Chapter 90 The Harem

"If Your Majesty suddenly announces a personal expedition, I'm afraid the elder Pavilion and the Queen Mother will not agree easily."

Huang Jin said, he glanced at Zhu Houcong in front of him.

Zhu Houcong's expression remained calm.

"The proposed purpose..."

"From now on, if the six ministries report matters and the cabinet and the Supervisor of Ceremonies jointly review them, if they are still unable to make a decision, they will be handed over to the Queen Mother of the Inner Court for processing."

"This year, Southern Zhili reported false southern taxes. Why is it only 840 million taels? Order the Ministry of Household Affairs to conduct a strict investigation and send envoys to the southern provinces to re-calculate!"

"Brothers of the Jiang family have the merit of escorting and following the dragon. Jiang Ding, the commander-in-chief of the Five Armies, was promoted to Zhongwu Gong. Jiang An was promoted to the commander of the Yulin vanguard. He was promoted to Xinyonghou. He commanded the internal and external Beijing troops and served the imperial court."

From Hou to Duke, from Bo to Hou.

At this time, the Jiang family's relatives had one family and two nobles, one duke and one marquis, and they were enough to command the nobles in the capital.

Since the Datong Mutiny, the powerful powers in the world have once again seen the power of the Ming Dynasty, and they have no intention of declining.

Presumably, when faced with the envoys sent by the Ministry of Revenue to various places, most of them will obediently pay the money.

The few stubborn Zhu Houcong could only regretfully let them taste how fast the Xiuchun Dao of the Jin Yiwei was.

Even in order to please Ming Ting, they would make more friends than before.

The reason why the world is full of refugees and bandits is mostly because the court has no money. It can neither save the people nor provide disaster relief. It drags on like this year after year, and finally the world is corrupted.

With this money collected this year, the Cabinet and the Sixth Ministry must be very busy.

Although Liang Chu, Jiang Mian, Mao Cheng and others cannot be said to have been very clean in the past few decades, they deserve a lot of points.

But according to Zhu Houcong's observation, he still has some ideals and wants to achieve some achievements in office.

In the past, the court had no money, and it was difficult for a clever woman to make a living without rice.

Now that we have money, we can put it on the agenda to provide disaster relief, build bridges and roads, clean up rivers, pay back wages, set up schools, popularize education, etc.

Prince Liang, Wang Qiong, and other virtuous old ministers, the civil and military elites selected and retained by Emperor Wu Zong for more than ten years, are still willing to do something for the world if given the opportunity.

This is why Zhu Houcong still kept them in the court after he ascended the throne.

In the past, when there was no money, the imperial court could only act badly in the face of the world's disasters, and everyone had to unanimously decide that the emperor should take the blame.

Now that the imperial court has a financial surplus, they hope that the emperor will not interfere too much in political affairs and compete with them for money and political achievements.

Although after they get the money, they probably pay themselves off this year's salary first.

Zhu Houcong delegated power to them and asked them to carry out people's livelihood construction in the local area, lead the people to reclaim wasteland, build water conservancy projects and so on, and improve the living standards of the people, which was relatively safe.

After all, there are people with extraordinary power in this world.

The powerful people in the world were afraid of the force in Zhu Houcong's hands, so they chose to pay the court taxes to ensure peace.

As long as the elites of the Forbidden Army and the Nine Sides remained loyal, Zhu Houcong could dissolve the cabinet at any time and cleanse the court thoroughly.

At that time, no one can stop Zhu Houcong from flipping the table.

However, nowadays, in the outer court, the Chiang brothers command the nobles in Beijing, while in the inner court, Chiang's mother and the cabinet control each other.

At this time, Zhu Houcong had no need to lift the table.

Although everything is arranged.

However, if Zhu Houcong wanted to conduct his own expedition openly and honestly, he needed to do another very important thing.

"Didn't the Queen Mother say a few days ago that she had chosen some noble girls to enter the palace?"

Zhu Houcong asked.

Although Queen Mother Zhang was brought down, the fate of the Zhang family also sounded the alarm to Jiang's mother.

Whether the imperial line can be inherited normally is closely related to the honor and disgrace of the relatives.

It is precisely for this reason that Jiang's mother paid special attention to Zhu Houcong's harem.

As soon as the imperial court exiled the entire Zhang family, it repeatedly ordered people to collect women from good families with clean family backgrounds and good conduct from all over the country and send them to the palace.

However, Zhu Houcong was previously busy fighting with all kinds of monsters and monsters all over the world.

