Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 170 The eldest lady is not tsundere

Chapter 170 The eldest lady is not tsundere
Guanghui High School occupies a small area.

The gymnasium, club building, rooftop, Akizuki Iroha ran all over the place where Aozawa might appear, but no one was found.

She walked around the grove again and unexpectedly found Rena Arakawa sitting on the lawn eating a lunch.

"Squad leader, have you seen Qingze?"

"Ah, no."

Arakawa Rena shook her head quickly, pushed the frame of the mirror with her hand, and said guiltily: "Aozawa-san and I don't know each other, how could I possibly know where he is."

My heart was beating fast.

She was afraid that Qiuyue Caiyu would discover the relationship between her and Qingze. Ah, it seemed that it couldn't be described as a relationship.

It can only be said that they have a little secret in common.

This explanation made Arakawa Rena find that the more she explained, the more confused she became. Fortunately for her, she did not explain out loud, but just thought about those things in her heart.

Qiuyue Caiyu stared at her and said with some surprise: "Monitor, your breasts are so big."

"Haha, not that big."

Arakawa Rena defended herself awkwardly, then hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Aren't you looking for Aozawa-san?"

"Yeah, sorry to bother you."

"It's ok."

Arakawa Rena hurriedly replied.

Akizuki Iroha turned around and left, thinking that the only place she didn't look for seemed to be the men's room.

However, Qiuyue Caiyu stopped and fell into deep thought. There was a men's restroom in the teaching building, and there was also a men's restroom outside.

Which men's room was Qingze in?

Thinking of this, Qiuyue Caiyu remembered that she still had a mobile phone.

She quickly took out her mobile phone from the pocket of her school uniform tied around her waist and sent a message to Qingze, "Qingze, I'm in a hurry. Where are you?"

Send with one point of index finger.

Akizuki Iroha stared at the phone screen and found no read tag. It was obvious that Aozawa was not in the men's room.

If he goes to the toilet, it's impossible for him not to play with his mobile phone.

Qiuyue Caiyu suddenly realized that she had some potential to be a detective, and she could even reason about such things, and she felt a little proud.

She was troubled again.

Qingze was not in the men's room, so where was he?
After thinking about it, Qiuyue Caiyu ran to the teaching building to see if Qingze was sleeping in the classroom.

After searching from room to room, she found no sign of Qingze, so she went outside the teaching building and continued her carpet-like search.

The weather was very hot at noon, but the thought of finding Qingze made Qiuyue Caiyu keep running, and she was not afraid of the heat at all.

When you are thirsty, buy a bottle of orange juice to rehydrate your body.

When class was about to start, Qiuyue Caiyu finally heard the ding of her phone and took it out to look at it.

"Sorry, I was taking a nap earlier. What can I do for you?"

"Hey, I searched all over the school and couldn't find you."

Qiuyue Caiyu replied.

"Haha, I'm taking a nap in my secret base and won't tell you."

Qingze felt a little guilty. He was not at school at all, but used Schrödinger's cat to run outside to play.

Fortunately, the person looking for him was Akizuki Iroha, so it was easy to fool him.

"Oh, no wonder I said I couldn't find anyone. Where are you?"

"I'm here in the teaching building."

"Wait a minute, I'll be right here."

Qiuyue Caiyu did not continue chatting on the mobile phone, put away the mobile phone, and accelerated towards the teaching building.

After a while, she saw Qingze guarding the door of the teaching building, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long, huh."

She let out a heavy breath.

Qingze turned around and found glistening sweat on his wheat-colored skin. His small pink cherry mouth opened slightly and breathed out hot breath.

Her undulating chest made her look particularly mature.

"It's okay, you don't have to run so fast."

As Qingze spoke, he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Qiuyue Caiyu's body stiffened and she almost stepped back in fear, but she forced herself to hold back her shyness and quietly enjoyed the touch of Qingze's fingers brushing her forehead.

A heart trembles.

Hoho!Such an intimate gesture must be interesting to her.

Qiuyue Caiyu looks calm on the outside, but her heart has turned into a roaring diamond.

Qingze took back his hand and said with a smile: "What do you want from me?"

"Oh, actually I want to borrow 150 yen from you to buy a bottle of orange juice."

Qiuyue Caiyu quickly stated her request. She did not dare to borrow too much money for fear that Qingze would not have it, which would be embarrassing.

For 150 yen, she believed Qingze should have it.

Qingze was speechless and said, "Do you still need to borrow this?

If you want to drink it, I'll treat you to it, and it's considered in return that you keep treating me to vegetable juice. "

"You are so rich!"


Qingze always felt that Qiuyue Caiyu was bragging, but looking at those bright eyes, he couldn't detect the lie.

Admiring eyes don't lie.

Is Iroha's family so poor?
A sense of guilt arose in his heart. He was really sorry for asking the other party to go on a date.


The two entered the teaching building. Qingze bought a bottle of orange juice for her in the corridor and said, "If you want to drink orange juice next time, come to me anytime."

