such as suicide.

Giving such an order requires repeated repetition.

My guess is that orders that go against a person's will are not easy to take effect.

The fourth is to appear anywhere at any time, ignoring all warnings.

The fifth one is suspected of transforming into someone else. I suspect that the pink-haired man is Dior.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for that man to do nothing with his strength.

The sixth type can accurately attack the enemy's vital points.

The seventh type of immunity to stun guns may be defensive ability, or it may be immunity to electric shock.

The eighth kind of unknown ability allows people to attack objects as enemies and cause actual damage. "

Emily frowned as she wrote these superpowers. Dio currently has eight superpowers. It is unknown whether there are other superpowers that have not been displayed yet.

"I feel like Dior is invincible."

Okayama Taketa sighed, he really couldn't imagine how to catch such a person.

Miyaji Yosuke nodded.

Chiyo Morimoto slowly drank a cup of tea without commenting and didn't know what to comment on.

She didn't know how to catch such a superpower.

As Emily wrote, she said: "We have only one chance of victory, and that is to find Dio's whereabouts, and then use anesthesia or some other means to paralyze his combat effectiveness at the scene while he is not paying attention."

Chiyo Morimoto shrugged: "The question is how do we find Dio?"

"There will always be a way."

Emily said this, but turned the paper towards them. Apart from super powers, there was also a sentence written on it, "Reverse surveillance of Robert from the CIA."

She was sure that Robert's plan would allow the task force to find Dio, and that the plan would be crueler than anyone could imagine.


Shinjuku Center Building, where special intelligence investigators reside.

Robert wrote down his plan and put down the pen.

He picked up this page of carefully prepared plans, walked to the minister's office, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

A majestic voice came from inside, "Come in."

Robert opened the door.

There are two fish tanks with tropical fish in the spacious office.

There are beautiful potted plants in the corners and next to the desk.

Jack's desk is in the shape of a crescent in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

He looked away from the computer and said with a smile on his face: "Robert, what can I do?"

Jack still thinks highly of this capable subordinate.

Dio adds super powers every once in a while, and Emily and others speculate about Dio's super powers.

These are provided by Robert.

Jack only needs to sort it out, make a report and send it to the superiors.

The report is then forwarded to the director, who then forwards it to the president.

As long as the report from the Japanese Prime Minister reaches the President before that, it will be regarded as a great achievement by the CIA.

Jack had just been praised by his superiors and was in a particularly happy mood.

Robert was very contemptuous of his attitude, but said nothing, with a gentle smile on his face and said: "Minister, this is the plan I thought about how to arrest Dio.

Take a look and if there are no problems, then officially implement it. "

"it is good."

Jack took over his plan. The moment he saw the plan, his smiling expression turned to shock and then seriousness.

After reading the plan, he said in a deep voice: "Robert, are you serious?"

Robert nodded: "I think this is the best plan."

"Don't be ridiculous. If you use sarin in Tokyo, or use three kilograms of sarin, once it spreads in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, do you know how many people will die?"

Jack's face was full of shock. He didn't expect that under Robert's gentle appearance, there was such an extreme personality hidden, which could be said to be insane.

The scary thing about poison gas is that it is hard to prevent. It will not emit the pungent smell to drive people away.

Either it is colorless and odorless, or it exudes a strange fragrance.

That's what Sarin is.

It has a slight fruity aroma, and people who smell sarin usually don't notice anything unusual.When people sense something is wrong, and they don't even know the cause of sarin inhalation, they have lost the ability to resist and survive.

Sarin cannot cause direct damage like missiles, but its lethality is so silent that people don't even know how they died.

In some specific situations, the lethality of sarin is more terrifying than missiles.

Jack shook his head and said: "It is impossible for me to approve such an inhumane plan!"

Robert said calmly: "Minister Jack, I am just proposing the best solution. Some sacrifices are inevitable, just leave it to religion.

