Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 130 Machine Nemesis Dio

Chapter 130 Machine Nemesis Dio (four updates and [-] please subscribe)

Qingze let out a cry of pain, and at this moment Iwasaki and others' eyes lit up.

Mitsui Takao straightened his back and said: "Haha, I knew no one could stop 007. The laser he fired has a temperature of [-] degrees Celsius.

Not to mention the human body, even steel will melt in a matter of seconds. "

This excited tone didn't last long, and he realized something was wrong again.

If lasers could really cause damage, could Dio still be alive for so long?
"Haha." The painful cry turned into laughter in an instant. Qingze straightened up and said: "I'm just teasing you. This kind of laser is only suitable for use as a light stick at a singer's concert to liven up the atmosphere."

"Impossible, why can you block bullets? Can you block lasers at [-] degrees Celsius? What kind of monster are you?!"

Mitsui Takao's face was full of shock, and he felt that the three views he had established for a long time were being shattered bit by bit.

Can the human body really do such a thing?
When 007 encountered an unexpected situation, he did not make a cry of shock. He just switched modes and the lasers in his eyes disappeared.

The ten fingers turned into blades, and among the blades, there were iron hooks that looked like barbs.

There is a tiny hole at the tip. When the enemy is caught, a highly toxic liquid that can cause blood and seal the throat will be injected out of the hole.

Flames erupted under its feet, and the speed of the explosion exceeded the speed of sound in an instant.

A loud sound exploded on the lawn, the strong wind blew up the turf, and the blade claws that were enough to break stone and divide gold hit Qingze's body.

Silently, part of the blade disappeared.

Qingze used his clairvoyance ability to see clearly the internal structure of 007. Every part is connected to each other, like a beautiful work of art.

The key parts are thickly covered with metal to withstand external blows, but it cannot stop his telekinesis from destroying the chip from the inside.

With a hiss, 007's eyes flashed red, and his movements stopped at the moment he raised his hand.

The more sophisticated the machine, the less room for error it has.

Even a small damaged gear can stop a delicate machine.

Not to mention that the core chip is damaged, which is basically the same as being scrapped.

In this regard, Qingze feels like a robot nemesis.


Mitsui Takao's voice was full of grief and anger.

Next to him, Taro Iwasaki panicked.

He pressed the alarm for a while, but the whole mansion remained silent and no one came.

If we say that humans run slowly, what about drones?
I didn't see one either.

Taro Iwasaki realized that he could not rely on others and growled: "Quick, let's spread out and run."

"it is good!"

Mitsui Takao reacted and didn't feel sad for 007 for a second before turning around and running away.

As long as he runs from here to the parking lot, he can drive the helicopter away from this scary place.

But who is Dior?

Mitsui Takao was thinking in his mind, running quickly towards the apron without stopping.

The three men were running very fast.

The two women could not run, and their weak feet prevented them from leaving the scene.

Qingze was not in a hurry to chase them, and gray filters covered the world in front of him.

He turned around and picked up the AK47 on the ground, probably aiming at the vital points of the three people.

Simulating a strafing action, he let time resume its flow and fired a burst of fire with the AK47.

Many bullets missed, causing grass to splash on the lawn, and some bullets hit the three Iwasakis who were escaping.

They immediately changed from standing to falling to the ground.

Sumitomo Mika heard the familiar screams and cursed in her heart that they deserved it for abandoning her and running away.

But she also realized that her situation was very dangerous.

"This matter has nothing to do with us. They insist on doing it, and we don't want to. Please, don't kill us."

Sumitomo Mika shed tears of grievance, just like a poor woman who was forced by evil forces.

The woman next to her also shed tears in time and echoed: "Yes, we are women, how can we stop them."

The two of them knew very well that at this time, the weakness and beauty of women must be shown.

Only in this way can we have a chance to win a little sympathy.


Qingze glanced sideways at a dozen meters away, where two beauties as beautiful as flowers were crying.

"Don't cry," he threw away the AK47 in his hand and said in a gentle voice, "I never kill women, you guys, let's go."

"Thank you, Mr. Dior, thank you. We will remember this kindness forever."

Sumitomo Mika thanked her repeatedly and breathed a sigh of relief. There were still tears on her cheeks, but she did not continue to feel weak.

It's good to be alive.

She took the best friend next to her, not because of affection, but because she wanted to show sisterly affection in front of Dior.

Sumitomo Mika and her best friend turned around, and her face suddenly darkened. Damn it, this shame must be recovered in the future!
Qingze bent down and picked up a loaded AK47.

He is a compassionate man who will never let women die with fear, but is willing to let them die without knowing anything about the joy of living.

If crying had been useful, the Yoshino family in Okubo would not have died.

Qingze used his clairvoyance ability to see the vital points of the two people and took aim.

His index finger pulled the trigger.

Click, click, click. Dozens of bullets tore open the flesh and blood on the backs of the two men in an instant, causing streaks of blood to spurt out.

Sumitomo Mika fell to the ground with a plop, still with an expression on her face that she wanted to settle the score.

