Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 133 There is only one truth

Chapter 133 There is only one truth

Otome Ito is a medical student who graduated from Tokyo University.

With her academic qualifications, high salary, good benefits, and the ability to choose a reputable hospital, there was absolutely no need for her to become a forensic scientist at the Metropolitan Police Department.

But unlike others, Ito Otome does forensic medicine out of interest.

She has been an orphan since she was a child, and she has no friends. She is the kind of person who has enough to eat but the whole family is not hungry.

Otome Ito doesn't care about money.

She prefers her own interests when looking for a job.

For example, take the forensic industry.

In her eyes, it's a great job. It doesn't require dealing with living people, and it doesn't require you to spend time maintaining so-called interpersonal relationships.

Corpses are simple and don't lie.

Forensic doctors who have been doing this for many years know how to determine the correct way of death from the information on the corpse.

Ito Otome surveyed the scene and noted down the postures of everyone after they died.

Generally speaking, forensic doctors will choose to take photos to record the posture of the deceased, and then use computers to simulate the standing posture of the deceased before death.

Then, based on the wounds on the deceased and the firearm used, we can deduce the angle at which the murderer was standing and shooting.

Ito Otome also needs these procedures.

She wrote down the posture of the deceased simply to exercise her brain, rather than really intending to recreate the scene in her mind.

It is said that some people can do such outrageous things, but Ito Otome cannot do it.

She can only use computers to simulate and deduce.

After Ito Otome finished the on-site investigation, she went to the truck carrying the corpse to join Chiyo Morimoto and Taketa Okayama.


"I told you to wear less of this stinking perfume."

As soon as they met, Ito Otome immediately smelled a smell that was different from disinfectant.

To her, who was used to smelling disinfectant and found it very fragrant, the scent of Chiyo Morimoto's perfume was stinky and pungent.

"I am free to wear whatever perfume I want. Not everyone has the same problem with your nose."

While talking, Chiyo Morimoto took out the perfume bottle and deliberately sprayed it into the air.


Ito Otome pinched her nose with a look of disgust on her face.

Chiyo Morimoto raised an eyebrow and said, "A guy who always talks about how other people smell when we meet him is really thick-skinned."

"Haha, the body is inside, Ito, start working quickly."

Okayama Taketa quickly smoothed things over, fearing that if the two of them continued to chat, the air would become filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Ito Otome snorted, did not continue to say anything to this barbaric woman, and walked towards the large truck containing the corpse.

Opening the door of the carriage, the slightly cool air rushed out.

There are experimental tables for dissection and various instruments inside. Corpses are neatly stacked on multi-layered shelves.

A truck can park ten people, and there are a total of five vehicles here.

These vehicles are not provided by the Metropolitan Police Department, but are converted from trucks owned by the Sumitomo Group.

As for why the Sumitomo Group was able to quickly convert a refrigerated cargo truck into a vehicle for transporting corpses and even an experimental bench.

Ito Otome can only regard this as the ability of rich people to make money, and will not think about other possibilities.

She put on gloves and a mask and began to examine the body.

Despite her slender figure, her arms are very strong and can easily carry a person's body.

The premise is that it does not exceed two hundred pounds.

There was a light on the roof of the carriage, and Ito Otome could clearly see the traces of dissection on the body. From this method, she could judge that it was a forensic doctor whose skills were not inferior to her own.

Sumitomo Group also handed over Millers' autopsy report to the Metropolitan Police.

However, Ito Otome believed in her own abilities more than other people's reports.

Not afraid of hard work and tiredness, she planned to re-examine the wounds on these corpses to see if she could discover any new information.

Change vehicles several times along the way.

When they arrived in Shinjuku, the bodies of the six consortium heirs were taken away first.

The remaining bodies were left for the task force to preserve.

After Ito Otome finished the autopsy, she felt a little discouraged.

Because her findings did not exceed what was contained in the Millers report.

She took off her gloves and mask and prepared for the next step.


Shinjuku, Okubo [-]-chome.

201 of Hisamatsu Apartment.

This is the headquarters of the task force.

Seeing that the time was past 05:30, Morimoto Chiyo sent a message to Aozawa, saying that she would eat out tonight.

She didn't have time to go back and cook.

When such a major case occurs, if people from the six major consortiums find out about it while commuting as usual, they will definitely question the task force's attitude in handling the case.

Even if she does nothing here, she still has to stand here and show her attitude.

Who made the higher-ups take this case seriously?

Morimoto Chiyo sent it at once, cursing the bastard in her heart, whether it was Dio or anyone else, he was really causing trouble for her.

"Morimoto, don't fish there, come here quickly."

"Team Leader Emily, I just came out to take a breath." Chiyo Morimoto replied, returned from the balcony to the living room, walked to the sofa and said, "What conclusion have you drawn?"

Ito Otome hit the enter key, and a simulation of the murderer's shooting scene began to play.

