Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 135 Your Highness, please have a meal

Chapter 135 Your Highness, please have a meal

The boy's sleep quality is very good. Once he falls asleep, he doesn't think about peeing in the middle of the night.

Instead, he kept sleeping.

six o'clock in the morning.

The alarm clock on the cell phone on the bedside table rang on time, and Qingze reached out and swiped the screen.

He stretched out on the bed, rolled over, took off his pajamas, and put on his black school uniform.

Qingze walked towards the door with spiritual steps.

"Good morning, Chiyo."

Chiyo Morimoto did not do yoga in the living room, but stayed busy in the kitchen.

The long black hair is tied into a single ponytail.

The top is a beige plaid T-shirt, and the bottom is loose sweatpants. The peach-like curves are covered by the pants.

She had a little insomnia last night and thought about too many things, causing her to wake up a little late.

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth. The noodles will be ready soon."

"Chiyo, you have been a little slack in taking care of me recently. Please face the wall and reflect on it."

"Do you want super salty noodles?"

"If possible, I would like to have seafood-flavored noodles."

Qingze replied with a smile and walked into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and his hair seemed a bit long.

Go to the barber shop for a haircut on Sunday.

He doesn't like long hair, preferring to keep it short to show off his youthful vitality.

Qingze squeezed out the toothpaste and took a glass of water.

There is no need to mix hot water with cold water in today's weather.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Qingze combed his hair with a comb. He turned around and left the bathroom, went to the kitchen bar and said, "Chiyo, aren't you ready yet?

I am starving! "

"To shut up."

Chiyo Morimoto turned around and rolled her eyes at him. She knew in her heart that this person was not as hungry as he said. He was just calling out for pleasure.

Qingze did not continue to attack. He supported his chin with both hands and looked at Morimoto Chiyo's graceful back. He thought, looking at it this way, it looks like a newlywed wife making breakfast for her husband.

It would look even better if Chiyo was only wearing an apron.

Thinking of this, his heart was a little turbulent, and he wanted to use his transparency ability to take a look at the current Chiyo Morimoto.

He hesitated for a while, but resisted the temptation.

Chiyo Morimoto turned off the induction cooker, took out the noodles, turned around and handed them to him and said, "Eat it."

"Chiyo, you're already delaying my meal. I won't use my chopsticks unless I ask His Highness to please have a meal."

Qingze replied with a serious face.

Chiyo Morimoto said angrily: "Eat it if you like."

Seeing Aozawa's pursed expression, Chiyo Morimoto considered that he has been a little busy recently and said with a smile: "Okay, Your Highness, please have a meal~"

"Since you say so, then I will reluctantly have a taste of your face."

"You are not a prince, you are clearly my little ancestor."

Chiyo Morimoto cursed coquettishly and turned around to grab some noodles for herself.


Finished breakfast.

Qingze went to school.

Chiyo Morimoto threw the dishes and chopsticks into the dishwasher.

Taking out a paper towel to dry the water on her hands, she picked up the keys and walked out of the door. For the first time, she had the crazy idea that she couldn't wait to go to work.

Not only Emily, but Chiyo Morimoto also had a slight interest in Dior.

She wanted to ask Dio, could a person with superpowers see the so-called soul?

To her, this is a very important thing.

Chiyo Morimoto locked the door and headed to Ayase Station, then rushed to Okubo in Shinjuku.

Arriving at Jiusong Apartment 201, she rang the doorbell.

Ding dong, after a sound, the door was opened.

Okayama Taketa stood there, wearing a T-shirt and trousers commonly worn by young college students, and said with a smile: "Morimoto, you are here."


Chiyo Morimoto nodded and entered the house.

Emily has not yet changed into clothes for going out, but is wearing bunny pajamas, with two long bunny ears on the top of her hat, and her golden hair is scattered on her shoulders.

She yawned and said, "Sit down for a while and I will arrange the task later."

She originally had a loli face, but with the blessing of such pajamas, she looked like a cute girl of thirteen or fourteen years old.

Morimoto Chiyo resisted the idea of ​​praising her cuteness, so as not to arouse this woman's bad temper, and said with a smile: "It's really rare that you overslept."

"It's strange that I can sleep peacefully after discovering something incredible like that."

Emily muttered.

She stayed up late last night thinking about it, while all kinds of intelligence gathered together, increasing the possibility that Dio was a person with super powers.

On the other side, the three views that have been there for many years are being torn apart, telling her that this is not a superpower, this must be high technology, but it is difficult to explain what kind of high technology can do this kind of thing.

First of all, the Iwasaki family's external defense was excellent.

Surveillance, hounds, and drones are three layers of defense that existing technologies cannot sneak in quietly.

Even if there is an acquaintance, the murderer can avoid defenses, kill people in the control room, and paralyze drones.But how to explain that people are killing people all around from the surveillance room without being discovered?

Given the size of the Iwasaki house, even if the murderer drove all the way there, it would be impossible to kill all those people in 15 minutes.

People are not targets. They just stand there and don't move.

