Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 139: You have to eat soft food hard

Chapter 139: You have to eat soft food hard

It's now 05:30 in the afternoon. I can't wait for the sunset, and the bright sunshine shines on the earth uncontrollably.

Qingze and the students from the Kendo Club said goodbye at the school gate and walked home alone.

When he arrived at the door of room 601, he opened the door and shouted inside: "I'm back, Chiyo."

The sliding door of the balcony was open, and the warm wind flowed into the living room from there. When it passed the kitchen, the wind carried the aroma of grilled steak and slapped him on the cheek.

Qingze took a deep breath, closed the door with his backhand, and asked curiously: "It smells so good. Don't you want to eat tonight?"

In the kitchen, Chiyo Morimoto turned over the steak and turned around and said: "If you don't want to eat, I specially bought two large pieces of Kobe steak and eat them with your favorite fruit for dinner."

"What happy event happened today?"

There was a look of surprise on Aozawa's face. In the Morimoto family, Kobe steak was not a meat that could be eaten all the time. They would usually buy it only when something worthwhile happened.

Chiyo Morimoto smiled and said: "Things related to my work have finally stabilized.

So I just wanted to celebrate.

Didn't you complain this morning that I have slacked off in caring for you recently?
I have reflected on it and rewarded you with a piece of Kobe steak. "

"Very good, keep it up."

Qingze nodded pretendingly, stepped forward to wash his hands, and sat on the high stool.

In front of him was a plate of fruit consisting of dragon fruit, cantaloupe, banana, and mango.

He picked up the fork and picked up the sliced ​​banana. The surface was covered with milk mixed with sugar water. When it fell into his mouth, it felt particularly sweet on the tip of his tongue.

Paired with the soft pulp of banana, it is really a treat.


"As long as you like it."

"Chiyo, I will reward you with a piece of dragon fruit."

Qingze picked up a piece of dragon fruit and motioned for her to come over and eat it.

Chiyo Morimoto rolled her eyes at him and said: "Reward me with the things I made for you, then should I thank you for the reward?"

"Don't be so polite, it's all what I should do."

Qingze replied with a smile and didn't think there was anything wrong with such behavior at all.

Why should I feel guilty when I rely on my strength to make a soft meal?

Chiyo Morimoto rolled her eyes at Aize, put down the spatula, stepped forward, and put her right hand behind her ear.

She bent down and bit the piece of dragon fruit.

Bright red lips stained with some pure white cream look particularly charming.

His tongue curled up and his lips turned bright red again.

"Chiyo, have another piece."

He quickly forked a piece.

Chiyo Morimoto didn't eat. She glared at him without saying a word. Her eyes expressed everything, and she was so flattering.

She didn't know Qingze's idea of ​​feeding him, but sometimes she couldn't help but want to cooperate.

Although he knew that such behavior would easily result in a misfire, he was still immersed in the thrill of repeatedly jumping on the edge of the line of fire.

Teasing Qingze also stirred the fire in her heart.

Chiyo Morimoto straightened up and continued to stare at the steak in the pot.

Qingze could only stuff the handed dragon fruit into his mouth.

Perhaps he was overthinking it. In the sweet taste, the dragon fruit had a hint of mellowness like old wine.

It smells like Chiyo's lipstick and perfume.

Damn it, when can I finally taste Chiyo’s clams?

Qingze was thinking about the future and began to eat fruits on the table to calm down the heat.


Well done Kobe steak tastes average.

After all, Chiyo's craftsmanship is not as good as those of restaurant chefs, and he can't make the fully cooked steak retain its tenderness.

Qingze wiped his mouth with a tissue, sat on a high stool and chatted with Chiyo Morimoto for a while, and then said: "Chiyo, I want to go out for a night run."

A trace of suspicion flashed in Morimoto Chiyo's eyes: "You run so late every day, where did you go to play?"

"Men also need a little secret."

Qingze didn't want to lie to Chiyo Morimoto, he would just choose not to say it, or avoid the topic.

Chiyo Morimoto looked at his face carefully. He was plump and full, and his brows were not depressed. He looked very sunny and did not look like a boy with those bad habits.

"Don't let me touch anything outside. If I find out, you'll be dead."

"Chiyo, I'm not that kind of person."

Qingze replied with a smile, stood up and said, "Then I'll leave first."

"Remember, don't come back too late. If you come back after 09:30, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"Okay, Queen, please don't worry."

Qingze replied with a smile and walked out the door.

He took the elevator to the ground floor, followed the one-hour and thirteen-kilometer running route, and started sprinting forward.

When I ran to a familiar small park, the street lights were still flashing. It seemed that the local government had forgotten that there was a broken street light here.

Light and dark alternate in the park.

He gasped, squatted down, put his hands on the floor, and used his catalytic sensing ability.

In an instant, his eyes widened in an instant.

