Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 165: Do you like the white-haired gun girl?fatal

Chapter 165: Do you like the white-haired gun girl?fatal

Kabukicho, [-]-chome.

Kotaro Motomura was sitting on a chair in the office, smoking a thick cigar. His face did not have the confidence he had in front of his younger brothers, but instead had a sad look on his face.

He knew in his heart that he was involved in a big shot's struggle and couldn't get out of it.

The Sumitomo Group was a behemoth he couldn't resist.

Once he refuses to assist them, incriminating evidence against him will quickly appear in the Metropolitan Police.

Everyone in this village will be caught by the police and sentenced to serious crimes.

His team leader must be sentenced to life imprisonment, or even directly sentenced to death.

Koichiro Motomura didn't want to put himself in that situation.

Therefore, he chose to cooperate with the Sumitomo Group, stay here due to his duties, and act as a bait to lure out the people they wanted to catch.

He took a deep drag on the cigar and blew it out from his mouth.

It's already night.

According to the information provided by Sumitomo Group, night is the time for the other party's activities.

This is also when he is at his most dangerous.

Migujie should have arrived at his destination.

Koichiro Motomura stared at his phone and calculated the time.

After the transaction was completed, he called to inquire. If no one answered, something might have happened.

It's so easy for him to respond in a timely manner.

This is one of the few things Koichiro Motomura can do.

He does not think that a person worthy of the Sumitomo Group's aggressive actions is an easy person to deal with.

Koichiro Motomura looked at the time, picked up the landline phone on the table, and dialed Yoneguji's number.

Beep, beep.

Every beep struck Koichiro Motomura's heart, and in the end, the call was not connected.

His heart sank, but he still dialed again with a tiny glimmer of hope.

Still, no one picked up the phone.

Koichiro Motomura had repeatedly warned Miguchi beforehand not to answer his phone calls.

If you don't answer two calls in a row, it means something must have happened to that person.

Koichiro Motomura didn't dare to delay, so he quickly dialed the number of his younger brother outside the office, and whispered: "Be prepared, the troublemaker may come tonight, kill him!"

21 members of the village group gathered in the hall outside the office. He even gritted his teeth and spent money to equip these people with guns.

Almost no one in the group had ever touched or fired a gun.

But it doesn't matter, everyone shoots together, even if the marksmanship is not good, they can hit the enemy in such a narrow place.

Koichiro Motomura also opened the drawer and took out a pistol equipped with a silencer.

He would never entrust his life and fortune in the hands of others, especially the protection claimed by the Sumitomo Group, which is simply not credible!


"There's something going on inside. Koichiro took out the gun from the drawer."

On the top floor of the building 300 meters away, the eagle's eye caught Koichiro Motomura's movements through the scope.

Miles, who was lying on the sofa, suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "Since he is on guard with a gun, does it mean that Dio is finally going to show up?"


Hawkeye replied and continued to observe the situation in the office.

For him, no matter what kind of enemy it is, even if it is a person with super powers, as long as it appears in sight, it is a matter of pulling the trigger.

Facing a sniper attack out of sight, even a person with superpowers would be unable to react.

Millers sat cross-legged on the sofa and dialed the phone.

Yuzuki Suzuko said a little strangely: "Are you going to report to the superiors?"

"No, I just want to arrange my inheritance. If it fails, the money cannot be placed in the bank to benefit the Japanese government. I will donate it all to the medical university in my hometown to make a small contribution."

Miles replied lightly.

Yuzuki Suzuko was stunned for a moment and immediately said: "Can I resign now?"

Miles said with a heartbroken expression on his face: "Ktis, I thought you would always stand by my side."

"Stop joking, how could I stand next to such a nasty guy like you?"

Yuzuki Suzuko rolled her eyes. She only stayed with this annoying guy for money from the beginning to the end. She had no intention of living and dying with Miles.

I originally thought that this person had a good chance of winning, but judging from the situation, it seemed that he was gambling with his life.

Yuzuki Suzuko didn't want to risk her life.

"Okay, then I will leave all my inheritance to you."

Miles sighed with a face full of emotion: "Although you have always hated me, I actually really like you, Suzuko."

Yuzuki Suzuko said expressionlessly: "Don't make such jokes at this time, I'm leaving."

"Haha, you really know me very well."

Miles laughed, thinking that he would be able to stage an affectionate scene.

It's a pity that I still can't play tricks on Yuzuki Suzuko in what may be the last moment of my life.

What a rational and ruthless woman.

But it was just this kind of woman who qualified for the position of Millers' assistant.

"Ktis, you are my most admired assistant when it comes to work, let's go.

Although I will not give you the entire inheritance, I will still give you half. If I die, please scatter my ashes into the sea for me. "

"As long as your money arrives, everything is easy."

Yuzuki Suzuko knew that he was serious when he said this, so she answered equally seriously.