When you see someone driving a car and approaching with a gun, the first thing you do is run away or find a bunker to fight back.

Instead of being killed unilaterally, without any ability to resist at all.

No chemical substances were extracted from the bodies of the deceased, indicating that the possibility of the other party using poisonous gas or medicine to make them lose their ability to resist was zero.

To do that kind of thing with just a gun made it impossible for Emily to come up with a reasonable explanation for Dio.

In addition, those bodyguards are not ordinary people, they are security personnel trained by well-known security companies.

No matter how much she didn't believe it, Emily had to put the possibility of Dio being a superpower at the top of her mind.

For her, this was something that quite shattered her outlook on life, and she felt like her life had been subverted.

She walked into the bathroom and started washing her face and brushing her teeth.


In the spacious living room, Chiyo Morimoto was sitting on the sofa.

Catalina is doing weight-bearing squats, wearing a tank top and shorts, which makes her body look stronger.

There are four full rings of barbell plates on both sides of the barbell. Each piece is so big that one would think it was made of plastic. The total weight is [-] kilograms.

Chiyo Morimoto tried to lift it, but it was difficult to lift it even with all her strength.

She also checked and found out that the Guinness record for the highest weight lifted was five hundred kilograms.

Catalina can actually lift a [-] kilogram barbell and perform weight-bearing squats every day. One can imagine how terrifying her real strength is.

In the past, Chiyo Morimoto thought this person was a monster.

Now that I think about it, even superpowers exist, and Katarina's strange powers seem ordinary.

This monster index is still too low.

Okayama Taketa poured her a cup of tea and said warmly: "It seems that someone from the SAT will be here today."

"Are they going to take over the task force?"

Chiyo Morimoto was stunned for a moment, then felt that such a decision was normal.

If Dior is really a superpower, to the Japanese government, he is a brutal criminal and important talent that cannot be ignored.

One person is enough to make the Metropolitan Police dispatch the SAT armed forces.

Compared with them, the armed force of the task force is still too weak, not even a submachine gun.

"No, the police chief means to expand the power of the task force again and have the power to mobilize SAT at any time."

Okayama Taketa sat opposite and sighed: "Our task force in the Metropolitan Police Department has become a veritable monster department."

Generally speaking, the government likes balance within the government, putting different departments under the jurisdiction of different matters, or even setting up different departments to manage the same matter.

The purpose is to avoid the birth of a monster department with too much power.

With the support of Masao Yasuda and the Police Director, the task force's power has exceeded the scope of a normal task force.

Anyone they suspect can be investigated, monitored, or even mobilized by SAT to raid the opponent's door.

The superiors gave the task force the privilege to act first and report later.

Chiyo Morimoto was a little surprised and said: "The value of Dior is so great, but the higher-ups can still trust an outsider, Emily, to lead the task force?"

Okayama Taketa whispered: "The higher-ups don't want too many people to know about this. We can't even tell SAT. We only need to order them."

"Is news about superpowers limited to high-level government officials?"

Okayama Taketa nodded and said: "The task force will be directly under the jurisdiction of the Police Director, and then the Minister of State and the Prime Minister.

In addition, you do not need to report it to anyone, and you cannot disclose this matter to others. "

"That's difficult to handle. Millers' report was provided by the Sumitomo Group. The leaders of the six major consortiums are not fools. They will more or less have similar suspicions."

Morimoto Chiyo took a sip of tea.

Okayama Taketa did not refute that possibility, and shrugged: "Don't worry, the Prime Minister and others know what they are thinking. The six major consortiums are deeply involved in all aspects of the country, and it is difficult to hide it from them.

What we have to do is not let the word get out to other politicians. "

Morimoto Chiyo didn't comment on this and just tasted the black tea quietly.

The doorbell rang again.

Okayama Taketa stood up, walked towards the door, and subconsciously glanced outside through the peephole.

At this time, there was a snap and he turned around quickly.

I saw someone breaking through the sliding glass door of the balcony and rushing into the living room, holding a submachine gun in his hand.

? !Okayama Taketa's pupils dilated.

Bang bang bang, Chiyo Morimoto was as agile as a cat. He immediately climbed over the sofa, drew his gun and fired.

In such a short period of time, she shot three times in a row, accurately hitting the opponent's index finger that might pull the trigger, interrupting his output, and then Catalina threw the squat training barbell forward.

With a bang, the heavy barbell directly pressed the opponent to the ground, and the sound of broken bones could be vaguely heard.

It was too late to say it, but it was so quick at that time. Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Chiyo Morimoto and Katarina didn't even think about who the enemy was. They just instinctively counterattacked the moment they saw the gun.

After they defeated the enemy, they discovered that the opponent's attire looked a bit like one of their own.

But Chiyo Morimoto still did not dispel her vigilance and shouted: "You'd better not move. If you try to use the gun, I will kill you immediately!"


The other party spat out a mouthful of blood and said, "Very good. No wonder the superiors asked our SAT to obey your command. We are really strong."

(End of this chapter)

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