Chapter 167 Want to die
Warm light shone in the empty room. When Millers heard Qingze's words, he looked surprised and said, "Can you still give superpowers to others?"

Qingze did not answer his question and said slowly: "If I were you, I wouldn't try to sneak attack with a knife."

"Oh, you really see through everything."

Miles shrugged, not at all panicked that his trump card was revealed.

He dares to act as a forensic doctor in the underground world. Naturally, in addition to his professional abilities, he also has amateur abilities.

The thin scalpel in his hand was a sharp weapon that could easily take someone's life.

Because he often dissects corpses, he knows very well which part of the human body is the most vulnerable and where to start to make people lose their ability to resist in the shortest time.

Millers has overwhelming skills against ordinary people.

I also wanted to use my skills when Dio was close to see if I could kill Dio before the internal attack took effect.

Although armor-piercing bullets are useless against Dio.

But things like superpowers are inherently mysterious and mysterious. Guns are useless, but maybe using a knife will be effective.

He had this idea in his mind, but he didn't expect that it still failed.

"How did you discover my movements? Is it related to superpowers? Or is it just a matter of keen observation?"

"you guess."

Qingze smiled. His ability to sense catalysts made him notice the knife hidden behind someone's back very early.

"You really have the ability to collect intelligence. How do you do it? I'm almost dead. At least reveal some information."

"I don't have the habit of explaining my superpowers. If you want to know, just guess. But you don't have much time to guess about such things."

Qingze walked up to Miles, raised his right hand and pressed it against Miles' chest. The ability to enlighten all things was activated, and the palm of his right hand became warm, as if a stream of air entered Miles' chest.


Miles felt the blood all over his body speeding up and his heart beating wildly. It was at this moment that he suddenly had a glimmer of enlightenment.

Suzuki Kojiro from Ohara Bar is not a superpower at all.

"Were you forcing Kojiro to evolve?"

Qingze did not answer his question, but just stared at Miles, wanting to see the changes in him.

Unlike Kojiro at Ohara Bar, Millers did not show the explosive muscles, but highlighted the veins on his body, from his chest to his eyes.

The raised veins were like earthworms and varicose veins.

Miles's handsome face instantly turned terrifying.

Qingze also discovered that the world in Millers' eyes was different from that of normal people. It felt like he was giving up his muscles and lifting the restrictions on his eyes.

He just raised his hand slightly, and when it fell into Miles's eyes, he could see the afterimages.

These afterimages are caused by tiny changes in the muscles. Because the vision is so strong, even these can be observed, which is similar to predicting a person's movements in the next few seconds.

It seems that using the ability to enlighten all things on different people will produce different states.

Qingze guessed that people who crave strength are probably like Kojiro, who let the muscles around their body expand crazily and gain muscle liberation.

Milles may have been a forensic doctor, and he wanted a pair of sharp eyes, so he had such excellent eyes.

Combining the experience of green grass, vans, and mobile phones, Qingze was able to determine that these eyes were the limit of what Millers could achieve, but they were very taxing on the body.

It's okay to watch alone, but if I walk down the street, I'm afraid I'll be covered in countless afterimages, and I won't even be able to take a step forward.

Qingze thought to himself and said: "Call the phone number of the consortium that contacted you."

"No problem Master Dio."

Miles felt that his current state was very strange. At the same time, he felt strange, and at the same time he felt a kind of dependence and obedience to Dio in front of him like a child to his father.

Without any hesitation, he called Sumitomo Television.

After two beeps and beeps, someone answered the phone and asked, "What's going on?"

A steady voice sounded.

Qingze took the call from Millers and used his hypnotic ability to say: "Don't hang up the phone."


A different tone than Millers came from the other end of the phone.

Sumitomo Taishi sat up directly. The sunshine on the Italian beach was bright, but it could not bring any warmth to his aging body. He only felt that his body was as cold as the water in the swimming pool.


When he read the name, a trace of panic spread in his heart, and he suddenly realized that this was over the phone, so there was no need to be afraid.

"We can talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. Just shoot yourself."

After hearing these words, Sumitomo Taishi did not obey the order, but said: "Don't you want to realize your ideal?
We can help you become the Prime Minister of Japan and change this country! "

"Kill yourself with a gun! Kill yourself with a gun!"

The sound like a repeater kept echoing in Sumitomo Taishi's ears, which made him upset but he didn't want to hang up the phone.

After rereading it for an unknown number of times, Sumitomo Taishi felt a sense of self-destruction in his heart.

Rather than continue to listen to such voices, it is better to die.

Sumitomo Taishi felt refreshed all over as he thought about dying, as if he had returned to his youth.

