Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 147 How can a man get married!

Chapter 147 How can a man get married!

Some people say that if you tell too many lies, you won’t be able to tell the truth from the lies.

But Phoenix Academy Meiji believes that the person who said this must not lie often.

People who lie regularly know they are lying.

Therefore, Phoenix Academy Meiji was very sure that she had not lied just now.

She found that her feelings for Qingze seemed to be increasing little by little.

Otherwise, she wouldn't blurt out the three words "I love you" while joking, and be upset about those three words for half the class.

Don't underestimate that half of the class.

For Phoenix Academy Meiji, who has learned how to manage her own emotions, being distracted for half a class has already broken the longest record of confusion since she learned how to manage her emotions.

Even after she stabilized her mind, Phoenix Academy Meiji still didn't focus on her studies. She didn't care at all about what the teacher on the stage said, she was just thinking about her own things.

Should she escape or face such feelings head-on?

And what consequences will come after she chooses to face it head-on?
First of all, she had to make one thing clear, that is, could Qingze accept his wife's marriage?

It is impossible for her to marry outside.

Losing the name Phoenix Institute is equivalent to losing the inheritance rights of the Phoenix Institute Group.

That was something my mother would never tolerate.

This question flashed through her mind, and she was easily drawn to a conclusion. It shouldn't be difficult.

Getting married directly means less struggle for a lifetime.

The question she should consider more is whether her mother can accept Qingze as her wife.

Although the bride-in-law is a son-in-law, in Japan, the son-in-law can basically be said to be half a son. The relationship is very close and he even has the right to inherit the group.

From a mother's point of view, she would definitely not accept an ordinary person as her son-in-law.

Phoenix Academy Meiji tried to understand Qingze's conditions from a mother's perspective.

Needless to say about family, don't expect any good conditions if you come from a civilian background.

Height doesn't matter.

Phoenix Academy Meiji knows her mother's character. As long as she is not too short, she will not emphasize the need for a particularly tall man.

Talent is extremely important.

My mother is very superstitious about genes and believes that the combination of good people and good people is equivalent to the combination of two good genes, thus giving birth to better genes.

She would not tolerate an incompetent person as her son-in-law.

According to Phoenix Academy Meiji's observation, Qingze's academic performance can only be said to be above average, and definitely not up to the level of the first in grade.

In the training of the kendo club, Qingze worked hard.

But the failure of the national competition and the failure of the Yulong Banner last year seemed to prove that his kendo talent was not that good.

But in this regard, no matter how talented you are, your mother will not recognize you.

After all, managing a company is not about wielding a bamboo knife and fighting with people. The mind is very important.

In terms of appearance, Phoenix Academy Meiji is very confident, but from a mother's point of view, you can have a lot of simple and handsome men at will.

There are all kinds of characters.

To sum up, Phoenix Academy Meiji evaluates Qingze from the perspective of a mother, and the score is thirty points.

So low!Totally unqualified!
What do you like about Qingze?
After Phoenix Academy Meiji made such a comment, she felt a little doubt in her heart.

She thought for a while, maybe Qingze was thick-skinned enough.

When other boys see her, they either avoid her, or they are eager to attack her quickly and confess their love as soon as they meet her.

Only Qingze is neither humble nor arrogant, and gets along with her as an equal.

This makes Phoenix Academy Meiji feel very comfortable.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that she had turned into a frog in warm water.

She clarified the current situation and realized that she was satisfied with Qingze and could give it a try.

However, I couldn't find a reason to pass the level at home.

Phoenix Academy Meiji doesn't want to have a love that ends in vain. In her opinion, a romantic first love should not have any regrets and should be together until death.

Before she could figure it out, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, interrupting her thoughts.

Phoenix Academy Meiji and her classmates sent the teacher away and turned around. She decided to finalize the most important issue first and use a tactful way to check Qingze's thoughts.

"Qingze, I would like to ask, what do you think about marrying into the family?"

Qingze was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "Others don't know, I won't get married even if I die."

Very well, Phoenix Academy Meiji discovered that the first resistance to her love was not from her mother, but from the boy in front of her.

How can we talk without getting married?

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji's eyes were a little complicated, but she didn't say anything and said with a smile: "You are so tough.

If I say it is the kind of financial resources that once you get married, you won’t have to struggle for the rest of your life, do you still want to refuse? "

"A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time? Even if I want to eat soft food in the future, I will eat it in the hardest way, standing up!"

Qingze's face was filled with impatience, but he suddenly reacted, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

The words I love you before class made Qingze suspect that the other party was telling the truth.

Now the attitude of Phoenix Academy Princess made him more and more suspicious.

Does the eldest lady like herself?
Even the eldest lady would not be able to let him marry her.

Qingze will not be a door-to-door son-in-law.

"Mei Ji, are you really interested in me?"

