Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 118 Are you actually this kind of Dior?

Chapter 118 Are you actually this kind of Dio? (Four updates, please subscribe)
Setagaya Ward, Oyamadai Station.

Chiyo Morimoto walked out of the station with his hands in his trouser pockets, and his right hand held the gun in his trouser pocket.

Once she notices that something is wrong around her, she can draw her gun and kill the enemy immediately.

Shooting in a busy city seriously violates the discipline of the police station and is an act that requires punishment.

But when faced with danger, Chiyo Morimoto would not care whether she was in a busy city or not.

You must take action when it's time to take action.

This is Chiyo Morimoto’s principle.

She scanned the surroundings cautiously and walked towards a rented room in Weishan Terrace.

Rent is paid by the task force.

Because Dior's case has caused so much trouble in Tokyo, the police chief now gives the green light.

As long as Dio can be caught earlier than the Ministry of Public Security, the police director can show his face in front of the National Public Security Commission.

In terms of funding, it's easy to talk about.

That person has always wanted to squeeze his way up to the top, instead of being limited to the position of police director.

Chiyo Morimoto does not want to fight for the future of the police chief.

She walked cautiously down the street, paying no attention to the scenery on both sides, just alerting herself to enemies that might appear at any time.

Chiyo Morimoto specifically investigated the KGB's assassination methods and found that they liked to transform some sparse and ordinary things into lethal weapons.

For example, transform an umbrella into a murder weapon and hide a poisonous needle at the tip of the umbrella. If you poke it, it will break the skin.

In less than three seconds, the person stabbed will die on the spot.

Such methods are hard to guard against.

She had to be wary of everyone who might come close to her.

Oyamadai Station is less than 300 meters away from the rented apartment. When Chiyo Morimoto walked halfway, she could see the four-story lattice apartment.

"Do not move."

A very charming voice suddenly sounded in his ears. Chiyo Morimoto's pupils suddenly widened, her heart was filled with astonishment, and cold sweat even broke out on her forehead.

She was always paying attention to her surroundings, but she couldn't detect when the other person was approaching her, as if he appeared out of thin air.

When she found out, the other party had already stepped on her shadow.

The knife was pressed against her back.

Need to draw a gun?

This idea flashed through Morimoto Chiyo's mind, and then he quickly rejected it. There was no trace of panic on his face, and he slowly raised a smile on his lips and said: "It is not a gentleman to casually press such a cold thing against a woman."

The soft voice contains a hint of teasing, showing how strong Morimoto Chiyo's psychological quality is when encountering danger.

"I'm really sorry. If I didn't resist like this, I'm afraid you would do something drastic. It would be unbecoming of a gentleman to attack a lady."

"Haha, I didn't expect Dior to be a compassionate man."

Morimoto Chiyo guessed that the other party was the target that Emily tried her best to find.

According to Emily, Dior's voice has a magical quality that people cannot forget once they hear it.

"I have always been a compassionate person. As long as you are not guilty of sin, I will not do anything to you."

"Is the KGB so principled?"

"Remember, I have my own way of doing things, and no one can influence me."

Chiyo Morimoto's eyes showed a hint of contemplation. The relationship between this person and the KGB seemed to be different from what she imagined. She continued to talk: "Do you think you are a god?"

"No, I never thought I was a god, I was just a mortal beyond the gods.

I will punish the sinners whom God cannot punish. "

Qingze's tone was full of seriousness, and he said softly: "Although you are chasing me, I still think you are a group of good people who do your duty.

I hope you can maintain this kindness and not fall into the abyss of evil. "

Chiyo Morimoto breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that her and Emily's previous judgments about Dio were correct. He was a very paranoid idealist.

Moreover, the relationship between him and the KGB should tend to be cooperative rather than clear-cut superior and subordinate.

Very dangerous.

With a willpower that will not be shaken by anything, coupled with overly outstanding abilities, such people are often prone to huge turmoil.

Those who are weak are more eager to be dominated by strong-willed people than to think independently.

And Dior meets the requirements of a strong person that people in the world want to be dominated by.

"Goodbye, I hope you don't look back."

Qingze was afraid that he wouldn't have enough time to transform, so he said this and walked away.

Chiyo Morimoto never looked back and waited patiently.

About 10 minutes later, Chiyo Morimoto turned around, but Dior could not be seen on the street behind her.

There was a gust of wind blowing, and the black and white plaid T-shirt lay close to the back, giving off a slight chill.

The scare just now caused cold sweat to break out on her back.


Chiyo Morimoto breathed a sigh of relief, immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Emily's number.

After two beeps, the phone was connected.

"Morimoto, what happened?"

Emily's tone was serious. She knew in her heart that Chiyo Morimoto would not call her unless there was something important.

