Chapter 16 New Super Powers (please read)
Time passed slowly.

Qingze leads a very regular life.

After he obtained the hypnosis data he wanted through the Misawa Group, he stopped hypnotizing other people to cause trouble.

Qingze has entered a steady settling period and just wants to adapt to the physical fitness of 12.6 kilometers an hour.

In his opinion, it is enough to do things once or twice occasionally. Using hypnosis ability to stir up trouble outside every day will easily reveal your flaws.


Qingze couldn't sleep on the weekend night, and his mind kept guessing, will there be new superpowers tomorrow?

Or did the superpower suddenly disappear?
He struggled until midnight before he fell into a deep sleep without realizing it.

Ding Ding Ding ~
The alarm clock set on his cell phone suddenly rang, waking Qingze up, and he opened his eyes suddenly.

As expected, different text appeared in front of me than last week.

Super power: After falling down, there will always be a girl to sit on.

Qingze blinked, feeling speechless.

He never expected that the superpower he had been looking forward to for days would turn out to be such a useless thing with no apparent use.

The last time I fell down seemed to be the year before last.

Moreover, after a fall, a girl will be used as a cushion. What kind of metaphysics is this?

He didn't believe that if he fell down in his own house, a girl could be used as a cushion?

Qingze thought for a while, stood up, and fell back directly, as if there was an invisible film blocking him below.

Newton pushed open the coffin lid after seeing it, hugged the coffin all night, cursed and fled the planet.

He kept his back in the air, folded his hands around his chest and said, "My back will never touch the ground... This is useless."

After complaining, Qingze understood that as long as there was no girl beside him to act as a cushion, he would never fall down.

He felt that randomly refreshing superpowers was like opening a blind box.

Sometimes you can unlock useful superpowers, and occasionally you can unlock some useless superpowers.

No, if you open blind boxes, most blind boxes are garbage, and there are very few things that people really want.

Qingze felt a little worried in his heart. Could he have used up all his luck in the first two times?
What’s next are these superpowers that I can’t think of a use for?

Unable to figure it out, he put aside his thoughts, got out of bed, put on his high school uniform, and strode out of the room, "Good morning, Chiyo."


Chiyo Morimoto was practicing yoga when she responded to the greeting with a nasal voice that made the boy's blood boil.

It is still a difficult yoga move.

In Crow Pose, use only your arms on the ground, draw in your abs, bend your legs, and press your knees against your hands.

Her face was looking toward the ground and her buttocks were pointing toward the sky.

The soft yoga clothes are like the pen in the hands of a cartoonist, clearly outlining every detail in front of people's eyes.

Qingze glanced at it and raised his feet to walk to the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, his left foot standing on the ground became weak and weak, as if the ground was oiled, causing his body to suddenly fall towards Chiyo Morimoto.

Nani? !
Qingze's face was full of shock, and he couldn't react for a moment. He only felt that the light purple yoga pants were getting closer and closer to his sight, crowding out the scenery on the sofa.

In the end, his whole face fell on Morimoto Chiyo.

It's as soft as freshly baked bread and still warm.

If he farts at this time, he may not be able to suck it all in one breath, so Qingze has some bad thoughts in his mind.

"Ah." Chiyo Morimoto was suddenly attacked. Her arms failed to support her, and her body fell forward, with her face thrown to the ground.

Fortunately, she had practiced.

Chiyo Morimoto half-rotated her body in time and clamped Aonsawa's neck with her legs.

With a thud, she landed on the ground in an uninjured position, and said with a cold face: "It's a good thing for young people to be motivated, but if you want to use it on me, are you prepared to die?" This kid wants to make her lose. Iron rice bowl!
If you attack a minor, don't think about becoming a police officer. At least give her an adult!
Thinking of the boy's breath blowing through the thin yoga pants...

Chiyo Morimoto's eyes flashed with anger, and she clamped her legs tighter.

"Wait a minute, Chiyo, this is a misunderstanding, I accidentally fell!"

Qingze quickly defended.

"Misunderstanding what?"

Morimoto Chiyo asked back, looking at the uneven position of the young man's body, clenching his fists and saying: "It seems that I have been too gentle recently, causing you to turn a deaf ear to my words."

Qingze could no longer detect her softness. He only felt that she was surrounded by hard steel and could not breathe at all.

Chiyo Morimoto calculated the time correctly, loosened her legs, put her hands on the ground, turned over easily with a somersault, and landed on the ground, her movements were as graceful as a professional gymnast.

"Huh," Qingze inhaled and exhaled hard, finally understanding that his superpower was not useless at all, it was really a punishment.

Falling on Chiyo Morimoto, it is called daily welfare.

Those women who were suppressed outside were definitely treated as hooligans or idiots and sent to the police station to drink tea.

Can I still go to school?

Qingze thought for a while, if he went out now and fell on a woman, he might be stained for life.

In comparison, a week of classes doesn’t matter at all.

This kind of passive super power that cannot be actively controlled by him is meaningless at all.

"You brat, if you dare to mess around next time, be careful of my iron fist."

"Don't worry, there won't be a next time."

Qingze replied, decided to adopt a crawling position, and headed directly to the bathroom on all fours.

Chiyo Morimoto was confused, thinking what the hell was this kid doing so early in the morning?


Today, Qingze didn’t come.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji looked at the empty desks, and her heart became empty. What happened?

Why didn’t Qingze, who was always studious, come to school?

Do you want to send a message yourself to ask?
However, would it be a bit abrupt to ask this suddenly?

Her thoughts were so disturbed that she had no intention of listening to what the teacher was saying in class.

After class, Phoenix Academy Miki concluded that she was not good in this state, and decisively spoke to Tetsuji Hojo next to her, "Hey, Hojo, do you know why Aozawa didn't come?"

Tetsuji Hojo woke up, yawned and said, "He said he was sick and wouldn't come to class this week. He asked for leave from the minister."

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy was shocked and asked, "What is so serious about this disease?"

Hojo Tetsuji scratched his head and said, "I didn't ask either. If you want to see him, you can go to Ayase Apartment 601 in Adachi Ward."

"Haha, it's not appropriate. I just asked out of curiosity."

Phoenix Academy Meiji subconsciously denied the idea of ​​visiting and secretly remembered the address of Qingze's house.

Either she was worried and wanted to see it, or she had finally learned how to braised pork with pickled vegetables from her family’s chef, and wanted to give Qingze a taste at noon.

Now, she could only take him to Qingze's home as a token of gratitude for her kindness in the warehouse last time.

"Why are you wearing band-aids on your hands?"

"I accidentally cut my hand."

Phoenix Academy Meiji replied casually and hid her band-aid-wrapped fingers behind her back.

She reminded herself in her mind to wear gloves to cover up later so as not to let Qingze see it.

 ps: These two days are very crucial. I hope everyone will remember to read it. It would be better if you vote to support it.

(End of this chapter)

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