Chapter 94 Cannibalism
"The thief of Mingting! Get out of here!"

The white-robed man spoke slowly, his voice was hoarse and dry, and the harsh sound was like sawing wood, which made people feel particularly uncomfortable.

"This land is the land of the Emperor, and we are all servants of the Emperor. We should drive away evil beasts and protect the living people!"

Lin Dao held a knife in his arm, snorted coldly, looked at the man in white in front of him, and said.

Although facing these dozens of zombies, he could only deal with two people at most. If they were to swarm them, he would be far from his opponent, but the noise just now must have reminded Qiu Luan and others who were resting in the Liu family's ancestral temple.

"The emperor of the Han people is so greedy. Why can't the prosperous Han Dynasty and Kyushu satisfy his endless desires? Why do they repeatedly invade our land? The Ming court was greedy and led weapons and weapons in the southwest to commit massacres. Deserve to perish!"

The man in white robes spoke, shaking the copper bell in his hand. He raised his hand and pointed, and his voice became ethereal and ghostly in the silent night. He sang, accompanied by the ringing of the copper bell in his hand.

“It’s a shame to kill someone who died in vain.

Parents from my hometown, looking forward to it.

My dear wife and young son, I look forward to your return to my hometown.

You are a soul, so don’t hesitate. "

This is the most vicious curse the Xiangxi Corpse Craftsman has produced since its birth.

Taking advantage of the resentment left in the heart of a person who died violently after death, he used magic to pour Yin into the body in the Yin Gathering Place, and turned his body into a zombie.

He also used the deceased's obsession with his parents, wife and children during his lifetime to make his ghost live in his body.

Love turns into appetite, prying open the heads of parents and drinking the flesh and blood of wives and children.

As soon as this curse came out, hundreds of green zombies in the mountains immediately became manic, no longer hiding their figures, and rushed directly towards the dilapidated Liu Family Ancestral Temple on the top of the mountain.


Lin Dao dodged left and right. The zombie in front of him was invulnerable and powerful. Although his moves were clumsy, his jumping speed was extremely fast.

Facing the siege, the power of human fists was really limited, and soon Lin Dao unfortunately received a wound as thick as a thumb on his waist.

The wound was filled with black smoke, and it quickly bled and suppurated. The green bird's fire burned within the body and quickly stopped the bleeding.

But the wound was still numb.

Lin Dao's heart sank.

The corpse poison on these zombies is really powerful.

Even if the flesh and blood are burnt, it cannot be completely driven away.

At this moment, two streamers shot over.

Wei Zhong, the flag officer of Jin Yiwei, was not far away with his bow and arrow, delaying the movement of the zombies.

And a pair of young hands grabbed Lindao's back.

It's Qiu Luan.

He pulled Lin Dao and quickly retreated towards the Liu family's ancestral temple.

Outside the temple gate, the zombies seemed to be wandering around the temple gate, as if they were afraid of something. The man in white behind him repeatedly activated the soul-suppressing bell in his hand, and then reluctantly moved towards the Liu Family Ancestral Temple.

"It's alright..."

Qiu Luan handed Lin Dao an antidote pill.

It was also the result of Zhu Houcong a few days before leaving Beijing.

Lin Dao obeyed, and the Jinyi guards each looked for a suitable position in the ruins of the Liu family's ancestral temple, preparing to fight.

"It's nothing, thank you, Commander, for your concern." The elixir melted in your mouth, and a warm current flowed to the wound. It was like ants crawling around the wound. When you opened your clothes, you saw that the charred dead skin on it had fallen off, and tender and tender skin had grown back. of new meat.

He couldn't help but sigh again at the unpredictable power of the current emperor.

Qiu Luan nodded. He climbed up the high wall and looked at the man in white in the distance. His eagle-like eyes allowed him to clearly see the pattern on the man in white.

"Dali Duan family..."

The white-robed man obviously noticed Qiu Luan's gaze, raised his head and looked back, their eyes meeting each other in the air.