Qingze threw away the AK47 in his hand and did not use his mind power to clean up the traces.

He only recently discovered that when he transformed into Dio, he had no fingerprints at all, and cleaning with his mind could only sweep up the dust on the gun.

"Let me see, who else didn't die... Well, I always think this sentence is too villainous." Qingze complained to himself. He stepped forward to check whether the six people were dead and found that their hearts had stopped.

He did not remain here, entering Schrödinger's cat's state of non-existence.

The hands and body gradually become transparent, and the body floats from the ground.

This feeling of being free and floating around is really great, even better than transforming into a peregrine falcon and flying.

After Qingze checked the mansion in detail and confirmed that there were no living people or dogs here, he set a fire in the monitoring room.

Kill and set fire.

Anyway, the Iwasaki family is big enough and there is no need to worry about burning down other people’s houses.

His body entered a state of non-existence, and instead of returning to campus, he went to visit other places.

He wanted to see how wide the range he could appear at will was.

His previous attempts to go to Paris and New York were unsuccessful.

It shows that Schrödinger's cat does not exist in a state, and its scope is not global.

Qingze wants to find out this distance limit.


The Iwasaki family's mansion is equipped with automatic fire extinguishing devices.

The flame in the monitoring room will trigger the automatic fire extinguishing device when the air reaches a certain temperature.

The fire alarm will be transmitted directly to Izo Iwasaki's mobile phone.

Didi, he heard the beep of his mobile phone, moved his eyes from the file in his hand, unlocked the phone, and read the alarm message.

Pictures of the monitoring room immediately appeared on the phone.

Most of the surveillance screens were charred and cracked, and the console used to control the drone was flashing with electricity.

Nine corpses fell to the ground, their blood mixed with the water used to put out the fire.

How is this going?

Iwasaki Izo's heart sank, and he immediately dialed his grandson's phone number.

The phone kept ringing, beep, beep, but no one answered.

He realized in his heart that something was wrong, so he picked up the landline and dialed Mayor Kasukabe.

"Something happened to my grandson. You immediately mobilize all police forces to go to Iwasaki's house, bring weapons and police dogs, and call an ambulance.

I want the murderer to die! "

His voice was filled with cold murderous intent.

Taro Iwasaki is his most valued eldest grandson. His appearance, ability, and all aspects are similar to his younger self.

He had high hopes for Taro Iwasaki, and even chose to tolerate his incompetent eldest son just to pass the throne to Taro Iwasaki.

But Taro Iwasaki was killed.

Who dares to do such a thing?
His heart was filled with anger, and he rolled his eyes. Could it be that the kid from the Takizawa Group had noticed their plot and wanted to take Iwasaki and the others hostage.

To threaten him?
Thinking of this, Izo Iwasaki immediately asked his secretary to call the other five families and inform them of what happened to the Iwasaki family.

At this time, the six families must unite to deal with the storm coming from the country.

After thinking about it, Iwasaki Izo did not miss another person. He picked up the landline and dialed Hu Die's number himself.

The six major conglomerates were the largest conglomerates that existed before World War II.

The Phoenix House was a conglomerate that emerged after the war, mainly by providing women to MacArthur and then accidentally giving birth to MacArthur's child.

Mothers are more expensive than children.

The Phoenix House is essentially the branch of the MacArthur family in Japan.

Could it be that Americans' attitudes have changed?

Izo Iwasaki stands at a high place and enjoys power that ordinary people cannot imagine, but he also faces many enemies.

There are many people who want to swallow up the Iwasaki family's huge fortune.

Izo Iwasaki sensed that a storm was coming in the business world, but he was not afraid at all, but full of fighting spirit.

At this moment, Changsun's safety was forgotten. He turned into a ruthless shopping mall machine and dialed Hu Die's phone number.

The first thing he said was, "Someone attacked the Iwasaki family. Do you know anything?"



Tamagawa Takeji, who serves as the mayor, received a call from Izo Izo and immediately called the director of the Kasukabe Police Station and asked him to immediately deploy all police forces to Iwasaki's house, bringing firearms and hunting dogs.

Then he called the hospital and sent all ambulances to Iwasaki's house.

He did not expect that in this peaceful Kasukabe City, someone would dare to do such lawless things.

Even the Iwasaki family dared to attack, so wouldn't they attack him as the mayor tomorrow?

To deal with such evil, we must strike hard.

Otherwise, he worries that his next campaign will have very little funding.

It looks like a one-person-one-vote democracy, but it is essentially a money-burning election campaign by the rich.

If you don’t have money, choose shit.

Even if they actually sign up to participate, not many people know about it.

In order to ensure his political campaign funds, Takeshi Tamagawa must do his best to arrest the brutal criminals.

Of course, as the mayor, he needs to consider his own safety and not go to the front line in person.

Takeji Tamagawa chose to take command from the office.

 ps: Thanks to book friend 110508223033842, Evil Buddha Demonic Way, Shen Yun, book friend 20191121160651669, Buru Tao, and Ping Tianzhang for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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