Aside from his personality, Millers is generous and generous in terms of salary. He has never owed a penny and is a good boss.

Yuzuki Suzuko leaves here.Suddenly a voice came from the air, "Is it really okay to just let her leave like this?"

"It doesn't matter. Being able to trick her into staying with me till now is the limit."

Miles smiled. He had not arranged the inheritance before, but he knew that if he made such an arrangement, Yuzuki Suzuko would definitely leave as soon as possible.

That one won't risk his life with anyone.

Hidden Wolf didn't say anything else, but in his heart he despised Yuzuki Suzuko for being willing to die in this line of work.


Ding dong.

The doorbell rang, instantly making the atmosphere in the room extremely tense. Everyone subconsciously took out the pistol equipped by the team leader and opened the safety in advance.

"Who is it?" someone shouted.

Someone else looked around and said, "No one should be ordering takeout."

In such an atmosphere, I believe no one is so big-hearted as to order takeout.

Their eyes crossed each other, and they had not yet discussed who should step forward to open the door.

People outside can’t wait.

boom!There was a loud noise and the door was forced open.

Everyone in the house was startled and pointed their guns at the tall and strong man who broke in.

His facial features were sharp and sharp, like a granite statue hewn with an axe. He was wearing an ill-fitting T-shirt and trousers that were so tight that they seemed to break if he moved too hard.

"Hey~ By God's will, we are here to destroy you."

A crisp voice sounded, and a white woman with long silver-white hair strutted in from outside the door. Even her eyebrows were snow-white.

If anyone has watched The Queen of Arms, they will definitely recognize that the woman in front of them looks exactly like the heroine Koko Hekmedia.

"Don't you understand the current situation? There are so many of us, so many guns pointed at you, and you actually dare to say that we will be destroyed."

The third leader of the village group stood up, suspecting that the two people in front of him were mentally ill.

With so many guns pointed at the two of them, they still want to stage a shocking comeback?

Now it’s time to make a movie.

"I see that you are not bad at looking good. You can still live if you honestly let your brothers feel happy."

"You don't understand anything."

The gun girl muttered and raised her hands forward.

In their doubtful eyes, dark gun barrels suddenly emerged from their fingers.

The third person in charge of the village team rubbed his eyes to see if he was dazzled.

Bang bang bang, ten loud gunshots exploded, and the three men were shot in the chest and fell immediately.

The gun girl doesn't need to pull the trigger or replace the magazine. She just needs to point the muzzle at them and bullets will continue to shoot out.

She was obviously a gun girl transformed from a pistol, but at this moment, she unleashed the firepower of a submachine gun.

Qingze couldn't help but wonder, what kind of style would the gun girl turned into from a submachine gun look like?
Several people in the hall were shot, and some people quickly fell down and looked for cover.

Qingze floated forward, touched the sofa, and transformed the sofa into a palm-sized Tsunade.


The three people hiding behind the sofa were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out. What was going on? !

Before they could figure it out, the bullets from the gun girl poured out, causing flowers of blood to bloom on their bodies.

"Haha, I'm going to kill you all!"

The gun girl laughed loudly.

Qingze discovered that with the different items being enlightened, the personalities were somewhat different. The grass was soft, the van was taciturn, and the pistol was particularly arrogant.

His IQ is not low either, and he can answer math questions like ten plus ten equals twenty.

Qingze couldn't say the reason. Maybe the materials used to make firearms were more advanced than those used in cars?
Qingze looked at the scene in front of him.

The front wall was riddled with bullet holes, and there were no breathing breathing people on the floor, tables, chairs, or human bodies.

"Haha, deserve it."

The gun girl laughed arrogantly, but still kept Qingze's words in mind and walked towards the office.


Koichiro Motomura opened the safety and pointed the gun at the door with both hands.

He heard noises outside.

The soundproofing of this office was not good enough to prevent any movement from being heard inside amid the fierce gunfire.

Koichiro Motomura swallowed and looked nervously at the turning door handle.

The next second, the door opened, and Koichiro Motomura immediately pulled the trigger.

Bang, the bullet hit the Autobot's chest, immediately making a bullet hole, but no blood flowed from it.

"You are so fragile."

Gun Girl complains that the Autobots have nothing but appearance, but are not strong at all and cannot even stop bullets.

It emerged from behind the Autobot, its index finger still had a black barrel, and it aimed at Koichiro Motomura.

He quickly crouched down, a banging sound rang in his ears, and bullets landed on the wall.

"Jie haha," the gun girl laughed arrogantly, the other nine fingers of the gun emerged from the barrel, and she kept firing forward, suppressing the opponent with firepower.

People move forward step by step.

"The target is wrong. It's a white woman with white hair. Do we need to attack?"

Eagle Eye realized that the target was wrong, so he decided to ask for instructions.

Miles looked at the scene with binoculars and said with a smile: "Hit."

Hawkeye got his order and without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger with his finger.

(End of this chapter)

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