Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 142 Qingze Time Management Master

Chapter 142 Qingze Time Management Master
Sumitomo Taishi, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by a phone call, feeling a little irritable in his heart.

As people get older, their energy becomes weaker in all aspects.

Putting aside the past, even if he received a phone call in the middle of the night, he would be able to adjust his state in a short time and quickly prepare himself to meet the challenge of any news.

Now he only felt a wave of fatigue rushing from his heart to his limbs.

Sumitomo Taishi didn't even want to reach out to answer the phone, and lay there quietly, waiting for the reason in his mind to overcome his reluctance, and he said: "Yoshiko, give me the phone."

The voice is very soft and there is no need to speak too loudly.

To judge the loudness of a person's voice is never based on his voice, but his own status.

His status is enough to make those around him prick up their ears and listen carefully to every word he says.

The beautiful woman quickly stood up and handed him the ringing phone beside the bed, "Honey, do you need me to go out for a moment?"


Sumitomo Taishi nodded.

He is very satisfied with this woman. In every aspect, she meets his requirements very well.

Smart, confident, young, in good shape, and good looking.

The most important thing is to know how to advance and retreat, and not to pester him like other little women.

Of course, he also has a very clingy little wife.

It's just that when he sleeps, he will never let that kind of little wife stay with him for the night.

Sumitomo Yasushi watched Kako leave the bedroom and answered the phone: "What happened?"

"Boss, there was an accident over at Kamogawa. Four people from Sugimoto and his party who were arresting the homeless people died."

"Is this something that needs to wake me up?"

Sumitomo Taishi's tone was a little unhappy.

He didn't even know that his group had employees named Sugimoto.

As for the incident being exposed, it is very simple. With the energy of the Sumitomo Group, it can be covered up casually.

"The cause of their death was very strange. According to the forensic autopsy, it was initially concluded that there were no external signs of blows and it was said to be an attack from within."

Hearing this, Sumitomo Taishi's expression became solemn and asked: "Is it Dior?"

"It's hard to say, but this case is very similar to the incident at the Dakui Nursing Home. Both injuries were caused directly from within."

Sumitomo Taishi's face became solemn.

Everything involving Dior is now a top priority.

The damage is caused directly from the inside without damaging the outside, which seems to further verify the fact that Dio has super powers.

This fact made Sumitomo Taishi feel excited, and he said in a deep voice: "Transport their bodies to Tokyo immediately and hand them over to Millers for inspection."

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to transport the body right away."

After hanging up the phone, Sumitomo Taishi thought about it again and sent a message in the chat group of the Silver Hexagram Branch.

"We will gather tomorrow to discuss the new information about Dio."

After sending this message, he shouted outside: "Come in."

Jiazi pushed open the door and entered with a gentle expression on her face: "Has the matter been resolved?
I'm very happy to see your expression. "

"Of course, I am very excited now."

Sumitomo Taishi smiled, his eyes were not as lazy as he had just woken up, as if there was a fire burning in them.

Eternal life has always been something wealthy people long for.

How could he not be excited when he could peek into the threshold of eternal life during his lifetime?
This handful of old bones has become full of fighting spirit.

He will live another 500 years!

Nine twenty at night.

Warm lights illuminate the Morimoto family's living room, and no one stays here.

In the bathroom, Chiyo Morimoto got up from the bathtub and stepped out of the bathtub. The water droplets on her body exuded a sweet taste, making people want to go forward and drink it all.

She wiped every drop of water from her body with a towel.

Look at your figure in the full-length mirror.

Chiyo Morimoto smiled, picked up a bottle of body lotion, and began to apply it all over her body to maintain her skin.

Time is a ruthless butcher's knife. If she doesn't pay attention to maintenance at all times, she will easily gain weight without realizing it.

She didn't want to wait until she gained weight to find out she was fat.

After applying body lotion, Chiyo Morimoto put on a light summer nightgown and applied a mask.

She hummed a song and walked out of the bathroom. She was lying on the sofa, and her phone was playing a short video of a hot girl blogger.

After these days of broadcasting, this person still covers his face with a dog head.

"Hi~ Today I want to recommend summer outfits to everyone. If you like it, please remember to like, leave a message, and subscribe to the blogger.

If there is a reward, that would be even better~"

Listening to that energetic voice, Chiyo Morimoto looked at the comment section again and saw that there were still too many comments to describe.

Obviously the video is well done and the sound is nice, but this guy just isn't popular.

Chiyo Morimoto doesn’t know the reason. Could it be that the blogger added a dog head?
But there are also a lot of faceless bloggers, and many of them have become popular.

It can only be said that this person is unlucky, and the number of subscribers has only exceeded [-] until now.

There are few views, but she is very diligent in updating her videos. You can see her updates almost every day.

Probably only the enthusiasm of young people can drive a person to do such unrewarding things.

This person should love shooting short videos very much.

Chiyo Morimoto sighed inwardly, rubbed her temples with her hands, and began to relax herself.


