Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

第110章 我们离迪奥又近1步(爆4更1万2求订阅)

Chapter 110 We are one step closer to Dior (four updates, please subscribe)
Chiyoda District, in a temporarily rented room.

A picture of someone is displayed on the computer screen, and a glass of water is placed next to it.

A man with glasses and messy hair squatted on a swivel chair.

His face had a vicissitude of life and his beard was very long. He had not shaved for at least a year.

And behind such a slovenly man, stood a tall and ambitious beauty, like a flower growing in the mud, completely inconsistent with the surrounding painting style.

“Drone surveillance makes me feel like a bumpkin.”

Chiyo Morimoto stared at the computer surveillance screen with a hint of wonder on her face.

As a top student at Dongda University, her knowledge was related to finance and she didn't know much about computers.

Occasionally when I see smart robots, smart AI, etc. on short videos, I feel like I am being left behind by the times.

"The times are advancing rapidly. If I don't learn and make progress all the time, I will become a backward, third-rate hacker."

Iwaki Sosuke replied.

He controls a new drone to remotely monitor Yasuda Yuken's whereabouts.

Using drones to monitor prisoners is far better than having the police following behind.

In modern cities, few people choose to look up at the sky. Their eyes are basically on the ground or in front of them.

Of course, Emily is the kind of pragmatist who believes in both modern technology and traditional tracking methods.

She divided the people who monitored Yasuda into two teams. One team was responsible for quietly monitoring from behind, and the other team was responsible for monitoring with a drone.

However, the person who was originally responsible for tracking was standing behind Iwaki Sosuke.

He picked up the water glass next to him, took a sip and said, "Aren't you afraid of Team Leader Emily's accountability?"

"I absolutely trust your hacking skills."

Chiyo Morimoto replied swornly, spreading her hands and saying: "Besides, how can a beautiful woman like me stalk others quietly?"

Iwaki Sosuke wanted to complain, but after thinking about it, he realized that everyone was a veteran in the workplace.

No one has the right to speak.

"He's about to enter the hotel."

Chiyo Morimoto reminded Sosuke Iwaki to monitor the footage and not care about her fishing.

Iwaki Sosuke said calmly: "Don't worry, large hotels like this are all under surveillance."

His fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard.

A series of incomprehensible codes appeared on the screen, and then in the next second, the hotel surveillance screen appeared on Iwaki Sosuke's computer screen.

In the information age, powerful hackers have god-like privileges on the Internet.

"There is no firewall in this world that I can't break through," Iwaki Sosuke's voice contained a hint of pride.

He is not a person who likes to be complacent, but when it comes to hacking skills, he can't help but want to show off.

Chiyo Morimoto ignored his self-praising and watched Yasuda Yuken walk into the hotel, take the elevator to the third floor, and then walk along the corridor to the box 301.

"First call up the previous surveillance of Box 301 to see who went in. I'm going to notify Team Leader Emily."

Chiyo Morimoto said, turned and walked outside.

She was a little surprised that Masao Yasuda couldn't bear it anymore. Masao Yasuda's coffin hadn't even been buried yet, so he wanted to find someone to join him.

Such an unreasonable scene gave her a vague feeling that they were looking in the wrong direction.

But instead of finding fault, you have to catch the person to find out.

She went downstairs and quickly drove to the hotel where Yasuda Yuken was staying.

On the way, she received a call from Sosuke Iwaki.

“The person he was dining with was a foreigner, and the name registered at the hotel was Kevin Georgeson.

Don't worry, he ordered a lot of food and probably won't finish it quickly. "

"Okay, you call team leader Emily and I should be able to get to the hotel before her."

Chiyo Morimoto hung up the phone and accelerated towards the Regal Hotel.


The Regal Hotel is a twenty-story building. Its appearance is no different from other large hotels, and its interior decoration is luxurious.

In the box of 301, Yuken Yasuda raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "Mr. Kevin, on behalf of my eldest brother, I propose a toast to you."

Kevin raised his glass and was about to say something special.

The door of the box was suddenly opened.

"Don't move!" A heroic roar sounded.

Kevin was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, a huge shadow enveloped his face and he received a heavy punch in the abdomen.

"Ah." As soon as he made a sound from his throat, his face was pressed hard on the table again, and his hands were forcefully cuffed behind his back by an irresistible force.

"What are you doing?"

Kevin's face was full of panic, and for a moment he thought it was a hostile force trying to catch him, the KGB or other intelligence organizations? !

"We are the Metropolitan Police's task force against Dior. Kevin Georgeson, you are suspected of conspiring with Yuki Yasuda to collude with Dior and murder Masao Yasuda.

Now we are going to take you back for interrogation, please cooperate with our work. "

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

When Kevin heard that he was from the Metropolitan Police Department, he suddenly became more courageous and said in a deep voice: "I am from the CIA, and we are discussing official business with Yuken Yasuda here."

Emily walked in slowly, her eyes disdainful and said: "You said it's the CIA, but then I said I'm the President of the United States."