Empress Dowager Jiang sent people several times to urge Zhu Houcong to visit the harem, all because Zhu Houcong was either in the world of immortality, or in the southwest or Mount Hengshan.

But Huang Jin refused on the pretext of seclusion.

But if Zhu Houcong wants to be able to leave Beijing openly and openly in the future.Linxing harem can't escape no matter what this time.

The relatives of the Jiang family will not let their family's century-old wealth roam around the world.

And they are the staunchest defenders of Zhu Houcong's current throne. For Zhu Houcong's throne, they really have money and life, and Zhu Houcong is not embarrassed to use force against them.

A prince, born of Zhu Houcong, who can inherit the throne will undoubtedly stop many people's mouths.

Even if Zhu Houcong is gone, with this child, the power of the Jiang family is still stable. Empress Dowager Jiang suddenly became the empress dowager, and her dignity is even greater than before.

"I will go to Chuxiu Palace to get the list of portraits. Your Majesty can choose to sleep with you tonight——"

Hearing this, Huang Jin was overjoyed.

After all, Zhu Houcong was away from the capital every day, and the pressure from Empress Dowager Jiang was all on him.

Moreover, Emperor Zhengde's lessons had not yet faded away. Many people inside and outside the court had hidden dissatisfaction because they saw that the new emperor was young and childless.

However, just as Huang Jin was about to leave, he was stopped by Zhu Houcong.

Has His Majesty changed his mind again?

When Huang Jin thought of this, he couldn't help but feel anxious again.

"How many beautiful ladies are there in the Chuxiu Palace now?"

Hearing the emperor's words behind him, Huang Jin couldn't figure out Zhu Houcong's plan, so he could only answer in a deep voice.

"There are 52 beautiful ladies, 40 of whom were girls from good families collected by the Ministry of Rites from the people when His Majesty first ascended the throne, and the remaining 12 were brought into the palace by the Queen Mother after she came to Beijing."

Zhu Houcong didn't need to think about it, but he knew that most of the beautiful girls brought by Empress Dowager Jiang were distant relatives of their Jiang family.

When Taizu of the Ming Dynasty established the ancestral system, all the emperors, princes, concubines, concubines, and concubines should be carefully selected as daughters from good families, and those who entered would not be accepted.

In theory, the Ming Dynasty had a very complete folk draft mechanism starting from Zhu Yuanzhang.

It's a pity that just like most of the laws he promulgated during his lifetime, they were regarded as farts by future generations of dignitaries after his death.

What kind of ancestral system does this group of powerful foreign relatives have?What legacy?They only know that the meat rotten in their own pot is theirs.

If the emperor's harem is not filled with his own people, it will be taken away by others.

"Inform Chuxiu Palace that everyone will greet you at Chengqian Palace tonight."

The emperor's words came from behind, and Huang Jin felt a chill in his heart.


The next day, in Chengqian Palace.

The bead curtain is rolled back, and the jade body is laid out horizontally.

Zhu Houcong got dressed and sat by the bed, but unfortunately he couldn't light a cigarette.

I can feel the breath of life surging in the bellies of most of these women on the bed.

Zhu Houcong understood that his obligations as the Ming Emperor had almost been completed. ,
It's actually more tiring than expected.

Last night, Zhu Houcong asked the beautiful ladies present in advance whether they had changed their minds and wanted to go home.

If possible, Zhu Houcong would give each person 100 taels of silver as travel expenses, and they would be escorted back to his hometown by the government.

The originally indifferent crowd heard that there was money to be taken, but some show girls were ready to take action.

100 taels!For ordinary people in the Ming Dynasty, it was quite a lot!

It’s enough to buy five acres of land and build a small house of my own for retirement.

But most of the beautiful girls in front of me are from wealthy families, and the worst are from scholarly families and small landlord families.

The purpose of these women entering the palace is not as simple as those rural girls who were really elected from among the people. They entered the palace just to have a good meal next to the emperor and never wanted to work in the fields again in their lives.

Zhu Houcong distributed travel expenses to the impulsive women from poor backgrounds, and asked the government to send people to send them back to their hometowns in person, and asked the government to act as matchmakers to find a good match for them.

Zhu Houcong was not polite to the remaining thirty or so people.

As for how these wealthy ladies will fight against each other in the harem for their own interests in the future, relying on the power of their families or the princesses and princes under their knees...and how to balance the forces of all parties in the harem, this kind of thing should be left to the Empress Dowager Jiang. Bar.

Although she definitely prefers her relatives in the harem.

But as long as Zhu Houcong is alive, Zhu Houcong's sons and daughters will all be her grandchildren.

(End of this chapter)

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