Qiu Luan spoke first.


"At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the world was in chaos. Duan Shi gathered troops and blocked the road in an attempt to separate China. Later, Muying, Wang Bi and others led their troops into Sichuan, broke through Longwei Pass, and escorted all the Duan family in Dali to the capital... Such a serious crime should have been The entire clan was exterminated, but Taizu took pity on Lao Wang Duan Bao and once petitioned him to surrender. His words were tragic and he said, "Ezu Bao, I have surrendered to you in the past, and I can't bear to let him go."Therefore, his sins were pardoned and he was given an official position... Why was the imperial court so unsatisfied with such heavenly favors, and actually joined forces with the homesick thieves? Little did they know that now that the Holy Lord is in this world, heavenly punishment is coming in an instant! "

When he heard Qiu Luan's words, the man's shoulders trembled obviously, and he was obviously angry.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, his ancestors wanted to raise an army to stand on their own, but were beaten violently and had to surrender and become part of the Yuan court.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, when he was preparing to take advantage of the end of the Yuan Dynasty to develop his ambitions, he ran into Zhu Yuanzhang again. As a result, the whole family was captured and taken to the capital again, and this time even their fiefdom was deprived.

You must know that Yuan Ting is still willing to let Duan continue to be their agent in Dali.

As long as they paid taxes to the Yuan Dynasty on time, the Mongols didn't care who ruled Dali.

The Ming court was obviously more inclined to rely on balancing the power among the chieftains and continuously enhance the local strength of the central bureaucracy.

You obviously came to my house to rob me, but in the end you made it sound as if our Duan family owed you a huge favor to the Zhu family.

The man in white was shaking with anger, but before he could refute, a burst of horrifying laughter came from behind.

"You Ming people like to say these things, claiming to be civilized and orthodox, thinking that everyone in the world can only move forward according to the route drawn by you——"

The man who came out of the woods was in his thirties, with a pair of eyes glowing red in the dark night. There were no eyebrows on his eyes. He was grinning widely, revealing a pair of incomplete fangs.

The tendons in the arms are as green and black as ink.

He holds a dzi bead in his left hand and a human bone staff cut from a thigh bone in his right hand.

"Sparse eyebrows, sparse teeth, black tendons, red eyes, and cannibalistic appearance."

Loose eyebrows, sparse teeth, black meridians, and red eyes are the appearance of a cannibal.

If Qiu Luan was still in the mood to have a verbal spat with them before the war when facing this clan remnant, it would relieve the nervousness of the soldiers before the war.

But facing the ogre in front of him who had eaten countless women and children, Qiu Luan said a few words coldly through his teeth, but he had already put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist.

"Chief Manghuang leads his beasts to eat people! It is unforgivable to be tolerated by heaven and will be punished by the law of the country!"

But after hearing this, the barbarian looked like he was not ashamed, but proud, and shouted back.

"The Ming Dynasty was extremely corrupt, humiliated the people, and killed loyal people. I only eat half a person every day. Compared with you Han people who can kill people without blood, I feel inferior."

"Yes, he is a close confidant of the Emperor, the grandson of Qiu Yue, the Marquis of Xianning, the youngest member of the Jin Yiwei who truly performed his duties in the Ming Dynasty, and commanded Qian to serve Qiu Luan."

"Let me introduce myself. I am Silun Jie, the third son of Silun Guang, the current head of the Sijia family. I am the general of Luchuan Zhengdong. I have been waiting here for the angel for a long time."

Silunjie specially emphasized the words "performing one's duties".

It is obviously an insinuation that the Ming Dynasty is corrupt and nepotistic. Since Tumubao, there has been a ridiculous situation where a child under the age of three has been given such an important position as the Commander of the Imperial Guard.

 I just received the notice from the editor and it will be put on the shelves next Monday. The author has started to save the manuscript. Don't worry, gentlemen.

(End of this chapter)

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