"I just met Dio. He was standing behind me and holding a knife against me."

"What? Are you injured? Do you want me to call an ambulance?"

Emily suddenly became very anxious and asked three questions in a row, fearing that this person would be in danger.

"Don't worry, Dio didn't do anything to me. We all had a misjudgment about Dio before. The relationship between him and the KGB may not be superior to subordinate."

Chiyo Morimoto truthfully told her guess and conveyed to Emily what Dio had just said to her.

After hearing those words, Emily suddenly understood why Dio came to find her that night.

I'm afraid the reason is not as complicated as she thought. Dio's visit was to test whether she was the one who deserved to be killed.If she were that kind of government bug, her body would already be in the coffin, waiting to be cremated.

"It turns out that he is more dangerous than imagined."

Emily murmured to herself, knowing that she had encountered a very difficult enemy.

As long as Dior insists on not attacking those who are innocent, once the news about him spreads, his deeds are likely to be regarded as a saint in the new era in this Internet era of information explosion.

Will gain countless ardent fans.

It should be said that it is Dior, it always refreshes her outlook on life.

Emily was shocked by Dio's danger, but she couldn't help but feel a little excited in her heart.

Only such people are qualified for her to catch.

She thought for a while, then changed her strategy and said, "Since Dior is such a person, why not check online to see if he has promoted his ideas online."

In Emily's view, if Dior wants to be a pioneer in igniting the fire of reform, it will inevitably promote its ideas through some means online or offline.

Screen the messages on major platforms, compare them one by one, and find them. You may be able to find out the whereabouts of Dior.

Emily felt a headache just thinking about it. The workload was too much.

She decided to ask the police chief to help and assign another group of people to screen.

"If there is nothing else, I will continue to monitor them."

"Well, please excuse me."

Emily paused and said, "If you have any news, please contact me as soon as possible. Goodbye."

"it is good."

Chiyo Morimoto hung up the phone and felt extremely relaxed.

Dior is an extreme idealist, so it is unlikely that he would attack Qingze. That would not be in line with his ideals.

She only needs to do her part to avoid any attacks.

Life without threats is so easy.

Chiyo Morimoto let out a heavy breath and suddenly became interested in the scenery on the street again.

This is Setagaya Ward.

With her financial conditions, she would never be able to buy a house here in her lifetime.

Chiyo Morimoto walked slowly along the street, admiring the scenery on both sides, and forgot to check Aozawa's whereabouts.


The next day.

At six o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock on the cell phone on the bedside table rang on time.

Qingze was awakened and reached out to swipe the screen of his phone to turn off the alarm clock.

He stood up and looked inside the house. The surveillance camera originally on the wall had been removed.

Qingze breathed a sigh of relief.

The [-] yen of personal money was not wasted.

At the same time, he firmly believed in the fact that men must have their own small treasury.

Only in this way can you solve the problem yourself without asking for money from women.

He decided to continue saving his private money.

Qingze got out of bed, took off his pajamas, put on his black school uniform, walked out the door and said, "Good morning, Chiyo."


The soft nasal voice is still so irritating. Chiyo Morimoto is practicing difficult yoga in the living room as usual.

The two legs split directly to the ground, seamlessly connecting.

Qingze took a look and asked, knowingly: "Where is the camera in my house?"

"I've torn it all down."

Chiyo Morimoto replied that if the threat of the KGB is eliminated, there is no need to install surveillance cameras in the home.

Take the example of Sosuke Iwaki. She doesn't have much trust in modern high technologies.

If a hacker breaks into the surveillance system, her and Qingze's life will be clearly visible to others.

Chiyo Morimoto did not want others to peek into her privacy, so she dismantled all the surveillance cameras.

"I have told you not to buy those things and waste your money."

"Don't put your own face on it. I didn't discuss it with you at all when I bought it."

Chiyo Morimoto replied.

"You used my money without consulting me?"

"Hey, that's the money I earned, okay."

"Your money is my money, and my money is still my money."

Chiyo Morimoto was a little shocked by Aosawa's righteousness and complained: "I have raised an incredible soft rice king.

It's okay for you to say this to me, but don't say it to other girls, or you'll be beaten to death. "

"I was joking, but you're serious."

Qingze shrugged. He was in a good mood and walked to the bathroom humming a song.

Time flies so fast, it’s Thursday again, tomorrow is Friday, the day after tomorrow is Saturday, and the day after tomorrow is Sunday.

Then it's Monday again.

By the way, what should he wear on a date on Saturday afternoon?

Qingze walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. With such a handsome face, he could wear anything.

 PS: Thanks to book friends 20220312141437590, gundam0080, book friends 110508223033842, and leg-playing expert Kaz for their rewards.

  Please support me in the new week.

(End of this chapter)

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