Kevin's face darkened, and he did not prove his identity with any documents.

He knew very well that when the other party didn't want to believe it, anything he said was false, so it was better to remain silent.As long as he was caught, someone would come and bail him out.

"It seems you understand your situation, take it away."

Emily waved her hand.

Neither Kevin nor Yuken Yasuda resisted.

This kind of performance fell in the eyes of Emily, and she couldn't help but wonder, is the other party confident?Or are you really open-minded?

Emily thought for a while and decided to ask again before speaking.

It doesn't matter even if it involves a conspiracy between politicians, she just wants to ask what she needs to know.

The scene where they arrested Kevin and Yasuda Yuken was all seen by Sosuke Iwaki.

He looked at the picture on the computer screen, rubbed his hair with his right hand, and murmured: "A gentleman will not stand under a dangerous wall. I'd better give them another address."

The expressions of Kevin and Yuken Yasuda were too calm, which made Sosuke Iwaki a little worried that luring people to him might trigger a gunfight, just like in the movie, where the enemy organization sends people to eliminate witnesses.

He is a civilian and does not have the precision marksmanship and skill of Chiyo Morimoto.

Even an ordinary person might knock him to the ground with his fists and beat him violently.

Out of such considerations, he felt that it was better to be cautious, and immediately called Emily and said: "Hey, Team Leader Emily, you must not return here, go directly to the nearby police station.

Let's do the interrogation in the interrogation room.

If the enemy is a group of armed thugs, we may not be enough to kill them with just a few of us. "

"I will go to the police station without you reminding me."

Emily replied angrily.

When interrogating something like this, you must stay in the police station to ensure safety.


Chiyoda Ward, Kojimachi Police Station, interrogation room.

Kevin sat in a chair. He denied the accusation of murder against Masao Yasuda, and even refused to admit that he had a relationship with Dior.

When asked why they met Yasuda Yuken, they always kept their answers confidential.

This unrestrained attitude made Emily very angry, but she also knew in her heart that she might really have found the wrong person.

Kevin has professional qualities, and Yuken Yasuda has no reason to be watered down.

Unless Yuken Yasuda is 100% confident in leaving.

Emily didn't let them go because she had a sense of luck in her heart and wanted to see who would come to bail them out. She even expected Dio to show up directly and play the trick of killing people and silencing them.

"Team Leader Emily, the police chief sent an order and we have to let him go."

Chiyo Morimoto opened the door of the interrogation room and stepped aside. A gentle man with blond hair and blue eyes stepped forward. He wore gold-rimmed glasses and had a gentle face.

"Team Leader Robert." Kevin had a surprised expression on his face when he saw the person coming. He didn't expect that it would be this person who took him out in person.

Robert strode forward, grabbed the water glass on the table, poured it directly into Kevin's face, and said warmly: "What an embarrassment to the CIA!"

"Sorry, I was careless."

Kevin was too frightened to wipe the water droplets from his face, and hurriedly lowered his head to admit his mistake.

Robert's eyes were cold, and he did not forgive Kevin easily. He met with dignitaries and did not arrange for anyone to guard him below.

Fortunately, it was the people from the Metropolitan Police Department this time, but next time it is the KGB or other intelligence organizations, there will be no people.

"I'm sorry that my incompetent subordinates have troubled you."

Robert turned to Emily, with a gentle gentle smile on his face and said: "This case has nothing to do with us.

We also want to catch Dio, a brutal criminal.

This is my business card. If you need any help or information about Dior in the future, you can call me.

We can work together to arrest that heinous criminal. "

Emily took his business card and was extremely disgusted with this man's smile. She couldn't help but add to the problem: "What does he have to do with Yasuda?"

"Some secrets are better not to be known."

Robert replied with a smile.

It is about the strategic layout of the United States in the Asia-Pacific, and he does not want to say anything to outsiders.

Emily was waiting for his words and said sarcastically: "This is no secret. Masao Yasuda is a strong supporter of the sea discharge plan. Losing him will give you a headache."

According to the Japanese character, they like to do bad things secretly. They only want to accidentally leak something. They leak a little today and a little tomorrow. They secretly discharge it into the sea. If they are discovered, they will bow and apologize.

Suddenly he stiffened his back and acted openly and openly, which was obviously not in line with Japan's usual insidious character.

It is said that there is no promotion from a certain country.

Emily didn't believe it.

The smile on Robert's face continued: "No one can change what God has decided.

Kevin, let's go. "

Watching the two people's backs disappear into the aisle, Chiyo Morimoto touched her chin and said: "There are only two countries in this world that can stop the hegemony of the United States.

Is Dior their man? "


Emily spit out this name and felt that she was one step closer to Dio.

 PS: Thanks to Burudao, Book Friends 20230630000444594, White Water Love, and Confused Cat for their rewards.

  In addition, the lunar room will be updated in the early morning (not coded out) and will be changed to [-] am in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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