Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 12 Give You the Whole Life

Chapter 12 Give You the Whole Life
Thanks to the selfless dedication of Misawa's group, Qingze's research on hypnosis abilities has been greatly improved.

Different physical qualities have completely different powers and responses to unlock the body's protective mechanisms.

He also tried to hypnotize a high school graduate Ruozhong into a Mathematical Olympiad master.

Let the other party study and try to solve the Mathematical Olympiad test questions. The answer is useless.

In the process of solving the problem, the man's character became very irritable, and he used self-mutilation behavior to reconcile the inconsistency between his brain's cognition and abilities.

Seeing his reaction, Qingze understood that he should never try to use hypnosis to turn himself into a learning genius.

He dare not touch his brain, but as for his body, he has mastered the method of training through hypnosis.

For example, if he currently runs 12 kilometers an hour, through hypnosis, he should be able to run 12.5 kilometers.

This won't hurt your body, it just makes your muscles a little sore.

The super power of hypnosis only lasts for a week, and he can only try to let himself adapt to the 12.5 kilometers smoothly before the super power weakens.

Don't underestimate the 500 meters added.

Anyone who practices running knows how difficult it is to add 500 meters in an hour in just a few days.

And he might be able to surpass the goal he set.

These data were obtained by asking the Misawa group to carry out weight-bearing exercises.

His physique is slightly different from that of the other party. The specific situation needs to be tested during tonight's night run.

Qingze saw that it was getting late, and if he didn't go back for dinner, he would be nagged by Chiyo again.

He looked at the people in front of him. The number of people had increased even more than before.

Subsequently, Ono Taro was asked to summon the top management of the Misawa Group and increase the number to 35 people.

"Kill the 21 people who fell to the ground."

Powerful hypnosis can only last for two hours. If they exceed this time, they will be hypnotized again, and naturally they cannot be kept alive.

"When I leave, you pour gasoline all over these places and set them on fire. Then don't go out. Stay here and burn yourself to death."

Fire can destroy any traces of Qingze at the scene. "Others will do something for me..."


Setagaya District, Phoenix House.

The restaurant of the main house is mainly decorated in light yellow, with gorgeous crystal lamps hanging from the sky, emitting warm light to illuminate the restaurant.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji sat on the chair and waited quietly.

A voice came from the entrance to welcome the lady back. Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy stood up hurriedly, opened the crystal partition door, ran through the living room, and saw the lady changing shoes in the entrance.

Hu Die's hair was tied up with a hair tie, and she was wearing a burgundy evening dress.

She wears a golden necklace on her fair neck, and sapphire earrings hang from her earlobes. She has a delicate face, and her facial features are vaguely similar to the beauty of the Phoenix Academy, but she has a more mature temperament and is more charming.

"Mom, welcome back. How did the matter go?"

Phoenix Academy Meiji returned home and immediately told her mother about her kidnapping, hoping that she would deal with the Misawa Group's problems.

They are so rampant!

Hu Die rubbed her temples and said with a complicated expression: "This matter ended with a very absurd ending."

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy asked in confusion: "It surprised even my mother. What kind of ridiculous way is it?"

"You can find out just by turning on the TV, or searching the official residence on your mobile phone, and you will find out what big news there is today."

Hu Die has been in charge of the Phoenix House for some time and has seen a lot of things.

But this was the first time she had seen such a ridiculous thing.

Phoenix Yue Meiji was slightly startled, took out her mobile phone, and clicked on Douyin, which she often watched.

The first short video pushed on the homepage is the male gun of the century showing off his prowess.

Then, the content of the short video is that people advocate environmental protection.It is a common landscape in Europe and America.

For some reason, he suddenly appeared in Japan today.

The group of people held signs to protect the forest and the sea, and many passers-by were taking photos of the scene.

The next moment, at the state-mandated off-duty time, a group of people appeared.

There was a sudden explosion of gunfire.

The crowd scrambled to run, the video shook, the scene was chaotic, and screams broke out.

She could only see An Dao getting behind others like a dog, and the police around him quickly opened fire to fight back against the murderer.

The short video ends here.

Phoenix Academy Meiji was stunned and said: "Mother, this is not what Ono Taro did, right?"

Hu Die nodded and said: "Yes, I don't know what is so crazy about Ono, but he actually summoned people from the Misawa Group to pretend to be people to protest against the environmental pollution caused by industry.

Waiting until the legal off-duty time, Ono Taro and several senior executives of the Misawa Group suddenly drew their guns and started shooting, causing a very bad impact. "

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji swallowed her saliva.

She said that Ono Taro was arrogant when he kidnapped her, but she was wrong. Ono was clearly lawless.

To actually do something like this, I'm afraid it's not to trigger the Metropolitan Police Department's crackdown on the Yakuza.

Wait, he, an extremely powerful leader, dares to do such a thing?
Meiji from the Phoenix Academy wondered: "Is it possible that he really has a brain problem due to taking drugs?"

“It’s unclear, he and those who fired the shots have been beaten into a hornet’s nest.

The body was sent to the medical examiner for examination, but the results have not yet come out. "

Phoenix Academy Meiji thought for a while and guessed: "Is there someone behind this matter?"

"The only people here who can do this are the United States."

Hu Die is very satisfied with her daughter's thinking.

There are very few people who can reach the top who are that crazy.

Many seemingly absurd things have huge interests driving people.

But she was confused.

Andao is as well-behaved as a dog, so why are you beating him?
Unless the drunkard was not interested in drinking, Adao was fine, but the Minister of Health and Welfare was rushed to the hospital.

Moreover, since Ono mentioned environmental protection, there must be an NGO with climate emergency funding behind it.

But that organization had no reason to attack Andao, and the direction of allocating funds was in Europe.

Even if they want to set foot in East Asia, they should not behave like this towards Andao.

Hu Die couldn't figure it out. She only knew that her intelligence network knew nothing about such a thing.

This is daunting stuff.

This means that the organization that secretly planned this matter may snipe at the Phoenix Academy family without telling her intelligence network next time.

The conspiracy is not scary, the scary thing is not knowing who is planning the conspiracy behind it.

For example, a certain Mr. President in a convertible car, his death is not a secret among the upper class.

But if no one at the top knows the reason, there is a huge hidden danger.

A bullet from the shadows may fall on anyone's head at any time.

Hu Die thought of those troubles, glanced at her daughter again, and said helplessly: "Sorry, Meiji, I can't eat with you tonight.

I need to change my clothes later and attend the party to discuss the follow-up of this matter. "

"It doesn't matter."

Phoenix Academy Meiji answered with a smile, and she was also curious in her heart, why did the United States do this?
(End of this chapter)

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