At 28:2, there are only two minutes left before the gate is closed.

There was a twisting sound from the doorknob.

"Chiyo, I'm back."

"You're so on time. You've learned to come back on time."

There was no trace of reprimand in Morimoto Chiyo's gentle voice.But Qingze still knew that this man was a little dissatisfied, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, I brought you a cup of delicious milk tea."

"You let me drink milk tea so late at night, do you think I'm not fat enough?"

"Don't worry, milk tea and milk tea will definitely replenish your chest with nutrients."

Qingze replied with a smile, put the milk tea on the table, and found that she was watching Qiuyue Iroha's short video again.

Her outfit style today is gothic.

"Oh, man."

Chiyo Morimoto noticed Aozawa's gaze and snorted.

"I'm going to take a shower," Qingze looked away, went to the bedroom to pick up his clothes, and ran into the bathroom.

Chiyo Morimoto had just finished watching the hot girl's short video, and a message popped up on it.

She sat up and clicked on the chat group message.

"I just received news that at [-]:[-] pm, a man suspected of being Dio killed four people who kidnapped homeless people in Kamogawa Park, Kyoto.

The body has been transported back to Tokyo by Sumitomo Group. "

The person who sent the message was Emily, "Who is willing to travel to Kyoto to investigate this matter?"

This question made Chiyo Morimoto take back her index finger, which she wanted to click to send, and instead deleted each word, pretending she hadn't seen it.

Someone responded immediately: "I'll go."

"Bei Zhiwu, with your IQ, what situation can you find?"

Such sharp words were naturally not replied by Emily, but by Ito Otome, "Those who should go should take the initiative to take responsibility instead of peeking at the screen in the dark and pretending that they didn't see it."

Morimoto Chiyo re-edited: "That's right, let you go to Kyoto tomorrow."

"Haha, I have to stay here to dissect the body, so I don't have time to go."

"Sumitomo Group will dissect the corpse for you?"

"We will send someone to intercept the body."

Okayama Taketa explained.

This information was not provided to them by the Sumitomo Group, but they got the information from the Kyoto Police Department.

The body was taken away by the Sumitomo Group.

With the current power of the task force, they could have stopped the Sumitomo Group's car in advance, intercepted the four corpses, and let them conduct autopsies first.

Although every autopsy failed to reveal anything about Dio, they still had to perform an autopsy.

If they find anything, they've earned it.

Chiyo Morimoto typed: "Okay, then I will go there tomorrow. What exactly will I investigate when I get there?"

"There is an eyewitness who has not been found. Please help find it locally and ask if it is Dior. I will give you a weekend off when I come back."

Emily obviously knows how to mobilize Morimoto Chiyo's work enthusiasm. If she wants to make this person go on a business trip and work hard, the only way is to take a vacation.

As for sending people like Okayama Taketa and Ito Otome to Kyoto, it is not appropriate.

The two of them were obedient and easy to use, so it was natural for such people to stay around and be at your disposal.

For a veteran like Chiyo Morimoto, Emily's method is that if there is a business trip in the future, let this person go on a business trip and then give her a day off to rest.

"give it to me."

Chiyo Morimoto replied.


A little while ago, Qingze came out of the bath and found Chiyo Morimoto sitting on the sofa drinking milk tea.



Chiyo Morimoto replied, thinking for a while and said: "I received news that there is something urgent for me to deal with. I will go to Kyoto on a business trip tomorrow and may stay out for a few days.

I'll leave you money and you can buy whatever you want to eat. "


Qingze responded, silently saying sorry in his heart.

He didn't expect that Chiyo would have to go over there to handle things he did in Kyoto.

Are there no police in Kyoto?

What a bunch of slackers.

Qingze's distraction was taken by Morimoto Chiyo to have another meaning, thinking that he was reluctant to part with him.

Thinking about it carefully, she just said at dinner that her job was stable and she wanted to spend more time with Qingze, but now she regretted going on a business trip.

Although there is no way around this, it may be a bit difficult for Qingze to accept.

Chiyo Morimoto stood up, carried a gust of fragrance and approached Qingze, raised her hand to touch his head and said: "Okay, don't keep a straight face.

After this business trip, I will take two days off.

Let Emily arrange to take a break on the weekend and go out for a walk with you. "

"Okay, I haven't gone shopping with you for a while."

Qingze nodded quickly.

Immediately, he realized something was wrong. If it was a weekend, it had to be this weekend.

Definitely not next weekend.

He made an agreement with Shinoko to treat Shinoko to dinner next weekend. He couldn't let Shinoko and Chiyo eat together, right?
Qingze discovered that he actually wanted to become a time management master.

He thought about it and decided that at noon on Friday, if Chiyo had not gotten the news she wanted in Kyoto, he would take the initiative to show up so that she could return to Tokyo for business.

Guaranteed to start a double date this weekend.

Qingze already had a plan in mind and said with a smile, "I'm really looking forward to it."


Chiyo Morimoto also laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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