"Pfft, would you please go wash your face and look in the mirror?"

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji chuckled, shook her head and said, "Are you really naive, or are all boys so narcissistic?"

"That's long-winded." Qingze muttered, finding that it was difficult to understand girls' thoughts, especially the eldest, which was even more complicated.Not as easy to guess as Akizuki Iroha.

Whatever is on the eldest lady's mind, she hardly shows it on her face, making it difficult for people to distinguish between lies and truth.

"Goodbye, little narcissistic prince~ I really like you~"

"You are so long-winded."


Phoenix Academy Meiji smiled and left her seat, trying hard to suppress her pounding heartbeat, and walked towards her two friends.

She was so nervous just now that she wanted to pee.



Phoenix Academy Meiji took out the lunch box she prepared and came to the comics department with Sayuri Yoshikawa and Nomura Manami.

It feels different from the first time I arrived.

Now when she enters the comics department, she feels like she is at home. There is a rectangular table in the center and bookcases on both sides with various comic books.

The members who often come to the comics department are Nomura Manami and Yoshikawa Sayuri.

The remaining members are all third-year seniors. They are either preparing to take the college entrance examination or are busy working part-time jobs and have no time to play here.

They have transformed into ghost club members, just in name to ensure that the comics club still exists and will not be abolished.

After the third-year seniors graduate, they can't recruit new students to join the comics club.

This comics department will face the crisis of being abolished.

That's next year too.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji sat down and placed the bento on the table.

Sayuri Yoshikawa opened the lunch box, glanced at her and said, "Miki, are you worried about something?"


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji replied with a smile.

Nomura Manami carefully looked at Phoenix Academy Meiji's expression and said seriously: "I really didn't see anything unusual.

However, you are definitely lying! "

At this point, she pointed her right hand forward with a confident expression on her face.

Phoenix Academy Meiji was a little surprised and said: "Mainami, why do you say that?"

"It's very simple. Even though Sayuri's academic performance is not very good and her brain is stupid, her intuition in this area is definitely better than anyone else's.

She thinks there is something on your mind, so you must be hiding something from us! "

When Nomura Manami said this, there was a touch of excitement on his face and he said: "Do you think this setting is very similar to a manga?"

"What a horrible intuition."

There was a hint of surprise on Phoenix Academy Meiji's face, and she could only hope that the people in the task force did not have the skills of Yoshikawa Sayuri, "I encountered some troublesome things."

"Could it be related to love?"

Nomura Manami directly pushed his orange juice forward, as if to express, don't be in a hurry, drink water and speak slowly.

Phoenix Academy Meiji shook her head and said, "No, it's something else."


Sayuri Yoshikawa made a cross with her hands and said with a beaming smile: "Miki, you can't hide from the induction of my Bagua antenna, you are lying!"

Nomura Manami became more and more excited and said: "Miki, tell us, which boy in the class do you like?"

Looking at their eyes that were about to gleam, Phoenix Academy Meiji felt a pressure.

But apart from the pressure, there is also a little joy that I want to express.

Discussing love-related matters with friends like this is also a scene that Phoenix Academy Meiji has fantasized about.

Her fair face turned slightly red and she whispered: "I can't say that I like him, I just have a little affection for him. I don't know what to do."

"Oh hoo!"

Nomura Manami roared excitedly, climbed over the table and sat on the left hand side of Phoenix Academy Miki, and said excitedly: "Let me guess, it must be Aozawa!
Before you met us, you and he had been sitting in the cafeteria eating together, and there were many stories about you in the class. "

"What's being spread?"

Phoenix Academy Meiji was a little curious.

Nomura Manami chuckled and said, "Of course I'm just imagining how you and he fell in love."

"Mainami, he said he hasn't reached that point yet, but he just has a good feeling in his heart. I don't know what he thinks."

Phoenix Academy Meiji continued to answer with a blushing face.

There were some things that were inconvenient for Qingze to talk about, but there was no pressure at all when talking to them.

"Indeed, Akizuki Iroha dispelled the rumors that you were dating him. Whenever someone talks about you and Qingze, she always says that the relationship between you is just ordinary friends."

Nomura Manami touched his chin and revealed some things about the girl.

Sayuri Yoshikawa sighed: "Iroha is a strong opponent that should not be underestimated. She is enthusiastic and cheerful. If the girls in the class encounter any makeup or matching that they don't understand.

He can be solved if he comes to her, and he will also ask her to come forward for some troubles. He can be said to be the godfather of 2-C. "


Phoenix Academy Meiji responded calmly. From her point of view, she wanted to launch an offensive, and Qiuzuki Iroha could easily defeat her without any trouble.

The difficult question is whether she should launch an offensive?
The problem of not being able to marry into a married woman is very difficult.

The same goes for her mother, who has various concerns that make her unsure whether to change.

Oh, that's so annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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