Japan has no shortage of heretics. Shooting a dozen people can quell public anger. "

"This is not a matter of letting people take the blame. Your actions have seriously violated human morality. I will not agree to this plan!"

Jack continued to shake his head.

Although he is a bastard, he is still a bastard with a conscience and cannot do such inhumane things.

Robert's eyes flashed with contempt and he said softly: "I will submit this plan directly to Commander John, and he will decide whether it should be implemented."

"I will also recommend to the commander to reject your plan!"

Jack replied expressionlessly.

He has already thought of the reason. The living Dio is more valuable than the dead Dio.

As for Dior's growth, you can put forward another possibility. Maybe there is an upper limit, and people cannot grow endlessly.

As long as there is such a possibility, he believes that the superiors will not immediately decide to use this method.

Using poison gas in Shinjuku.

Once it is exposed, it will have a bad impact internationally.

Jack is confident that he can stop this inhumane plan from above.

"Then I'll take my leave."

Robert lowered his head, feeling very contemptuous of Jack's naivety.

He knew the idea very well.

You may struggle for a while, but you will eventually agree to his plan.

The CIA has no moral bottom line, only interests.


ding dong dong~
The school bell rang, and after seeing off the teacher, Qingze put away his textbooks and prepared to go to the kendo club for training.

The beautiful girl from the Phoenix Academy in front turned around and said with a smile on her face: "Qingze, can you accompany me to an event later?"

"what activity?"

Qingze was a little surprised. This was the first time Mei Ji invited him after school.

Phoenix Academy Meiji's hands were not on the desk, but were hidden underneath and clenched, "This is an event of our comics department, participating in the perverted spicy curry competition in the Silver Department Store."

Qingze shook his head quickly and said: "Mei Ji, I'm not good at eating spicy food, let alone this kind of perverted spicy food."

"Don't worry, you just need to be the atmosphere team, and leave the spicy food to me."

Phoenix Academy Meiji had a confident expression on her face. In fact, she had never eaten food that was too spicy, but how could the spicy food stop her from wanting to go on a date?

Due to her days off, classes were already scheduled and the mother was unable to make time for appointments.

Nomura Manami suggested that she choose a date after school.

Take this time to invite Qingze to participate in some activities or go shopping somewhere.

Phoenix Academy Meiji has been waiting for the right opportunity until she received the news from Nomura Manami that the curry shop in the Silver Department Store has celebrated its [-]th anniversary. To celebrate this event, a perverted spicy competition will be held.

The winner will receive free hospitality vouchers for one year.

"I can still do the atmosphere group."

Qingze thought for a moment and did not refuse her invitation.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said: "Zheji, are you going?"

"Not interested in."

Hojo Tetsuji decisively refused. He didn't like curry at all, just like Ichito Sho.

"Sayuri also wants to find someone to participate, but you don't want me to refuse her."

"Miss! You don't need to participate. I will win this competition and get the curry coupons for the whole year."

Hojo Tetsuji roared, instantly entering a serious state, as if his whole body was burning with silent flames.

Curry is his favorite!
Be sure to dedicate a year's worth of curry coupons to Sayuri Yoshikawa.

For this reason, he can even drink up the magma in one go!

Aozawa looked at the enthusiastic Hojo Tetsuji, then glanced at Phoenix Academy Princess, and worriedly said: "Tetsuji is serious, can you do it?"

"Haha, do you think I will lose to him?
No kidding! "

The beauty of the Phoenix Academy is full of determination.

Hojo Tetsuji had reasons why he couldn't lose, and so did she.

This event was the first time she took an offensive stance against Qingze, rounding it off as the first date.

She must not lose.

Phoenix Academy Meiji’s eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Qingze's expression was a little complicated and he said: "Mei Ji, do you know what chrysanthemums are broken and the ground is covered with wounds?"

"You don't need to say it."

Phoenix Academy Meiji doesn't understand, but she doesn't want to ask those questions.

When asked at this time, she felt that she was at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

It's over!

(End of this chapter)

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