He stood up, ignored the beautiful woman in a swimsuit beside him, walked up to the bodyguard and said, "Put the safety on the gun to me."

The bodyguard was stunned for a moment, but handed over the gun as expected, not knowing who he wanted to kill.

Sumitomo Taishi picked up the gun, pointed it at himself, and pulled the trigger with his index finger.



Amid the gunshots and screams, Qingze hung up the phone and released his ability to enlighten all things.

"Wow!" Miles vomited blood, stared at the man in front of him, and laughed: "Haha, it turns out you are the only one from beginning to end. What is your real name?"

Qingze's body gradually became transparent and disappeared from Millers' sight. He fell on his back and thought, he should be a good anatomical material, right?

"It's so cold, dead...that's what it feels like."


Rumbling, the helicopter's propellers turned and made a loud sound.

A helicopter approached Millers' building from the outside.

The cabin door opened, and the strong wind caused two curled ponytails to fly.

Emily lowered her head, unable to see clearly the scene inside the building from here.

"Remember, the criminal is extremely cruel. If you encounter him, shoot him. Kill him directly without any warning!"

Taketa Okayama directs the members of the first class of SAT on behalf of his friend Shimamura who is hospitalized.


They answered in unison.

The helicopter descends to a certain height.

Okayama Taketa and Katarina led everyone to grab the rope and swing downward. When they were about to get close to the glass, they were fired with submachine guns.

The tempered glass suddenly shattered, and then they kicked it away with their feet, and pieces of broken glass fell to the ground.

They followed the rope and landed on the ground. They quickly scanned the scene and found no one alive.

"There is no one alive. Dio is suspected of leaving here."

Okayama Buta reported to the superiors through the intercom, raised his hand and said: "Everyone spread out and search the surrounding situation."

The SAT people began to search outside the room.

Okayama Taketa looked at the scene.

There was no obvious external injury on a person's body, and he was holding his heart in pain. There was a high probability that he was killed by Dio from the inside.

Another man's head was blown open, and a bullet hole could be seen in the tempered glass behind him.

They broke through from the top and could not sweep the bullets below.

It shows that the bullet that killed the man passed through there.

Finally, there's Millers.

This person's death is rather special.

Veins sprouted from the body surface and gathered around the eyes, looking very scary.

Judging from the blood pouring out of his mouth, he might have been attacked internally.

The body was still warm, and it was obvious that it had not been dead for long.

They had been monitoring Millers' phone calls, and after discovering that he was calling to arrange his inheritance, they began to deploy manpower and rush to the scene.

It can be said that they did not waste too long, but even so, they were still a step too late to meet Dio.

Human beings are too fragile in front of superpowers and can be easily killed.

Okayama Taketa stared at the corpse on the ground, feeling a kind of sadness like the death of a rabbit or a fox in his heart.

Miles can be considered outstanding among humans, but even such an outstanding person is still so powerless in front of superpowers.

"Don't stand still and see if there is anything at the scene."

Emily's tone was very confident, and her movements were particularly timid, holding the rope carefully like a puppy arriving home for the first time.

It wasn't until her feet stood on the ground that Emily's expression returned to calmness, and she said arrogantly: "Milles is a smart man. He must have installed some kind of equipment in this room.

Record what you said before you died. "

Emily's reminder made Okayama Buta and Katarina busy.

The place was very empty, with very few furnishings.

The place to hide things is either a cushion in front of a square window.

Or just a multi-seater sofa.

Okayama Taketa cut open the sofa and found a recording pen between the springs inside.

He hurriedly took it out and said, "I found it, let's listen to it."

After that, he pressed it, a green light came on on the side of the recorder, and sound came from inside.

"If anyone else found this pen, I would definitely be dead.

Little dwarf, let me tell you, idiot, there is no recording, how can I help you solve the case, keep thinking, hahaha! "

Emily raised her eyebrows and growled: "Damn bastard!"

Obviously, Millers had predicted her prediction and put this recorder on simply to mock her.

There were such bad and boring people in this world. Emily was once again shocked by the diversity of human beings.

Okayama Taketa couldn't help but said: "He is also an interesting person.

By killing him, does Dio break the rule of not killing the innocent? "

Hearing this, Emily looked up and complained: "Are you a freshly graduated elementary school student?
How naive.

How could a guy with such a neurological problem control his desire to kill in the underground world?

He has definitely killed innocent people for his own selfish desires. "

Having said this, Emily rubbed her temples and said, "I am destined to work overtime tonight.

Suzuki Kojiro, Dior, they killed so many people today. "

(End of this chapter)

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