"Hi, thanks!"

Qiuyue Caiyu solemnly thanked her, feeling a little reluctant to drink orange juice. This was the first canned drink Qingze invited her, and it has a certain collection value.She would never take a sip before it was about to expire, but would rather serve it up.

Or when the relationship with Qingze is confirmed, the two of them drink this bottle of commemorative drink together.

"Hehe." Qiuyue Caiyu held the orange juice with a satisfied smile on her face. The two dimples looked so cute.

Qingze really wanted to reach out and poke him, but he resisted the urge, chatted with Qiuyue Caiyu, and walked up the stairs side by side.

The moment he entered the classroom, he encountered the somewhat dark eyes of Mei Ji from the Phoenix Academy.

"I heard from Tetsuji that you took a nap alone at noon, how come you fell asleep and fell asleep with Qiuzuki Iroha?"

"Hey, what you said is very ambiguous. I just met Caiyu at the door of the teaching building and then came in together."

Qingze rolled his eyes. The tone of Phoenix Academy Meiji's words made it difficult for him not to think blindly.

But then I thought about it, maybe this was what Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy said on purpose. If he said that like last time, he would probably be called the narcissistic little prince.

He decided to change his approach and asked: "Mei Ji, aren't you really a tsundere?"

"Don't think that having blond hair means that the eldest lady is arrogant. I don't have twin tails."

Phoenix Academy Meiji is no longer the eldest lady she once was. Under the influence of Sayuri Yoshikawa and Manami Nomura, she has some understanding of otaku culture and she knows it very well.

In campus comics, tsundere characters often appear, and the blond hair with twin tails has a high probability of being a tsundere character.

But she is not a tsundere character.

"What I pursue is truth. I'm not interested in words that don't mean it."


Qingze smiled. Fortunately, he did not ask questions explicitly, but adopted this tactful approach. "It seems that you have become an outstanding otaku. I am very pleased."

"Don't sound like you're a homebody."

"I used to be."

Qingze sighed with emotion on his face.

He forgot the last time he watched anime, not only because of the time travel, but also because he had gradually lost interest in anime before the time travel.

Qingze once thought that he would never escape the trap in this life and would always love animation.

As a result, he discovered that nothing in the world is eternal, and it is very rare for his love for animation to last for more than ten years.

From now on, the more anime I watch, the more picky my taste becomes, and the fewer anime I can catch my eye.

Looking back, there was no anime that made him want to stay up all night watching it.

"It seems like a long time since you talked about junior high school."

Phoenix Academy Meiji complained about the deep expression on his face.


Qingze smiled and did not explain that it had been a long time.

Ding dong dong.

The ringing of the class bell echoed in the silent campus, and the sky outside the window was blue.

"Ah, class is on, let's talk later." The blond girl in front of him did not continue chatting and turned to face the front.

At this moment, Qingze's heart was suddenly filled with tranquility. Even he didn't know why, but he suddenly felt that sitting in this classroom was a very rare memory.

Makes him want to film it with his phone.

He didn't hesitate, took out his cell phone and took a picture of everyone in the classroom, only the backs of most of the students' heads were photographed.

The teacher appears at the door of the classroom.

Qingze paused time and covered the classroom with a gray filter, giving him enough time to take his phone back.

Time flows again.

Colors filled the classroom and the first class in the afternoon began.


Inside Okubo Police Station, [-]:[-] pm.

Chiyo Morimoto glanced at the woman in white-collar clothing in front of her and said solemnly: "Your application for Miles' cremation was rejected by the higher-ups.

Those valuable remains cannot be cremated.

But considering your emotions, the higher authorities decided to allow you to cremate this lock of hair and the clothes he was wearing at the time. "

Yuzuki Suzuko glanced down. There were blue clothes in the transparent plastic bag, with a lock of blond hair sandwiched in the middle of the clothes, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay, please forgive me."

Yuzuki Suzuko shook her head and said: "If I really cried for Miles, that guy would probably laugh loudly at my tears.

He was not the kind of person whose death would make people feel sorry for him.

According to a normal world view, his death should be applauded.

There is one less dangerous person in the world who goes his own way and completely ignores the law. "

"You can think so."

Chiyo Morimoto breathed a sigh of relief.

A lot of people died last night, but in her eyes, those people were all guys who didn't matter if they died.

However, in front of some family members, she still had to put on a sad expression to avoid unnecessary trouble.


Yuzuki Suzuko bowed, turned around and walked out.

Chiyo Morimoto suddenly asked: "Did Miles really leave no information?

He is willing to be killed by Dio so that we can't find Dio? "

"He was the kind of person who loved to cause trouble for others until the day he died."

Yuzuki Suzuko said without turning around: "Normal people's thinking cannot be applied to Millers. I know him and he is very conceited.

Rather than wanting his killer to be caught, it is better to say that he wants to keep that person free and prove that he is the strongest person in the world. "


Chiyo Morimoto said nothing more, it was time to go back to get off work and make dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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