"Based on the identity of the deceased and the time of death, I infer that the first person to die was the person in the monitoring room."

"Control room? If I remember correctly, it should be inside the mansion."

"Yes, the enemy first sneaked into the control room, disabled the surveillance and drones, and then went to kill other people."

Ito Otome said solemnly: "The autopsy report submitted by Millers is correct.

Judging from the wounds on all the bodies, the murderer was the same person.

Moreover, the time of death was within 15 minutes, and the places of death were in different directions in the east, south, west, and north of the residence. "

"Could it be that the murderer gathered them together to kill them and then scattered the bodies?"

Chiyo Morimoto put forward her own conjecture.

Ito Otome shook her head and said: "You are a layman, so you don't understand that.

In the eyes of a forensic expert of my level, whether it is the first crime scene or not can be determined at a glance.

Moving the body to other places cannot 100% restore the crime scene.

I'm sure the place where those people died was the scene of the first crime. "

Okayama Taketa's face was full of astonishment and he said: "Is it possible... that Dio is really a superpower as Miles' report said?"

Ito Otome shook her head and said: "I can't say. Judging from the results of the corpse, this is not something that normal people can do."

Emily frowned. Death together at the same time can be said to be technology. Different places want to talk about technology...

She thought for a while and said, "Is it possible to control the drone to kill them?"

“If that’s the case, there should be some traces remaining at the site.

If the drone flies to the height where the murderer shoots, it will inevitably alert other people and take avoidance.

But from the posture of the deceased, it was clear that they were caught off guard and were killed in a very unexpected situation. "

Otome Ito rules out the possibility of drones.

All clues point to a ridiculous and outrageous conclusion, that is, Dio is a person with super powers.

With the existing technology, it was not impossible to quickly kill those people in the Iwasaki family mansion, but it couldn't be done in Dio's way.

Emily frowned, thinking of Hirano Toda being frightened to death, and thinking of Dio's raid on her home in the past.

The death of Masao Yasuda...

Connect this series of clues together.

"Is it possible that Dio can appear anywhere out of thin air and ignore any alarms?"

"The last time I was held against my back by Dio, I didn't notice anything unusual beforehand. It seemed like I was suddenly held against my back by a knife."

"That just means you're not as powerful as you think."

Ito Otome does not take this statement as testimony that Dio is a superpower.

Chiyo Morimoto's face darkened and she said, "Before you come close, I promise to smash your head. Do you want to try?"

"Is Dio really a superpower?"

Emily didn't want to reconcile the conflict between the two, but just repeated the question, with a mixture of suspicion and excitement on her face.

Because explained from the perspective of a superpower, the series of cases committed by Dio will become very reasonable.

It was just so reasonable that Emily still had some doubts.

As a detective, isn't it a bit unreasonable to ask someone with superpowers to explain a case that cannot be solved by oneself?
But her knowledge and cognition couldn't find a more reasonable explanation.

Do people with super powers really exist?

Emily took a deep breath, made a bold decision in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "If Dio is really a superpower, then the three people we are monitoring will have nothing to do with the death of Masao Yasuda.

Arrest them directly and interrogate them to find out the truth. "

"it is good."

Morimoto Chiyo nodded.

The task force started to get busy.


A scientific research laboratory under the Mitsui Group.

007 was placed on the stage, and a professional R&D team remotely directed on-site researchers to disassemble it.

Through the glass, Izo Iwasaki and others watched the disassembly process while listening to the person in charge of the main research and development introduce in detail the materials, structure, performance, etc. of 007.

Just listening to the words of the person in charge, 007 is the crystallization of the world's most cutting-edge technology. Under special circumstances, it is easier to use than missiles.

Izo Iwasaki was furious when he heard this, and said in a deep voice: "The fact is that 007 did not encounter large-scale external damage, but the five blades on his right hand were broken and stopped running."

"Mr. Iwasaki, I think there must be a misunderstanding. Such a little damage should not stop 007's actions.

According to the design, 007 is the kind of person who has broken limbs and can use his eyes to shoot lasers to attack enemies. He can even cause an explosion in a power furnace and take away enemies with him. Its stopping has absolutely nothing to do with the damage to his right hand. "

"Very well, I hope you won't waste our time."

Izo Iwasaki answered while holding back his anger.

He originally thought that he could control his anger, but when he saw Taro Iwasaki's body, an uncontrollable anger emerged from his heart.

As people age, they become sentimental.

Driven by this anger, he just wanted to find the murderer and cut him into pieces in the most cruel way to relieve the hatred in his heart.

The dismantling of 007 is an important clue.

According to the person in charge, to be able to stop 007, the other party must have adopted some special method, and perhaps based on that method, they can guess who did it.

At this time, the disassembly personnel opened the protective cover of 007's most important chip, and the chip inside was suddenly broken into two pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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