Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 115 Dai was attacked by surprise

Chapter 115 Chiyo was attacked
At Morimoto's house, the light was still on in the bedroom.

Qingze was lying on the bed, grabbing the quilt with both hands, and was using the catalyst sensor to peek at the people covered with this brand of quilt at this time.

There are men and women.

This kind of God-like perspective made him immersed in it even if he did nothing.

Didi, the phone suddenly made a sound.

Qingze broke away from God's perspective, turned off the light with his mind, and then stretched on the spot, feeling sleepy.

He grabbed his cell phone by the bedside, connected it at one o'clock, and yawned: "Ah~ Chiyo, what can I do for you?

I've already fallen asleep. "

Having said this, Qingze slowly turned on the bedside lamp, showing a sleepy look on his face.

Chiyo Morimoto didn't look carefully to see if he was acting. She just saw that his expression was fine and felt relieved.

It doesn't look like anyone from the KGB caught him.

"It's nothing, I just want to see you."

She paused and said thoughtfully: "By the way, if a robber breaks into your home, you must not resist him and be obedient."

This arrangement is because Morimoto Chiyo understands that a living hostage is better than a dead one.

But Qingze will easily anger the other party if he doesn't cooperate.

To be on the safe side, she wanted to warn her in advance so that the young man's passion would not get the better of him and an accident would occur.

Chiyo Morimoto is willing to act as an undercover KGB agent for Qingze.

Qingze heard her subtext and wondered, does this person seem to be worried about his personal safety?

"Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid like that.

When will you come back? "

"If nothing unexpected happens, I'll get off work at ten o'clock. No more talk, I'll hang up first."


Qingze said, activating the super power of catalyst induction.

His mobile phone is the same brand as Chiyo Morimoto's, and he can know what happened to him using catalytic induction.

Chiyo Morimoto hung up the video call, put her phone back in her trouser pocket, and walked out of the room.

Iwaki Sosuke, who was squatting on a chair, asked curiously: "Who are you contacting?"

"See if the children at home go to bed on time."

"You actually already have a child?"

Iwaki Sosuke's face was filled with shock.

He always thought that Chiyo Morimoto was a single woman, and her graceful figure did not look like a woman who had given birth to a child.

Wait, young wife? !
Iwaki Kusuke's heart, which was originally as calm as water, suddenly experienced strong fluctuations.

"The kid I picked up by chance."


Iwaki Sosuke became uninterested again, touched his chin and said, "But are you such a caring person?"

In his eyes, Morimoto Chiyo is the kind of willful, lazy, and somewhat narcissistic woman.

Aside from her beauty, she has no character whatsoever.

I never expected that this man would have such love hidden in his heart.

“I’ve always been a loving person.”

Chiyo Morimoto rolled her eyes and continued to watch the monitor.


Until ten o'clock in fear, Chiyo Morimoto never faced the KGB assassination and got off work smoothly.

She didn't feel relieved, she just felt depressed.

We know that there is a venomous snake lurking in the dark, but we don't know when the venomous snake will spring out and bite us, and we don't know how venomous the venomous snake is.

The above situation is far more terrifying than a poisonous snake suddenly appearing in front of you and biting someone.

Because the most terrifying thing in the world is the imagination of people.

Perhaps the KGB was not as powerful as imagined, but the case in Shinjuku Kabukicho and the deaths of 15 people reminded Chiyo Morimoto again.

The other party's methods will definitely not be simple.

Chiyo Morimoto had a gun in his hand and had the confidence to kill fifteen gun-wielding men.

But it's easy to hide from open guns, but it's hard to guard against hidden arrows.

Chiyo Morimoto couldn't always pay attention to sneak attacks in the dark, and he might be shot in the head on the road.

She returned to Ayase's apartment and took the elevator to the sixth floor.

Looking at the closed door, Chiyo Morimoto thought that maybe she should install some surveillance cameras at home.

Prevent unexpected things from happening.

Chiyo Morimoto stopped and opened the door carefully, but the lights inside were not turned off.

Everything in the living room came into her eyes, and she closed and locked the door with her backhand.

Chiyo Morimoto walked towards Aozawa's room.

Holding a gun in one hand, he carefully opened the door with the other.

Most of her body was hidden in the wall, and she opened the door a little. She quickly squatted down and opened the door gently with her feet.

Then he got inside and quickly scanned the bedroom.

No one else could be seen in the dim bedroom.

Morimoto Chiyo breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn it, just quit.

This thought flashed through her mind, but she knew that resigning now would never be approved by her superiors.

Or be passive and slow down, and respond with a fishing attitude.She no longer wanted to be promoted to the police and paid leave.