There are not as many pictures as before, and within a radius of one kilometer, this is the only park with this kind of flooring.

He could only see and hear images of the park.

In this state, the physical fatigue disappeared, and he watched quietly to confirm that there was no sound in the park.

He released his ability, and his body was no longer panting as much as before.

This is also a way for him to relieve fatigue.

Qingze turned around and walked into the forest, and his body gradually faded into a translucent appearance.As he thought, the scenery of the grove disappeared, and a broader picture came into view.

Standing on the top of the Tokyo Skytree, Aozawa looked around and had an unobstructed view of Tokyo at night.

Colorful lights dotted the darkness, illuminating the shapes of buildings and streets.

The rumble of the wind echoed in my ears, and occasionally I could see the twinkling lights in the sky.

That's a plane.

Qingze looked up and an idea came to his mind.

People instantly appeared inside the plane.

Looking at the rows of seats and the people sitting on them, they are from Asia and Europe.

The stewardess walking around was wearing a beautiful short skirt. He used his clairvoyance ability to see that she was indeed a stewardess.

The style is different from others.

He floated up and got into the cab where the captain was, wanting to see with his own eyes what the environment was like inside.

I had only seen it in movies before.

He entered the cab, looked at the lights and instrument panels that were completely incomprehensible, and then looked at the hazy night outside.

Qingze's curiosity was satisfied and he no longer lingered here.

With a thought, the person disappeared into the cockpit of the airplane.

If the catalytic induction elevated his spirit to a god-like state, then Schrödinger's cat made him feel like he had become a god.

The feeling of looking down at all sentient beings when a thought appears anywhere is so wonderful.

Aozawa stood on the Kyoto Tower, overlooking this city with a strong historical atmosphere, thinking that the night in Kyoto has a different beauty than Tokyo.


Ying Caiya suspected that she was being targeted by the bad god today.

She was a popular blogger just a moment ago.

Live well and dare to fight.

She works in the faceless video service industry on some shady software.

Sometimes one-on-one, sometimes live broadcast to serve the majority of netizens.

I work on time for a few hours every night and earn millions of yen a month.

If you work hard in this business, you can make money from those men.

Sakura Ayaya works hard and meets some netizens with perverted interests.

When providing one-on-one service, she suffered a lot.

All kinds of weird requests are nothing as long as the owners add money.

What she fears most is the requirement to hide what she is doing from the public.

I was almost exposed several times.

The owner felt very excited.

She only felt frightened. Once she was exposed to the public, her reputation would be ruined.

Today, as usual, she deliberately sneaked into Kamogawa Park, which was said to be closed for maintenance in order to satisfy netizens' curiosity.

She hid in the grass and broadcast live. Originally, she only needed to pass the camera to the bottom and quietly say something to netizens to end the live broadcast.

But something unexpected happened to her during the live broadcast. From the angle of the grass where she was squatting, she could just see a kidnapping case against a homeless man.

It can’t be said to be an accident.

Sakura Ayaya knew in her heart that there was a homeless man here, so she deliberately chose this bush to give netizens a little more visual experience.

Create the kind of situation where once you speak out, you are likely to attract unemployed homeless people, and then the unsuitable plot that netizens expect will happen.

Rendering such excitement can easily attract netizens to enter the room to watch.

But Yingcaiya never expected that someone would actually choose to kidnap a homeless person tonight.

Coincidentally, she saw that scene again.

What's even more coincidental is that the time they kidnapped the homeless man was about the same time her body had a physiological reaction.

I regret drinking so much water.

It was originally a surprise to receive gifts from netizens, but it made Ying Caiya break into a cold sweat.

Because she made too much noise, the group of kidnappers heard hissing sounds.

Sakura Caiya realized that she was exposed, quickly got up and ran outside.


Time returns to the present.

"Brothers, this is the address. Hurry up and call the police for Sakura!"

There was a hint of crying in Sakura Caiya's voice, and her running made the live camera image blurry, with only the rumble of the wind sounding.

But netizens did not rush to call the police.

Some people say it's a script, some say it doesn't seem to be the case, some say the blogger is really going to be killed by a homeless man?
They were chatting excitedly, but no one wanted to call the police on the blogger’s behalf.

Although Japan has long been inseparable from color in the outside world, the citizens living in it still stubbornly hint to themselves that their conduct is good.

He is the kind of gentleman who can control himself and not have any wrong ideas in various custom shops on the street.

Calling the police will involve why they were able to watch this scene, which would affect their reputation.

"Please, this is not an act, please call the police!"

Yingcai Ya gasped for breath, almost crying.

She couldn't call the police herself. If she was distracted looking at her phone, the enemy might catch her.

Even though Yingcai Ya was so cautious, she was still forced to a dead end.

The back door of the park is actually closed at night!

It was also at this time that she remembered that she had ignored the warning that the park was closed for maintenance and sneaked in through the main entrance.

(End of this chapter)

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