Surviving to the end is a great victory.

Chiyo Morimoto walked to the bedside and looked at Qingze who was sleeping soundly.

Her black hair was like ink, and her regular facial features revealed a tranquil temperament, reminding her of the way this person used to sleep in her arms.

She has been lustful since she was a child and likes to press against her chest when sleeping.

Chiyo Morimoto knelt down and wanted to touch his forehead with her right hand, but slowly took it back for fear of waking him up.

After watching for a while, Morimoto Chiyo still couldn't hold back her thoughts, lowered her head and kissed Qingze's forehead.

At this moment, Qingze opened his eyes and pointed directly at her soft lips.

Morimoto Chiyo's eyes quickly widened.

Qingze continued to lie down and muttered: "The braised pork is delicious!"

Chiyo Morimoto wanted to say, should she be considered a three-year-old child?

It was obvious that he was just pretending to be asleep, so his sleep talking could not be so clear.

She complained in her heart, but did not choose to get angry, and touched her lips with her right hand.

The touch at that moment made her heart beat faster, like a girl falling in love.

Chiyo Morimoto suppressed her beating heart, lowered her head, and placed her silky cheek next to the side of Qingze's face. A soft voice that seemed to be dragging the person into the woods to do some work said in his ear: "A kid is a kid.

I don’t even know the specific method of kissing. "

She gently bit Qingze's earlobe.

This immediately made Qingze's blood boil.


He quickly stood up and hugged him, but Chiyo Morimoto dodged it, and then he was shot three times in the forehead.

Dong Dong Dong, Morimoto Chiyo's index finger flicked on his forehead, and his eyebrows stood up and he said: "You brat, you still dare to pretend to be asleep and take advantage of me?!"

Qingze held his arms empty, and said with resentment on his face: "There is no one like you, I'm going to explode."

Chiyo Morimoto liked to see his deflated expression. She raised her hand and hit his head again and said, "Go to sleep quickly."

Qingze rubbed his head and said, "You look a little wrong. What happened?"

"Nothing happened."

Morimoto Chiyo does not want Aozawa to be involved in his work.

It is also the responsibility of adults to bear the pressure from society for children.

Aozawa felt guilty. He knew that the Shinjuku case was mistakenly attributed to the KGB, and he also knew that Morimoto Chiyo's strange behavior was because he was worried that the KGB would attack him.

Tomorrow night, we must clarify that Dior has nothing to do with the KGB, and Chiyo cannot be allowed to live in fear.

"I go first."

Chiyo Morimoto said something, walked out and closed the door.


The next day, Wednesday.

It's nearly halfway through the week.

Qingze woke up and found that he needed to change into a new pair of boxer briefs.

It's all because Chiyo bit his earlobe last night.

Not only that, the soft touch of the cheek skin, the irresistible voice, and the red lips all stimulated the boy's blood.

He stood up, picked up his school uniform and boxers and walked outside.

Opening the door, he saw Chiyo Morimoto doing yoga in the living room.

The movement is very difficult, it seems to be called one-handed peacock pose.

One right hand is supported on the ground, and the body is suspended in the air.

Spread your legs.

When she saw Qingze walking out of the house holding his clothes, she was very confused and asked: "Do you want to take a bath?"

"Who do you think did it? Remember to wash my boxers later."

Qingze rolled his eyes.

Chiyo Morimoto immediately understood what kind of dilemma the boy was encountering. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he suppressed a smile and said, "Throw it in the washing machine."

At this point, she suppressed her smile and warned herself in her heart that she would never talk to Qingze about topics that could easily lead to misfires.

Qingze walked into the bathroom, washed his body briefly, wiped it clean, and threw his boxers into the washing machine.

He put on clean clothes, walked out of the bathroom, and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.


After breakfast, Qingze ran to school. As usual, he was scolded by Furusawa Kyouichiro at the school gate, "Qingze! Don't run so fast at the school gate!"

From last year to now.

Kyouichiro Furusawa never gave up, even though Aosawa never bumped into any student.

But in the eyes of Kyouichiro Furuzawa, rules are rules.

Don't throw the rules behind just because there is no accident. When an accident occurs, it will be too late to regret it.

Qingze still didn't listen. He ran around the school for a while and then went to the kendo club to start training.

Opening the door, he noticed that the kendo club was particularly murderous today.

Qingze asked in confusion: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Not only Akizuki Iroha, but also Saeko is cheering for you, you damn bastard, we will definitely punish you today!"

The people in the Kendo Club had heard about what happened to someone at the baseball field, and they unanimously decided to kill this person.

(End of this chapter)

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